Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 434: The famous "baby"

The little girl's sudden move made Guo Shouyun quite embarrassed. As a man who is more concerned, he really likes to try to have ambiguous relationships with different women, but this does not mean that he likes the current situation. In terms of character, he still likes to take the initiative by himself, and the woman, it is best to be shy and timid, or at least to have the feeling of refusing and welcoming. The whole book\novel\web

In front of him, this little girl who was still wearing a swimsuit was obviously too active. If she hadn't heard her say that she was still a virgin, and at the same time felt a tinge of stiffness on her tender cock, Guo Shouyun would have left.

"Cough," pinching the little girl's chest first, Guo Shouyun withdrew his hand, coughed dryly, and said with a sigh, "To be honest, I appreciate your confidence, but you must understand one thing. Many times, self-confidence is actually equated with conceit, it not only fails to provide you with any effective help in solving problems, but can even have the opposite effect. Most importantly, you must keep in mind that some things you think are irrelevant today may even be The things you take out and trade with people at will, are often the most valuable wealth to you, whether it is money or fame and fortune, you have many opportunities to acquire these things in your life. For you, they are all renewable resources. , and the things you want to offer to trade with me are non-renewable, and if you lose them today, that means you can never have them again."

With these words, even Guo Shouyun was moved a little, and he felt that his image seemed to become tall and sturdy at this moment.

Reaching out to support the little girl's slender and fair neck, Guo Shouyun said softly, "Do you understand what I said?"

The little girl didn't say anything, but obviously, she didn't listen to what Guo Shouyun said, because her beautiful face was full of disappointment.

"Forget it," shook his head helplessly. Guo Shouyun said half-truths, "I think so, I'll tell you about your affairs in front of Naumov when I have time. If you are really strong, I believe they will give you the most just arrangement. As for you, there is no need to think everything so dark, in fact, the world is still very fair."

"Thank you, sir," the little girl was overjoyed at first, but the hint of joy soon faded away. She knew that the energetic man in front of her was perfunctory, after all, he didn't even ask his name.

"Hehe, don't thank me, if you don't have the strength, I can't help you," Guo Shouyun said casually, then raised his hand to look at his watch, "Okay, you see we've lost a lot of time too. , I have some important matters to discuss with Xenivina. If we don't bother you, shall we..."

"Oh, sir, I'm sorry," the little girl came to her senses, and she forced a smile. He stretched out his finger and pointed to a turning road a few steps away, and said, "Actually, we have already arrived. Did you see that, turn right from here, and the first passage is just there."

"Thank you," Guo Shouyun sighed in relief. To be honest, he was a little terrified of the little girl in front of him, and he didn't know what to say to the other person's thoughts. After all, this almost distorted outlook on life was directly created by this society. And he is the Far Eastern giant. It seems to have played a role here as well.

"Why, aren't you going to practice?" He took two steps toward the corner. Guo Shouyun noticed that the little girl was not following, he turned his head and asked.

Shaking her head, the little girl said resentfully, "I don't need to train anymore. After all, I'm only the third substitute on the list."

"Oh, that's it," Guo Shouyun shook his head, he also knew that in synchronized swimming events, players sitting on the bench usually have no hope of playing, let alone the third substitute, "Don't be discouraged, keep working hard. , as long as you don't give up your efforts, everyone has hope."

After casually saying such a nonsense, Guo Shouyun turned around the alley, pushed the door and walked into the first swimming room on the right.

Maybe it was because the first stage of training had just ended. At this time, there were not many people under the pool in the swimming pool. When Guo Shouyun entered the door, he saw six or seven girls in swimsuits gathered around the row of chairs on the east side of the pool to discuss something. And Xenie Vagina in a white swimsuit stood in the middle of them.

To be honest, from the scene in the swimming pool at this moment, you can see how correct the little girl just said. For those athletes with the support of the rich, what they enjoy is often meticulous care. , Even in the intense training, they were accompanied by several service staff, who delivered water, towels, and even specialized in massage, etc., to name a few. As for those who didn't find a mountain, obviously they didn't have such good luck. In addition to high-intensity training, they had to do all their chores by themselves.

