Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 424: burn money

?For the international currency market, whether it is the stock exchange in London or the trading center in New York, the key moment for the bookmaker to lock in the victory is often in the period before the market is suspended, and during this time period, the confronting parties often They will pour in a lot of money at all costs in order to overwhelm the opponent. From the suspension of the New York battlefield to the opening of the Tokyo battlefield, there is a very precious truce period. During these few hours, a large number of retail investors who follow the trend will decide the direction of the next day according to the situation when the New York market is closed. Therefore, the points of contention between the two sides of the confrontation are often concentrated in this period of time.

In the Far East Securities Exchange, six giants, including Guo Shouyun, chose to officially sell franc currency at the New York Exchange at 9 o'clock that night. They wanted to win a good fortune for this opening day. As for the next day, They will take a certain degree of defensiveness, waiting for the other side to further suppress the pound, and at the same time, they will also arrange a comprehensive attack on the Deutsche Mark.

In the splendid hall, Guo Shouyun yawned while covering his mouth, pressed the two notes stuck to his forehead, and typed out a **** "a". Khodorkovsky, who posted four or five "white strips" on it, said, "It's a long night, don't you think it's boring to wait like this?"

"Shut up," Khodorkovsky said without looking up, "concentrate on playing cards, and then play after thinking about it, otherwise, until this money-making operation is over, my face will be lost. It's all lost, it's a pity that you are still in the mood to think about whether it is boring or not."

"Yes. I don't want it." Gusinski's face was not very good-looking. On his cheeks with a few folds, there was a piece of paper glued to the left and right sides, and the words were written on the piece of paper-- -- "I am a profiteer, Vladimir Gusinsky confessed to it."

"Your face is so worthless? It's just a few notes, not to mention we will keep it a secret for you. No outsiders will know about your image today." Berezovsky's face was the cleanest, It can be seen that his reputation as a mathematician and financier is not for nothing, and even in playing cards, his skills are superior.

"It doesn't matter if I know it, I can come here and deny it," Khodorkovsky looked at the busy people in the hall. Obviously, this irresponsible statement of the next family is absolutely worthy of contempt. "Whoever dares to make fun of me for this, I will throw him into the Moscow River to feed the fish."

"It doesn't matter who you decide to feed the fish," Vinogradov said, looking at the watch in his hand, throwing away the magazine he had been reading for a long time, standing up from the sand, and stretching his waist. "But now is not the time to think about those issues... Everyone, it's only one minute until nine o'clock, should we start?"

"Oh? Time flies so fast?" Khodorkovsky got up from the chair after hearing the words, first tore off a note from his face, and then pointed to Berezovsky, who was next to him, insincerely. "It's such a pity, I'm still hoping to add some color to the old fox's face this time."

"Dead ducks have to be tough," Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile, then snapped his fingers. He summoned the assistant standing in the distance, and ordered, "Get the current information on the big screen. Also, notify all the traders to be in place, and there will be new actions soon."

"Yes, sir," the assistant nodded in response, then turned around and planned to run towards the center of the hall.

"Wait," Berezovsky said at this time, "let them not forget to keep an eye on the pound. According to my guess. Our opponents should be ready to shoot this time."

"You think they're going to throw big orders now?" Smolensky interjected.

"It's hard to say," Berezovsky shook his head slightly. He said, "You must know that people are independent thinkers. We can calculate each other, and the other party can also calculate us. The British invested 8 billion in a few hours today, and the national savings interest rate increased by 2%. The exchange rate has risen by less than three percentage points. Such a result will definitely make the other party realize that we are the real main force. Therefore, I am worried that when we place an order, they will choose to fight on two fronts, while suppressing the pound, while doing More francs, if we don't smash the francs down here, but lose the pound position, then tomorrow's start will not be good."

Guo Shouyun exchanged a color with Khodorkovsky and others on the opposite side, and then nodded in agreement with each other.

According to the instructions of several people, the information of the foreign exchange market was quickly transmitted to the big screen, and according to the exchange rate information, the exchange rate of pound to mark in the New York Trading Center at this time has climbed to nearly 1, although it is higher than 1 a few days ago. There is still a long way to go, but after all, there are signs of recovery.

"In tens of seconds, the order will be placed, short francs, three million one order, the time interval remains the same." Berezovsky's eyes stayed on the big screen for a while, and said in a deep voice.

With the big boss's order, the entire hall quickly quieted down, only the voice of the timekeeper for a few seconds was still echoing.

Just when the timekeeper's voice reached "3", a trader standing next to the operating platform suddenly shouted: "The opponent has shot! Three million pounds is an empty order, another order!"

