Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 431: Playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong

"I hate summer as much as I hate winter," Guo Shouyun fiddled with the air-conditioning hole on the right side of his head with one finger while sitting in the fast-driving new jeep, feeling the cool air blowing from there, his tone was quite He said dissatisfiedly, "Remember to ask the design institute to rework the design. The air-conditioning power on the car is too low. If this continues, maybe I won't wait until the opponent shoots me to death, and I will be suffocated to death. ."

"Sir, I remember." Sitting in the driver's passenger seat, Polaninov shrugged helplessly and said. He wondered if his boss was suffering from amnesia. He complained only yesterday that the power of the air conditioner in the car was too high, and it would freeze people to death at the lowest power. After only one day, he began to complain that the power of the air conditioner was low.

"Hehe, sir, what do you say about the words you often say to us, oh, yes, calmness is cool, you are obviously restless now, it has nothing to do with the air-conditioning, right?" Holding the steering wheel, he glanced at the boss behind him through the rearview mirror and smiled.

"Shut up," he reached out and slapped the driver on the back of the head, Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile, "Do you think I'm just as careless as you are? I can't finish all the messy things all day long, where can I find it? Calm down then?"

"Hey," the driver rubbed the back of his head and sneered, "Then the gentleman should have a good rest for two days, um, as I said some time ago, go to the UK for two days of fun, seriously, I really want to go to that island country. Walk around and see how romantic the legendary fog is."

"You know how romantic it is," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "do you think that Khodorkovsky and I are really going to England just for fun? Look at how romantic the fog is, tell you, for us to come Said, there is no place to be romantic in the UK. Besides. At this time, we can't go if we want to. Haven't we seen the chaos in Moscow? At this juncture, let alone Khodorkovsky and the others , even I dare not stay away from the house, otherwise, God knows what will happen."

Speaking of this, Guo Shouyun obviously remembered something, and he leaned forward. He said to Polaninov, "That's right, Shoucheng hasn't come back yet? Who is in charge of the trading company's affairs these two days?"

"Oh, sir, I almost forgot if you didn't ask me," Polaninov said, "Mr. Shoucheng called last night, and he said that Miss Li Shengyan's graduation ceremony is over, and he will be back by the early morning flight. I checked the airline's timetable, if there is no unexpected delay. He will arrive this afternoon. As for the trading company, Miss Philna and Clara are temporarily in charge."

"Well, that's it," Guo Shouyun squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then reached out and patted Polaninov's shoulder, and said, "When you come back from the training center of the physical training center in a while, you can notify the financial affairs of the business for me, and let them Send me the financial statements of the trading company for the past month, I want to take a look. "Would you like a copy or the original? "Polaninov nodded in response. Asked.

"Copy," Guo Shouyun hesitated for a while, and finally gave such an answer.

Don't look at Guo Shouyun's hand over the business of the trading company to his younger brother, but behind the scenes, he has never let go of the financial situation there. In accordance with the financial articles of association formulated by the Guo Group. All subsidiaries of the group must submit an accounting statement of the current month to the accounting department of the commercial bank. Then, the accounting department of the commercial bank will send an accounting team to each subordinate company on the 5th to the 10th of the month to calculate the accounting statement. Is it true.

Now, the size of the Guo Group is growing day by day, no matter which subsidiary company it is. There are a lot of capital inflows and outflows every month. Take the import and export trading company as an example. The profit in the first quarter of this year is hundreds of millions of yuan. Tens of millions of economic losses. It's not that Guo Shouyun can't trust his younger brother, of course. He also doesn't care that Shouyun takes oil from the company's working capital. What's more, Shouyun, who owns part of the group's shares, doesn't need to do that, he just needs to speak. How much can't you get? What Guo Shouyun really couldn't trust was the "women" in the trading company, such as Ferna.

In the past few months, Guo Shouyun has found problems in the accounting statements of the trading company several times, and one of the biggest problems is from a Korean clothing company called "Blue Ocean Venture". Since January this year, the trading company has cooperated with this Korean clothing company. In four consecutive months, it has successively imported clothing accessories with a total value of 40 million US dollars from the company. The average monthly trade volume is 1,000. Thousands up and down. Of course, Guo's trade is an import and export business. The company's accounting statement shows that a mere 10 million business and trade items are nothing at all, at best, it is a small business. But the crux of the problem is that in the past four months, the business related to "Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship" has not once brought profit to the company, and it has repeatedly lost money.

