Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 439: brother has sugar

"Hey, I love hearing this, and I can see it too. It's the truth, the absolute truth," Guo Shouyun said with a big heart. Fart is the most comfortable.

"Come here, sit here," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and pulled a chair next to him, then patted the chair, beckoned to the little girl and said, "Today I am a big boy. The elder brother just recognizes a little sister. In the future, you will be my Guo Shouyun's younger sister. If anyone wants to bully you, you straighten up and tell him that I am Guo Shouyun is your elder brother. If you are not honest, let him come over and try. ."

Facing Guo Shouyun's invitation, Brusnikina was obviously a little hesitant, and she kept looking at Xenivagina next to her from the corner of her eyes.

"Sir asked you to come and sit here, don't hurry up," Xie Niweijina said with a smile, she could see that Guo Shouyun's invitation was not in the slightest **.

"Well," the little girl got permission and looked very happy. She didn't say that she took two steps around, just flipped the tablecloth, swooped under the table, and sat firmly. On the chair beside Guo Shouyun.

"Brother invited you to dinner tonight, what delicious food did you prepare?" It can be seen that although this Brusnikina is young, she is very good at life. If you know that the most delicious food in this world, you have to say yes Those sweetest "spontaneous cooking", the more open they are in front of people, the more attention and popularity they tend to attract. "What do you want to eat?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, reaching out and stroking the back of the little girl's bun. Not to mention, from this little girl he just met, he really found a kind of familiar feeling, and that kind of feeling came from the little Victor back then.

"Well," the little girl tilted her head and put a finger in her mouth. After pondering for a while, he suddenly said a lot of dish names, and 80% of them were desserts.

"Be careful to get fat if you eat so many sweets," Guo Shouyun clapped his hands and called in the waiter who was waiting outside the door, asking him to write down what the little girl ordered, and then smiled, "Don't forget. There's still more than a month left. It's time for you to go to Barcelona, ​​be careful that the fat ones won't be able to play."

Guo Shouyun's simple words made Xenivkina, who was sitting next to her, frown, while Kiselyova, who was sitting on her right, trembled with excitement.

"It doesn't matter," Brusnikina shrugged her shoulders and said carelessly, "If you can't participate in this year, you can wait for four years. Besides, I don't like swimming in the first place. I prefer to perform, if I have the opportunity. To be able to do a show at the Bolshoi Theater is the biggest reward for me."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "then do you want to have the opportunity to show your talent on the field in the future, and have the opportunity to appear on the stage and perform a personal performance at the Bolshoi Theater?"

"Of course," the little girl grabbed a corner of the tablecloth. Pulling hard, he said in a reverie, "If I could do that, I would pray every day."

"That's good," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Actually, my brother is sure that you can realize your dreams without praying, but the condition is that you sign an agreement with your brother. Well. One is legally binding. agreement."

"A legally binding agreement?" The little girl hadn't developed enough wisdom to judge legal negotiations. She looked at Guo Shouyun in astonishment, as if she wanted to get a more in-depth explanation.

"Well, it's like this," Guo Shouyun put his hands on the table and smiled gently, "Recently. My brother's Guo Group is looking for a group of athletes with great potential. At the same time, they have good looks and appearance. …”

"Why are you looking for this?" the little girl asked interjected.

"How do you say it. Even if it is the image endorsement of the group," Guo Shouyun said with a gesture that no one could understand. "Specifically, it is an intermediary between the group and ordinary people. Because the group is engaged in business. The activity itself is far away from ordinary people, and in many cases, the interests of the group still need to be maintained by the support of ordinary people. Therefore, in this case, we need one or more activities with ordinary people. The relationship is relatively close, and it is best for public figures who they all agree with to come forward to start this kind of dialogue..." "Oh, I seem to understand a little bit about what my brother said," the little girl giggled, "This is It's very simple, my brother is so nice, I'm very willing to help you, um, it seems that there is no need to sign any agreement, how troublesome?"

"Hey, how can this be troublesome?" Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "You know, if my brother asks you to help, it will be paid for. Well, according to my current consideration, after we sign the agreement, my brother will help you. The first thing I do is to get you a ticket to the Barcelona Olympics, and it's a place to play."


