Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 444: Family Fun

"Dududu...Fly, Dududu...On the spacious lawn in front of the villa, Guo Shouyun, who was only wearing shorts and a vest, was happily like a child who was still underage. He raised his hands. With his precious daughter, he circled around the sturdy poplar tree in the courtyard, making various appearances while running. /w

The little girl who was lifted over the top by "Old Bean" was obviously not bred to the point where she could laugh to the fullest. Her little head curled up in the thin mattress was dangling, and her chubby little mouth was blowing with a huge mouth. air bubbles.

"Alright, alright, be careful you fall on her," Shana Riva in a white dress looked a little less vicious than before, standing on the stairs in front of the building, but invisibly a little more difficult to see Covering up the kindness, she held her beloved son in her arms and greeted the man under the tree, "Give her to me, it's time to breastfeed."

"Oh, baby, look, we've been making out for so long, that woman can't stand it anymore." Holding the baby girl in his arms, Guo Shouyun shook his arms and said with a smile, "Tell me, is she very good? Damn? Ah, isn't it abominable?"

"Boom," the big saliva bubble on the little girl's mouth exploded in an instant, and the little bit of saliva splashed on Guo Shouyun's face without falling.

"Yo, if you want to rebel, you dare to spit on my face, don't you want to mess with me?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "You don't want to mess with me?" Inquire, ask your father who I am, all over the world. How many people dare to spit in my face?"

Facing the big boss Guo, who was showing his teeth and claws, the little girl in the baby was obviously not afraid at all, and the little guy drooped his eyelids. He glanced at him listlessly, then opened his mouth and yawned a lot, then tilted his little head and fell asleep on his own.

"Hey, why did he fall asleep again?" Looking at the little thing in his arms, Guo Shouyun frowned and said, "I said. Is there something wrong with our baby? It's been a while since I woke up, why did my eyes blink? After a while, you snored again?"

"Go, go. Go, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand," handed the son in his arms to the servant. Shanariva walked over cautiously and snatched her daughter from Guo Shouyun's arms. Putting it in his arms, he swayed and said, "How old is the child, he is already at the age of lethargy, do you think they are all like you?"

"Just like me," Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose, leaned beside the woman and sneered, "At least I sleep when I should. Be quiet when I should be quiet. It's like these two little things, always So no eyesight."

Shana Riva blushed. She naturally knew what the "eyesight" meant by the man's mouth.

"Let's wait for a while," Shana Liva whispered, snuggling in Guo Shouyun's arms, "I really don't feel comfortable giving these two children to someone else, I thought, why should I wait for them to be weaned? , and then find two nannies to take them."

"It doesn't matter, you can be as happy as you like," Guo Shouyun shrugged and smiled, "But you should ask some questions about the gang's side during this time, otherwise, I'm really a little worried, that Sarah. ......hh, it's really a headache."

"Why, did she upset you again?" Shanariva said with a slight smile.

"It's secondary to her making me unhappy," Guo Shouyun said with a shrug. "The key is that her crazy temper is unbearable. I'm worried that if she keeps making trouble, the gang will get into trouble sooner or later. Well, over there. I don't worry about putting it in anyone's hands except to you."

"Actually, you are underestimating Sarah," Shana Riva said with a smile, "I know this girl's mind best, don't look at her crazy face all day, but that little eye has more tricks than anyone else, in the gang I don't care if I leave it to anyone, except her."

"I hope you read it right," Guo Shouyun said with a wry smile, "Hey, but I'm not sure... The two of you have similar odors, and you're both lunatics."

"Whatever you want to say," Shana Riva closed and floated on her forehead, gave her man a charming glance, and smiled, "But you can rest assured that I will be in Habaro these two days. Fuske convened a meeting of the gang leaders from all over the world, and after that, I will gradually get into work."

"Well, that's the best way," Guo Shouyun nodded in agreement, "but you don't have to force it, if it really doesn't work, you can also find a few more trustworthy people to help you, as long as you don't put all your power in the hands of one person. That's it, it's too dangerous, there are too many unsettling factors."

"Well, I know what to do." Shanariva knew that her man couldn't trust Sarah, but she wouldn't say such words in person. After all, she had been together for so long, and she knew how to get along with her. This man got along.

