Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 423: follow the village

?As Guo Shouyun guessed, with the broadcast of news broadcasts arranged by several giants, their opponents also quickly moved. Several financial media in the United States quickly published comments from financial experts. They believe that today's foreign exchange market. The increase in the exchange rate of the pound has been close to 1.7 percentage points, which is directly related to the two vigorous measures just taken by the Bank of England. Of course, a more direct relationship comes from the pulling effect generated by the entry of big bookmakers. , qβ5.c0m Therefore, these experts put forward the so-called prediction, that is, with the increase in the exchange rate of the pound, the bookmakers who enter the sea may have large-scale actions in the near future. Continued stability, those who want to hitch a ride into the venue, hurry up and enter the venue.

The propaganda and the offensive of both sides quickly attracted a large number of retail investors who followed the trend. People have a natural nature, that is, before they really encounter failure, they all think they are geniuses, even those who know nothing about financial speculation. When they were young, they would be very confident that the **** of luck was hanging over their heads, that is, with this almost ignorant confidence, they lost their composure, and threw their funds that might be borrowed into them. into the trap set by the dealer.

With the opening of the three-party bookmakers, the hot money, the Russian Big Six, and the British, hundreds of billions of funds have rolled into the international currency trading market. , in just a few hours, it increased by two percentage points. And until this time, except for the British. The Big Six and hot money haven't really fought it out yet.

"Students, how honored you are to be able to witness this unprecedented currency war with your own eyes, no matter how this war is resolved, I believe that your textbooks in the future will have such a classic learning example. ...." In the large lecture room of the University of Ottawa's financial training night school, the tall and handsome Professor Spencer looked a little excited, and the class just started tonight. He then put a large exchange rate chart on the projector's radiation board. As the most authoritative finance professor at the University of Ottawa, this pale old man has always paid attention to the international currency transaction data in the recent period, and today, he finally waited for the scene he always wanted to see---large-scale The stage of currency sniper defense battle. He now has a plan. After this currency war is over, he must start a special academic research topic on this topic. After all, this is an unprecedented large-scale financial war, and it is only one day. There are tens of billions of hot money into the foreign exchange market to stir, such a scene is really exciting.

Guo Dongting signed up for this night school a month ago. Canada's self-study education is very close to reality. There are no messy provisions and definitions in their classes. Most of these ideas are based on explanations and analysis of some examples. Guo Dongting likes a similar teaching atmosphere, so during this period of time, she attended this night school for more study time.

Since the day when the international hot money began to manipulate the international currency market and launched a small-scale attack on the pound, Professor Spencer, the lecturer in the class, canceled the originally arranged course content and focused on analyzing the current trend of the local foreign exchange market. In Guo Dongting's view, this pale old professor is obviously very capable, and his analysis of the trend of the pound and the dialysis of the foreign exchange market are very accurate. Take tonight as an example, he analyzed a little through the latest foreign exchange market information. That is, in addition to the bookmaker who had shorted the pound before, there was another force in the foreign exchange market that aimed to be long in the pound. The short side and the long side have had initial contact today, and it can be seen. They are very cautious, and each seems to be a little bit afraid of the opponent. It is precisely because of this fear between them that the British have won precious time to fight back. The continuous rebound in the exchange rate of the British pound just shows this.

But it is obviously too early to say that the British have taken advantage, and over time, the three-way battle will shift from London to New York, and then to New York. The final battle on the first day will be fully opened. According to Professor Spencer's speculation. Kong Fang remained silent for several hours, probably accumulating energy for a heavy blow. After the battlefield is transferred, they will definitely launch a violent offensive, one will regain the previously lost positions, and when the New York exchange market closes that day, they will suppress the exchange rate of the pound again, thus locking in the victory on the first day. For many parties, the British will certainly have to withstand last-minute pressure to stabilize their national currency exchange rate at an acceptable level, laying a good foundation for the start of the next day. To say that the most difficult thing to guess now is the mysterious third party who entered the market by selling francs in the Tokyo foreign exchange market, and then made a surprise appearance in the London foreign exchange market. This party is obviously "Da Zhuang". They made two small moves today, which is equivalent to taking nearly 5,000 profit from the foreign exchange market. However, since it is Da Zhuang, it is naturally impossible to be satisfied with the temporary tens of millions of dollars Sexual profit, they must have a backhand.

