Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 426: lock the win

"The data is coming!" Almost at the same time, several giants shouted in unison. \\

For them, it is a great blessing to have a dark horse come in to buy more pounds at this time. At least they can attract the attention of hot money to a large extent. After all, the pound is the most fundamental position of those guys.

In the scrolling sound of the screen data, a large amount of GBP long-order data was transmitted and presented directly in front of several giants. Guo Shouyun felt a little surprised that these data looked very scattered, and the long-order data appeared to be scattered. The face value fluctuates between 200,000 and 700,000. It is not a real experienced trader. It is impossible to see that these data are from a specific party, but it is more like a movement made by a large number of retail investors.

"What number is it on?" Berezovsky watched the screen data carefully for dozens of seconds, then suddenly got up and said.

"No. 46," the person in charge who was in charge of the audience standing not far away replied directly.

"Let's have a look." Without the slightest hesitation, Berezovsky took the lead and walked towards the trader's platform in the hall.

Although he didn't say anything, Guo Shouyun was a little excited at the moment. Of course, his excitement was not due to the admission of the dark horse, but because the No. 46 platform belonged to Yuanshang Bank, and the trader in charge of the operation there came from in the Guo Group. At the same time, because today's main operations were concentrated before No. 30, the person who caught the "suspected dark horse" was just a "substitute".

Under the leadership of Berezovsky, several giants quickly circled to the No. 46 console. Surprisingly, the person standing in front of this console at the moment turned out to be a tall, tall man in his early twenties. Slender little girl. On the white card in front of her chest, her name was marked - "Valeria".

At this moment, the little girl was obviously quite agitated, her pretty face flushed red, her pale blue eyes were fixed on the screen of the console, and a slender hand was indexing. Whenever she counted to the fourth digit, she would quickly hit the file shift button, and select more than 20 orders from the continuously scrolling transaction order data.

Guo Shouyun did not speak. They silently walked behind the little girl and watched her routinely pick out the data, and then categorize the data every ten seconds. Sorted one by one, and finally, a very regular transaction data sheet appeared on the screen.

Just after watching the little girl for more than 20 seconds, Guo Shouyun saw the doorway. Indeed, in the complex transaction data, it is really not easier to find the connection between these transaction orders than to find a needle in a haystack. How many. But when the little girl extracts the data at a frequency of every two seconds, a discerning person can easily see the problem. There is no doubt that these documents are from the hand of one person. It's just that the other party obviously does not intend to attract the attention of others, and the face value of the order is not large. However, because of the multi-line placing orders and the high frequency of placing orders, the funds they do long are absolutely amazing - this dark horse is attacking the lower back of the hot money side.

"Very good, very good, very good." After standing behind the little girl for a while, Berezovsky nodded and said "very good" several times. Only then did he turn his head to give orders to the surrounding consoles. "Just do it... ah, Miss Valeria's way. Put this dark horse on my radar!"

"Scare!" The little girl was obviously startled by the sudden sound behind her. She turned around subconsciously, only to find that several big bosses were standing behind her, and she didn't know how long she had been here. It's time.

"Don't be nervous, you did a good job," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "Tonight, you have the greatest credit. When this work is completed, you will receive 0.5% of the group's profits."

"No, it's not just your Guo Group's profit, it should be our overall profit," Berezovsky obviously admired this little girl, he said directly, "I can inform you in advance responsibly. , Miss Valeria, from tonight, you are a veritable multi-millionaire."

Following Berezovsky's remarks, dozens of eyes suddenly converged on the little girl, and the envy in those eyes meant that there was no cover at all, just like a design master once said, People don't have to be successful too many times in their life, just one time is enough, and now, Valeria has obviously seized this opportunity. In this opportunity, she gained not only huge wealth, but also an infinite bright future waiting for her.

"Comrades, there seems to be no need for us to hesitate any longer," he stretched out his hand to push away Guo Shouyun who was standing in front of him, Khodorkovsky leaned over to the little girl and said casually, "Don't you think now is the best time for us to take action? Is there a chance? With such a sneak attack from such a dark horse, I think our opponents are not far from the field, and in that case, why don't we set a trap and put more of their funds into the franc's cesspool?"

