Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 432: Physical training center

?After learning about Feilna's behavior of harming the public and private and stealing the group's assets, Guo Shouyun felt very angry, but he didn't react on the surface. In his view, this was not an opportunity, a way to completely provoke Shoucheng and the enemy. A great opportunity for Firna's relationship, he wants to take advantage of this opportunity and completely solve the threat from this woman, Firna. \\

In order to achieve this goal, Guo Shouyun took a lot of thought during this period of time, and now, all the plans have been arranged, just wait for the little fish of Feilna to take the bait---- Doesn't Xiao Nizi like to cheat? Well, then let's have a good time.

The long motorcade galloped on the intercity highway from Khabarovsk to Komsomolsk for nearly an hour and a half. Just when Guo Shouyun was drowsy, a brand-new building complex that did not seem to be completed appeared on the highway. In front of. From a long distance, you can see the two signs standing by the road: "Russian National Sports Training Center Far East Sports Training Base."

This is the gymnasium that Guo Shouyun built for Xenivekina. Of course, this is only one of the three major gymnasium training bases in the Far East, and the projects at the other two are also about to be completed. The various Russian sports teams that were finally prepared have now moved here. For them, the conditions of the Far East stadium are obviously the most complete and advanced in the Federation. Compared with this, the Podolsk training center is like a second The classic car produced in the 1900s has no need to run at all.

Today, Guo Shouyun came to the sports training center to discuss sponsorship issues with Naumov, the leader of the sports training team. Today's Federal Sports Administration can only be described as poor and white. Up to now, the necessary expenses for the national team's expedition to Barcelona have not been collected. Qi, and the Kremlin even took over the expedition expenses of several CIS countries in order to save face.

In fact, before coming to the Far East this time, Naumov had already received a lot of sponsorship from Khodorkovsky and others as well as many rich people in Moscow, but there were more monks than meat. These money are divided into three and five and two, and the ones that can really be used for their own people are pitiful. For many sports athletes, they participate in this kind of world-wide mainland sports event, not only to win gold medals and become famous. At the same time, it is also to get sufficient bonuses. After all, athletes are also human beings, but people have to eat, right? Therefore, the current shortage of funds from the Sports Agency is not only the cost of the expedition, but also the lack of bonuses that should be paid to the athletes after winning the medal. If these problems are not well resolved, then this Barcelona expedition will There can be no good harvest.

Just because of these problems, in a two-day lingering, Xie Niweijinna blew the pillow wind to Guo Shouyun. It means to let him do good deeds again and provide a sponsorship fund for the physical training team to go to Barcelona. The number does not need to be too many, a few million is enough, and in exchange, the physical training team is willing to provide some image promotion services for the Guo Group. Guo Shouyun did not refuse the woman's small request. After all, the sponsorship fee required by the other party was not much, but relatively. However, the Guo Group can obtain a lot of benefits from this type of sponsorship.

After passing the road sign, the team officially entered the management area of ​​the physical training center. From here, we can see how much investment the Guo Group has invested in this project.

Entering the management area from the main entrance with the landing rod, it is the first place that appears in front of people's eyes. It is a flat and spacious concrete road. The total length of this road is 1,200 meters, which can accommodate four buses. On both sides of the road, there are restaurants, shops and even bars, newsstands, and photo studios. What. At present, since the physical training center has not yet entered formal operation, all these stores have not yet opened, but even so, the Guo Group has recovered nearly 3 million investment from rent.

Cross this long road. At the end is a road carousel planted with colorful flowers. In the center of the turntable is a three-dimensional bronze sculpture with two stars up and down, which is the logo of the Guo Group. Its design concept... comes from Guo Shouyun's whim.

With the flower carousel as the radiation center, three roads with red and white guardrails extend to the interior of the entire sports training base. There are signs at the entrance of each road, which clearly delineate the location of the road: the internal venue area and the riverside water. Project training area, open-air track and field training venue area, residential area and office leisure area. All in all, from the perspective of the construction scale of the overall project, the size of this physical training center has far exceeded Guo Shouyun’s original plan. It is not so much a physical training base as a small-scale sports city. . It is for this small sports city. In the past few months, Guo Shouyun has made additional funds for this project three times. So far, all the funds invested by the Guo Group in this project have exceeded 170 million.

