Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 427: final hit

"What's the matter with you today, so excited?" On the soft and comfortable big bed, Nina with a **** and red complexion stretched out her hand to caress her husband's sweaty forehead, and asked out of breath. "Did the plan at the Securities Center go well?"

Lying on his weak and boneless body, Guo Shouyun slowly sifted his body, while walking back and forth in his wife's tender and hot body, he panted and said, "The plan is going well, but it has nothing to do with it. I just want to take care of you, nothing else."

"Slippery mouth..." Maybe it was because she touched a sensitive place, Nina let out a coquettish anger, and was replaced by a moan that followed. She stretched her arms around her husband's waist and pulled him away. Pulling hard into his arms, it seems that he wants to melt this man into his body...

After a long time, the clouds gathered and rained in the bedroom, and the ** ended. Nina Ping lay on the wet bed and said with her eyes closed, "Hey, let me tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun asked absent-mindedly while playing with his wife's crystal and round cock.

"I'm not coming this month," Nina whispered, leaning over to face her husband.

"Oh? What didn't come?" Guo Shouyun was slightly taken aback, and asked casually.

"You, people tell you to be serious," Nina said angrily as the probe pinched her husband's shoulder.

"I know you're serious," Guo Shouyun said with a smirk, "but you have to explain this serious, right? It didn't come... oh. You said that the menstrual period didn't come?"

"Yeah," Nina nodded, looking a little apprehensive.

"Have you been checked?" Guo Shouyun rolled over and got up from the bed, lying on his wife's body, and asked excitedly, "What did the doctor say?"

"I haven't been there yet," Nina hissed, looking a little worried about gains and losses, "It's happened once. **** I'm worried that this time it's fake news again, I'm happy, and I'm disappointed in the end. and return."

"What's the reason for this?" Guo Shouyun frowned and said, "Could it be that you never go to the hospital for a checkup because you didn't get pregnant before? Do you know how dangerous this is? If you are really pregnant this time, let's Wouldn't it hurt the child just now?"

"It's not as dangerous as you said. Even if I'm pregnant this time, it won't be so fast. I've already learned about this. The doctor said..." Hearing her husband's rebuke, Ni Na Da disagreed, and she retorted a few words casually. But before she said anything, she realized that something was wrong. The sinister and cunning husband beside her was obviously teasing herself.

Sure enough, a smirk appeared on Guo Shouyun's mouth. He reached out and pinched Nina's pink cock, hehe said with a smile, "What did the doctor say? Hey, little lecher..."

"Who are you calling a lecherous girl?" Her face turned red when her husband made fun of her. Nina was a little bit angry and angry. She rolled her legs and sat on Guo Shouyun's stomach, waving her small fists, and said fiercely, "If you have the ability, tell me again?"

"Haha. I see." Unexpectedly, Nina's threat didn't work at all, Guo Shouyun raised his hand, grabbed her shaky breasts, and laughed loudly, "So the doctor said it's okay to be pregnant. Do it, as long as you are on it."

Na was so ashamed that she turned over and jumped off her husband. Just grabbed a soft pillow. Just like that, he smashed Guo Shouyun on his face.

"Oh, it hurts. Don't fight..." Guo Shouyun rolled on the bed, avoiding Nina's soft pillow attack, and said with a smile, "You really are an old couple, say What is there to be shy about talking about private rooms? It's done, I won't make trouble with you. I'll go take a shower, and I'll be on the battlefield in a while. Today is the day when we officially attack the Germans. Can we make money back this time? Come on, it's all about today's situation

"Then I wish you a big loss first. It's best to let the Germans clean up all of you nonsense guys." Nina said indignantly, throwing the pillow in her hand to the side.

"Hey, that's impossible," Guo Shouyun shrugged, pulled open the bedroom door, and smiled, "Tell you, we prepared a good dish for the Germans today, you didn't see Winogra Has Dov found anyone in the past two days? He went back to Moscow to prepare the final condiments for this dish. Well, it should be fast. It is estimated that the Germans will be able to appetize this dish this morning. already."

"What the **** are you doing?" Nina actually didn't care about this. What she was most looking forward to was that her husband would take time to accompany her to the hospital today, even if it was just to send her there. But she also knows that at this critical moment, her expectations are actually extravagant expectations.

"This can't be said, just wait and watch the news, you'll know when the time comes." Guo Shouyun said casually.

As Guo Shouyun said, with the end of the chaos in the foreign exchange market two days ago, the final battle planned by several giants today is about to kick off.

