Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 422: unruly british

"Is there any reaction from the British? Put in their data and see," Berezovsky smiled and turned to Guo Shouyun.

Although the six giants have their own people watching, but they are all prominent figures in the social arena, and they naturally understand the rules of being a guest.

"Crack!" Guo Shouyun snapped his fingers without turning his head, and called back the assistant who had just retreated not far away, and then explained Berezovsky's request.

Soon, with a light sound of "swoosh", a large series of transaction order data for long pounds appeared on the screen in two columns. It is divided into two columns, the left column is the target column, that is, the target data that the bosses need to view, and the right column is the so-called retail investor column, which is the retail investor transaction data that follows the trend.

Guo Shouyun checked the data on the screen, and his slender and thick black eyebrows couldn't help but gather up. I saw that in the transaction records of the British, all the orders they put out were large orders. is less than three million. In the international foreign exchange market, such large orders generally rarely appear, at least shrewd speculators will not place orders like this. After all, everyone is there to make money. After a battle is fought, no matter whether the two are winning or losing The dealers will not form a deadly feud. The fundamental reason is that the scale of external retail investors is very large. The money earned by the winner basically comes from the retail investors. Some capital to cover the shortfall. Therefore, as long as there is no personal enmity between the two villages that fight against each other, neither of them will throw big orders into the sea and put on a arrogant arrogance of overwhelming others. Merchants do not ask for money, and this rule is still common even in the foreign exchange market.

Just like the shot of the two big bookmakers just now, the Big Six made two minutes longer. They are all 2 million mid-laners, and such data is equivalent to throwing a message to the other party: this village has tentative groundwater, and if you have enough friends, you can show your face. In response, the opponent placed an empty order of 1 million. What these data showed was, of course, a signal for the opponent to enter the market. At the same time, the one million difference between the two parties' lists is equivalent to telling the Big Six that they are here according to the rules. This is like playing Go with black and white chess holding the left and right corners. This is the rule of chess, it means respecting the other side, and it is a way of saying hello. Because of this, after seeing the other side take action, the performance of several giants will be as easy as ever, even though they do things unruly. But still willing to deal with opponents who follow the rules.

And now, the British are doing this kind of big move, cracking big orders into the sea. Of course, there is a desire to win, and there are certain political factors involved, but in general, this kind of behavior makes people feel very uncomfortable, like eating melon seeds and knocking out a dung beetle—— I really don't know how it got into the melon seeds with such a big chunk. Sure enough, the British transaction data aroused the dissatisfaction of Berezovsky and others, and Guo Shouyun even heard Khodorkovsky mutter a foul language.

"It seems that the British are really in trouble," Gusinski said with a pouted mouth, "I guess they are eager to make achievements on the one hand. Pulling the exchange rate up to boost confidence, on the other hand, is also to delay the delay as soon as possible. Let's go into the water and climb into the same boat as them."

"Working with people with political backgrounds. It's always such a hassle," Smolensky sighed. "For them, face is more important than anything else, and in our ****, it's all about face. People, but they often lose and even show their dicks. At that time. Shaking a clean and slender **** to show off everywhere. What's the face?"

Smolensky's remarks amused all the giants, and Vinogradov laughed and scolded: "What a shame. Can you speak carefully? If you don't learn it well, you will learn it with your slick tongue. arrive."

"Why do I feel that this is a bit of a scolding of Sang and Huai?" Khodorkovsky said rather depressedly, and he himself knew that among several people, he liked nonsense the most.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these irrelevant things," Berezovsky shook his head and smiled, "it's not the time to be easy, let's see the other party's reaction first. I hope the opponent can be angry and angry now. Well, then it would be much easier for us to deal with the French next."

"Impulsion is the devil. I think our opponents also understand this truth. They probably won't be so easy to take the bait." Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, and then sent the order down.

After dozens of seconds, the trading information of the sterling short order was re-exchanged on the big screen. As Guo Shouyun said, after the four-minute short-selling ended, there was no more movement from the hot investors, and the traders were nowhere to be found under the sea. to their shadow.

