Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 425: two black horses

"Hehe, how many people in the world can compare with him." Compared with several giants other than Guo Shouyun, Khodorkovsky is also younger, so in terms of composure, he can't be old. The fritters are so good, "He doesn't have much money to worry about, and he's so old that even if he loses, he doesn't have to die, but we are still young, this great life and career have just started, and the loss of tens of billions of dollars has to be endured. Sorry.

"If you can't afford tens of billions of losses, then you are destined to be worth only tens of billions in your life," Vinogradov said with a smile, "In this life, every step you take is a gamble. Property is a bet, without property, life is a bet, life is only a few decades, if you don’t bet, where will you get rich?”

"Then according to what you said, after our operation is over, everyone should go to the United States for a spin. Las Vegas, there is a chance to bet." Guo Shouyun finally glanced at the single card in the distance. Realistic data shows that the capital of the six giants has reached nearly 30 billion francs.

Guo Shouyun's joke attracted a knowing smile from several giants, but before their smile faded, the data on the foreign exchange market changed significantly.

"The other party has a new main force entering the market, and they continue to take empty orders!" The information from the trader was quickly displayed in the right column of the big screen. Guo Shouyun could see that the more than one million long orders jumped into the "sea". , bit by bit devouring their turf. The French are in? ' Gusinski said with a serious look on his face, frowning.

"It doesn't make sense," Vinogradov said in surprise. "How could the French choose this moment to enter the field? And in such an inexplicable way?"

Guo Shouyun could understand what Vinogradov meant. For a country, if they intervene in the foreign exchange market to support the market, they will definitely release some kind of good news first. It is better to say that the interest rate of bank savings will increase or decrease, and then, for example, public opinion on the amount of capital increase in the foreign exchange market. After stabilizing the fundamentals with similarly positive news, they will officially enter the market. And the situation of sneaking in like now is simply unimaginable for a country's investment. Unless the country's government in power has the confidence to win, or...they're going to lose their jobs.

"No, it can't be the French. They didn't react so quickly, do you think they are our Soviet Union?" Khodorkovsky shook his head and said. "It's only ten minutes. I'm afraid it's too late to hold their parliamentary meeting. After going through their democratic procedures, how can it be tomorrow?"

After saying these words, Khodorkovsky turned his gaze to Berezovsky, who frowned and was silent. Same as his performance. Guo Shouyun also hopes that "experts" can give the best advice at this time.

"Look, I just said that life is full of gambling, and now this gambling is coming," Berezovsky pondered for more than ten seconds, then suddenly laughed, and he looked around the crowd. He said, "How about it, are you interested in taking a bet? If we win, our battle will be over today. If we lose, the situation we will face in the next few days will be very passive."

"Betting. Why don't you bet?" Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky said almost in unison.

"That's good." Berezovsky glanced at Guo Shouyun and said. "Go on, keep the order rate unchanged, transfer from medium orders to large orders, 5 million orders, and continue to short."

Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to have thought of something. Without any hesitation, he snapped his fingers and called his assistant over.

For a person like Guo Shouyun, there are many things that need not be said in too much detail. As long as he guesses, he can detect the specific intention of the other party's actions. Just like now, in the face of a group of dark horses in the foreign exchange market that suddenly appeared, Berezovsky did not intend to evade, nor did he adopt a cautious wait-and-see attitude, but increased his chips and went up. Guo Shouyun's understanding is that this sudden dark horse is likely to be a "secret hand" by the hot money party to scare people. Its purpose is to break the current situation of confrontation between the two sides, and make the Big Six withdraw cautiously. To put it bluntly, this is a one-handed trick.

If this is the opponent's plan of suspicion, then there is a great possibility that the opponent's planned funds in the stalemate have been limited, and they can no longer persist for a long time.

For the Big Six, the big question right now is how likely that is. Guo Shouyun thought for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that the probability was only 33%. First of all, this dark horse in the foreign exchange market that suddenly appeared may not belong to the hot money party, and it is purely a new dealer entering the venue; secondly, this may be a trap set by the hot money party, the purpose of which is to attract the Big Six Add chips to drain their bankroll. The last possibility is what the Big Six are looking forward to—the hot money side can no longer bear the pressure on the franc front.

