Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 443: The News

?A new day means a new beginning. \\

In the scorching morning light, the sweaty Guo Shouyun took a deep breath, let go of the two slender legs on his shoulders, turned over, and lay down on the big soft bed looking exhausted. The "evil barrier" that was alive and kicking a few minutes ago has now become an eggplant beaten by frost, and it seems that it can't be done in the short term.

"What did you do to Naumov last night?" He took a clean white towel from the stand beside the bed, and stood up to Xenivagina in that tattered swimsuit, as he thoughtfully wiped the sweat from the man's forehead , asked softly, "Why didn't I see him come out of the Basiqin?"

"What, do you miss him?" Guo Shouyun said with his eyes narrowed as he lay on his back.

"I wonder what he's doing," Xenivagina rolled her eyes and sat up from the bed. She wiped the dirt between her legs with the towel on her hand, and said worriedly, "I'm worried that you've done too much. If it's out of the ordinary, it will cause trouble."

"I've never had a lot of troubles. I don't care if there is one more or one less." Guo Shouyun raised his hand and pressed the bell beside the bed, "not to mention dealing with a small role like him. , it's not a problem at all, I have a way to calm things down."

"Mr. Good morning," a clear and somewhat playful female voice came from the intercom microphone at the head of the bed, "Let's guess, um, is it that Miss Xenivekina can't satisfy you, so I plan to Let's go in and act as firefighters?"

"Yeah," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "But it would be even better if you could bring in today's newspaper. I might consider reading the newspaper while you clean up."

"Hee hee, wait a minute sir. Your needs will be satisfied immediately." The woman in the intercom gave a laugh and hung up the line.

"Hey," with a faint sigh, Xenivagina turned around and crouched on the man's body and said softly. "Why are you talking and laughing to these bodyguards, but you have to keep a straight face all day long for me? You know, this makes me very confused, and I always feel that my destiny is like a tower in the boundless thick fog. On a desert island, you can’t see the front and feel the back, and you don’t know when the tide will rise. You don’t know when you can be safer.”

"Hehe, it can only mean that you haven't recognized my temperament," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to embrace the woman's slender waist, kneading and stroking her plump buttocks, and said with a half-smile, "You You have to know that for me, Susina and the others are outsiders, no matter how close they are to me, our relationship is limited to a certain way of cooperation. I provide them with a salary, they work for me, for me The people around me provide security. So when I come into contact with them, I have to think more about what they think and how they feel. But you are different. You are my woman and my exclusive possession, so I There's no need to disguise anything in front of you. Well, in fact, you should be thankful, because what you see in your eyes is the real Guo Shouyun. It's me without any mask."

"Then I'd rather be able to face every day you are wearing a mask." Xenivekina said without hesitation.

"Hehe, it's safe to say that if there is such a day, your deserted island will soon face the threat of high tide." Guo Shouyun said with a blank expression on the corner of his mouth.

"Dong dong!"

Just when Xenie Vagina was shuddering, the door of the bedroom was knocked.

"Come in," Guo Shouyun said casually, stroking lightly on the woman's bare back.

"Sir, your newspaper, um, and two breakfasts," a bodyguard wearing a brown denim dress walked in. She stood at the door, glanced at Guo Shouyun ambiguous, and smiled.

"Let's put it here," Guo Shouyun pointed to the small cupboard by the bed and said, "Did Polaninov call last night?"

"I've been here," the bodyguard said, taking a very standard step, walking to the bedside, placing the tray in her hand on the small cabinet, and said at the same time.

"Oh, is there anything important?" Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to grab the newspaper, displayed it casually, and asked absently.

"He warned us not to tease Mr.," the bodyguard said with a smirk, covering his mouth, "I don't know if this is an important matter?"

"Well, it's very important," Guo Shouyun raised his eyes and glanced at the smiling woman, and said with conviction, "but I can also see that Polaninov's authority has been lost more and more. I doubt that his warnings are still in effect for you."

"It depends on what Mr. means," the beautiful bodyguard obviously didn't take Polaninov's warning to heart. She leaned against the bed and said with a smile.