"Okay, it's getting late." Looking at the watch in his hand, Guo Shouyun put his head down and kissed the woman's forehead, and said, "I have to go to the commercial bank, so I won't be with you now. Tell Nina at noon that I won't be back for dinner, so you don't have to wait for me."

"Aren't Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov going to come from Moscow today?" Shanariva said in surprise, "Aren't you going to pick them up at the airport?"

"Their special plane won't arrive until noon," Guo Shouyun lowered his head and kissed his baby daughter's face again, and then smiled, "Moreover, they run here every now and then, so I'm lazy. The always pick them up. After they come, they will naturally know where to find me."

"Then when are you going to go to Beijing?" Shanariva knew that Huo and Wei came here this time to go to Beijing with their men to participate in the China-Russia Economic Forum. There was a lot of uproar in Moscow about this matter. Many politicians leaning towards the right have expressed their opposition to it, but the three giants have obviously made up their minds long ago, and their intention to go to Beijing has never changed.

"It may be tomorrow morning, or it may be overnight tonight," Guo Shouyun replied casually, "The specific itinerary will be discussed after they arrive. I think the Chinese Embassy in Khabarovsk also has more specific arrangements. Hehe, this time your man is a supporting role, the symbolic meaning of my trip to Beijing is far greater than the actual meaning, so I have never paid attention to the question of when to go on the road."

"Would you like me to arrange a few reliable entourages for you?" Shanariva nodded knowingly, and then asked, "I heard that the Chinese are very wary of your bodyguards, and Polaninov has If you are excluded from the list of entourage, then if you want to go there, how can you do without a few caring people?"

You must know that Guo Shouyun's current bodyguards are all elites of the KGB. Take Polaninov as an example. His name is listed on the security alert lists of many countries. Therefore, when he went to Beijing this time, Guo No matter what the big boss says, take them away.

"No need," Guo Shouyun laughed, "I know the situation in Beijing better than you. If you want to say the safest place in the world, there is no other better choice than Beijing. Go there, I will There's no need to bring any bodyguards at all."

"That won't work either," Shanariva frowned, "but how good the security environment in Beijing is, it's always right to be more cautious. Don't worry, the people I arrange for you will never have any problems. There will never be any comments from the Chinese side."

"Okay, let's do it, let's do it anyway?" Facing Shanariva's insistence, Guo Shouyun had no choice but to back down, he spread his hands and smiled bitterly, "But let me tell you first, I'm very picky about bodyguards. It's not that beautiful women don't, um, yes, that's it."

"It's easy to say, I'll let Sarah go with you," Shana Riva giggled. "She's a veritable beauty."

"You better rest, I'd rather be killed than take her with me," Guo Shouyun shook his head like a rattle. "With her look, I'm still worried about being caught by Beijing Guoan for nothing."

"Haha, it's just a joke, I'm not at ease if you want to take her there," Shana Riva said with a smile, "Well, I'll take a look this afternoon, make arrangements for you as soon as possible, and make sure you're satisfied."

"Let's decide for the time being," Guo Shouyun looked at his watch again. His time was really tight right now. Before night, he still had a very important matter to deal with, and this matter had to be done before he left Haba. It was done during the time Rovsk went to Beijing, and only in this way could he not arouse suspicion from others.

"Okay, I won't talk to you any more, I have to hurry up and go to the firm," Guo Shouyun said, grabbing the jacket on the bench beside him.

"Well, be careful on the road," Shanariva said while holding the child, swept her eyes around the man's face, "if you leave at night, come back early."

"Understood," Guo Shouyun casually draped his coat over his body and walked quickly to the servant who was holding his son. He first stretched out his hand and squeezed the baby's face, then he smiled and turned towards the small parking lot in the yard. go.

Watching her man's motorcade start slowly and finally disappear outside the courtyard gate of the villa, a happy gleam flashed on Shana Riva's face. She took her daughter and spun gently under the poplar tree, and finally set her eyes on the luxurious villa behind her——she has been silent since she betrayed Yakov a year ago. Looking forward to the opportunity to integrate into this big family. For this opportunity, she paid a lot, and even nearly lost her own life. Now, her goal has finally been achieved. For this, she even feels that she should thank those assassinations. Going to hide in Tibet with two children.

"Huh," taking a deep breath, Shanariva looked up at the rising sun in the east. For the first time in her life, she felt that her life was full of hope, with red flowers, green leaves, The golden sunshine...everything is so beautiful.

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