With billions of dollars of funds, on the premise that there is only a 30% chance of success, they dare to gamble. Such a decision is not something that ordinary people can make. It can be seen that this struggle is not so much a fight. It is more than wisdom, rather than courage.

According to Guo Shouyun's instructions, which was also the unified opinion of the Big Six, the traders who performed the ordering task immediately increased their writing skills. Those who are paying attention to the exchange rate information at the moment are all boiling, and everyone can see that a big Zhuangwei who just entered the market today, their will is very firm, that is, before the New York exchange market closes, the franc exchange rate will sink, In order to achieve this goal, they placed hundreds of millions of francs in short order in just a few minutes. Just as the Big Six stepped up their efforts, Trichet, president of the Banque de France, the central bank of France, submitted a written report to the French government, including Prime Minister Beregovi, as well as a memorandum asking Congress to approve France. Bank funds use foreign exchange reserves to respond to the sniping of the franc exchange rate from international hot money. At the same time, in order to reduce the exchange rate risk of the franc to a greater extent, Trichet also proposed that the financial department should contact Germany urgently to persuade them to lower the exchange rate of the mark as soon as possible in order to save the newly signed European exchange rate unity.

Archimedes once said: Give me a fulcrum, and I can move the earth. For financial speculation, their theory is that enough money can easily change a country's financial policy and even set back its economic construction achievements by decades.

The feeling of throwing money into the foreign exchange market is very pleasant. The huge sums of billions and tens of billions can be thrown out with the touch of a finger, but when these numbers are thrown out, if you don't see much reaction, then anyone's Heart will be hairy.

As time passed by, a large amount of empty orders were thrown into the sea. Guo Shouyun looked at the transaction data on the big screen, and suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart, because he felt that Berezov Skye's judgment seems to have gone wrong.

The data compiled by the traders are very clear, and through the data, it is clear that the main force of the hot money side has no intention of retreating. They still continue to do more according to the original scale, but the dark horse that suddenly came out is big. There is a meaning of coming from behind. Their long orders have risen from the initial limit of one million to three million. The posture seems to be full of stamina and endless. Under the joint resistance of this dark horse and hot money, the Big Six, despite investing nearly 10 billion US dollars to go short, has never been able to break down the fundamentals of the franc.

There is no doubt that such a situation is very unfavorable for the Big Six, because although they have abundant funds, don't forget that the sniping of the franc is by no means their main purpose, their main target is the German mark, That's a really tough bone to crack. If today's battle is too much, then the next two days will not be very good.

"Today is the opening round." In silence, Khodorkovsky took a cigar, lit it for himself, and then shrugged, "I bragged about Haikou in front of Ashley, To sink the franc by three to four percent, I say a few, I don't want to lose face in front of women."

Guo Shouyun was almost annoyed by what he said, and he said in his heart, "Who are these people? It's this time, what face is he still thinking about.

"If it doesn't work, let's withdraw?" Vinogradov hesitated for a moment, then said somewhat unwillingly, "I think a dark horse really entered the arena today, and the situation was completely unexpected, so I won't leave now. , we can only lose more. If we retreat now, we still have enough time to re-plan, and if we re-enter the field tomorrow, we may not be able to regain our position. "

"What do you mean?" Berezovsky was now clearly in the dark. He narrowed his eyes and asked Gusinsky.

Gusinski did not answer directly, but turned his attention to Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky.

"I want to wait and see," Guo Shouyun, who had just weighed the pros and cons, hurriedly said without waiting for an "old friend" to reply, "Even if we wait a minute or two. After all, for us now, leaving early means a loss. , to exit the game a few minutes later, that is, to lose more. The most important thing is that once we exit the game now, the opponent can judge where our bottom line is, and the future situation will be unfavorable for us. to the extreme."

"I agree," Smolensky suddenly woke up when he had been sleeping crooked on the sand, he sat up straight, and said in a calm tone, "Not only that, I think now we..."

Just when Smolensky hadn't finished his words, a voice suddenly came from the broadcaster in the hall: "The exchange rate of the pound is floating, and there are dark horses entering the market to do more."

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