In the past two days, due to the continuous attacks on the franc by the Big Six, especially the participation of a large number of retail investors, the exchange rate of the franc has continued to fall. As of the close of the New York exchange market yesterday, the exchange rate of the German mark to the franc has reached 1 French Directly facing the danger of being forced to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Unity. During this period, although the Banque de France misappropriated 20 billion US dollars of foreign exchange reserves to intervene in the market, and raised the savings rate three times in a row, in the face of the continuous impact from hedge funds and a large number of international hot money, their positions were still devoured a little bit. People who don't pay attention to the trend of the international currency market will never understand the cruelty and huge scale of the currency war. In three days, the Big Six took advantage of the initial victory and leveraged the speculative capital of US$17 billion to directly leverage it. There are nearly 100 billion funds from retail investors following the trend. These funds are intertwined and wash the entire international foreign exchange market like locusts. The French put the support funds into the market. It only stirred up a little wave that was almost invisible, and was smashed away by the fierce waves that hit the opposite side. Now, if the French want to keep their seat in the European exchange rate system, there is only one hope for them - a reduction in the exchange rate of the Deutsche mark.

While the Big Six were purging the franc and expanding their results, the hot money sniped the pound more fiercely. In just one day the day before yesterday, they almost knocked the British out of the European exchange rate system. The British government finally took over, they were within a day of the day before yesterday. Savings rates were raised twice in a row, including a 12 percent increase, setting a Guinness World Record for the single-day increase in savings rates on record. Almost anyone can see that the British are fighting back against the odds. As Gusinski said, if the Big Six announced their withdrawal at this time, it is estimated that more than half of the British cabinet would suffer a heart attack.

Also in the past two days, the dark horse who suddenly appeared to be long pound became mad. They signed a long order of 1.6 billion pounds in yesterday's battle. It is equivalent to giving the British a life-saving straw at a critical moment. With this straw, the British have survived the most difficult day.

As for where this dark horse came from, Guo Shouyun already has a precise positioning. This positioning comes from the dark line he arranged in Ottawa. The original function of this dark line was to protect Dongting, but he did not expect this coincidence. However, there is an absolute constant swing. Of course, until now, Guo Shouyun only knew that the dark horse was from Japan. The flow of funds appears to be related to several Tokyo banks, but others are less clear. But for Guo Shouyun, none of these matters. He doesn't have a good impression of the Japanese. Whether the other party's entry into the foreign exchange market this time is for profit or other intentions, this will be a matter of the future. Now...their time-dwelling task is complete. Next, we will see the performance of the Far East.

Snipe the German Mark! This is what the six giants of the Far East are going to do today. Relatively speaking, what the hot money side has to do is to sink the pound before the German mark is sunk, prompting the British to withdraw from the European exchange rate system. As long as they withdraw, the further depreciation of the pound will not be curbed, even if it costs Zhuang more money.

When he came out from the villa area with several giants such as Khodorkovsky. Guo Shouyun specifically looked at his watch. At this time, the time was exactly a quarter past eight in the morning. It is foreseeable that the further sniping of the pound by the hot money has already started in the Tokyo foreign exchange market, while the Far East has not officially started to attack the Deutsche Mark. Yesterday, at the closing price of the New York exchange market, the pound to the German mark was 1. There are still two percentage points away from the lowest level of the European exchange rate system. The tens of billions of empty orders that were thrown out before were gone.

It stands to reason that at such a moment, Guo Shouyun and others should be very nervous, but in fact, on the contrary, they are already planning a trip to the UK in a few days.

"Throw, as fast as you can, throw out all the Deutsche Marks we hold, buy pounds, and eat as much as you have. I, ah, no, we will take a day, even a day. No need, just end this battle completely." When he walked into the lobby of the securities center, Berezovsky, whose face was covered with sunglasses, said indifferently to all the people present.

Guo Shouyun ignored the big guy's cool behavior. He went straight to the front of the big screen and received the signal from the Moscow International Platform from the control panel.

"...According to the Kremlin's spokesperson and the latest news from Budi this morning, in view of the needs of domestic reforms, the Russian Federation will cancel the oil and gas supply agreements signed by the former Soviet Union government and some European countries from now on. At the same time, the federal government will fully liberalize the national basic energy price policy...”

"The Germans are worried about the overheating of the economic development. I think this problem is easy to solve." Watching the news broadcast on the big screen, Khodorkovsky's stinky mouth stopped the door, he laughed, "I guess today After that, they will feel the cool breeze."

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