Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 428: Quit when it's time to quit

? Khodorkovsky is right at all, the problem of overheating of the German economy is indeed easy to solve. /qβ5, /Because for more than a year, after the merger of East and West Germany, the economic development has accelerated, and its consumption of oil, natural gas and other energy sources has also continued to soar. For oil alone, Germans can consume nearly 100 million per year. Tons, as for the consumption of natural gas, it is even more huge.

When initially arranging the sniping of the German Mark, the strategic analysts under the six giants provided the most effective and direct auxiliary measure-starting from the energy issue, and giving the Germans a big hit The "good news" of China will cut off the energy transmission lines from Russia to Eastern Europe and parts of Western Europe through Belarus and Poland in one fell swoop. Strategic analysts believe that as long as this news is released, the German economy, which is oriented by the auto industry, will suffer a huge hit. Without cheap oil and natural gas from Russia, the German government is trying to stabilize the national mentality, especially those car dealers. panic, and had to withdraw huge sums of money to purchase crude oil by sea. At the same time, because the German government had previously invested a large amount of funds in infrastructure construction with a large demand for funds and a long payback period, in order to stimulate the economic recovery of the Far East Germany, a large amount of funds were withdrawn at this time. Funds are used to maintain the stability of the energy market, and then the life of the German central bank must be difficult.

In the past, there were the economic disadvantages of excessive investment in infrastructure, and then there was the looming energy crisis. If the Big Six chose to launch a comprehensive attack on the German mark at this time, then the international speculators who heard the news would inevitably follow in large numbers. This original "blue chip stock" was labeled as "junk stock".

Logically speaking, in the current situation where the Russian economy continues to deteriorate, it is a very unfeasible policy to stage its energy supply to Eastern and Western Europe. The first thing it damages is Russia's own economic interests. But then again, the Big Six have never been reasonable in their work. They are talking about interests, and they are their own interests. As long as it is beneficial to them, it does not matter whether it damages the interests of the country or not. Of course, for the Big Six. The most important thing is how to force the Kremlin, which is asking for Western European countries, to make concessions on the issue of cutting off energy. If this matter is in the past, it is obviously not easy to do, but now... .... The six giants joined forces to "force the palace", and there really is no party in the federation that can resist the offensive forces.

In this way, with Vinogradov returning to Moscow, the Kremlin's new energy measures were announced this morning, just after the Tokyo foreign exchange market opened. At this time, the hot money side's final sniper campaign against the pound has just begun.

As the Big Six had guessed, the Kremlin's energy decision, once announced, drew a strong global response. At 4:00 a.m. Berlin time, German Chancellor Kohl, who was woken up by his secretary, urgently summoned the Russian ambassador to Berlin through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protest the adjustment of Moscow's energy policy and threatened to interrupt financial aid to Russia. As for the protests raised by the German side, Moscow did not respond; at 4:15 am Berlin time, the latest data submitted by the German energy transmission pipeline monitors showed that they have been in operation for nearly 30 years. The pressure of the "Friendship" oil pipeline, which has a total length of more than 9,000 kilometers through Belarus, Poland and Germany, has dropped. This pipeline has continuously delivered "black blood" to Germany for a long time in the past, and its fuel supply accounts for one-fifth of the total annual fuel consumption of Germany; at 9:00 am Berlin time, including "friendship" The three oil pipelines, including the one, were officially shut down. At the same time, the German Ministry of Economic Affairs is trying to stabilize people's hearts. Announced to the media that German refineries have enough oil reserves to cope with the temporary energy crisis, and at the same time, Germany is also able to obtain the oil resources it needs through other channels; 8:00 am London time, 10:00 am Paris time, It was forty minutes in the morning of Rome time. Britain, France and Italy successively introduced new measures to limit shipping prices. According to the provisions of this measure, they faced the "energy interception" measures from Moscow. The shipping industry of the three countries will increase the service fee from now on, and its price will increase by as much as 15%...

In this way, a currency war that was originally confined to the international foreign exchange market has gradually spread to the three major fields of energy, economy and international politics under the control of the six giants. profit. These six greedy guys gave to more than a dozen countries in East and West Europe. brought tens of billions of dollars in economic losses.

The energy interception measures introduced by Moscow were quickly reported by major media around the world. Affected by this, the exchange rate of the Deutsche Mark began to decline on the opening price unit of the Tokyo foreign exchange market. By 10 am Tokyo time, that is, when the funds of the Big Six entered the foreign exchange market, the Deutsche Mark was thrown out and the British pound was fully acquired. The mark has fallen by 0.07 percent. And this reality is tantamount to swallowing up the achievements of the hot money side in the fight against the pound in one fell swoop.

