Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 452: wrangling

?The three cunning giants discussed countermeasures, and the plan of joint financing was also initially approved by Guo Shouyun. The moment Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov walked out of the "Jiejie" bar, The mood is obviously much brighter. /. qb5,

In fact, the problems that Guo Shouyun can see, Huo and Wei can also see that Beijing's distrust of them is like lice on the top of a bald head... It is obvious, and in this regard, Guo The Group obviously enjoys the benefits of "same root". It is out of this understanding that the wily Vinogradov raised the topic of joint venture with Guo's stock financing, and the shrewd Khodorkovsky took advantage of the situation. The two cooperated quite tacitly, and finally Drag Guo Shouyun into the water.

In this joint financing and joint venture cooperation plan, Huo and Wei have a very clear idea: by combining with the Guo Group in a fundamental sense, they will create an advantage for themselves and the three giants that can be attacked and defended. situation. If Beijing wants to cooperate with them, it has to treat both Guo and both of them equally, otherwise, this cooperation will be meaningless. And once the Big Three give up their cooperation with Beijing, then within the Federation, there is the alliance of their three major forces, and no matter how bad the situation is, they will have the absolute power to fight back. One is prosperous, and one is lost. Isn't this the best cooperation effect?

Coming out of the bar, Khodorkovsky didn't feel stuffy anymore, sitting in that little "noodle" that used to give him a headache when he looked at it any more. He enthusiastically proposed that he would take a good stroll in Beijing, preferably to see the world-famous **. Going to see the "Asian Games Village" built a few years ago, if it wasn't because it was too late, he might still be interested in going around the Great Wall.

Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun was quite familiar with Beijing in his previous life. As a tour guide, he should have no problem at all, but it is a pity that the Beijing he came into contact with at that time was very different from the current capital. . The ladder-type overpass that is cumbersome and wraps people in the impression has not yet appeared; it is known as the largest "Beijing West Railway Station" in Asia. It does not exist now; as a modern city landmark, skyscrapers and fashionable buildings only exist within the Second Ring Road; walking on the street, people wearing brown-gray tunic suits and green military uniforms can be seen everywhere - as a largest exhibition China's capital, Beijing, will take time to build.

Although Guo Shouyun is a bit hard to act as a tour guide now, but the driver who has received a lot of benefits can take on this job perfectly. The young man is an authentic Beijinger and an authentic Beijing taxi driver. He is sincere and talkative. He took two foreigners and a "fake foreign devil" from Deshengmen to Dongzhimen. After going through the Dongbianmen, I rushed to Dongdan, and after visiting Wangfujing, I slipped to Xidan... Anyway, I received 100 yuan of gas money, so I can go crazy.

By the time a few people had finished their transfers, they had finished their transfers, and when they returned to the Diaoyutai State Guest House, it was nearly nine o'clock in the evening, and at this time, the entire Diaoyutai State Guest House had turned upside down----three state guests , The three giants who could cause a blizzard in Siberia by stomping their feet in the Russian Federation disappeared inexplicably for nearly four hours, and the hotel staff did not know where they were going, which made Sun Hongyu furious while anxious. The whole hotel, from the manager to the main person in charge, was scolded by her one by one. Even after Guo Shouyun and the three met her, the anger of this Miss Sun has not dissipated.

"Where have you been?" In the living room of Guo Shouyun's room. Sun Hongyu sat on the sand, stared viciously at the hippie smiling guy in front of him, and asked. At this time, Huo and Wei were also sitting, but Miss Sun didn't seem qualified to question these two people, so her little temper could only be vented on Comrade Xiao Guo, who had a good relationship with her.

"Hehe. Sister Hong." Guo Shouyun said with a smile, putting the cigarette in his hand into his mouth. "Isn't it not easy to come to Beijing, I took two old friends out for a walk, um, don't say, Beijing has changed quite a lot over the past year, I think..."

"Why don't you bring along?" Knowing that this kid wanted to change the subject again, Sun Hongyu pressed closely.

"Bring it," Guo Shouyun casually pointed at Avrora who was standing by the door, and smiled, "That's not it, I'm a bodyguard, and I'm very skilled. See if she doesn't have a bulge in her waist, she deserves it. gun."

Saying so, he greeted again: "Come on, Avrora, let Sister Hong see the weapon you are wearing."

