Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 446: Diaoyutai

?On July 21st, the first rainy day in Beijing since the beginning of summer this year, just like what Guo Shouyun said when he was mocking himself: "If you don't do good at home, go out with strong winds.

In this torrential rain, several police cars drove the road, with the five-star red flag and the tricolor Russian Federation flag hanging on the front of the "Red Flag" ca772 sedan, facing the raging southeast wind, slowly drove into the western suburbs of Beijing. Diaoyutai State Guest House in the ancient Diaoyutai Scenic Area. After entering the museum area, the long motorcade drove directly to the central lake, and finally stopped at the parking lot of the second building on the east side of the central lake.

As a special state hotel specially used to receive foreign yuan and large envoys, the Diaoyutai State Guest House has very strict regulations on the level of occupancy standards. In this regard, Guo Shouyun has some understanding. As far as he knows, this time he can Living in Building No. 2 has already been regarded as enjoying a very high treatment, and Building No. 18, which is closely adjacent to Building No. 2, is mainly for foreigners or government brains. Of course, this kind of regulation is not absolutely rigid. Take the famous Mrs. Thatcher as an example. She especially loves Building 12. It is rumored that even after she left office, every time she came to China, she would Ask to stay in this reception building.

The car that Guo Shouyun took was in the last row of the main car of the entire team, counting forward. The first panel is the organizer of the forum, that is, several school leaders of Renmin University of China. One space behind them is Khodorkovsky's car parking space, and after that. It was the old man Vinogradov. There are four main parking spaces, and there is an **** car in the middle of each space. The special staff from the Zhongnanhai Security Bureau is sitting in the car.

When the train was initially arranged, Guo Shouyun joked with Sun Hongyu, saying that he had to be ranked in front of the "shameless Khodorkovsky", otherwise, others would definitely think that his character was better than that of Lao Huo. even lower

Guo Shouyun's "disrespectful" remarks naturally aroused strong dissatisfaction with Khodorkovsky. The two started fighting from the moment they got on the plane, until the plane landed at Beijing Capital Airport 6. The final result was that Guo Shouyun's body was not as strong as Lao Huo's. When he got off the plane, he was squeezed behind by others. The doors of the parking space were not touched.

Sun Hongyu can only describe these two billionaires who are worth billions of dollars and are powerful in the Russian Federation. Their casualness is enviable, but they are obviously not suitable for such semi-formal diplomatic occasions. Thanks to the people who came to the airport today to meet people who are engaged in academic research and business, otherwise, this kind of scramble for car rankings would be...

Under the **** of a group of entourages, a group of elite representatives from the Russian Federation entered the conference hall of Building 2. Here, Sun Hongyu, as the representative of the Chinese convener, briefly explained the meeting arrangements of the Economic Forum in the next three days. The basic procedure is as follows: On the morning of the first day, at the opening ceremony of the forum, representatives from the industrial and economic circles of China and Russia will accept questions from all parties at the Mingde Building of Renmin University of China; in the afternoon of the same day. The round of research consultations of the Economic Forum was officially opened. Representatives of the two sides will discuss issues in fourteen categories of six major systems based on academic and practical aspects in one and a half days. A feasible and fundamentally mutually beneficial mode of Sino-Russian economic cooperation has been researched; the day after tomorrow, that is, the last day of this economic forum discussion, is a free time for closing. Under the arrangement of relevant Chinese units, business circles from the Russian Federation and China Representatives can independently choose a common development direction or a possible negotiation for cooperation, so as to conduct further discussions on economic and trade cooperation in the Mainland based on the framework of the forum; the same is the last day, in the afternoon. ^^^^Renmin University will invite some representatives of the Russian Federation's economic and educational circles to give speeches. The audience was some Ph.D. and postgraduate students in economics at Renmin University of Technology. That evening, the Economic Forum closed. Several Chinese government ministers will hold a banquet at the Fangfei Garden of the Diaoyutai State Guest House to see off the representatives of the Russian economic circles.

The Russian delegation did not raise many objections to the Chinese side's schedule, but the three giants Guo Shouyun had their own views on certain issues. Their request was that the three would not attend any form of reception meeting; not appearing in public on any occasion where the media is taking pictures; not accepting any form of exclusive interview. In a word, they demand that their image must not appear in relevant media reports.

