Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 435: On seniority

"Since there is Kiselyova, where is Brusnikina?" Guo Shouyun asked in a conditioned reflex. In his little knowledge of sports, the rise of Russian synchronized swimming seems to be caused by these two. An excellent two-person team. . qb5. In contrast, Brusnikina, who is called "a person who is accustomed to the head and the foot" by the world sports circle, seems to be more famous than Kiselyova. Gold medal in the "Flower Tour" single and double event in various competitions around the world. At the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, this pair of geniuses fascinated all the judges. They got all the perfect marks in the artistic score and 4 perfect scores in the technical score, leading them to occupy a second place in the flower tour duo event. Unattainable supremacy - at least until the advent of Russia's "Twin Towers".

"I didn't expect my husband to be so interested in that kind of young girl," the beautiful bodyguard who massaged Guo Shouyun obviously misunderstood the boss's intentions. She raised her hand and pointed to the stand on the right side of the pool, and said with a taste , "No, the one in the stands is the one."

Following the direction of the bodyguard's fingers, Guo Shouyun glanced at the stand on the right, and saw that there were several little girls under thirteen or fourteen years old who were talking and laughing together with the older Kiselyova. In comparison, these little girls obviously haven't realized the cruelty of competition. From their flowery smiling faces, even someone as old as Guo Shouyun can't find the slightest sign of sophistication.

"Sir, don't look, Miss Xenivekina is here, be careful she will overturn the vinegar jar." Just as Guo Shouyun glanced at the stand on the right, the beautiful bodyguard behind him sneered and said in a low voice.

"How come there are so many vinegar jars," Guo Shouyun looked back. Glancing in the direction of Xenivina, he smiled, "I think you two are talking a little sour. Don't say I didn't remind you, don't talk nonsense in front of Xenivina, otherwise be careful. I'll sue you at Polaninov."

Perhaps it was because of seeing Xenivagina approaching, the two beauties did not speak, they smiled at each other, and the usual indifference appeared on their coquettish faces again.

"When did you come? Why didn't you call me?" Wiping her wet face with a pink local towel, Xie Niweijina came over, sat beside Guo Shouyun naturally, and asked softly.

"I've been here for a while," he casually stroked the woman's clean ** exposed outside the swimsuit, Guo Shouyun felt the smoothness in the coolness, and smiled, "Seeing that you are busy, I don't feel ashamed to disturb me in the past. How, now Are you done?"

"Not yet." Xenivekina blushed, and subconsciously ducked to the side, trying to avoid the man's scorching big hand, "There are still two rehearsals in the afternoon, and now it's just a break, just now The coach is explaining the lack of cooperation for us. So I didn't see you coming. It's not just out of some kind of heart. When I get along with Xie Niweijina, Guo Shouyun likes to see her shy look, and often The more shy the other party, the more blushing, the more excited and interested he will be.

"It doesn't matter. I have time today anyway." Ignoring the woman's dodging, Guo Shouyun stubbornly stretched out his hand and hooked the elastic bottom of the swimsuit with two fingers, first pulling gently, then suddenly loosening. Just listening to a light sound of "pop", the fabric with excellent elasticity hit Xenivagina's fair skin on the crotch.

"Hehe. Did I tell you. In fact, you are the sexiest in a white swimsuit," Guo Shouyun, who made a bad man, laughed.

Such outrageous teasing by a man. This obviously made Xeni Vagina feel helpless and had no choice but to stretch out her hand and pressed the "paw" that the other party had rediscovered on her thigh, then lowered her voice and said, "Please, stop making trouble, there are so many here. people."

"It's fine if you don't make trouble," Guo Shouyun said with his mouth, but the movements of his hands were not honest at all. He fumbled to the woman's crotch, and while groping there, he said, "Tell me honestly. I, those messy CIS training teams, how much venue equipment did they take up, and how much rent did they pay?"

"Oh, I don't know," Xenivagina shuddered, and the man's wicked fingers just touched her sensitive point.

"I really don't know?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile on his face.

"I really don't know," Xenivekina was about to cry. She knew that the training center must have made a leak in the sublease issue. Unfortunately, this leak was caught by the man beside her. . After being by Guo Shouyun's side for so long, she naturally knew what kind of temper this man had. He had to be gentle and make him feel happy as if he was flying in heaven, but when he put down his face, he was so cruel. The spiciness is absolutely chilling.

