Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 448: advance

In the spacious but dimly lit living room of the suite, Guo Shouyun stood in front of the window, staring intently at the green lawn that was being ravaged by the rainstorm. A cooperation document. /

Behind him, the rare Changhong color TV is playing a TV series that is popular all over the mainland - "The Great Era". This is a film that Guo Shouyun liked very much in his previous life. The most successful part of the film is that it elicited a "Ding Crab Effect" that caused a sensation in Hong Kong. Poor Zheng Shaoqiu has become a star in the hearts of Hong Kong investors after this film. As long as he has a film and television drama, it will definitely bring about the linkage effect of the Hong Kong Index plummeting.

At the door of the room, Avrora, who was wearing a black women's suit, stood against the wall. The black and supple length covered half of her face, while the wide sunglasses in front of her made people feel Couldn't make out her face at all.

From the moment he saw this woman again yesterday, Guo Shouyun has always had a doubt in his heart. He couldn't figure out how Shanariva and the others could turn a determined person into a walking dead murder. tool. Compared with the Interpol who was arrogant and disregarded the consequences, the Avrolla in front of him seemed to be a different person, and it was no exaggeration to say that she was the second Victor. In Guo Shouyun's eyes, the most terrifying thing about this woman now is her eyes. As long as he sees this woman's dull eyes, he will think of Mrs. Xianglin's wife written by Mr. Lu Xun. That "occasionally round" look is creepy enough.

But even so, Guo Shouyun did not give this woman much sympathy. Originally, imagine that if it fell into the hands of this woman at the beginning, then my end now would be even more miserable than what happened to her today.

This world is very cruel. If you want to not be swallowed by others, you must find a way to devour others constantly, and you want to devour others. Then there must be enough strength, without strength everything is nonsense.

Thinking back, in my previous life, when I heard the sound of a police car and saw a police officer in uniform, I couldn’t help but thump, but at that time, I was just a small child who couldn’t get a seat. fraud. But what about now? In just one year, he has used various illegal means to defraud tens of billions of assets, and at least he has been implicated in hundreds of human lives. The crime of bribery is sensational, but what is the final result? Now, isn't this Guo Shouyun alive better than everyone else?

Of course, Guo Shouyun doesn't think he should be intoxicated in this nourishing life. On the contrary, he must be vigilant and guard against the powerful figure who will "go to the top" in the near future - Vladimir.

Although he does not believe in Marxism-Leninism, Guo Shouyun has a soft spot for Marx's materialist view of history. It is based on this that he never thought of strangling Vladimir in the cradle. This powerful man pushed onto the historical track he knew well. The emergence of a powerful figure is inevitable in Russian history. And who this lucky important task will fall on is a very accidental choice, Guo Shouyun believes, even if there is no Vladimir. Another Vladimir-like figure will also appear in a declining Russia. Compared with the latter, Guo Shouyun obviously prefers to see the former on stage.

For a long time in the past, Guo Shouyun's attitude towards Vladimir has always been "deliberately attracting and fully supporting". Guo Shi and him are standing in a trench. Only in this way, when the track of history extends to a certain critical period, the Guo Group, which has become rich by embezzling national capitalists, will not embark on the road of extinction.

Be vigilant in peace. The sense of crisis in Guo Shouyun's heart did not gradually disappear with the development of the Guo Group. On the contrary, his sense of crisis has been spreading with the expansion of the group. It can even be said that it is getting worse.

Whether it is expanding his power abroad or cooperating with the Americans and China, Guo Shouyun is not so much to make money, but rather that he is saving chips for himself to protect himself. Today, with the start of this trip to Beijing , he is ready to seek a third self-preservation chip: he wants to support the development of the extreme left in the federation, so as to establish a firm and uncompromising opposition for the future Vladimir. At the same time, he will further strengthen cooperation with the Americans and increase ties with the Chinese side. In this way, three bargaining chips, both internal and external factors, believe that even if anyone wants to move the Guo family in the future, they have to carefully consider the consequences. .

When they came to Beijing this time, Beiyuan Group offered very attractive conditions to the three giants. From politics to economy, from funds to policies, all interests were involved. At the same time, they also made many demands. , some issues are even quite tricky for the three giants.

