Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 436: a bunch of lunatics

"Actually, if you think about it from a different angle, this is not the love of new players," Xenivagina changed her tone and said in another tone, "People who haven't entered this competition will never be able to. Experience the enormous pressure that players face, and the biggest aspect of this pressure is not from before the game or during the game, but after the game, especially after a successful game. Huge success And the honors that follow will make many people lose themselves, and even in the cheers of countless people, they will completely lose their confidence to step into the arena again. Take it back, and when you really get it, you will be worried about losing it, which will lead to fear of the competition and the fear of the opponent, and this phenomenon is most obvious in the newcomers of the arena.”

Having said this, Xenivagina turned her head to look at the little girls who were secretly looking here, and sighed: "I know that there are a lot of rumors about me out there now, saying that I'm too old, They should quit this competition. In fact, how do they know, if I could, I would have quit long ago. I have too much hope for this year's Barcelona Olympics, not to mention others, just Tachibana from Japan Miya and Takeda Miho, we don't have much chance of winning. According to the coach's idea, our purpose this year is to train the troops, familiarize the new recruits, and then I will retire. As for what to do in the future, it depends on God's arrangement." This is the first time Guo Shouyun has heard of an argument like Xenivekina, but when he thinks of what he has seen and heard in his previous life, he feels that this argument is simply penetrating, and failure is obviously worth a sigh for a person. , but for some people, success is not a disaster.

But then again. A disaster is not a disaster. Guo Shouyun doesn't care at all, and he doesn't care about the psychological regulation process of newcomers. The only thing he is interested in now is that there are two more "influence cards" at hand that can be played. Guo Shouyun has also heard the names of Tachibana Miya and Takeda Miho. They seem to be very arrogant in the international sports arena in the early 1990s, but after Bruce Nikina and others debuted, they disappeared quickly. . In the following ten years, the international swimming program has become a base for Russian girls to show their demeanor.

Xenivykina's thoughts are very simple, her morals are high, and the concept of a country inherited from the former Soviet Union is admirable, but these things are for a capitalist like Guo Shouyun. It seems that there are too many barriers. He does not need to contribute to the federal sports cause now. The only thing he needs is the benefit he should get.

What do the Russians need now? no doubt. What they need is the long-lost national self-esteem and self-confidence, in this regard, even if there is only such a pitiful dawn. It is estimated that thousands of people will gather to cheer for it. By the way, they will also include the "guide" that brings the dawn to the list of objects that must be paid attention to. And now, facing two extremely talented flower swimmers, the Guo Group has virtually got a chance to become a "leader", as long as these two "flowers" can achieve good results in Barcelona, ​​even if it is just one Bronze, silver or something. There will also be two very useful chips in the hands of the Guo Group.

The role of these two chips is not limited to Vanity Fair. Likewise, they are destined to perform well in the political arena. for example. If the Kremlin or the White House is dishonest, then well, the Guo Group can throw these two chips away and launch a violent attack on the Moscow regime by using ** and unspoken rules as a stunt. At that time, it is estimated that the two beautiful girls who returned from Barcelona with honors will casually reveal some insider stories about their personal experiences, and the gang of sub-politicians in Moscow will be the first few months old.

Hehe, hype, Guo Shouyun can't do it elsewhere, this is still very good, anyway, as long as it is crooked, he will go away and he is very proficient.

In this way, when Xie Niweijina sincerely stated her own view of life without private life, the selfish Guo Shouyun had already made up her mind. In his eyes, those two youths who looked neither **** nor ** The girl seems to have become a cash cow that the Guo Group can easily grasp. He even wondered if he should go back to the gymnastics group to see where the top Huadan Khorkina went, this bigger cash cow, how can the Guo Group have to grab it first? Can't let her slip through her nails either.

"Well, okay, I think so," Guo Shouyun, who had a case in his stomach, was obviously not in the mood to delay here. He stretched out his hand and rubbed it on Xenivagina's towering chest, and said without hesitation, "Today In the evening, I will entertain Naumov and the others with a banquet at Baskin, and at half past six, bring Kiselyova and Brusnikina with you."

