Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 451: Oligopoly

"Well, frankly speaking, these things were not bought with colorful banknotes," Guo Shouyun vaguely understood what Vinogradov meant, he bit his lower lip and pondered, "I don't think you are either. He may be so poor that he intends to sell his shares for cash.\\m\\”

"Nonsense," Vinogradov said angrily, rolling his eyes.

"Although my Menatjab is not as rich and powerful as yours, the industrial investment I have in my hands is definitely far beyond your expectations," Khodorkovsky raised his face and looked at the colorful lights on the roof for a long time. Deng, then hesitantly said, "Forty percent for forty percent, you shouldn't suffer."

"What about you? What do you say?" Vinogradov nodded, then looked at Guo Shouyun and smiled.

"Me? You gave him 40% of your money. What else is there to do with me?" Guo Shouyun pointed to the tip of his nose and joked.

In fact, Guo Shouyun already knew what Vinogradov meant at this time. The old man planned to establish a close relationship between the three giants, which was restricted by mutual control. Each of the three giants exchanged 40% of the original shares of their respective firms, so that any two of them could control the remaining 40% of the shares, so that in this way, in the Connect the three giants into one, and tie them firmly to the same big boat.

This decision can only be said to be a very bold idea.

Guo Shouyun conceived it in a very short time, once this approach was passed among the Big Three. So from now on, the situation of the Russian Federation is bound to undergo drastic changes, once the six giants maintained a delicate balance in the battle with each other. It may be completely broken in the short term, and eventually a situation of "big four" competition and "one and three strong" will be formed. Along with the great changes in the economic situation, the federal political arena will also undergo a sudden change. The political forces under the control of the three giants are twisted into a rope, and the "traction" derived from it is also amazing. There is no doubt that no matter who it is, as long as it intends to attack any of the three giants, it will face it. All of them came from the three giants' full-strength counterattack, and the power of that attack is estimated to be chilling.

Unity is strength, and the same principle applies to the giants.

Just like many consortiums in the United States, they all hold certain shares in each other. Some people say that this is to seek greater profits, and some people say that this is an inevitable phenomenon under the modern financial system. In fact, these are only superficial phenomena. It's all fake and fake. From a larger level and a deeper perspective, this is the self-preservation measure of each consortium. The greatest significance of its existence is to deter and deter those "political black hands" who attempt to attack the consortium.

Consortium politics in the United States has lasted for hundreds of years, and even the Federal Reserve, which is their central bank, is privately owned. However, in this case, the consortiums of all parties have never been interfered by the political circles. Why is this? The emergence of the Russian oligarchs has been beaten up and down in just ten years, and even became a street rat. Why is this? Indeed, compared with those secretive consortia in the United States. The oligarchs and the rich in Russia are a little arrogant, but it seems that another possibility cannot be ruled out, that is, they were united more often in the past, and then they were scattered and even criticized each other.

Guo Shouyun faced the siege of the Big Five for the first time. They have already realized this problem, and now, in the face of the imminent sense of crisis, Vinogradov and the others are also aware of this problem, and they quickly proposed a solution.

Faced with this situation, Guo Shouyun had a rare hesitation in his heart. He didn't know if he should accept Vinogradov's proposal at this time.

"Of course I will not exchange all 40 percent of the shares with Khodorkovsky." Sure enough. Vinogradov's words quickly confirmed Guo Shouyun's guess, he laughed. ^^^^ "I will consider exchanging 20% ​​of it with your Guo Group, and the rest will consider his Mena Jabil."

"Hey, why isn't it my Yuan Commercial Bank?" Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "Is it fair to exchange shares of a commercial firm for shares of a commercial firm."

"Your firm is not an industry in the same sense as our firm," Khodorkovsky said sullenly, "All our external investments are made through the firm, and you, you are cunning. There are many, all external investments are carried out through the Guo Group. In this case, we will only be stupid to exchange the shares of your Yuan Commercial Bank. "

"That is, that is," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "but my Guo family has only a skinny frame. In terms of capital, I am not as good as the two of you. In terms of industrial investment projects, I am far behind you. In terms of core Influence, I am far from the Far East. Hey, you seem to be at a disadvantage with this 20% to 20% original stock swap."

