Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 421: two minutes

?At the beginning of the war, following a suggestion from Berezovsky, the six giants left the stock exchange center full of gunpowder smoke and wandered around the city by car. "The well-known KFC enjoyed a fast food that was far from a sumptuous meal. Then, he found another bar, and a few people watched the coquettish striptease show while chatting with each other for more than two hours. , qв5, just like that, by the time they finally returned, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the London Stock Exchange has opened.

The six giants who returned to the stock exchange center quickly learned about the changes in the international currency market during this period from their subordinates. From the moment the London Stock Exchange opened, funds from the Bank of England began to be injected into the currency market. In just half an hour, more than 200 million pounds of empty orders were eaten. At the same time, coupled with the announcement by the British government Two pieces of good news and the influence of hot money bookmakers on the sidelines, the exchange rate of the pound began to show a trend of higher, although its increase was only 0.1%, but for the Bank of England, this is undoubtedly a better start.

During the same period of time, the six major commercial banks also jointly sold short orders of nearly 200 million francs. Because of their scattered selling strategy, they have not had a significant impact on the franc exchange rate for the time being. Generally speaking, the currency market has The domestic market is stable, and it is rarely stable in the near future.

"What are your thoughts?" After checking the report sent by his subordinates, Guo Shouyun, the host, asked first.

"I don't know if you have considered such a possibility," Berezovsky sat on the sand, stroking his chin with one hand. With a slight frown, he said, "Our opponents are not just waiting to see, they are still planning to drag the French off the field first. Although we have not yet thrown a big order, even if it is just a small one like this. The sum is enough to make the French vigilant. And now, this is what the hot money wants. They sit and watch our sell-off of the franc, but while they have one eye on the pound, they use the other Just keep an eye on Mark. In this case, we continue to sell francs, and once the bottom line of the French is touched, the time they are looking forward to is come, and the French who enter the market distract us. Going back and picking up the pound to squeeze the most money out of Britons..."

"It's very possible," everyone is not a layman. When Berezovsky said this, several people understood what he meant. Therefore, Gusinski said first, "Like I said just now, the opponent may not intend to confront us directly at the beginning, they are playing guerrilla warfare, first destroying our periphery, depleting our strength, and finally waiting for us When you are alone and alone. Concentrate on fighting the tough battle with all your strength."

Using guerrilla warfare to destroy the opponent's living forces, accumulating strength and waiting for the final battle, this sounds like the "protracted war" strategy that the great chairman clearly stated.

"I don't think it's very likely." Smolensky hesitated for a while, then said, "After all, this strategy is a double-edged sword. While wasting our peripheral strength, they are also losing their peripheral. I see, the repeated actions of the British have caused them a certain degree of damage. If this trend continues, it will not wait until the evening. Some weaker retail investors may have to withdraw."

"You are true too. Instead of sitting here guessing without basis, why not try it out?" Khodorkovsky said vaguely with half a strawberry in his mouth, "Stop shorting francs, Move to long pound, two million one order, toss it for two minutes, and I can't believe they're still out."

"You can try this method," Guo Shouyun said. "Instead of spending it aimlessly, it's better to turn one down and fire a shot to test the opponent's tactical purpose."

"What's your opinion?" Berezovsky didn't express his opinion directly. He turned to Gusinsky and others and asked.

"I agree, give it a try and fight the situation." Gusinski nodded and said.

With his expression the same, Vinogradov and Smolensky have no objection.

"Let's explain," Berezovsky reached out and patted Guo Shouyun's leg, and said in a calm tone.

According to the decision of the six giants, a series of data symbols were quickly displayed on the information screen in the securities trading floor. These symbols are incomprehensible to outsiders, and only those traders who have agreed in advance can understand them. In their eyes, this series of symbols is incomprehensible. The meaning of the data is: long pound sterling, with two million as a single order for two minutes.

