Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 450: Oligarchs' sense of crisis

?In Beijing in 1992, there was no real bar. Although "Jiejie" in Gongti was called a bar in name, it was actually a tavern with a better environment at best, and the only audio equipment in the bar. , is a portable audio player, and in contrast, the consumption here is definitely not low, a glass of whisky known as "foreign wine", the asking price is as high as twelve "Ocean", ordinary people can't afford it at all. \\

For quite some time in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the thinking of some young people in China was very problematic. With the rise of reform and opening up and the opening of the country, a large number of corrupt ideas flowed in from Western capitalist society. The way of thinking of people has caused a very obvious impact. The "going abroad tide", "the tide of worshipping foreign countries", etc., etc., all kinds of thoughts of worshipping foreigners and foreigners are intertwined in the society. No matter who it is, as long as there is a foreign relative, no matter which country it is, it will definitely attract a lot of envious eyes, and those imported from foreign countries seem to symbolize quality and reputation. In a word, it is "foreign moons are rounder than China's".

Perhaps it is because of this, when Guo Shouyun, Huo and Wei got off the bus in front of "Jiejie", his typical "Chinese face" immediately attracted the attention of the young people near the bar-- --These young people are probably the so-called "fashionable people", they haunt the places where foreigners gather all day long. I hope that one day I will have some **** luck, and I can get in touch with a blond guy, and then I can get a visa to go abroad smoothly. Similar to this person. There are many thoughts in this idea. Of course, their endings are often not very good. After all, there are liars everywhere in this world. When dealing with golden and blue-eyed guys, it is light to be deceived in the end. There are also a lot of stupid girls who have been deceived. Some were even more miserable, and they were tricked into becoming prostitutes abroad. In the end, he lost his life directly. ^^^^ This kind of thing is by no means untruthful. In those years, such things can only be described as frequent occurrences.

"What to drink?" Sitting down at a glass round table near the corner of the small hall, Guo Shouyun first glanced at the position of the bar, then turned his head and asked Khodorkovsky, who was sitting opposite.

"Everything is fine," Khodorkovsky said absentmindedly, waving his hand, "just have a glass of vodka with two ice cubes."

"What about you?" Guo Shouyun smiled, glancing at Vinogradov, who was also frowning. "Would you like a glass of our Chinese liquor? Very exciting."

"Forget it, let's have a glass of water. When I'm old, I can't enjoy the excitement that belongs to your young people." Vinogradov squeezed out a smile and shook his head.

Guo Shouyun nodded, summoned the waiter, asked for three glasses of water, a glass of vodka, and two desserts that looked very delicate. Just ordering these things cost 64 yuan inside and out.

"What? You're not backing down, are you?" After the waiter walked away, Guo Shouyun greeted Avrolla to sit beside him, and then he picked up the water glass and smiled. "Our trip to Beijing has only just begun, and you feel that the future of this cooperation is slim?"

"The Chinese are very cunning," Khodorkovsky shook his head and smiled. "If we're not careful, we've already fallen into the trap. Do you know what I'm really worried about now? What I'm really worried about is not this Next trip to Beijing, but more troubles that may arise after this. Everything seems so obvious now. The Chinese want to use our strength. For their more political interests in the Commonwealth, at the same time. However, they did not intervene in this cooperation as a political role, but only launched a Beiyuan Group. In this way of promoting political interaction in a commercial form, it is often us who suffer in the end, because we are people who are always on the go. A stepping stone that can be discarded. "It's not that serious," although several agreed with Khodorkovsky's words, Guo Shouyun still didn't show it, he laughed.