Just as Guo Shouyun said this, a crisp sound came from the room. An excited Kiselyova knocked off a crystal cup by her hand, and the cup rolled from her side to the ground. It didn't break, but just rolled around in circles.

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir, I didn't do it on purpose," Kiselyova said apologetically as she squatted down in a hurry and picked up the crystal cup, apparently realizing her gaffe.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay," Guo Shouyun said with a generous smile, "Well, it seems that Miss Kiselyova is thirsty. What would you like to drink? I'll have someone bring it over."

"Thank you, sir, I can drink anything, you decide." Kiselyova held the cup to her chest and bowed her head.

"Then have some red wine," Guo Shouyun snapped his fingers, called Polaninov in, and ordered, "Go, bring the red wine I just asked for, and, by the way, the agreement prepared in the afternoon. Bring it together."

"Yes, sir," Polaninov glanced at the room, and then quietly backed out. In less than two minutes, an unsealed bottle of red wine and four legal agreements were sent in.

"Look, this is the text of the agreement drafted by the attorney's agency of the group this afternoon." Guo Shouyun first poured drinks for several beauties, and then Guo Shouyun distributed the text of the agreement to Kiselyova and Brusnikina one by one, "Just like me I said just now that by signing this document, you will get your tickets to the Barcelona Olympics, so after that, as long as you get good results in the arena, even if it’s just a bronze medal, or even the top few If you achieve your results, the group will give you a bonus of 5 million rubles to 40 million rubles. Of course, if you can break a record and get a gold medal, then in addition to the bonus of 40 million rubles, I will also In my personal name, I will reward none of you with an additional $400,000, and at the same time, I will personally act as your manager to ensure your best interests in all aspects. In addition to these, I will use the existing media in the Far East , I will tailor a series of publicity measures for you, and within a month... ah, no, within two weeks, let you become a household name in the whole federation, and become an idol in the hearts of all young people. …”

"Sir," Xenivagina listened beside her, watching her man lure two ignorant little girls into the house, she couldn't tell what she was feeling, "You, you This kind of practice is not good for their growth, they..."

"Oh, is that right?" Guo Shouyun turned his head, a gleam of sternness flashed in his originally gentle and smiling eyes, he looked at Xenivagina beside him, and said with a smile, "What's the disadvantage? Haha, don't you? Don't you think they're talented? Or, you don't think it's worth putting so much effort into them?"

"No, no, I just think that it's a little too early to talk about this now. I'm afraid it will affect their mood when they play." Guo Shouyun's gaze made her heart cold, and Xie Niweijina hurriedly changed her words. Said, "Well, that is likely to affect Mr.'s plans."

"How is this possible," Guo Shouyun threw his hands out and laughed, "I have never doubted my vision. I thought, um, I think Kiselyova and the others won't let me down, right?"

"Sir," just when Guo Shouyun finished speaking, Polaninov pushed open the door and walked in. He stood at the door and said in a deep voice, "Naumov and the others are here, are you ready now? see them?"

"Let them come in," Guo Shouyun said without looking back, looking at the hesitant Brusnikina, reaching out and taking out two checks from his pocket.

"Yes, sir," Polaninov replied, took a step back, just stepped outside the door, and led the four middle-aged men in.

"Mr. Naumov," although he was full of contempt for the greedy bureaucrat in front of him, he was still the "leader" of the Sports Department. Therefore, after seeing a few middle-aged people entering the door, Xenivykina stood up. , greeted them one by one.

Compared with Xie Niweijina's respect, Guo Shouyun didn't even glance at these people. He distributed the two cheques in his hand to the two little girls and continued to smile: "These are two fives. Checks for millions of rubles, as long as you sign this agreement, they are yours, and when you go to the Barcelona game, you can also shop around and buy something you like to bring back.”

A few middle-aged people who had just entered the door clearly misunderstood Guo Shouyun's meaning, and one of the leading ones stood up and said with a sullen expression: "It's rare that Mr. miss it."

"You can't kill anyone if you say a few words less," Guo Shouyun obviously didn't have the slightest liking for these people. He lifted his eyelids and said calmly, "Find your own seat and sit down, don't you need me to serve you?"

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