In Professor Spencer's words, these people who have entered the foreign exchange market and turned their hands into the clouds are all real financial elites. In addition to strong financial knowledge, they must also have extraordinary resourcefulness and extreme calmness. In a word, any one of these people can be a senior professor in a certain university.

Listening to Professor Spencer's compliments to the two major bookmakers, the pride in Guo Dongting's heart is indescribable. Unlike these students, professors and most of the people who are trapped in the foreign exchange market, as Guo Shouyun's sister, she is very proud of her. It can be said that she knows a lot about the inside story of this financial sniper battle. She even knows what the most mysterious big dealer in the foreign exchange market will do next.

Just before the class started tonight, Dongting just contacted her eldest brother in the Far East. She said she wanted to go to the foreign exchange market to see how lucky she was. The result that Guo Shouyun told her was that she should not do it for now. Move, wait a few more hours, because by that time, there will be a lot of money in the Far East, and the exchange rate of the franc will be reduced. However, the downturn of the franc may not last for 24 hours, because with the move of the Far East, the hot money side will immediately take a long strategy, and at the same time, the French side will also come forward to protect the market. Based on this, Guo Shouyun told his sister that it is okay to enter the market, but it can only be done in a short-term. If you have sufficient funds on hand, you can also adopt a two-sided strategy and invest some funds in the short-selling of the pound. However, like the franc speculation, this amount of funds should also be short-term, and the throwing time can be set after the day after the opening of the market.

In these days, Dongting has made up for a lot of financial knowledge, so she can now guess some of her elder brother's plans to some extent. There is no doubt that the Far East side did not plan to go all out in the past two days. They are consuming, On the one hand, it consumes the money of the British, and on the other hand, it also consumes the vitality of the hot money side. As for the time when the Far East side will really go all out to enter the arena, it should be the day after tomorrow, and that is the real start of the decisive battle.

Today's Dongting finally knows what "hezhuang" is. She feels that she is really a real follower. Look at it, just when the professor couldn't figure out the intention of the dealer in the foreign exchange market, she already understood. In the next few days, it is really easy for the foreign exchange market to move towards money.

"Hey, Dongting, what are you thinking?" Just as Dongting was thinking about her forehead, a little girl with the same black and yellow skin and a small figure came over and asked in very poor Chinese.

"Oh, it's nothing," Dongting came back to her senses, glanced at the other party, and smiled, "I'm wondering if after class is over, should I, like the professor said, take this opportunity to go to sea to earn a vote, Hee hee, reading 10,000 volumes of books is not as good as traveling 10,000 miles, without real practice, it is useless to master more of these theoretical things.”

"Then you're behind in your movements," the little girl sounded a little complacent. She bumped her elbow on Dongting's forearm and said, "I've already entered the market this afternoon and bought two 100,000 pounds, according to my father, it's definitely not a loss to eat pounds now."

Dongting heard the words and smiled, but there was no interface. This little girl was acquainted with her in the study class. Her name is Fujita Yuko, a Japanese girl from Osaka. Because the two are very cheerful, they became friends after a short contact time. After staying overseas for so long, Dongting also has her own family and country ideas. In her opinion, this Yuko is obviously a very good Japanese. Maybe because she comes from a Japanese left-wing political family, she is treating some On historical issues, the little girl has a different view from the mainstream in Japan.

"It looks like we are in the same camp," Dongting glanced at Professor Spencer who was cleaning up the lesson plan on the podium, and then said while consolidating her belongings, "Because I plan to buy these two days too. Sterling, um, but I have a hunch that the exchange rate of the pound will fall again in the next few days, and if it is long-term, I will wait until the day after tomorrow."

"Is it still going to fall? That's unlikely, right?" Fujita obviously didn't believe what Dongting said, she shook her head and said, "My father said..."

"Okay, classmates, that's all for today's class. I wish you a happy evening." At this moment, Professor Spencer on the podium knocked on the microphone, announcing the end of the evening's class.

"Trust me, I have first-hand insider information on this." Picking up her satchel, Dongting leaned into Yuko's ear and said softly, then twisted her body and walked out of the classroom quickly.

"Hey, Yamaura-kun?" After seeing Dongting disappear outside the classroom door, Fujita Yuko, with a pure and charming face, was silent for a moment, then reached out and took out a mobile phone from her satchel, and dialed a number. After that, Shen Sheng said, "Please inform my father, his guess is completely correct, and increasing the holding of pounds is the safest strategy."

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