"...Faced with such an opponent, no matter how complete and realistic the financial concept is, it will lose its effect. This is like a completely asymmetric local war, when the hot money is still trying to find a way to cut it with a dagger. When the other party has a loophole, their enemy has already set up the missile silo..." As a financial magazine discussed after the event, the hot money party and the Big Six lost no chance at all in the last day of the war. In order to continue the sense of confrontation.

Starting from the Tokyo foreign exchange market, with the announcement of Moscow's energy cut-off policy, the hot money that had been attacking the pound for a week in the international currency market began to retreat, and under the leadership of the six giants, a large amount of short-selling money of over 100 billion U.S. dollars was surging. Here, they frantically searched the venue for the huge funds they had coveted for a long time.

Long pound and short franc have become the beliefs of foreign exchange speculation identified by every retail investor. In this case, although the Germans urgently transferred nearly 30 billion foreign exchange reserves to enter the market to protect the market, they did not receive any time limit in the end. From the Tokyo exchange market to the London exchange market, and then to the New York exchange market, the exchange rate of the pound continued to rise, and the exchange rate of the mark continued to fall. By the after-hours of the New York exchange market, the exchange rate of the pound had soared by nearly seven percent, and the exchange rate of the mark had fallen by nearly nine percent. The difference between the price and the losses incurred in the process of stirring up the francs, the six major commercial banks generated a net profit of US$26 billion from the international foreign exchange market in less than a week. In contrast, tens of thousands of currency investments went bankrupt overnight, and even became a pauper with heavy debts.


Under the bright and somewhat dazzling gorgeous chandelier, five crystal glasses full of red wine collided, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

"Happy cooperation," Guo Shouyun, the host, said sincerely, holding his cup in his hand, two clear eyes swept across the faces of the four people on the opposite side.

"Happy cooperation!" The four of Khodorkovsky smiled and said in unison.

"I think so far, this battle is over," Guo Shouyun drank the red wine in his glass, and then looked at Berezovsky on the opposite side and said, "Boss, tell me what to do next. ."

"Boss? Haha, it's a new name again," Berezovsky laughed. "The next thing will be easy to handle. We will close our hands when the market opens tomorrow, and then everyone will share dividends. Then, hehe, it should be What are you going to do? If you really plan to go to the UK, I have no opinion, but it is best to make it before the end of this month, otherwise, I may not have much time next month. "

"Shut up at the opening tomorrow?" Khodorkovsky obviously had his own plans. He hesitated and said, "The limelight is just right now. In my opinion, there is still some room for appreciation in the pound, so let's stay on the field more. After a while, it might be a billion-dollar harvest."

"You can't be too greedy," Gusinski said disapprovingly, shaking the cup in his hand, "We've made a lot of noise this time, and the follow-up troubles are expected to be inevitable. The most important thing is that the British have been with us before. The cooperation between the two is just out of frustration. Now they have eased their hands, and there is no risk from the foreign exchange market. At this juncture, they and the Germans may reunite with the Germans and come back and bite us. So I The same views as Berezovsky, leaving tomorrow morning, do not give them any chance to counterattack."

"One more thing," Smolensky was obviously on the other side, he nodded and said, "Let's not forget that even a lone wolf that is dying in a trap, you force it If you are in a hurry, it will kill people. This time we have caused great losses to the Germans. If we suppress them for a few more days, the German economy is likely to experience an explosion of inflation. At that time, we will even be with them. Forged a deadly feud. Haha, for so many hundreds of millions of funds, we can't afford to provoke such an enemy."

"That's right," Guo Shouyun thought for a moment and said, "Our purpose is just to make money, not to completely destroy an opponent. It's right to stop when it's time to stop."

"Forget it, that's all I said," Khodorkovsky didn't say much after seeing the four guys standing aside, "Just as you said, stop and leave tomorrow. , Is this the head office? Hey, let's find an opportunity to go out and get a ticket next time, even if it is to make up for this loss."

loss? Guo Shouyun has a feeling of wanting to laugh. According to this income distribution, Khodorkovsky can get at least nearly 5 billion profits. In this case, he actually talks about "losses". Really...I have seen greedy people, but I have never seen such greedy people.

"Sir," just when a few people were enjoying the wine, a bodyguard ran in, and he whispered in Guo Shouyun's ear, "Madam asked you if you are done with things here, if you are done, she hopes you I can go back."

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