Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 445: loving mother

"Hey, what are you thinking about, sister? So ecstatic.

"How long have you been hiding outside?" The sudden voice from behind did not frighten the well-trained Shana Riva. She hugged her daughter, turned her head unhurriedly, and looked at the man she trusted the most. The subordinate smiled, "Don't tell me you just came here."

"Hey, it won't be long," Sarah is still wearing a red tight leather jacket today, but unlike before, her leather pants have changed. Vibrant snow-white thighs are exposed outside the trouser legs, looking **** and coquettish.

"I saw that you were making out with that man, and I didn't feel embarrassed to come in to disturb you, hehe," with a dry laugh, the little girl stretched out a finger and gently tapped on the baby's nose, "I was planning to leave just now, I didn't expect him to leave so soon, so I took the opportunity to come in and see you, um, and two cuties."

"How many times has he, that man, told you that Nariva frowned and said angrily.

"You have to respect him, sir, Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo who is high above, admired by everyone, and loved by everyone," Sarah hurriedly said before Sanariva could finish her sentence, "I see. , remember, I will pay attention to it later. Hey, this is the end, right?"

"You," Shanariva said, shaking her head helplessly. "I really don't know when your crazy temperament will change. If you continue like this, I think it will be difficult for you to marry in the future."

"If you can't get married, you can't get married. The big deal is to learn from you, hehe, that man who is cheap for you," Sarah giggled, "Anyway, men are all the same, each with three legs, whoever kicks is not kicking, It might be better to follow this cheap brother-in-law. It can help you and eat and drink without worrying, um, not bad. I have to think about this matter carefully."

"Don't talk madly here, it will reach Mrs. Nina's ears in a while, be careful she is not happy." Shana Riva said angrily after giving the little girl a blank look.

La obviously disapproved of the eldest sister's words, she pouted her little mouth, and made a look of resentment on her face.

"That's right, I'm asking you." Thinking of what she said just now about arranging bodyguards for Guo Shouyun, Sanariva asked, "How is Avrola's training during this time? Can it be used officially? already?"

"She?" Sarah squatted on the ground with her legs bent, and out of boredom she pulled a blade of grass and put it in her mouth. "Hehe. I'll do it myself, how can there be a woman who can't be dealt with. Now, she is a machine, and a semi-automatic machine. She will do whatever you say, and if you don't speak, she will just stand there and compare pieces. Rotten wood isn't much stronger."

Speaking of this, Sarah seemed to remember something, she glanced at the second floor of the villa, and continued angrily: "But it's a pity, this guy doesn't have such outstanding talent, no matter how he is trained, he's not like a little bastard. Abnormally explosive, otherwise, sooner or later, I will return that humiliation."

"Don't be ridiculous, I told you a long time ago that Victor is not something you can afford, who made you have such a bad memory?" Shana Riva showed no mercy this time, she reprimanded with a serious face, "You It must be remembered that in this family, Victor is a very special existence, she is not a threat to anyone, but no one can provoke her, otherwise, I will not be able to protect you."

"Got it," Sarah said in a long voice, and it could be seen that even in the face of Shanariva's warning, she still had a lot of resentment in her heart.

"If Avrolla is ready to use, then you can bring her over this afternoon. I plan to let her accompany her husband to Beijing." A child who is only a few months old falls asleep quickly, but also wakes up quickly. After so many minutes, the baby in Shanariva's arms woke up again. She slapped her little mouth and wriggled for a while in the swaddling clothes, and there was a "quack" sound in her tender little voice.

"Bodyguard?" Sarah hummed for a while, holding a blade of grass in her mouth, and then said in a muffled voice, "This, doesn't it seem a little unsafe?"

"Not safe? You mean your training is not done well?" Shanariva said frowning as she coaxed the baby in her arms.

"No," said Sarah angrily, rolling her eyes, "I mean it's not safe for my toys, that home..."

"Huh?" Shanariva raised her eyebrows and snorted softly.

"Okay, sir, sir, right?" Sarah changed her tone. "That gentleman is a pervert at all. My toy is in his hands, so it hasn't been mutilated?"

"So, you don't even listen to me?" Shanariva naturally has her own plans. This woman's mind is difficult to understand with ordinary people's mentality. She knows what her man is, and she also knows the danger of sending the delirious Avrora to him, but for her, these problems are all It doesn't matter, the important thing is that this Avrora is now about the same as little Victor-they don't pose a threat to anyone, especially her second mistress of the Guo family manor.

