Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 433: cost of playing

? Guo Shouyun, who was teased by the secretary for a while, finally found Xenivykina. Because Hall No. 1 was sublet to the Ukrainian, the Russian players including Xenyevkina are currently concentrated in three. Hall No. and Hall No. 4, as for Hall No. 2 and Hall No. 5, were rented by Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. At present, the five indoor swimming pools and six outdoor swimming pools of the entire sports training base have been used, and even the No. 6 indoor pool, which has not been completely renovated, has been crowded out by the candidates who did not make it to the field. .

On the way to Hall 3, Guo Shouyun did some mental calculations. According to the current situation, Ukrainians rent a venue for 30 days and need to pay a rent of 700,000 yuan. Necessary venue maintenance costs and water and electricity costs are deducted. The rental profit of a single museum can be maintained at about 300,000 works. Then the rental profit of the five indoor halls is 1.5 million, and the rental profit of the six outdoor swimming pools is at least not less than 700,000. The most important thing is that now the Gongqingcheng Sports Training Base has more than just water sports venues. In addition to the five indoor swimming pools and six outdoor useful venues, there are also four large track and field venues and four-stage sports venues. Six water sports canals. Combined, these rents are estimated to have a profit of at least six or seven million.

A question to consider: where the **** is all this rent going now? So far, Guo Shouyun only remembers that Xie Niweijina offered a rent of 700,000 yuan. As for the others, including the two physical training bases in Vladivostok and other places, there are no The list of rental income that has been handed in is the only one they have taken out. There is only one report on the funding gap for additional investment.

"It's really his grandmother," Guo Shouyun was still scolding in his heart the moment he walked into Hall 3. He didn't have to think carefully to guess where the money went. There is no doubt that the bureaucrats at the Federal Sports Agency must have added the money to the "two-one-five". As for whether Xeni Vikina is related to this matter. Guo Shouyun wouldn't have any doubts, that woman was not so courageous, and there was no need for her to do such a stupid thing.

There are some things that just can't be said. When the family business is big, two bugs will always pop up to devour the "food" that can't be seen, and there is a Philna in front. There is another group of ** bureaucrats behind. These things are lying on the huge body of the Guo Group, sucking "blood" unscrupulously. Do they really regard Guo Daguan people as fools?

To be honest, when Guo Shouyun invested in the construction of the three major sports training bases in the Far East, he really did not intend to make money on it. His purpose was to earn fame and a good social response through this investment. At the same time. It also created a reputation for the Guo Group. But then again, he doesn't plan to make money in this investment, it doesn't mean he is willing to use this investment to "raise pigs", yes, it means raising pigs. In Guo Shouyun's eyes, those who occupy high positions but You can't make a profit for the Guo family. Instead, they have to make money from Guo. It's a pig! Pigs that have neither ribs nor fattening. To deal with these pigs, there is only one best way: to find one. White knives go in and red knives come out, so that they know that their money is not so easy to get, and if they want to get a benefit from Guo, they must pay enough money first.

"You don't need to go in with me," Guo Shouyun said at the door of the second venue, holding the large glass revolving door in one hand, turning his head to Polaninov who was following behind him, "Do something for me, tell me Naumov, my meeting with him has been canceled this afternoon, well, at six o'clock in the evening, let him call Dereyanko and Politkov, I will invite them to dinner in Basichen, what's the matter? We'll talk about it later. Also, I have some personal business to do in Basiqin tonight, so tell Sarah that she must be there before five-thirty to see me."

Polaninov was stunned when he heard the words. He knew where "Bashiqin" was. It was a very high-end Korean restaurant in Khabarovsk, but this restaurant was actually a restaurant. Run by the Far East Gang, it is the place where the Far East gang and the Korean gang do underground transactions. Guo Shouyun asked Naumov and others to have dinner at this place, which must have no good intentions.

"Yes, sir, I'll arrange it right away," Polaninov said respectfully without saying a word even though he didn't understand the boss's intention.

Guo Shouyun nodded, turned around, pushed open the revolving glass door, and walked into the ornately decorated swimming pool.

Going along the corridor outside the swimming pool, all the way to the door of the room marked with swimming room No. 1, Guo Shouyun looked in for a while through the glass window above the door, hoping to see the shadow of Xenie Vagina.