"I mean," Guo Shouyun's eyes swept across the front page of the newspaper, and a report listed on it caught his attention----Last night, the "Amon" special forces soldier and the "Ostan" At least two people were killed and forty-nine were injured in violent clashes between the demonstrators near the "Kino" TV station, which lasted for half an hour.

"What do you mean by sir?" The beautiful woman squatted down beside the bed, stretched out one hand between Guo Shouyun's legs and teased it, smiling ambiguous.

"Shh, don't talk," he reached out and patted the back of the bodyguard's bun, Guo Shouyun frowned, "Today's news report is a bit interesting, I have to take a good look."

The boss's words greatly disappointed the beautiful bodyguard who tried her best to provoke her. She shrugged, stood up from the bed, took a glass of milk from the tray and handed it to Guo Shouyun, and then stood there silently. On the other hand, there was no movement.

As Guo Shouyun said, today, to be precise, Izvestia has been very interesting for a short period of time, since the congress led by Hasbulatov put this newspaper, which originally belonged to the former Bolshevik Party, into an operation. After the power was obtained, the well-known print media in the federal territory became a public opinion position for the left-wing opposition to attack the core power of the Kremlin. Every day, from this newspaper, you can see some sarcastic and even directly attacking news reports from the newspaper. Since the re-launch of Russian activities, there have obviously been many more "shooting holes" in this public opinion position. , The shells shot from these shooting holes fell directly on the heads of the Kremlin authorities, making them exhausted and exhausted during this time.

From the news commentary of the "Izvestia", Guo Shouyun saw a way. As the moderates had previously stated, "the confrontation between the political forces of all parties has reached its limit." A constitutional amendment will make all power-seeking forces Sharpening the knife, there is a tendency to want to slash the opponent down.

The entire newspaper was flipped from beginning to end. On the political commentary section, two major demonstrations were published: the **** clashes between Moscow citizens and the "Amon" special forces, and the strike protest of more than 10,000 workers in the Moscow glass factory. A piece of news was posted on the military section: the sensational news of the defection of the frigate "815" to Ukraine, and the resulting discussion of the disorderly management of the military. In the financial section, the ruthless criticism of Gaidar's economic reforms, etc., etc., even in the entertainment section of the last page, the editors of the newspaper did not give up their criticism of the Kremlin. An interesting fact about the field students: Several students from Moscow State University, in the name of Yeltsin, pasted a unique "Russian Citizenship Letter" on the Red Square monument. In the letter, the students announced in the first person that from now on, Ye Shi will resign as President of the Russian Federation...

Although the "Izvestia" report is biased, as a giant guarding the Far East, Guo Shouyun can still truly understand that as Russia's privatization reform gradually enters a dead end, the federal people are more concerned about the Kremlin, the White House, and Ye's faction. The power of the government has gradually lost its patience. Under the instigation of the opposition political forces, this patience is often accompanied by a drastic change in the state power. It is certain that if there is no external support in the next few months With strong support, Yeh may lose his presidency.

All politicians are gamblers in some sense, and they are the kind of crazy gamblers who will never quit until they lose their wives and children.

Guo Shouyun believes that even in the face of the current difficulties, the Ye family will not be able to hand over power honestly. They will definitely try their best to regain the initiative, and they will look around like a hungry mad dog. The collaboration of dry bones. In the current situation, in the face of the surging public opinion, it seems that there are not many people who really dare to cooperate with them, unless the potential cooperation itself does not care about the inclination of public opinion - for example, characters like the Big Six.

Whether it is facing the power at hand or the throne of power that is in jeopardy, those politicians who are just and righteous will become hungry tigers in an instant. Will do everything possible to take it out and sell it. Under such circumstances, should the Big Six, with sufficient funds and strength in their hands, still worry about some of their own coveted interests?

Taking a deep sigh, Guo Shouyun closed the newspaper and took a last look at the date column on the newspaper: July 23, 1992 issue, and then just poked it lightly and shoved it directly into the untouched milk glass inside. The fresh white milk overflowed from the cup, instantly soaking a large sheet of...

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