"I don't care," laughs Vinogradov, "and I'm sure Khodorkovsky won't care about that either."

Having said that, he also patted Khodorkovsky's knee and asked, "You mean it?"

"Yes, I don't care, it's up to you to express your position." Khodorkovsky squinted at Guo Shouyun and hummed.

As Huo Wei said, they don't care about losing... But Guo Shouyun is afraid of losing.

In general, whether it is international business or Menat Jabil, their assets are far more abundant than the Guo Group. Once this transaction is realized, Guo Shouyun's personal assets may even rise by hundreds of millions of dollars. This is equivalent to the two giants hand in hand to send him money. But actually? Guo Shouyun understands very well that money is no longer a currency in circulation in the usual sense of being a wealthy businessman and becoming a big three. These green papers that can be replaced by digital symbols are actually a tool, which is closely related to politics. Networks, regional radiating influences, and all other corresponding resources are very realistic tools. It's just that compared to the latter tools, its expression is more direct and easier to see at a glance.

Now, the Huoweis want to comprehensively strengthen the cooperative relationship with the Guo Group through the form of share exchange. Once this relationship is established, they will be equivalent to obtaining the huge political power that Guo Shouyun has in the Far East to a certain extent. Land resources----for such a huge harvest at a cost of a mere hundreds of millions of dollars, are they still doing business at a loss?

But looking at it from another angle, Guo Shouyun doesn't seem to suffer. While sharing the political resources of the Far East with the two giants, he can also share the political network that originally belonged to the two giants, and the benefits of sincere cooperation also come from This is it.

"This matter is of great importance." Although he has agreed with Vinogradov's proposal from the bottom of his heart, Guo Shouyun is still very cautious. In his opinion, this is a major issue that will determine the future direction of the Guo Group. Decided that it was rather stupid, "You guys, can you give me a little more time to think about it?"

"Of course," Vinogradov sighed, shook his head and said, "I said it just now, this is just a temporary idea of ​​mine, whether you agree or disagree, I will not have any opinion. But I still have to say one last thing, compared to Berezovsky and the others, our situation is not so optimistic, because the support we choose is far less powerful than the Americans, and the Chinese are implicit Famous, God knows how much they can help us when we need it?"

"Yeah," Khodorkovsky nodded and said with approval, "In a Chinese saying that I don't know much about, there is such a sentence: Be prepared for danger in times of peace, the infinite beauty on the surface cannot cover up our vain foundation. If we can't solve the problem of the foundation and strengthen our foundation, then we will stand alone, and it will not be enough to resist the storms that may come at any time."

"So, you also agree with the proposal of this share swap?" Guo Shouyun asked tentatively, his eyes fixed on Khodorkovsky's face.

"You may not believe it," Khodorkovsky said, leaning down and lying on the glass round table, his big face almost touching the tip of Guo Shouyun's nose, "Actually, I have a long time ago. The plan to raise shares with the Guo Group, huh, it’s just that with your omniscient and omniscient temperament, this plan was proposed by me, and you would definitely not join, so I had to hide my clumsiness. And today, Vinogradov was the first to come up with this idea, which saved me from hitting a wall.”

"Then, have you ever thought about what kind of response will be evoked if the news of the three companies' mutual financing and mutual financing spreads?" Guo Shouyun pushed Khodorkovsky's forehead with one hand and pushed him away from him. , and then smiled, "I think this is definitely a heavy bomb. After some people hear it, they probably can't wait to jump out and wave a big stick."

"Hehe, at that time, what do we have to fear?" Vinogradov said with a smile.

"I don't know if you have thought about it," Guo Shouyun continued with a slight smile, "If we tentatively spread the news to Beiyuan at this time, what kind of response would Beijing make?"

Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov were taken aback for a moment, and the two exchanged glances, and a knowing smile appeared on their faces unconsciously.

"Pay the bill and leave," he reached out and slapped the round table, Khodorkovsky stood up suddenly, he took out a large dollar bill from his pocket and threw it on the table, and said with a smile, "This Suggestions I can't wait to try."

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