When and when is money least like money and more like a bunch of useless numbers? The answer is clear, and it is on the stock exchange's price display. With the continuous operation of a large number of traders in the Far East Securities Exchange, a very interesting scene appeared on the foreign exchange futures price boards in Tokyo, London and other places. On the price column marked with the exchange rate of the British pound against various currencies, the numbers arranged to four decimal places are like an odometer on a slow-moving car. . And with each roll of the numbers, the background color of the pound exchange rate card will jump between "red and green" and eventually settle on that scarlet color.

"A wolf has entered the market!" The continuous rolling of the price tag naturally brings unusual information about the beating of the exchange rate. For those experienced and cautious retail investors, this kind of information is the last warning that they should exit the market, wise At this time, people who have lost money will immediately pack up and leave, because the most direct content mixed in this message is "someone seizes the property, and idlers avoid it".

In just two minutes, the Far East Securities Trading Center smashed nearly two billion US dollars of long orders in the international currency market in the form of two million one order. The bulls of sterling, which has been in a slump for several days, were forcibly pulled up by 1.2 percent. Don't underestimate this . , this 1.2% is the life-level reminder sent by the **** of death.

For Guo Shouyun, this is his life, no, it is the first time in two lifetimes to go to the sea and sit on a farm. That feeling, hehe, is really cool. The thing he wants to say most now is: "I want to experience that kind of feeling. Do you feel that the whole world is in your hands? Then go to the sea and go to the village." Of course, it is just like what the mysterious businessman said in the classic game Resident Evil 4: to experience this feeling, in addition to having money, you have to kind.

From 4:33 to 4:35, the six giants threw out nearly $2 billion in GBP long orders, and the results they cited in the international currency market soon passed through the big screen of the stock exchange center. The bbc real-time news broadcast was fed back to Guo Shouyun and others. It can be seen from the TV screen that the entire London Stock Exchange is boiling. The brokers in vests are running up and down the hallway in the hall. Some people who are too emotional even jumped on the trading desk and twisted wildly.

That scene on TV made Guo Shouyun realize the power of money again. As the saying goes: money can be invincible. As long as he has enough money in his hand, he can not only control politics, power, but also people's hearts, and even people. Manipulate people's emotions. Take back their eyes on the TV screen, and look at Berezovsky and others around them, none of them are interested in paying attention to what is on TV at the moment, just like everything happening on the London Stock Exchange has nothing to do with them Same. The head was picked by Khodorkovsky. These people are talking about women's classics at this time, and their expressions are relaxed and free, as if they were not a billion dollars just thrown, but one or two dollars. Coins are generally simple.

When he looked back and thought about himself, Guo Shouyun realized that he didn't seem to have any feelings about the shot just now. If he had to talk about his feelings, he felt that he could only say one word: with such a feeling , Guo Shouyun quickly integrated into the conversation of several giants. According to Gusinski's proposal, he also decided to wait for the end of this incident, and everyone went to the UK for a good tour...

"There is action, the other party has action!"

Just when the giants were about to discuss the tour itinerary in detail, a few excited shouts suddenly sounded in the hall, and several traders staring at the operating platform got up almost at the same time and shouted loudly.

"Enter it on the big screen," Guo Shouyun glanced intently in the direction of the operating platform, then turned his head and said to several assistants of the firm standing beside him.

Soon, the real-time news on the big screen was truncated and replaced by a long list of data messages. This information is screened by the traders. Through their sensitive professional nerves, they extract the data from the complicated transaction forms in a few seconds, and finally classify and analyze them to form a clear picture at a glance. Dealer entry information.

"It's all one-million-dollar empty orders, hehe, interesting," Guo Shouyun glanced at the screen, turned his head and smiled, "It seems that they are going to be short for four minutes, so it's clear that they are here for us."

"Hey, it's more than interesting, and they are quite gentlemanly," Vinogradov laughed, "they are not entering the venue formally, they are greeting us, this is telling us that they are going to enter the venue. The field is ready, if you have a move, get ready."

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