Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 442: I'm reasonable

"Mr. Moouf, you can think about it carefully, and then give me an accurate answer. , qβ5.c0m" Stretching his finger to the pale Mooufu, Guo Shouyun said, "Remember, it's after thinking about it clearly. "

"Gudu," he swallowed fiercely, Mooufu stood tremblingly at the edge of the table and said, "Mr. Guo, as long as no one in the sports department jumps out to disrupt the situation, then I can be sure to help you. It's done well, and 100% done well."

"Very good," Guo Shouyun finally showed a smile on his face. He turned his head and said to Neticov, "What about you, Mr. Neticov, do you think there is a problem?"

"No, no," answered Neticov shiveringly.

"Look, isn't this all right?" Guo Shouyun spread his hands and said with a smile, "As I have always believed, as long as everyone can sit down and discuss calmly, there is no problem that cannot be solved, what is it? Negotiation, this is called negotiation."

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Guo said is," Mouf said with a dry smile, secretly wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"As for Mr. Naumov," Guo Shouyun ignored the flattery of the other party, and turned to Naumov, who looked disapproving, "Oh, I think you are a little tired tonight, so let's go, I will send you off. Go back and rest. I heard that your heart is not very good, it is very necessary to rest more, I will not delay your time. "

"Sarah," Guo Shouyun clapped his hands and greeted without waiting for the other party to respond.

"Sir." Sarah, who was dressed in red, heard the sound and entered the door. She leaned on the door frame and glanced at everyone's faces with a half-smile and said. "I'm here."

"Go, send this Mr. Naumov back... oh, rest." Guo Shouyun raised his chin, winked at the opposite side, and said.

"Okay." Sarah whistled, walked quickly to Naumov's side, leaned beside him so pretty, and said with a smile, "Let's go, my Mr. Naumov. There are not many people who can **** me personally, except for my sister and husband, hehe, you are the only exception."

"No need to send, I can find my way back," Naumov frowned and glanced at the "rebellious girl" standing beside him, and said casually.

"Really?" Sara said with a smile, pinching the other's wrist, "but you won't be able to find it soon."

Even though Sarah's wrist-twisting action was very easy, she actually used a lot of strength. Including Guo Shouyun, several people in the room could almost hear the "click" sound of the broken wrist bone. The sound was crisp, but creepy.

The pitiful Naumov let out a piercing pained cry, then put his hand over his heart, and fell violently on Sarah's body.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a fragile guy," he stabbed lightly with two fingers, watching the huge body slip to the ground. Sarah smacks her lips. He said disdainfully, "This is passed out. How will you play next?"

"You scared my guests," Guo Shouyun said in a deep voice, looking at his fingers without even looking at Naumov, who had passed out.

"Oh, then I'll get him out now," Sarah bent down, grabbed Naumov's back collar, lifted his entire upper body, and smiled, "Hee hee, this is alright, right? "

Moouf and Netikov's faces were ashen, and they stared dumbly at Sarah, dragging Naumov's body out of the door, twitching like a dead dog. Freeze them all.

Naumov is the third person in charge of the State Sports Administration. In the former Soviet Union, he was a ministerial-level cadre, a state official, but now, in the Far East, facing the For a businessman like Guo Shouyun who has no position at all, his life was so cheap that it was worthless, and this giant ordered someone to kill him so calmly and without any scruples.

Isn't he afraid of being sued? Isn't he afraid to take responsibility? There is no doubt that he has nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be afraid of. In this place in the Far East, he has a thousand ways to cover up his crimes. It is foreseeable that tomorrow morning, a newspaper or radio station in the Far East will announce a news : An official of the Moscow Sports Agency died of a heart attack last night.

"You two," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, watching the door slowly closing from the outside, turning his head and looking at the two fat men opposite, "Really, this child Sarah will not do anything to scare you. Bar?"

Maybe it was due to over-stressed relationship. When Guo Shouyun spoke abruptly, Mo Wufu let out an exclamation like a conditional shot. He stared straight at Guo Shouyun, and his slightly opened mouth kept saying "clicks". sound, but couldn't say a word.