"Cut here!" Smolensky said subconsciously, and his words clearly expressed the thoughts of the four giants, but unlike the others, Berezovsky had no expression on his face. Standing up from the sand, he made a gesture from a distance to the many traders who were looking here.

"Order!" The timekeeper's order sounded from the loudspeaker in the hall.

Following this command, a "crack crack" sounded in the huge trading floor. After just ten seconds, a whole row of franc short order data began to appear on the left column of the large screen-- --The six major Russian commercial banks based in Khabarovsk finally started to deal with the franc.

almost the same time. The two major dealers who entered the foreign exchange market simultaneously attacked the two major currencies of Britain and France. This almost dramatic coincidence made the entire New York Stock Exchange crazy. With the entry of empty orders with a face value of 3 million, just one In minutes, a total of nearly 4 billion foreign exchange speculation funds flowed out from the hands of the two giants, and clanged into the unpredictable international foreign exchange market. And following the two dealers into the venue for retail investors, they also showed up at this time. Including the funds of these retail investors, the volume of foreign exchange speculation in the New York exchange market exceeded 20 billion in one minute.

"The exchange rate of the franc has fallen!" The data collector's voice began to sound, "at nine o'clock: the dollar, the franc deutsche mark, the franc deutsche mark 9:11 and 12 seconds: the dollar, the franc deutsche mark, the franc denomination: 1:

"The exchange rate of the pound has fallen!" Another female voice broadcast the changes in the exchange rate of the pound...

Guo Shouyun and the others sat on the sand with expressionless faces. In less than two minutes, they had already thrown out nearly six billion francs of empty orders, which is nearly one billion dollars thrown into the sea. You can't bring them back with profit, it's hard to say now. And for ordinary people, I am afraid that they will not be able to earn this money for hundreds of years without eating or drinking.

"Accepting an order from Zhuang. I'm doing long francs, three million per order..." The data analyst who has been watching the changes in the other party's data sent the latest news of the foreign exchange market.

"Come on!" Guo Shouyun and the others said in unison, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

It can be seen that they have been waiting for a moment for a long time. For them, it is not terrible for them to come forward to take orders. The scary thing is that the other party never moves the franc, but stares at the pound, so the British may not be able to hold on to this evening.

The data on the big screen changes very quickly, and the data that jumps around is like a horse. The previous one is just displayed, and it is quickly topped by the list below. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of funds rolled into the foreign exchange market.

When the data continued to roll on the big screen, Guo Shouyun finally realized the most terrible thing about this game: in general, the confrontation between the dealer and the dealer in the foreign exchange market. No matter how much money any party throws into the sea, the most terrifying thing is that the two sides are in a stalemate. You throw one order and I will smash each other. Before the final result, no one knows where the bottom line of the other party's funds is. Therefore, they don't know how many "numbers" they have to fill in this black hole. fill it up. Everyone has the courage to spend money, but when you spend money, you always have to see something, and in the foreign exchange market, you can't see anything with the money you spend. in the stalemate process. You are like desperately stuffing money into a black hole. As for whether the black hole is a cash cow or a big brazier. You can't guess at all.

After enduring the long confrontation for ten minutes, Guo Shouyun turned his head and glanced at the data card on the left side of the hall. The beautiful lady was holding a sign in her hand, indicating that just so much time, the six giants jointly held two hundred francs in currency. More than four billion dollars, which is equivalent to four billion dollars thrown into the sea. Until now, the exchange rate of the franc against the German mark has only been beaten by 0.4 percentage points, which is still far from the target of the Big Six.

"What, are you nervous?" Seeing Guo Shouyun turning his head, Berezovsky reached out and patted his knee, smiling.

"Haha, that's not true," Guo Shouyun said against his will. To be honest, it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous at all. Although he had been in the foreign exchange market before, it was the first time he had experienced a game like today.

"It doesn't matter if you're nervous, you'll get used to it if you play more games like this in the future." Gusinski seemed to be in a good mood, he smiled, "Seriously, when I first entered the arena, Almost didn't get scared to pee your pants. But this is only the first time, next time you have to keep yourself absolutely calm. Similar to this kind of game, you can be nervous before you participate, and you can be nervous after it is over, But never get nervous during the game."

Gusinski said this, pointed his finger at Smolensky not far away, and said with a smile, "Well, do you see it? You must have his mentality to pass the test."

Glancing in the direction of Gusinski's finger, Guo Shouyun suddenly realized that after a while, Smolensky, who had always been cowardly, reclined on the sand and fell asleep. It doesn't match his worth as much as it doesn't match...

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