Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 437: keep the mind

"Brother, do you have anything to do tonight?" In the living room of the villa, Shouyun looked at Li Shengyan, who was chatting with Nina and others, and said in a low voice to the elder brother sitting next to him. /

"Oh, there are some small things," Guo Shouyun said while holding a cup of tea, glancing at the little North Korean girl from time to time with piercing eyes. In his opinion, this rustic little Chaihuo girl is obviously much more foreign now. Well, standing with Shoucheng, in terms of temperament and image, it is basically a good match.

"At five o'clock, I'm going to have dinner at Ba Shiqin with the heads of the National Sports Administration," Guo Shouyun said casually. Guo Shouyun put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at his brother, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Well, that's it, me, I have something to ask for your opinion," Shoucheng said hesitantly.

"Let's talk, I'm listening," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Why, is it inconvenient to talk here?"

"Well, let's go to your study," Shoucheng glanced in the direction of several women and whispered.

"Hey, okay, your kid knows how to hide too?" Slapped his brother's knee, Guo Shouyun teased, "Be honest, is it about you and Shengyan? Well, think about proposing to someone, But I'm too embarrassed to say it, so I'm going to let my big brother come forward as a matchmaker? Hey, then I have to tell you that I can't be a matchmaker. If you want me to come forward, I will only say something to Shengyan : My brother has fallen in love with you, you will get married tomorrow, and have a bridal chamber tonight..."

"Brother! Can you be more serious?" Shoucheng's face turned red when he was told, and he threw his hand and punched the elder brother. He said with a thick neck.

The movement made by the brothers disturbed several chattering women. Nina turned her head and looked at her husband suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter with you? What the **** are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing," Guo Shouyun said with a haha, getting up and saying, "I have some work matters that I need to discuss with Shoucheng. You guys are chatting, let's sit in the study for a while."

"You really are, can't you talk about work later?" Nina rolled her husband's eyes and said in a dissatisfied tone, "Didn't you see Shengyan here?"

"It's okay, sister-in-law. I don't mind," Li Shengyan had been looking forward to Guo Shouyun's departure, and she didn't know why, as long as this eldest brother was present, she felt extremely depressed and nervous, even if he smiled brightly and his face bloomed. .

"Look, see how knowledgeable Shengyan is?" Guo Shouyun spread his hands and laughed. "No matter what time of day, we must focus on revolutionary work. What's more, you women are chatting and talking privately, and the two of us can't talk. What's the point of sitting here."

"Go, go, you'll be right anyway," Nina waved. Jiao said angrily.

"Sister-in-law, you have such a good relationship with your elder brother, which is enviable," Li Shengyan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the figures of the Guo brothers disappear into the living room corridor. She smiled at Nina and said softly.

Nina smiled lightly. Subconsciously, she reached out and rubbed her lower abdomen. To her, her current life seemed as satisfying and enviable as Li Shengyan said.

"What's the matter, I should be able to talk this time, right?" Guo Shouyun closed the door and walked to his desk to sit down with his younger brother. Only then did he laugh. "It's so mysterious, I bet you. You stinky boy must be talking to me about the wedding."

"Brother, there are some words... I don't know how to speak," Shoucheng sat across from the desk, he handed a cigarette to his elder brother, hesitated for a while, and then said.

"Interesting, a big man, do you have any words to say?" Guo Shouyun didn't light the cigarette, he fiddled with the cigarette between his fingers, and said with a smile, "Well, tell me first, is it emotional? matter?"

"Yes," Shoucheng said with a nod.

"Is that something related to Shengyan?" Guo Shouyun then asked.

"Well," Shoucheng nodded again.

"Does that mean you're going to propose to her, but you don't know how to say it?" Guo Shouyun asked.

"No," Shoucheng didn't nod his head this time, he shook his head and said, "Actually, when I was in Moscow this time, I had already talked to her about marriage, and she didn't refuse, she just said that she needed to win the parents. agree."

"Oh, what's the problem then?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Are you still worried that her parents will disagree? If that's the case, don't worry, I'll say hello to Tiao Liaomenko later, he I do know some people in North Korea, um, I want him to find two generals to protect this media for you, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"I'm not worried about this now," Shoucheng said with a sigh and frowned, "I just feel a little troubled, I think, if I marry Shengyan, then, what about Clara, how do I deal with her relationship? You? Maybe I don't know, I, some time ago, on impulse, had an improper relationship with her, with her."

