Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 438: Mad Sarah

? Knowing the troubles Shoucheng is currently facing, Guo Shouyun is very happy, and then on the way from the villa area to "Ba Shiqin", looking at the sky that suddenly turned gloomy in the evening, he felt that there was so much everywhere in front of him. Ming Lang, he could even swear with the little conscience he had left that this was the best evening he had experienced in the past year—of course, if the girl in red hadn't appeared, this evening would have ended. It looks more perfect. , qв5.

"Hey, who are you going to kill this time?" In a luxurious compartment of Basiqin, Sarah, dressed in a red tight leather jacket, sat on a chair uneasily, her slender thighs crossed. On the dining table, the two small white feet in black high-heeled sandals have been shaking regularly, as if lest others not see her toe caps with red nail polish.

Guo Shouyun can only describe the standard "KGB sister" in front of him as being quite speechless. To be honest, this little girl who is only 20 years old is definitely a standard Russian beauty. If you have a body, you can go to any station at will, and she is definitely a natural stunner who can directly provoke a man's deep sex.

But then again, Guo Shouyun has absolutely no interest in this "dead girl" so far. Looking at her current appearance, she should have a smooth and long head, but she has to cut unevenly. The eye shadow applied to the two circles of the eye socket is thick and black like the dark spots on the face of a patient with deep insomnia. That little mouth that should make any man "partially engorged" now slants half a cigar. And the most excessive thing is not that, what makes Guo Shouyun feel helpless the most is that this little mouth never seems to know how to respect his "boss". Anyway, never used any honorific.

"Didn't Shanariva explain what you should do?" Guo Shouyun said with a frown, spinning a crystal wine glass in front of him.

"I explained it." The sharp dagger in Sarah's hands, between her jade fingers, the sharp dagger was like a spirit snake with vitality, "Sister told me to be obedient, be good. Hehe, such an explanation means nothing to me, because in the entire Far East, I'm afraid I can't find a more obedient girl than me. A more obedient girl."

"Well, you're very humorous, this is undoubtedly the funniest joke I've ever heard." Guo Shouyun pouted and said disapprovingly, "How dare you call yourself a girl? I think you like girls, right? ?"

"Yeah, I do like girls more than you stinky men," Sarah made no secret of her homosexuality, shrugging her shoulders, then grabbed the zipper of the leather jacket on her chest with one hand. Pulling down suddenly, after revealing a dazzling white deep cleavage, he said with a smile, "But this doesn't seem to affect the fact that I am a girl, you see, in the face of my talent, who cares? Can you deny this fact?"

Glancing at Sarah's exposed plump breasts, Guo Shouyun shook his head helplessly. He said: "Okay, okay, don't sell meat here, I don't care if you are a girl or not, in short, I'll give you tonight's business. Among the guests a while later is a man named Naumov. , I mean, when he leaves, kill him for me and put this thing in his pocket by the way."

Guo Shouyun said. Take out a copy of manuscript paper that has been prepared a long time ago from his pocket. With a push, it reached Sarah's leg.

"It's that simple?" Sarah raised her hand, and the dagger that had been spinning and flying between her fingers suddenly shot out and stuck on the manuscript paper with a "beep", and then she didn't see what she did action. The dagger flew back sharply with the manuscript paper. It fell into her palm again—it could be seen that there must be something like a rope hanging from the end of the dagger.

"It made me excited for nothing. I thought it was a big battle, but it took a long time to kill a person." She took the manuscript off the dagger and took a look in front of her. Sarah bit With a cigar in his mouth, he said disapprovingly, "Is it worth letting me do it myself for such a trivial matter? It's just overkill."

"It's okay to be a big talent or a small one. In short, you are not allowed to screw me up on this matter. Otherwise, be careful that I turn my face and don't recognize anyone," Guo Shouyun snorted and said, "You may not be clear about my temper. But Shanariva knows very well that if I'm going to be angry, I won't give any face to anyone."

"Got it," Sarah shrugged, "the selfless Mr. Guo."

"Okay, I have nothing to do with you here for the time being, let's go out," Guo Shouyun said casually as he waved his hand and said without much help with this little woman who was Shana Riva's favorite.

"Ok, I'll stay next door. When the time comes, I'll come out to do errands." Sarah retracted her legs on the table, got up and was about to go out.

"Pull the zipper up and go out, let's see what you look like." Guo Shouyun lowered his head and snorted.

"It's up to you," Sarah muttered without looking back, then swayed out the door.