"Take them? Why?" Xenivagina looked vigilant, she looked at the man beside her, and hesitated.

"Of course there are good things," Guo Shouyun replied casually, "You don't know, in fact, I admire the most talented geniuses. To create opportunities for such people, I will spare no expense."

"But..." Xenivekina was obviously still a little resistant, but with Guo Shouyun's sharp eyes, she swallowed the words before she had time to say it.

"Hey, remember to bring this swimsuit at night," Guo Shouyun smiled contentedly when he saw the obedient bowing his head, and whispered in her ear, "I won't go back to the villa area tonight, we can be fine. Enjoy a night of, well, happy time."

After saying a sentence, he ignored Xie Nivkina's reaction, just threw away the cigarette butts in his hand, got up and walked towards the door. When he walked out of the swimming room door, he did not forget to sit opposite A few young girls in the stands cast the most kind eyes.

After coming out of the swimming pool, Guo Shouyun, escorted by two bodyguards, hummed a ditty and walked back to the parking lot unhurriedly. Only now did he realize how correct his decision to invest in the construction of the three major sports training centers in the Far East was. , and in contrast, the investment in that point is almost negligible. Hey, it’s still a good saying in popular economics, “Money is earned, not saved.” People who can’t spend money will never understand how to make money.

"Sir," in the parking lot, the expressionless Polaninov seemed to have been waiting for a long time. When he saw Guo Shouyun walking back, he greeted him and said, "The things you explained have been done."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun in a good mood asked absent-mindedly as he got into the car, "Sarah has also been notified? This girl has always been sloppy in her work. Are you sure she understands everything?"

"That mad...cough, it's Miss Sarah, she should have understood," Polaninov obviously had a good opinion of Sarah. Before, he only knew that Shana Riva was a lawless lunatic, But the experience of this period of time told him that as a close confidant of Shana Riva, Miss Sarah, who was only twenty-one years old this year, was obviously more crazy. Just now he just said that Guo Shouyun needs a helper to solve a problem, but this lunatic shouted excitedly on the phone, and his shrill voice kept asking if he needed to bring a weapon, "For example, , automatic rifles, bazookas, etc." The sweaty Polaninov had only one thought at the time, that is, fortunately the gang did not have aircraft cannons, otherwise, what Guo Shouyun would have to face tonight was not just "hoeing". It was the first "Far East War" that broke out since World War II.

"Are you sure?" Guo Shouyun is obviously also very jealous of Sarah. For him, this alternative girl who wears such a red tight leather jacket no matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter is really a headache. Who else in the Far East can handle her, probably only Shana Riva and little Victor. To the front, Sarah should be respectful, but to the rear, she should be more fearful.

As long as he thinks about the showdown between Sarah and Victor, Guo Shouyun can't help but want to laugh. To be honest, this is the first time he has seen someone dare to grab a hamburger from Victor, and it is also the first time he has seen someone Survive from the fist of a "female tyrannosaurus" -- even though Sarah spent three weeks in the hospital that time, she still survived.

"Perhaps," Polaninov sat in the front seat of the car, tilted his head and thought for a while, finally feeling unable to accurately grasp the madman's thoughts, it is worth saying vaguely, "If Mr. feels unsafe, it is best to Ask Mrs. Shanariva to come and say hello, otherwise it's better to have someone else do this."

"It makes sense," Guo Shouyun nodded in approval and said, "Hurry up, let's go back to the villa area, just in time, I'll also check to see if Shoucheng is back."

"Sir, there is one more thing I have to remind you," Polaninov turned back when the car started moving, "if you want to do something with Naumov, you'd better think carefully, you know, He, who has neither a higher education nor any sports talent, has been able to climb to where he is today because of the inseparable connection with those in Gaidar."

"I know that," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation, "but what if it's related to them? Not to mention it's just a relationship, even Gaidar himself, as long as he greed for my money, I would dare to hand him over. Cut it down. Well, I heard that our acting prime minister is going to have his birthday soon, right? Just in time, I will give Naumov's ear to him, it will be a generous gift, and I will not dare to check when he looks back. my taxes."

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