"No, an improper relationship?" Guo Shouyun had heard of this term, and it seemed that in China a few years ago, this term was quite popular, and many officials were sacked because of this. But in Russia...the word seems to have never been heard.

"This, Shoucheng, what do you mean by this improper relationship?" Guo Shouyun asked with a smirk on his face.

"It's that kind of relationship," Shoucheng said angrily, "that is, I drank too much that night, and I didn't think about it, but I was confused and gave birth."

"Congratulations," Guo Shouyun stood up from his chair, patted his brother's shoulder hard across the table, and smiled, "This illegitimate relationship proves that you have been reborn as a real man, um, didn't Clara seal it? Do you have a red envelope?"

"It seems that I asked the wrong person," Shoucheng rolled his eyes and walked out the door as soon as he stood up.

"Hey. Don't go for the price," Guo Shouyun grabbed his brother's shirt by the back collar, and pulled him back to the table, smiling, "Come on, let the eldest brother analyze this problem for you, um, This problem is more complicated. We have to sit down and talk about it, and start with your psychological analysis."

Shoucheng looked at his elder brother's face carefully, hesitated for a while, then sat down again and said, "Then you can be serious. Stop making fun of me."

"Okay, no kidding," Guo Shouyun was so happy, he knew that under his own arrangement, the threat that Feilna's woman could bring has been basically eliminated. Orthodox men, there are two women, Lee Seung Yeon and Clara. He probably already had a headache, and as for other women, hehe, the possibility of trying to impress him is too small.

"Shoucheng, let me ask you," Guo Shouyun said with a smile after coughing twice to clear his throat. "Tell me honestly, regardless of any improper relationship, between Sheng Yan and Clara, who do you think is more suitable to be your wife? Well, or who do you have a deeper affection for?"

"I think it should be Shengyan, um. It is Shengyan," Shoucheng tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "When I am with her, I can always feel a very quiet, very peaceful and happy feeling, and once I am with her Not seeing her for a while makes me feel uneasy. Even restless. I can't do anything. But... Speaking of Clara, I think she's fine too. What she brings me is a completely different feeling from Shengyan. If I feel calm with Shengyan by my side, then Clara brings me **. When she is by my side, I have a very special feeling. Weird but comfortable feeling."

Hearing his brother's remarks, Guo Shouyun only felt amused in his heart: This kid looks like a rotten radish, but these simple words reveal all the difference between a wife and a lover.

"Brother, do you think I'm deteriorating?" Shoucheng's expression looked a little uneasy, and he asked, "As I said when I was in China, I was eroded by the sugar-coated cannonballs of the bourgeoisie, and my firm revolutionary will The fortress was smashed by rotten bourgeois ideology."

"Go, what a mess," Guo Shouyun laughed, "We are the so-called bourgeoisie, and the sugar-coated cannonballs are only used by us to beat others. How can there be any reason to be beaten by others?"

"Then what do you think I should do now?" Shoucheng asked hesitantly with his eyes wide open.

"It's not easy to handle, since you think Shengyan is more suitable to be your wife, then marry her," Guo Shouyun said with a shrug, "and in my opinion, Shengyan has a calm personality, the most important thing is , she is very thoughtful but does not lose her duty, such a woman is suitable for a little fool like you."

"What about Clara?" Shoucheng said in distress, "You know, the night we were together, it was the first time for each other, if I abandoned her now, wouldn't that be too unconscionable? "

"It's also simple," Guo Shouyun laughed, "you can have an illicit relationship with her twice from time to time after you get married, and tell her by yourself that you didn't abandon her, then it's not a problem. All resolved?"

"Is this okay?" Shoucheng gave his elder brother a contemptuous look, and said angrily, "Then I'm not going to be with you?"

"Tsk, how do you talk to big brother?" Guo Shouyun Ya Hanako said angrily, "I'm trying to make suggestions for you. Apart from the method I think, do you have a better solution? Of course. , If you want, you can marry both of them once, as long as you have the ability to settle Shengyan."

Shoucheng was silent. To be honest, he really couldn't think of a better way to do it except for his elder brother's method.

"My silly brother, when it comes to women, you have to put your mind on it," Guo Shouyun said with narrowed eyes as he lit the cigarette in his hand, "For the woman you love, you must find a way to put on a wedding dress for her, and For the woman you like, hehe, even if you can't put her wedding dress on, you have to get rid of her underwear. That is a kind of happiness for you, and sometimes it is not the same kind of happiness for the other party. "

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