People are ambitious, and women are even more so. Before she could not officially join the Guo family, Shanariva's request was only to have her own place here, but now, with the smooth acquisition of this position, her mentality has also changed, she wants to do her best Possibly guarantee or even improve one's status in this family.

Now the situation in this family is very obvious. Nina's position is obviously unshakable by others. Shana Riva has never coveted her position. At the same time, because the hostess has no scheming, she does not think that the other party will give her. what threat. In addition to Nina, the rest are Nikita and Larissa, and these two women are not in the eyes of Shana Riva. In her opinion, they are compared only on the basis of ingenuity. These two people are too far from her.

So who is Shana Riva really worried about? To put it bluntly, there are only two: one is Hornikova, who is far away in Moscow. This scheming woman not only has a fascinating appearance. At the same time, there are also a lot of flirtatious methods, and most importantly, her skill in blowing pillow wind is very good. If the suspicious Guo Shouyun was once fascinated by a woman, it was undoubtedly this nine-tailed demon fox. As for the second woman that Shanariva is worried about, that is "Sister Hong" in China. In her eyes, this yellow-skinned Chinese woman is obviously a female version of Guo Shouyun. Behind her always smiling expression was an unpredictable scheming that no one could guess. The most important thing is that this woman's identity background is terrible, if her man gets too close to her. That is definitely not a good thing for the future of the Guo family.

It can be said that it is out of the psychology of preventing problems before they happen. This time, Sanariva will actively push Avrora to Guo Shouyundi's side and act as a personal bodyguard for him. With such a silly woman following him, the chance of an "accident" between him and "Sister Hong" would be much smaller. As for whether your man will be beastly. What's going on with Avrora? That's not what Shana Riva needs to worry about. Men are always greedy and greedy. As long as she can control that woman in her hands, who will care about those irrelevant things? matter of importance.

"Listen, how can you not listen to what my sister said," she saw the eldest sister's face stiffened. Sarah hurriedly got up and laughed. "Don't be angry, hehe. I'll bring people over this afternoon."

"It's not too bad," Shana Riva said with a smile, reaching out and stroking Sarah's neck, "I didn't hurt you in vain."

The eldest sister's hands are a little cold, and touching her neck makes Sarah feel a bit terrifying. She wondered, "Sister" didn't have blood on her hands during this time, so she planned to use her own small neck to open the meat, right?

"Sister, I have something else to tell you," Shaking her head to get rid of the ominous feeling in her mind, Sarah whispered as she snuggled up beside Shana Riva.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Shana Riva smiled slightly. She said in her heart that this little girl's weakness would never be changed. As long as she was frightened a little, she would reveal all the things she was hiding in her heart. It is still the case to this day.

"It's like this," Sarah shrank her neck and avoided Shana Riva's gentle little hand unnaturally, "I seem to be playing a ghost these days?"

"Huh? I think you're kidding?" Shanariva frowned. "Are you spying on him from behind again?"

"No, no, really not," Sarah kept waving her little hands, "I just heard it mentioned by someone below."

"What's going on?" Sanariva asked.

"That's it," Sarah licked her lips and said something she knew.

It turned out that just two days ago, several people in the gang who were responsible for providing smuggled goods to North Korea mentioned that two Guo Group cargo ships from Busan, South Korea, were silently detained at Chongjin Port by the North Korean Coast Guard. At first, they thought that someone over there was against the Guo family, so they used their connections to inquire, but they didn't know that the final result was that the ship was detained by the group's "high-level" personally. The North Korean Coast Guard received a sum of money from the group, and they were responsible for unloading the cargo in several containers on the ship, replacing it with a group of dying stowaways, and then releasing the cargo ship. This incident was filled with an unusual conspiracy atmosphere from beginning to end. Therefore, a few insiders speculated that it must be "Mr. Guo" who is going to deal with someone else.

"Oh, that's all?" After listening to Sarah's words, Shanariva figured out a little possibility after a little thought. She smiled and said.

"That's all," Sarah nodded.

"How many people know about this besides you?" Shana Riva shook the baby in her arms and laughed.

"There are probably only seven or eight, most of them are the people in charge from Chongjin," Sarah said after thinking for a while.

"Well, very good," Shanariva rubbed her face on the baby's forehead, and said with a blank face, "you go and call everyone over there, and then... know what to do. Done?"

Perhaps it was Shanariva's movements that disturbed the little baby, who thumped twice in her arms and cried at the top of her throat.

Don't cry," she hugged the little guy to her chest and patted it gently, Shana Riva stared at her lovingly, and at the same time didn't forget to give her last command, "Let's make arrangements, remember, no insider is allowed. Let go. "

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