According to the information provided by Sun Hongyu, in the recent stage, the Indian military is conducting secret negotiations with the Russian defense department. They have a new fighter aircraft procurement contract of up to 1.6 billion US dollars to be signed. Once this weapons procurement contract is signed, it will be It directly affects the military balance in the South Asian continent. Due to the continuous conflict between India and Pakistan in the Kashmir region since the Kashmir riots in the last year, this large-scale military purchase intention of the Indians has aroused the unease of the Pakistani Sharif government. In order to maintain the status quo of the military balance in South Asia, China hopes that Guo Shouyun can stir up this business with its unique advantages.

At the same time, Sun Hongyu also proposed that the domestic military intends to send a 150-person flight team into the Far East recently, aiming to experience the flight effect of the improved Su-27. The fighter procurement proposal delineates the direction. Previously, this intention has been submitted to Moscow by the foreign ministry, but since the main manufacturer of the Su-27, the Komsomolsk Aviation Production Complex, has been included in the privatization reform track, this application has been temporarily put on hold. Now, China hopes to follow the path of the Guo Group and directly implement the whole thing.

Guo Shouyun did not refuse Sun Hongyu's two requests. After all, for him, these two things still had interests. First of all, India Asan still has a feud with him. The assassination of Khabarovsk still makes him feel very uncomfortable. If there is a chance to get a little revenge, he will definitely be happy to help. Secondly, the four major aviation industry complexes in the Far East have just entered into integration, and the Guo Group has not yet been able to occupy an absolute say in the four enterprises. Under such circumstances, the military order contract of 1.6 billion US dollars will definitely be Adding more uncertainties to the whole situation is definitely something Guo Shouyun does not want to see. Finally, regarding the pilot's trial training, for Guo Shouyun, this incident itself is a signal released by the domestic military - they intend to propose the Su-27 fighter jet to the Komsomolsk Aviation Production Consortium in the short term. contract of purchase.

For Guo Shouyun, as long as it successfully acquires the four major aviation industry complexes in the Far East, then the Guo Group is equivalent to mastering the standard license for the federal arms export trade. All companies mainly engaged in military technology research and weapons production enjoy the right to export conventional weapons and equipment under the supervision of the functional departments of the Ministry of National Defense. The four aviation industry complexes in the Far East are on the list of these 24 companies. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Guo Shouyun is so concerned about the privatization reform plan of the four aviation industry complexes. After all, this is a great opportunity for the Guo Group to "change the gun for the gun" in the arms trade.

Arms dealers with real brains and courage have to follow a very standard life path: starting from a small arms smuggler, becoming a big arms smuggler wanted by all parties, and finally evolving into a smuggler. Legal, international arms supplier in the guise of the government. Nicolas Cage explains this path very clearly in his "Lord of War", but most moviegoers don't think about it.

After rolling in the power field for more than a year, Guo Shouyun has given up his cautious attitude in the arms business. He realizes a very profound truth. For every major arms-producing country in the world, they need all kinds of arms businessmen. On the one hand, it is because the arms smugglers can handle many things for them that they are inconvenient to do. On the other hand, it is also due to the pressure of their own countries. After all, weapons are also consumer goods. They must be used when they are produced, otherwise they will be huge. Who will support the military-industrial system?

"Dong dong!"

Just as Guo Shouyun was looking at the lawn outside the window and pondering, there was a knock on the door of the living room of the suite.

"Come in," shaking his head, shaking off the complicated "official duties" in his mind, Guo Shouyun turned slightly and said in a high voice.

"Mr. Guo, your lunch," came a hotel service lady who pushed in the door. She pushed a silver cart full of dinner plates into the living room and smiled.

While the waitress was talking, Avrolla had been poking at the door like a dead man, and had already stepped forward, mechanically doing a security check on the entire dining car.

"Thank you," Guo Shouyun nodded and said with a smile, "You can go out, come and clean up in half an hour."

"Okay sir," the waitress behaved very professionally, she gave Guo Shouyun a bow, and then added, "In addition, Mr. Khodorkovsky asked me to tell you just now that after lunch, he hopes you Being able to act as a tour guide for him."

"Oh, I see," Guo Shouyun came over immediately, knowing that Khodorkovsky had something to discuss with him privately, and in the hotel, he didn't feel safe speaking.

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