When this problem was first discovered, Guo Shouyun hadn't paid much attention to it. In business, there are always losses and profits. Anyway, the amount of the deficit is not large. Amount of loss, where does Guo Shouyun have time to pay attention to it?

However, just a month ago, the accounting and settlement office of the commercial bank submitted a memorandum to Guo Shouyun. Several core accountants questioned the transaction and asked Guo Shouyun to delegate power and give them the opportunity to investigate further. At that time, Guo Shouyun took into account his younger brother's factors, and although he gave several accountants the right to investigate, he asked them to change the investigation mode, intervene in the investigation in a secret way, and delineated the scope of the investigation to the outer part of the trading company.

In this way, in the following period of time, the accounting office of the commercial bank launched an unannounced visit to the trading relationship between the trading company and "Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship", and they finally gave the investigation results, which made Guo Shouyun really annoyed for a while.

This so-called "Blue Ocean Startup" company does exist, but in fact, it is just a small lumber factory in Busan, South Korea, and its main product is the simplest tableware that is closely related to people's lives - "toothpicks".

At the beginning of the year, Philna took advantage of the opportunity to go to South Korea to inspect the market and signed a procurement contract with this little-known company. manifest. This shipping order was sent to the headquarters of Guo's Trading Company through a special channel, and fell directly into the hands of Ferna. Then, by virtue of her own identity, she modified this order form with no purchase value to "Clothing accessories" and present it to Shoucheng, who holds the final decision.

Shoucheng's personality is completely different from Guo Shouyun. He has never had any doubts about Feilna, a special assistant. Therefore, every time she submits a purchase order, Shoucheng will directly approve it and transfer the money immediately. In this way, the monthly allocation of 10 million yuan from the trading company was used by Firna to buy "toothpicks", and the number of purchases was only four containers, and its actual value was at most hundreds of thousands.

After the toothpick entered the Far East from the pass, the inspector bought by Philna would replace all the toothpick labels in the company's stocking port and replace them with clothing orders, thus Complete the whole process of stealing beams and replacing columns.

At this point, a question arises. Toothpicks are just toothpicks after all. Even if they have been processed tens of thousands of times, they cannot be turned into real clothing. Then, how should the clothing purchase list in Philna's hand be taken to the company? What about write-off? This question once puzzled the accountants who participated in the investigation. It was not until after Guo Shouyun's prompt that they finally found the problem.

It turned out that Guo's trade had done a lot of spring clothing procurement business when winter came to spring, and those winter clothing that was out of season was backlogged in the company's warehouse. Under normal circumstances, these outdated winter clothes have only two fates, one is to sell at a discount, and the other is to return 50% of the purchase price to the shipper. Firna is very smart and has the talent to be a liar. She obviously saw the loopholes in this layer, so she put her brains on it. , the power of return, so it is easy to do something in this regard.

With these favorable conditions, the clothing purchase order in Philna's hand can easily be cancelled. After the "toothpick" container arrived at the cargo port, she extracted a large amount of backlog from the company's warehouse in the name of return and exchange. Clothing, and then use these clothing to fill the gap on the purchase list. Obviously, after this, the "corruptible" funds that Philna needed appeared. During the whole process, the trading company bought the goods at the cost price for the front foot, and lost 50% of the price for the back foot. Returning the goods to the supplier, the 50% of the lost purchase price fell into Firna's pocket. In other words, with such a simple act, Philna stole five million US dollars from the group's books every month. For four consecutive months, she has stole a huge sum of 20 million dollars. The loss suffered by the group is 40 million or more.

Still the same sentence, 40 million is nothing to Guo Shouyun today. Frankly speaking, even in Rilke's face, if Philna asks for this money, he will pay nothing. She didn't hesitate to write a check, but this woman had a simple way to avoid it, but she had to play this cautious, she wanted to play Guo Shouyun as a good child, so some things are not easy to say.

Who is Guo Shouyun? What is the difference between a "little liar" like Philna playing tricks in front of him and playing a big knife against Guan Gong?

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