The team made a turn at the flower turntable and turned straight onto the road leading to the internal venue area and the Binhe Water Project training area. According to Guo Shouyun's guess, Xenie Vagina must have been in the water for training at this time. She had to go to the inner venue area.

The convoy drove on the road with twists and turns for nearly five minutes, and finally entered a parking lot with a dozen Mercedes-Benz buses after passing through a grassy meadow. These luxury buses, Guo Shouyun will feel distressed for a while. The cars were imported from Germany and were bought from Berezovsky's dealership. The three physical training centers in the Far East are equipped with a total of 87 vehicles. For this reason, Guo Shouyun had to let Berezovsky stab him hard. The most hateful thing is that Lao Bietou is even more stingy than Grandet. He doesn't do anything if he buys a car that is less than a cent, and he doesn't give change if he gives too much...

"Come with me, the others will wait here," Guo Shouyun patted Polaninov on the shoulder when the car finally stopped in the parking lot.

"Isn't that inappropriate," Polaninov followed the boss and got out of the car, hesitatingly said, "Sir, this place is no different than our villa area. It's not difficult for outsiders to get in."

"You're too careful," Guo Shouyun said disapprovingly as he sorted out his azure shirt, "Do you think those killers are gods, they can guess where I go every day?"

"It's never a bad thing to be cautious," Polaninov said firmly, while gesturing to the two bodyguards he trusted most, "after all, it's better than regretting it later."

"It's up to you, it's up to you, this is the head office," Guo Shouyun said with a smirk, "but say it in advance, if I do something bad later, you are not allowed to go to Nina's place to report, let alone peep."

"..." Polaninov almost gasped. He used to think that the boss was really here for business today, and that his feelings were still here for stealth.

After leaving the parking lot, there is a stone road leading to the first indoor water sports venue. After five or six minutes of walking, the path will pass through an open-air water field with an artificial beach. This water field does not actually have much function. Its only The role is to leave the athletes to do leisure sunbathing. Because it was training time, there were not many people on this artificial sunbathing area, only one or two bloated fat women, lying naked on the sand to "bathe grease". When passing there, Guo Shouyun also took a special look at the beach. The two piles of fat dumplings almost made him sick. He thought about it, maybe it is necessary to set some rules for this beach bathing place, such as "the body is not beautiful. No entry" or something.

After passing this small sunbathing area, and walking less than 100 meters away, is the first indoor water hall. Guo Shouyun took Polaninov and two bodyguards and went straight to the schedule sign in front of the water hall. Before, I glanced at the list on the sign, and I was shocked to see that it turned out to be "Ukraine Swimming Training Special Hall". In addition, there is a detailed list of training personnel, such as "1oo butterfly", "1oo backstroke" and so on.

"Well, what's going on here?" Guo Shouyun stared at the sign for a while, then turned around and said to Polaninov with a stunned expression, "Why are there Ukrainians running out of my gymnasium? It's common. Has the **** society spread all over the world? Why is no one saying hello to me?"

"Oh, sir, it seems that Miss Xenivykina has already greeted you about this," said Polaninov with a stinky face, "the Ukrainians want to rent our The venue, for which they also paid $700,000 in rent.”

"Really? Is there such a thing?" Guo Shouyun's face was full of confusion. He rubbed his cheeks hard and asked, "How long are they going to rent? Where did the rent they give go?"

"The rent will last until August, before the official opening of the Barcelona Olympics," Polaninov shrugged and said, "As for the rent of 700,000...Sir seems to have bought it for Xenivkina. Cosmetics."

"Ah, it seems like this is the case," Guo Shouyun tilted his head and tried hard to recall, and finally remembered a clue, he smiled awkwardly, and mocked himself, "Hey, there's no way, now this memory is getting worse. It's getting worse."

"Yes sir, you never have a good memory for the money you put in your pocket, but you can always remember the things that are still in other people's pockets." Polaninov twitched at the corners of his mouth. said in a muffled voice.

"Hey, maybe that's the case," Guo Shouyun laughed dryly, then grabbed Polaninov's arm and changed the subject, "Come on, let's go in and have a look, I heard that Ukrainian women are also very charming. , Today's great opportunity, we can't miss anything."

"Papa," Polaninov reached out and tapped the footnote of the "Men's Project" on the sign, and said with a blank face, "Sir, I don't think there is any great opportunity you need here, unless you are interested in the big one. Mass muscles are also of interest."

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