Compared with him, Netichoff doesn't seem to be much better. The expression on his face is changing. It seems that he wants to squeeze out a smile, but he can't do it.

"You don't have to be afraid," Guo Shouyun was quite satisfied with the effect. These guys in front of you are all **** bastards. When dealing with these people, if you want them to do things for you honestly, in addition to letting them know the word "money", you must also let them know the word "death". Otherwise, you won't be able to accomplish anything.

"Hehe, for me, the two are friends, and I have always been very tolerant and kind towards friends," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, tapping his fingers on the table twice, "Mr. Naumov just now. I think my request is a bit too much, I can't help it, I can only let him calm down, and the two have different views from him, so... Hehe, I think your future should be better than him, you guys What do you say?"

"Yes, yes, what the monsieur said is," Neticov looked calmer, and after a minute's effort, he finally "carved" a smile on his face, despite this A smile is worse than a cry.

"As for the venue rental fee, I'm not going to delve into it," Guo Shouyun picked up his glass, took a sip of red wine, and continued, "It can be seen that the two of you want to climb to a better position, then It requires a lot of expenses. Moscow is far from the mountains and high roads of the Far East, I can't help you much, and if I can contribute, there is only as much funding as possible."

Standing up from his seat, Guo Shouyun walked unhurriedly behind the two middle-aged men with pale faces, patted their shoulders, and said with a smile, "In my opinion, starting from tonight , we are a family, if the two of you have financial needs in the future, just open your mouth, and I will do everything possible to raise it for you."

Mr. Xie," Mooufu's teeth were still shaking quite a bit.

"I'm a reasonable person," Guo Shouyun put one hand on Mooufu's shoulder, "I won't treat anyone who does things for me, so you don't need to thank me, hehe, just tell me what I just said. If things are done well, that is the best reward for me.”

"Don't worry, sir," Netikov didn't even dare to lift his head, he lowered his chin and said, "The day after tomorrow, ah no, tomorrow afternoon, we will intensify the consultation with the Ukraine side, at the most the night after tomorrow, Mr. There will be good news."

"That's good, that's good," Guo Shouyun nodded with satisfaction, "I believe in your abilities, and I believe you will never let me down. But right now, I still have two things for you to do. I don't know if you will have an opinion."

"Sir, please speak," said Netichoff.

"That's it," Guo Shouyun said, rubbing his chin, "You saw it just now, I want to sign a legal contract with Miss Kiselyova and Brusnikina. The purpose of this contract, of course, is to guarantee The interests of these two young ladies, huh, this can be regarded as our Guo Group's contribution to the federal sports cause. But now, it seems that Miss Brusnikina seems to have some resistance to this contract. Besides, she is still young. She is still young and can't meet the federal legal age requirement for autonomous actors, so I hope the two of you can communicate with her legal guardian and sign the contract. Well, look at this... "

"Don't worry, sir, we'll get it done within a week," Mouf replied in a trembling voice, "I'm 100% sure that I can convince Miss Brusnikina's mother that she, she's still good to us. Very trustworthy."

"Okay, okay, okay," Guo Shouyun repeatedly praised, "I can feel at ease. As for this last thing, in fact, I am also thinking of the federal sports world. Well, given the current situation that the federal sports news report is not smooth, In particular, the lack of attention paid to sports by the print media, I decided to set up a special and comprehensive sports publication in Khabarovsk. As for the name, um, it's called... It's called "" Sports Club". What do you think?"

For Guo Shouyun's proposal, Moouf and Nedichoff naturally agreed in a series of approvals. They now promised to complete the relevant licenses within a month and send them directly to the Far East. At the same time, they He also praised Guo Shouyun's kindness of "focusing on sports". In the mouths of these two people, the big boss Guo has become the savior of the Russian Federation sports industry.

However, no amount of praise can change the nature of profiteers. In Guo Shouyun's expectation, the "Sports Club" magazine he is going to set up is by no means to promote the spirit of sports or to expand the sports cause. The purpose is to make money, and the purpose of its publication is to attract the public.

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