After listening to the master's instructions, "Little Wooden Man" walked over without hesitation. Standing in front of Sun Hongyu, she raised her hand and made a few quick movements. On the coffee table beside her, there were a lot of weapons: a silver The husp45; a six-pronged pure black small revolver whose size is smaller than the palm of the hand; two military daggers, one long and one short; a roll of "neck-wound wire" with a single edge.

"Hey, how about it, armed to the teeth?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "It's not me, just me, the beautiful guard, is by no means inferior to your Zhongnanhai guard. With her following, we are very safe."

"You're so ugly," Sun Hongyu was enraged by him. "Others don't know, don't you know how many people want your life now? Go back to the website of the North American Sniper Club if you have time, then There are only two orders for you above. If I were you, I would have found a place to hide it, and you dared to swagger around."

Guo Shouyun also knew about the website of the "North American Sniper Club" that Sun Hongyu mentioned. As for the two "life-buying blacklists" listed on the website, he also knew that one of them was an employer who offered $3 million to buy his life. , and the other is asking 6 million to buy Polaninov's life - the secretary's head is more expensive than his own, which made Guo Shouyun really depressed for a while.

"What should I be afraid of," shrugged, Guo Shouyun said quite contentedly, "The two orders have been placed for nearly a month and a half, and the two orders before and after have all died, and now no one has touched them at all. , hehe, so I'm still living a very easy life."

Although he was very resentful of this stinky boy's arrogant attitude, Sun Hongyu had to admit that what they said was the truth. Now everyone knows that to deal with people like Guo Shouyun, the chance of successful assassination is definitely not as high as "clear killing". And in that city, his eyeliner and intelligence network were all over the place. How could he kill him with a few killers who ran a single gang?

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to be angry with you," waving her hand, Sun Hongyu helplessly changed the subject, she glanced at Khodorkovsky's smiling face, and said, "You guys get ready, I'll arrive at Fangfei later. Yuan's reception hall, where tonight's banquet was held. It should have officially started two hours ago, but the three of you are not present, and the entrepreneurs who came with you will not say anything. Well, It's a quarter past nine, let's hurry up, it shouldn't delay your rest time."

"Banquet? Haha, that's a good thing," Vinogradov and Guo Shouyun exchanged glances and said with a smile, "Just right, the three of us discussed it this afternoon, and we have a brand new decision that we are looking for an opportunity to announce. In this way, even if it is to take advantage of Miss Sun, we will take the opportunity of this banquet to announce the news."

"Oh? A brand new decision?" A flash of vigilance flashed on Sun Hongyu's face, but was quickly covered by a curious smile, she smiled, "I wonder if I have the honor to be the first person in this brand new decision. A listener?"


"No, you can't specialize."

Khodorkovsky and Guo Shouyun spoke almost at the same time, but the attitudes of the two were diametrically opposed. The former obviously planned to announce the news in advance, and then they hoped to push it back.

"Huh?" A pair of shrewd eyes stared at Guo Shouyun's face, and Sun Hongyu said with a half-smiling smile, "Why, when did Shouyun have such a relationship with me? Do you want to hide it from me after you have made a decision?"

"Hey, where, where," Guo Shouyun glared at Khodorkovsky fiercely, then rubbed his nose and said, "I'm just joking, hehe, joking, joking, Sister Hong doesn't have to take it seriously. ."

"Then, since that's the case, it's up to you to tell me the news," Sun Hongyu seemed to be quite generous, she leaned on the back of the sand and said with a smile.

"Well, it's like this," Guo Shouyun rolled his eyes and smiled, "We discussed this afternoon and came to a final conclusion. The three of us decided to fight for a chance to give a speech and enjoy the many The highest treatment for Ph.D. and postgraduate students in teaching. I have already thought about it. As the ancients said, it is better to be happy alone than to be happy. We must spread our own experience and our successful experience through speeches. In order to benefit the public and future generations..."


Guo Shouyun's remarks caused disaster. Vinogradov just took a sip of water into his mouth, and before he could swallow it, he sprayed all of his brains on Khodorkovsky's pants.

"Then should I find a way to arrange for you to give such a speech at the Central Youth League School?" Sun Hongyu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Let's leave this to him," Guo Shouyun said with a serious face, pointing at Khodorkovsky who was laughing and leaning back, "After all, Comrade Khodorkovsky has experience in group affairs. He's more than qualified for the job."

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