Guo Shouyun and the others actually have their own concerns for making such requests. Although this trip to Beijing is not a secret at all, so far, only high-level politicians in Moscow have really known that they came. As for ordinary Russians, it can be said that they know nothing about it. In order to promote all-round cooperation in the economic and trade field between China and Russia, the dominance should still lie with the government leadership in Moscow. Guo Shouyun, Huo and Wei both see this very clearly. As an economic giant, it doesn’t matter if you have political power in your hands, but this kind of power can be operated outside the sight of the Chinese people, and must never enter their sight. Otherwise, things will be very troublesome, and even unpredictable will occur. political risk. When they came to Beijing this time, the reason why Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov made such a big commotion, even at the expense of bringing in a large number of federal entrepreneurs, is to cover themselves up. From this point of view, people who know the inside story can be very responsible for the next conclusion: the China-Russia Economic Forum is actually the oligarch of the Russian Federation's economic circles. With the huge political influence in his hands, he promotes all-round contact between China and Russia. A "blind umbrella". Among the information that Guo Shouyun had in his previous life, the China-Russia Economic Forum had always been semi-invisible before Moscow joined it, and it used the name "unofficial" in its positioning. It was not until 1996 and 1997, with the participation of Russian official forces, that this economic forum was officially established. After two thousand years, with Putin personally leading the team to join, this forum reached its full prosperity. At that time, most of the Russians who had led and promoted the establishment of this forum had fallen into the dust of history.

It is fortunate to be able to create a piece of history, but if this creation only appears in the form of a stepping stone, then it will be a tragedy. Because of this, Guo Shouyun, who has the memory of his past life and has a sensitive political sense, will be in the future. Before every step, try to leave a few retreats for yourself. In his opinion, the warriors who broke the boat are at best reckless and reckless. Losing the temporary courage to retreat may win the first battle after crossing the river, but how to fight the next battle? On the road of conspiracy, the locking of the ending cannot be solved by a single victory.

As the representative of the Chinese side, Sun Hongyu did not raise any objection to the request made by the three giants of Guo Shouyun. After all, she could understand the taboos in the hearts of the three.

The first meeting in the meeting hall lasted less than half an hour, and the guests who came from afar were arranged to go to their respective rooms for a temporary rest. According to the procedure, they would have a six-hour rest period, and then at 7:00 pm Zhong, the Chinese reception team will take them into the city for a short and sketchy tour of Beijing.

Different from the treatment enjoyed by the representatives of the business circles of the Russian Federation, the three giants including Guo Shouyun were not able to enjoy the six-hour break. After coming out of the meeting room, Sun Hongyu directly led them to the small meeting room. Here, Beiyuan Group has a package agreement to discuss with the three of them.

"Don't think that when we get to Beijing, we will make concessions on some position issues," Khodorkovsky laughed loudly when he saw the large pile of documents on the table, and he reached out and picked up a He slapped a document in his hand and said, "I'm different from Comrade Guo Shouyun, and I'm also different from Mr. Vinogradov. I'm young and I can run very fast."

"Ha, I don't seem to be running much slower than you." Guo Shouyun didn't read the documents. He was the first to walk to the sandy seat and sit down, with Erlang's legs crossed, and the old **** said, "The most The important thing is that from here to Khabarovsk is much closer than to Moscow, I only need to cross five provinces to get home, and you, hey, you have to run the equator so far."

"Speaking of which, it seems that I am the only one who is the most pitiful," Vinogradov coughed twice, and said rather depressedly, "If you are old enough, let alone running, you can't even take a few quick steps. ."

"You don't have to be so suspicious," Sun Hongyu had been in contact with these three people more, and he naturally knew what kind of people they were - three typical despicable hunters, who would never see a rabbit and not a hawk.

"These agreements are not meant to be signed with you, but for you to take a look at them. Well, by the way, I will ask for your opinions." Arranged the service staff in the hotel to serve tea for everyone, and Sun Hongyu did not forget to socialize while he was busy.

"Oh, asking for advice?" Guo Shouyun smiled and snatched the document in the red envelope from Khodorkovsky's hand, and said at the same time, "There is no problem with this kind of thing, I like to be an expert the most. , high-level intellectuals, can't do business, this so-called consulting service is still no problem."

Saying so, Guo Shouyun opened the document with his hands.

"This thing is a little heavy," Guo Shouyun's brows could not help wrinkling after only one glance at the contents of the document. He weighed the document in his hand and smiled, "I'm afraid most people can't hold it."

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