"Hey, woman, it's really... unreasonable." Seeing Sarah's red figure disappearing outside the door, Guo Shouyun shook his head and said with some emotion.

"Sir, Miss Xenivkina and the others are here," said Polaninov, who was in charge of welcoming Xenivina in less than two or three minutes before Sarah left, and said respectfully.

At this moment, Guo Shouyun had just lit a cigarette and hadn't had time to take a puff.

"Let them come in," Guo Shouyun said with a wave of his hand, putting down the cigarette in his hand, "By the way, bring a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite over here. I'll be entertaining guests later."

"Good sir," Polaninov nodded in response, turned and walked out the door.

Perhaps to please Guo Shouyundi, Xie Niweijina dressed up beautifully today, wearing a plain white low-cut evening dress with a short hem, but a pair of black high-heeled shoes with calf straps, a pair of men's favorite black high-heeled shoes. The heel hits the terrazzo floor tile with an irritating "click".

"How long have you been here?" She walked into the room with two apprentice sisters who looked nervous. Xie Niweijina went straight to Guo Shouyun and sat down. She first put the small satchel in her hand on the small table behind the chair. Only then did he kiss the man affectionately, and then asked.

"Half an hour," Guo Shouyun replied in his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on the two little girls standing by the door. I have to admit that the little Russian girl was born early, and the nearly 20-year-old Kiselyova is nothing more than that. Although her figure is a little thin, she is also abnormally tall. In terms of size and body shape, she doesn't look like a young girl who just turned thirteen, but more like a slim 28-year-old beauty.

Probably for the sake of "fighting wolves", the two little girls were dressed conservatively tonight, all in long sports clothes, from top to bottom, except for the face and small hands, there was basically no place to show the flesh. . Guo Shouyun can be sure that their outfits must be Xenivekina's idea. This little woman is quite thoughtful in "protecting the seedlings", but then again, if you really have any bad thoughts, you should wear more clothes. Can you escape? Hehe, at best, it's just the effect of spending more hands and feet and adding more fun.

"Hehe, let me guess." Ignoring Xenie Vagina, Guo Shouyun tapped the two little girls at the door with his **** between the cigarettes, and smiled, "You are Brusny. Kina, and you, hey, we've already met this afternoon, haven't we, Miss Kiselyova?"

"Yes, Mr. Guo," Kiselyova's pale face flushed slightly, but she was not slow at all in answering. Compared to her, the young Brusnikina obviously didn't know that the man opposite was a big bad wolf, she stared at a pair of light blue eyes, looked at Guo Shouyun curiously, and said after a long while: "You are That Guo Shouyun, Mr. Guo?"

"Well, what, don't you think I don't look like me?" Guo Shouyun straightened his back, made a serious expression, and said in a hoarse voice.

The girl took a step forward, stood beside the table, and stared at Guo Shouyun for a long time, then shook her head and said, "It doesn't look like it, it doesn't look like it at all."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun was greatly discouraged, he squeezed out a funny expression, and said with a frown, "then what do you think Guo Shouyun should look like?"

"I heard about it in Moscow. Many people say that there is a big man in the Far East who can't be offended. Well, that is Guo Shouyun, nicknamed the Yellow Bear," the little girl was obviously not familiar with the world, she said without hesitation, "Those who travel to and from the Far East say that in this part of the Far East, as long as you stomp your feet, there will be a storm in the entire Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and there will be a cold wind in half of Siberia. So I thought, such a big man, definitely It should be a tall and burly man with a face full of flesh, and you..."

What the little girl said really shocked Xenivekina, she never thought that her junior sister would be so ignorant, and she could just say anything. Called Guo Shouyun's nickname in person.

Coughing twice, interrupting the little girl's mouth full of nonsense, Xie Niweijina squeezed out a smile, and said to Guo Shouyun, who looked embarrassed next to her: "Sir, don't listen to her nonsense, she is young and doesn't know anything. understand."

"Yellow Bear?" Guo Shouyun looked depressed, he pulled the blue shirt on his body, glanced up and down, and said with a dry smile, "I look like this, it's easy to think of a stupid and stupid bear. What? Where did this come from?"

"Well, that's why I said that you don't look like that Guo Shouyun," the little girl's mind was indeed turning very fast, she rolled her eyes, and giggled, "You are not a strong person, although you are not strong. But it looks very pleasing to the eye, especially when he laughs, it's silly and makes people feel very kind, um, like a good-natured big brother."

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