"I only know that the Ukrainians paid a rent some time ago. It was 700,000 yuan for one month's use of Hall No. 1. Naumov asked me to send it to you." Vikina said repeatedly, "You were drunk that day, and you told me to use that money to buy cosmetics and dress up beautifully. I accepted it at the time, but later gave it to Naumov, because we There is a shortage of money now, and there are shortages in all aspects

"He took the money?" Guo Shouyun believed that what the woman said was the truth, because Xie Niweijina was by no means the kind of woman with a scheming. For her, sports seemed to be more important than anything else.

Even nodding, Xenivagina said.

"Hehe, this Naumov, he is quite interesting, I like him," Guo Shouyun snapped his fingers, turned back and smiled at the two beautiful bodyguards behind him, "Do you think so?"

"What the gentleman said is," the two beauties nodded slightly and said in unison. Xenivagina shuddered subconsciously. You must know that there are not many people that this man likes, because whoever wants to be "liked" by him generally won't live for long.

"Do you know why I came to see you today?" He tilted his head and thought for a while. Guo Shouyun glanced at the pale-faced "mermaid" beside him, and asked in a soft voice.

"No, I don't know," Xenivagina replied cautiously.

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you again," Guo Shouyun took out a cheque from his pocket and put it in Xenivina's hand, smiling, "Didn't you say that there is still a gap in your funds? I Today, I am here to fill this gap for you, but I have something to say before. No matter where the money is used, and how much it is used, you must personally record it for me. When you are free, I want to check them one by one, and if I catch any mistakes, I will be very angry, remember?"

"Remember," Xenivagina replied repeatedly, clutching the gold-trimmed check tightly. No matter how stupid she is, she understands that Naumov, who is in charge of the sports department, must have embezzled the training team's funds, and now Guo Shouyun has learned of this, so he will come forward to rectify it, or even kill people. Xenivekina has nothing to worry about about such a thing. She even thinks that people like Naumov should be damned, just for the training team's funding, how much the players like her have to pay ? To put it bluntly, this is the money they sold for their **** and even their chastity, but the fat-hearted bureaucrats of the Sports Department are also greedy for such money. Who else should they deserve to die?

"There is one more thing to ask you," Guo Shouyun was obviously satisfied with the woman's response, he turned his head to glance at Kiselyova in the stand on the right, and then asked, "In your team, Kiselyova and that Bruce How's Nikina doing?"

"Oh, what do you mean, sir?" Xenivagina asked in surprise.

"Of course it refers to technical performance. Could it be the ability to seduce men?" Guo Shouyun said casually, "If it's the latter, I don't need to ask you, because I've already experienced it just now. Well, it's very bad."

"Puchi," the two beautiful bodyguards behind him couldn't help laughing.

"Clap," he returned and slapped the beautiful woman behind her who was covering her mouth and snickering, Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile: "What are you laughing at, I'm just telling the truth, if it really compares, she's even at your level. None, otherwise, I wouldn't have to sit here now."

Seeing her man having **** with other women face to face, Xenivagina didn't know what she felt in her heart, she was stunned for a moment, then she suddenly woke up and said: "If only talent and technology The two of them are clearly the best young men on the team, and frankly, I have to give in to them."

"Oh, then why didn't they get the chance to play?" Guo Shouyun frowned, "Is it really like what Kiselyova said, without the support from behind, they won't have the chance to play?"

"There are reasons for this, but it's not all," Xenivekina nodded first, then shook her head and said, "Mr. also saw that this year's swimming team except me are basically newcomers, and For these newcomers, it is very difficult to get good results in the Olympic venues. After all, in sports events such as the Olympic Games, the referees must also abide by the unwritten rules in the industry. To win medals, you need to be ranked according to seniority. The number of players must not be in one hand, and this is why a team of newcomers must have one or two familiar faces to join. For this reason, the coach did not arrange them into the lineup of the main players this year, but according to my estimation, next year The World Youth Championship team will make arrangements for them, and that is the best venue for newcomers to come out."

"There are such **** rules?" Guo Shouyun really had an eye-opening feeling, there is no such thing as a clean place in the world of love, and the emphasis on seniority is really everywhere.

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