"Sir," seeing Guo Shouyun walking in from the door, two women in black sitting in the auditorium greeted him first. They were originally Guo Shouyun's bodyguards, but they were sent over to take care of Xenivagina during this time.

"Well," Guo Shouyun nodded, walked to a seat near the door and sat down, crossed Erlang's legs, and asked casually, "How is it, is their training over?"

"Not yet," replied one of the bodyguards. "It was just the second time I went into the water. According to past practice, there should be two more."

"Is that so," Guo Shouyun frowned.

"Sir, do you want us to call Miss Xenivekina over?" another bodyguard asked tentatively.

"No, I think she'll come over when she sees me," Guo Shouyun waved his hand, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and threw it into the air in a dashing manner, putting it in his mouth accurately, and then lit it on the side. Lighter, said absent-mindedly. "Sir, smoking here is punishable by a fine," a bodyguard with golden lengths laughed, looking at the light blue smoke that Guo Shouyun exhaled, "One hundred rubles, even the coach is no exception."

"Oh, let them put them on my account," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, fiddling with the cigarette in his hand, "I will consider adding an extra hundred rubles when I pay the maintenance fee next time. By the way, do you want to come? One? At most, pay three hundred rubles more next time."

As bodyguards engaged in high-risk jobs, few people are non-smokers, and these two tall and beautiful bodyguards are obviously "addicts". Facing the cigarette case handed over by Guo Shouyun, the two are welcome. I took one and put it in my mouth.

"Has their final timetable for Spain been set?" Guo Shouyun asked after lighting the cigarette for the two beauties.

"I heard it's set on the 20th." The two beautiful bodyguards have been with Guo Shouyun for a long time. They know that the boss has an easy-going attitude towards the people around him, so they are not at all restrained in speaking in front of him, "We are planning to talk to Guo Shouyun. You apply for a special fund, after all, there are not many opportunities to go to Barcelona, ​​if you don’t take the opportunity to have a good time, you will be sorry for yourself.”

"Do you dare to speak out about this kind of false public welfare?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Did you take me as your boss?"

"Of course there is, otherwise, why would we apply for funding from you?" the two beauties laughed.

"I don't think I should be a boss anymore, I'll just be a big deal," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Well, I can consider what you guys are doing to help the public and private, but don't patronize the pastime when you get there, remember to take Xie Niwei Take good care of Jin Na, I don't want her to go away happily and come back with a broken arm and a broken leg."

"Don't worry, sir," said the two beauties, nodding. "As long as we are alive, there will be no accident to Miss Xenivekina."

"It's not too bad," Guo Shouyun nodded in satisfaction, then patted his shoulder and said, "Come on, give me a massage now, I can't do this for nothing, right? I have to get back some hard money. ."

The two beautiful bodyguards looked at each other and smiled. One of them took a step forward and put two slender, fair hands on Guo Shouyun's shoulders and kneaded gently.

There was a soft sound of "squeak", while Guo Shouyun was enjoying a comfortable massage while waiting for Xenia Vagina, the door of the swimming room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and the daring little girl just took a big step, The wind rushed in.

She stood pretty at the door of the swimming pool, and stared at Guo Shouyun with her azure eyes, as if hesitating whether she should come over.

"Sir, it seems that a beautiful lady is staring at you," the bodyguard who massaged Guo Shouyun obviously noticed the abnormality, she leaned down and whispered in the boss's ear, "I don't know if I should drive her away. , you should invite her directly."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun opened his eyes, turned his head to glance at the little girl who gave her a headache, and said with a frown, "it's her again, this little girl is really... It's really a headache."

"Hehe, in this part of the Far East, is there any woman who can give Mr. a headache?" The bodyguard standing on Guo Shouyun's left chuckled, "It seems that Miss Kiselyova, who has never been gregarious, is really a bit of a jerk. What's the matter."

"Hey, there are many women who can give me headaches, like the two of you..." Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose and smirked.

Just before he finished speaking, Guo Shouyun seemed to suddenly think of something. He turned around and asked the beautiful woman behind him, "What did you say her name was?"

"Kiselyova, um, Maria Kiselyova," the beautiful woman shrugged and replied, "Why, is the gentleman interested in her? Oh, this is not a good sign, as far as I can see, she is so withdrawn and arrogant. Personality, I am afraid it is not suitable for you."

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