"It's really quick to come and go," Khodorkovsky said, smacking his tongue, crying and laughing, "It seems that their plan to sweep the periphery is going to the end, if only from a strategic point of view, the British They have lost so far, and if I were the referee, I would definitely rule them out."

"Starting from the corners, you can attack others." Guo Shouyun recited a tactical proverb in Go. Now, the British are disregarding the rules and throwing big orders into the sea. Of course, their approach can raise the exchange rate of the pound to a certain extent and boost confidence, but at the same time, it will also make those retail investors who were optimistic about the pound. Dazedly, he entered the field ahead of schedule to follow suit, completely exposing his target. For these uninformed retail investors, they may think that this is a good opportunity to sweep the bottom of the bargain, but in fact, this is a trap set by a banker, the purpose is to eat these peripheral corners of them.

In the foreign exchange market with hundreds of billions of funds flowing at every turn, it is impossible for the tyrannical dealer to lock the victory by himself. The real decisive role is still the numerous retail investors. Leverage, it guides these retail investors through some very subtle data information, and finally achieves the goal of sweeping the country. Therefore, the dealers who really know how to play and are serious players will try their best to protect their retail investors. They will lead the attack with a small amount of funds, and then sit in the background and use a larger amount of funds to resist the opponent's counterattack against their own retail investors. Now, the Big Six are following this kind of gameplay, and the hot money side is also making this kind of plan. Only the British do not play their cards according to the rules. Needless to say, the purpose of our own retail investors entering the market is to let everyone share the pressure for it.

"What shall we do next?" Gusinski asked, turning to look at Berezovsky with a solemn expression.

Even though the Big Six are constantly competing with each other, when it comes to speculating in foreign exchange, there is only one Berezovsky that everyone believes in. After all, he is a real financier and the only expert among the six. hand.

"A scheming opponent, an irresponsible partner, we really have a good start to this game," Berezovsky rubbed his forehead forcefully, pondering for a long while before hesitating, "From Judging from the current situation, the policy of the hot money side to sweep the periphery first is certain, and the British have a clear mind to drag us into the water as soon as possible. In this case, it is no longer necessary for us to save some effort. It's possible, there's no way, just hit hard."

Having said that, Berezovsky raised his arm and looked at the time marked on the watch, and then continued: "It's a quarter past five, everyone should use the media power in their hands and give a hidden warning. The information is limited to three hours, and short franc orders will be thrown at 8:15. Well, at this time, the stock exchanges in London and Paris should be about to stop trading. If the opponent does not make a strong rebound, then It shouldn't be too difficult to beat the franc by four percentage points. As for how many people are able to heed the warning and suspend entry, it's just their luck."

As a "banker" who has recently entered the business, Guo Shouyun understands what Berezovsky means by this sentence. He is asking several giants to use their media power to broadcast some programs similar to the comments of economic experts. The discourse in the mouth tells those retail investors who are trying to enter the market to buy short the franc. Now is not the time to enter the market to buy the dip, because the war has just begun.

In his previous life, Guo Shouyun had also seen many similar programs on TV. At that time, every time he saw two so-called "expert reviews" with completely opposite attitudes and opinions, he would severely despise these people. Fan. And now, with his entry into the game, he finally understands that these expert comments are not so simple. There is often a dealer behind them. The purpose of their comments is to replace a certain degree of warning above. Those experts who hold opposing opinions naturally come from the dealers on the other side, whose purpose is to confuse the public and deceive more retail investors to enter the market. As for expert comments on both positive and negative aspects, how retail investors should choose, as Berezovsky said, "It can only depend on their luck."

Berezovsky's remarks were obviously recognized by several giants. Everyone exchanged glances face to face, then got up one after another, and walked towards the command center located upstairs under the leadership of Guo Shouyun. There, the securities center has prepared a complete set of communication facilities, and several telephones can give priority to the lines of the Far East Telephone Program Control Center and have direct contact with Moscow.

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