At this time, the swimming pool was a bit lively. More than a dozen girls with graceful figures in swimsuits were doing warm-up exercises before entering the water by the large swimming pool. In the pool, there were several girls in the cool water. shuttle. In the entire swimming pool, apart from the sound of rushing water and whistles, there were only the clear and sweet smiles of the girls.

"Shh," whistled frivolously, Guo Shouyun opened the door and opened a gap, then probed in and looked around, but there was no sign of Xenivina.

"Mr. Guo," just when Guo Shouyun was going to do further "spying", a thin voice came from behind him, "Are you looking for Xenivagina?"

"Ah," Don't be startled by the sudden voice from behind, Guo Shouyun suddenly pulled his head back from the door, turned and looked back.

Only then did Guo Shouyun realize that a little girl in a swimsuit was standing behind him at some point. The little guy looked at most sixteen or seventeen years old, and there were still some crystal clear water droplets hanging on his wet body.

"Yes, I'm looking for Xenivagina," his eyes swept across the little girl's newly formed breast, Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose, and said, "Do you know where she is now?"

The little girl obviously noticed the unruly look in the man's eyes, but she was not shy at all, not only that, she even puffed out her chest on purpose, and then smiled: "Of course, she and I are in the same team, Well, we are arranged in swimming pool No. 3, sir, come with me, I will take you to find her."

"That's great," Guo Shouyun quickly took his eyes away from the little girl. For him, the body in front of him was too thin to arouse much interest in him. In general, today's Little Victor is much more attractive than she is.

"Mr. Guo, I heard that you are going to provide cash assistance for our trip to Barcelona?" Walking beside Guo Shouyun, the little girl wiped the water droplets hanging on her arm with a square towel, and asked casually.

"Well, there is such an intention now, but the specific issues have not been finalized," Guo Shouyun said casually, looking at the environment in the venue. For him, this is the first time he has entered this venue. Every hanging ornament here, every tile on the ground, and even the fire hydrant in the hidden compartment on the wall are all his property. These **** things, the Guo Group spent hundreds of millions of dollars. But now, someone is using them for ill-gotten gains, which is an unforgivable despicable act.

"Can the gentleman decide the list of players for the game?" The little girl hesitated for a while, she held the square scarf in her two small hands, twisted it hard, and asked softly.

"Oh, how can I have so much power," Guo Shouyun came back to his senses and laughed, "That should be something your coaches can decide, otherwise, I will definitely put my name on the national football team's lineup. Go. Hey, to tell you the truth, I'm quite confident in my skills."

"But I heard that Xie Niweijina was able to play again this year because of her husband," the little girl couldn't speak, she even shook some rumors and the like in front of Guo Shouyun. , "You must know that she is 26 years old this year, and she should be at the age of retiring, but Mr. has also seen that this year's swimming team has all changed, and she is the only one who has not retired. Many people say , the reason for such a result is because of the decision made by the Sports Department at the request of Mr.

"Who said that?" Guo Shouyun was not angry, he asked with a smile.

"A lot of people say this, and it's no secret in the national team, just like the gymnastics team..." The little girl sounded rather resentful, "Don't say who it is, anyway, people I have admitted it myself, saying that as long as there is the support of rich people, it is very easy to enter the roster."

"Hehe, don't listen to those rumors," Guo Shouyun put his hand on the little girl's shoulder, patted the smooth and delicate skin lightly, and smiled, "Money is only used for transactions, and in In this world, not everything can be solved through trading. Like you said, if every athlete could play in this way, the current sports department would have been completely disbanded. Well, yes, if you want to compete, you have to rely on your own skills, skills, experience, and the strength to win gold, and one day you will be on the list."

"But I also have the skills and experience, and I also believe that I have the strength to win gold," the little girl took Guo Shouyun's big hand and drew it to her swollen chest, and said almost imploringly, "Mr. Yes, as long as I can wait, I will be able to enter the list sooner or later, but for me, the waiting is too scary. I am 18 years old this year. If I miss this opportunity, I am afraid I will never be able to stand in the Olympic Games. I'm on the podium. I can do what Xenivagina can do, and I'm still a virgin. As long as Mr. can put my name in and out of the competition list, I can pay whatever price I want. "

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