Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 449: strengths, weaknesses

? The pouring rainstorm slowed down when it was almost dusk, and as the wind cleared and the clouds dispersed, a sultry air flow filled the streets and alleys of the capital. /, qв5.

According to the request of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, Guo Shouyun took them out of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in the rain, and with only one entourage like Avrola, he ran to the streets of the capital. superior.

This year's Beijing is far from the bustling and bustling city of later generations. Private cars are still a luxury for most people, and the "Elantra", which starts at ten yuan, has not yet been born. Three enthusiastic "urchins" with a piece of "wood" wandered around the north street of Yuetan for more than ten minutes, and finally climbed into a yellow van with the characteristics of the capital, that is, people Commonly known as "face".

"Isn't there a better car to ride in?" Khodorkovsky is relatively tall, and the cabin of a minivan like the "Tianjin Big" is too narrow for him. When he was in the car door, he touched his forehead once, and when he sat in the back seat, he hit the back of his head again. The tycoon who is used to enjoying a rich life has never suffered such hardships. He is full of complaints about Guo Shouyun's choice.

"The car prepared by Sister Hong must be comfortable to sit in," Guo Shouyun ignored this guy, he and Avro squeezed into the front seat behind the driver, and said without looking back, "But the driver she arranged for you, you can rest assured. ?"

"Okay, don't complain," Vinogradov sat in the back seat, huddled with the gold-rimmed Khodorkovsky. The narrow space in the car made him feel a little stuffy. "The most important thing now is. Find a place to sit and let's discuss something."

"Hey, buddy, where are you going?" Just as the three giants were complaining to each other, the young man in the cross-strap vest turned his head and said to Guo Shouyun. Although he had just met, the young man was already full of curiosity about Guo Shouyun. He could see that this young man, who seemed not much older than himself, had a lot of background. The Chinese people who can mix with foreigners these days are very "skilled", at least they are senior figures of any "three foreign-funded" enterprises.

"Whatever," he took out a "dark green old man's head" from his pocket, handed it to the driver, and smiled, "Let's go around first, then find a bar that looks like it, we'll sit for a while, and you'll bring us back. ."

"Yo, buddy. You're hitting on me. Where can I buy this big ticket," the young man turned to look at the big ticket and grinned.

Indeed, the 100-yuan ticket in the fourth edition of this year only lasts for a few years, and most people in China only get a "big ticket" for a month's salary. There is still plenty of money to run back and forth directly to Shijiazhuang.

"Don't look for it, it's all yours," he reached out and patted the young man's shoulder. Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Let's drive, but just wander around vigorously." He took the banknotes, stuffed them into his trousers pocket, and said with a grin, "Don't worry, I promise to show you around. If it's a good place to sit, I know the Gongti side. There is a "Jiejie" bar, where many foreigners hang out. "

"What did you tell him?" Because he didn't understand Chinese, Vinogradov watched Guo Shouyun chatting with the driver. Couldn't help but probe over to ask.

"Okay. It's okay to go there," said the driver first. Only then did Guo Shouyun turn sideways and said to the two people in the back seat, "It's nothing, discuss the route with others."

"Oh," Vinogradov snorted and said nothing.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that Khodorkovsky didn't speak, just stared out the window, Guo Shouyun couldn't help but patted him on the knee and asked, "I'm still thinking so much. ::::Don't you have something to discuss with me? Don't hurry up now."

"I'm thinking about how deeply connected Miss Sun and her Beiyuan Group are with the Chinese side," Khodorkovsky retracted his gaze from the window, and said with a sigh, "You don't have this now? The agreements she threw us last time were basically from the military, which made me feel very uncomfortable."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun and Vinogradov asked at the same time, "Why?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Khodorkovsky said casually, "I can't tell the reason for my personal feelings. If I can find a reason, should I still consult with you?"

"What about you, do you feel this way?" Guo Shouyun asked, reaching out and poking at Vinogradov's knee.