"The problem is much more serious than you think," Vinogradov apparently shared the same view with Lao Huo, he said, "For us now, the biggest trouble is that there is no way out, and we have already offended the Americans. Now, if we can't get on the Chinese car, we will be in a very passive position in the Moscow environment in the future. Once the Chinese abandon us at some point, they will find a better place there. Cooperation, there is no other way for us to go except to capsize."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, he knew that Vinogradov's concerns were justified. In the experience of the previous life, although I don’t know what unknowable truth is hidden behind the big game in Russia, the final fact is that Bie, Gu and others were forced to flee, the Americans publicly condemned Putin for a long time, and Khodorkovsky was imprisoned, and the reaction from the Chinese side was not very strong. According to a very orthodox way of thinking, anyone can come to the most likely result: Putin combined with the power of China and Khodorkovsky to eliminate the Americans from entering the federation through other countries and ancient times. The black hand, and then, through some form of compromise with the Chinese side, destroyed Khodorkovsky. Since then, Putin has become Russia's "contemporary tsar", and the mutual trust and friendship between China and Russia has been maintained for a long time - such an inference is not unreasonable, but very likely.

Guo Shouyun felt that if he had thought of this possibility in his previous life, he would have ridiculed Khodorkovsky's naivety, and even called him stupid----be a powerful oligarch, but fell into the hands of others. A tool that can be thrown away at any time, isn't that stupid? But now what? As he became a member of the oligarch, he clearly realized that it was not Khodorkovsky's stupidity, but his helplessness, that he became a tool used by others because he had no access to choose. In the game field of international politics, even the tyrannical and rich oligarchs cannot rely on their own strength to compete with the political tentacles from a certain country, not to mention the three countries that are involved in this mess. They are also big countries like China, the United States and Russia.

Facing the worries of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, Guo Shouyun maintained his usual smile on the surface, but in his heart, his sense of crisis became stronger.

"Maybe things are not as serious as you think," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, forcing himself to temporarily put aside the deep sense of crisis, "At the moment, everything is speculation, we can wait and see in the future. Two days. If in the next few days, Beijing can find a heavyweight person to meet with us, it shows that this concern is not justified. Otherwise...the other way...  ."

"What about the other way around?" Khodorkovsky drank the full glass of vodka, looked up at Guo Shouyun and asked.

"On the contrary, we need to prepare well." Guo Shouyun snorted, his eyes erratic and said.

"How to prepare?" Khodorkovsky glared at Guo Shouyun and asked.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Guo Shouyun said with a wry smile with his hands spread out, "We only felt the crisis today. At this time, where can I find a good countermeasure?"

"Actually, in fact," Vinogradov said thoughtfully with his head down and his eyes fixed on the water glass in his hand, "Actually, I have always had an idea, um, it can only be said that it is a no-no. An idea that is too mature can be considered a whim one day."

"What's the matter with you? You are hesitant to say anything, so unpleasant." Khodorkovsky frowned and said, "If you have any ideas, just say them directly. What else is there to be taboo between us."

"I'm just worried that you will doubt my motives," Vinogradov laughed, "Well, since you urged me, I'll just say it directly. As for your opinion on this, it's best to keep it for now. "

Hearing what he said, Guo Shouyun's interest was also raised. He believed in Vinogradov's composure. Since this old guy expressed his thoughts at this time, at least this idea will help solve the problems of the unstable foundations of several giants. helped.

"Hehe, let me ask first," after pondering for about ten seconds, Vinogradov raised his head and turned around Khodorkovsky and Guo Shouyun's faces with deep eyes, and then He asked abruptly, "Are you interested in the original shares of the International Commercial Bank?"

"Ah?!" The two young people who were waiting to listen to Gao's argument were startled. You must know that the International Commercial Bank is the old foundation of Vinogradov, and is the most solid pillar in the "Victorinox Castle". For a long time, this old-fashioned commercial bank has been the most important in Vinogradov's hands. Money-gathering tools and the most basic strength foundation.

"For this commercial bank, I have devoted myself to this commercial bank for several years," Vinogradov said solemnly with a slight smile, "Now, the bank's basic gold reserves are 76 tons, and its foreign exchange reserves are 30 billion US dollars. Depositors have 3.7 trillion rubles in deposits, 142 branches across the federation, holding controlling interests in at least 30 large industrial enterprises, and 12 overseas investment projects. In addition to these In addition to the assets placed in Mingchu, the bank also has six private clubs, which hold major government resources from three local states. Well, this scale, although not comparable to Smolensky's savings, but By no means inferior to Berezovsky's Union Bank. If I am willing to sell 40 percent of the original shares, what price are you willing to pay in exchange?"

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