"It's possible," Berezovsky nodded and agreed, "but it may have a limited effect. After all, our opponents are not fools. It shouldn't take them much time to detect the anomaly. Let's gradually reduce the number of orders placed. Let’s make an illusion that we are going to exit the market and see if the other party will take the bait. Remember, we must target the other party to death, as long as they show any signs of exiting, no matter whether it is true or false, immediately start a counterattack, and be sure to grab it before the close. , knocking four percentage points off the franc."

"Just do it," Guo Shouyun clapped his hands, turned his head and gave an order to his assistant.

"Miss Valeria, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to dinner?" Taking advantage of the opportunity of Guo Shouyun's order, Khodorkovsky was next to the little girl and said with a smile , "Oh yeah, I don't have an ego yet..."

Before he finished speaking, the collar of the suit was grabbed by Guo Shouyun who had just been assigned the task.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Khodorkovsky, who is greedy for money, speechless and lecherous," Guo Shouyun smiled while pulling Khodorkovsky to the rostrum, "We Guo's have a night shift employee. The system of providing meals, and you, your name is clearly not on the list for this service."

After capturing this piece of information about the dark horse of the same faction, the mood of the giants immediately became brighter. For them, this piece of information was too important. If it hadn’t appeared, it would have been a few minutes of Valeria’s night. , then even if Far East's hard work for the whole day today is in vain, hundreds of millions of economic losses will also appear. The most important thing is that the sniper operation in the next few days is likely to fall into complete passive. It can be said unceremoniously that Valeria's discovery brought the Big Six back from the brink of failure, and she really deserved the 0.5 percent of the profit.

In the next period of time, the Big Six, who had re-stabilized their mentality, began to design traps for their opponents. According to their arrangements, the traders "shrinked defenses" step by step, first gradually slowing down the frequency of orders, and then began to reduce the single value. However, as Berezovsky guessed, the hot money parties, as rivals in the Far East, did not step into the trap. They used a steady approach and did not follow up aggressively from beginning to end.

At 9:35, that is, in the fourth minute after Valeria became the "dark horse", the hot money party noticed the abnormal change in the exchange rate of the pound, and it was at this time that the "dark horse" who was long in the British pound also Tear off all the camouflage and start to make a lot of money. Their approach invisibly echoed the sniping of the franc by the Big Six, which caused a big problem for the hot money: due to the sniping from the Big Six, the hot money could not urge the franc exchange rate to increase. In the battle, they were unable to effectively suppress the exchange rate of the pound. This is like two people beating people separately, and neither one will be killed in the end. Because of this form, the only choice they can make is to temporarily withdraw from the battle for francs and keep the basic point of the pound. Otherwise, Their life will be even worse.

Although as long as you have enough funds, you can make troubles in the foreign exchange market, but under certain circumstances, even the bookmakers must abide by the rules of the foreign exchange market-you must retreat when you need to retreat, otherwise you will only die. worse.

After a long confrontation, the hot money party finally exited at 9:37, leaving the battlefield of the franc exchange rate that was littered with corpses. Afterwards, the six giants of the Far East launched a sweeping offensive of the day. Although they invested a small amount of money at the last minute, the exchange rate of the franc began to decline continuously due to a large number of follow-up retail investors. As of the close of the New York exchange market, the exchange rate of the franc against the German mark The exchange rate fell by 4.3 percentage points, and the Big Six successfully captured the first sniper battle, which was also an overall victory in the entry battle.

At the same time, due to the timely withdrawal from the franc exchange rate war, the hot money side quickly stabilized the basic price of the British pound, and the dark horse that was quietly killed obviously had no intention of fighting, and they only entangled with the hot money side for more than ten minutes off the field. , then quickly disappeared, and erratically withdrew. Afterwards, the hot money seems to have vented all their grievances on the British. In less than an hour, they cut off the results of the British's hard work in one day. When the market closed, the exchange rate of the pound was It was a 1.4% drop from the previous day, a veritable "re-new low".

When the victory was finally secured, several giants made various guesses about the identity of the dark horse, but in the end they did not find a real and credible answer. As the host of this operation, Guo Shouyun seemed to have guessed something. I feel that if this guess is accurate, then the "commercial espionage" thing is sometimes really useful.

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