"I just feel a little confused," Vinogradov sat up straight, he opened a gap in the van's window, feeling the cool breeze blowing in from the window, and pondered, "According to my idea, this time After coming to Beijing, I should be able to sign some closer trade cooperation contracts with large state-owned enterprise groups such as Beiyuan, and of course, it is best to establish an actual financial relationship with their import-export trade bank. But now it seems that , they obviously have no intention of negotiating in this area, and correspondingly, the conditions they have listed are more practical and clear at a glance, as if, as if..."

"It's like the deal I made with the guy in front of me," Guo Shouyun seemed to have thought of something, he suddenly said, "I give him a commission, and he does things for me, but I give him a little more commission, so he will do things. It's more fun to do."

"That's the truth!" Khodorkovsky clapped his hands and said loudly, "Now COSCO has made it clear that they want to establish a relationship between employers and servants with us. We solve problems for them that they can't solve or can't solve on their own. At the same time, they don't want to be too close to us."

"Why did I feel so uncomfortable before I said, the original reason is this," after a little bit of thinking, many problems were solved easily, Khodorkovsky continued, "I have always distrusted the military People, in my opinion, any cooperative relationship involving them cannot be long-lasting, and it seems that COSCO is also making plans in this regard. They understand our details and are taboo towards us. They value the energy that we have at the moment, so in this round of contact, they have adopted this most marginal form of cooperation."

Guo Shouyun can naturally understand what Khodorkovsky said. To describe it in the most straightforward words, the relationship that COSCO hopes to establish with the two giants Huo and Wei is only a short-term combination of interests, rather than a long-term partnership with long-term benefits. "I'll give you money, and you'll do things for me. When things are done, the money is paid, and everyone is separated. No one has contact with anyone." What does this mean? Undoubtedly, this can only show that the domestic side is not optimistic about the long-term prospects of Huo and Wei, and it can even be said that they do not trust them.

In turn, Guo Shouyun recalled what happened to him. There is no doubt that the fact that he had contact with Sister Hong and China in the past told him that the relationship that China wanted to establish with the Guo Group was not just a short-term "employment relationship". ”, but a long-term partnership with long-term benefits. From Beiyuan's initial commitment to mastering part of Guo's shares, to later planning to officially enter the Far East, establishing more investment projects, and even providing control of some of its shares to Guo's Group for this purpose, all of this can be fully Illustrates this too.

From this perspective, can it be said that from the domestic point of view, I have more future and more room for development than Huo and Wei? This is obviously impossible. After all, only from the current situation, the Guo Group and the latter two are still far from each other in terms of strength. So, what does this domestic practice mean? With Guo Shouyun's shrewd mind, it is not difficult to figure this out.

Three o'clock possible!

Guo Shouyun thought of three possibilities without much thought: First, even if he became a Russian citizen, in the final analysis, he was still a Chinese through and through, or at least a Chinese in the true sense. Just like the rejection I had in Russia, I am also more willing to trust my own people, rather than the blond, blue-eyed and white-skinned Russians; second, precisely because I am a Chinese, so in Russia, the power in Moscow At the core, those politicians who hope to centralize power are a little less afraid of themselves. Just imagine, when the six giants stand together, who is the least likely to directly interfere in the political affairs of Moscow? Who is least likely to covet that president's crown in the Kremlin? There is no doubt that it can only be himself, because as an outsider with yellow skin and black eyes, he does not have the most basic conditions to ascend to the top. It is precisely because of this that the country is more optimistic about its own future and destiny, because for those powerful people who are determined to fight against the giants, they are the best cooperation, not strong competition. Third, it is impossible to rule out the possibility that Victor's side factors are mixed here. This old fox has huge energy in Russian politics, and coupled with an old ghost Sobchak, it is impossible for China to not pay more attention to this aspect. And in view of his complicated relationship with Victor, the issues that may be mixed here are a bit subtle.

The encounters in life are really delicate things. Looking at Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, who frowned on the opposite side, Guo Shouyun not only felt a little emotional, but until the last moment, what are a person's weaknesses and strengths? What, sometimes it's actually hard to tell. In some specific cases, a weakness may not be an advantage, and the greatest advantage may not necessarily evolve into the greatest weakness.

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