Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 420: speculative chain

?The long waiting period will come to an end, and the third Monday of June finally arrives after the long silent and anxious night. \\

Guo Shouyun got up very early today. At six o'clock, he was wearing a snow-white sports suit, got out of the hot bed he shared with Nina, and ran two laps on the small playground in the villa area by himself. A nondescript tai chi that looks like a catwalk. Speaking of which, his set of "Guo Style Tai Chi" really confuses a lot of people. In the past few days, including several giants like Berezovsky, they have all learned from him and are quite fascinated by it.

After running a few laps, he "sullied" the national quintessence martial arts a little bit. Guo Shouyun, who was sweating profusely, went back to his room to take a shower. Then he changed his clothes and was ready to lift Khodorkovsky's hot quilt. . However, the result he finally got was the same as the previous one. Khodorkovsky, who was also full of heart, also got up very early today, and not only him, but Berezovsky and others also got up. When Guo Shouyun walked into the villa, several people were drinking coffee around the table, chatting and laughing with each other. The atmosphere seemed relaxed and there was no tension before the war at all.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun really admires the calmness of these people. What is the expression of maturity? Undoubtedly, only with this kind of calm mentality that Taishan collapses in front of the front and does not change his face, a business giant can be regarded as truly mature. This is a matter of mentality, and it is also a necessary condition for being invincible in the war. Just like Smolensky, before the plan was officially launched, he was still hesitant and apprehensive, but at this time today, he But he made a smiling face, and the whole person was as relaxed as he was on vacation.

With the addition of Guo Shouyun, several giants enjoyed their last relaxing morning tea before the battle. It was not until 7:30 that they left the villa area on the advice of Vinogradov and went to the Stock Exchange to watch Tokyo. The opening of the exchange. Because of the time difference. During this time period, only the Tokyo Stock Exchange will open, and the first-hand transactions of the Big Six will be done here.

Contrary to the relaxation of several giants, the atmosphere in the special hall on the fourth floor of the Far East Securities Exchange Center was extremely tense. A large number of traders kept an eye on the market trend in their positions, and from time to time they placed one or two short orders with small denominations. Explore the situation "under the sea".

In his previous life, Guo Shouyun seldom set foot in the securities business. Of course, there is no chance of any admission. At that time, he was also obsessed with the realistic fantasy in the novel that the trader can carry the situation and turn the tide with one force. But now, he's really in the business. It was only when he started to go to the sea that he completely understood the gap between the novel and the real world. In his opinion today, the portrayal of the protagonist in the novel who invests the money and relies on a few so-called "golden traders" to sit on the farm is simply a pretopia. A more utopian realistic fantasy. In real reality, if such a protagonist can succeed, it can only mean that he has an IQ a hundred times lower than Forrest Gump. But he had a thousand times luckier than Forrest Gump.

For a large financial investment institution, especially for those hedge funds, they want to survive in the unpredictable foreign exchange market. And to make a lot of money, you must support a large number of talents, and among these talents, the most important categories are: macroeconomic analysts, strategists, industry analysts and traders. These four types of talents are arranged from front to back, and the trader is the last role in the row. Of course, this is not to say that traders are unimportant, on the contrary, they occupy the largest opportunity to play in every trade. And their greatest effect. The reason lies in the sensitivity of the data on the broader market, they can do it in just a few seconds. Determine who is throwing a long and short order next, whether it is a retail investor of small fish and shrimp, or a banker opponent of shark giant crocodile.

So what is the importance of the remaining three roles relative to the trader? For example, take the currency sniping against the German mark by the Big Six as an example. The specific operation process is as follows: the macroeconomic analysts under the Big Six receive the task first, and they will conduct a comprehensive and specific analysis of the current economic situation in Germany. Based on the macroscopic analysis, we can find out the weakest link in the favorable economic situation of this country, and then judge the feasibility of this attack. If they think that similar sniping is not feasible, and there is no weak link in Germany's entire economic chain, then the five giants except Guo Shouyun will never join the game. "If we look at the macroscopically right, we will achieve strategic Victory, but once the macro is wrong, everyone will follow, and from the moment we enter the game, we are unfortunately locked in the defeat.”

After the analysis results of the macroeconomic analysts came out, they were the first to be sent back to the strategists. Guo Shouyun once had a hard time understanding this second-ranked important role. He didn't know why these people were "strategists". "Instead of "strategic analysts", why is there no international rating program for these people. But now he understands that the fundamental reason why there is no international rating program for such people is that such people are too evil, and "dog-headed military advisers" like them simply cannot enter the hall of elegance. Compared with the conscientious economic construction, these people seem to be sabotage. According to the economic loopholes of the target country submitted by the macroeconomic analysts, what the strategy analysts have to do is to try all feasible methods to analyze different economic categories. Go ahead and provide funders with strategies that can rip and open this loophole.

Before the Big Six launched the sniper campaign against the German Mark, dozens of strategic analysts from the Big Six commercial banks were the busiest. They provided a series of highly feasible strategies that Guo Shouyun and others could now have in mind. the most basic conditions. And last night, these strategists were busy again all night. They discussed the situation that BBC TV unilaterally leaked the admission schedule of the Big Six, and finally came up with a plan, that is, each trader is currently Executed "phishing" strategy.

After the strategists, there are industry analysts known as the "industry compass". Most of these people are elite talents who are proficient in several industry categories. Their role is to provide industry consulting for strategists. , on the one hand, it also provides the most direct suggestions on the time and angle of the shot according to the different industry categories.

In order to cope with this currency sniping war, and based on the recommendations of macro analysts and strategic analysts, the Big Six recruited a large group of industry analysts who focus on the auto industry and the oil and gas industry. These people provide some reasonable suggestions. , has been adopted by the six giants. Some of the items they have arranged before will be used step by step in the future, paving the way for the Mark sniper campaign with a large amount of tens of billions of dollars, which is not something that anyone dares to take lightly. Even the six giants are the same. In order to ensure the final victory of this battle, they also prepared a powerful medicine for the overheated Germans. This powerful medicine alone is estimated to be able to be used in most of Europe. The country caused a panic.

Of course, now is not the time to talk about these things. After all, the battle has just started. In the past hour, the situation in the Tokyo Stock Exchange has been unusually calm, and the calm is a bit strange. Although the short franc orders were all eaten by Xun, according to the general opinion provided by traders, there are no "big fish" in long positions, and they are all irrelevant retail investors. And this also shows that the views of the Big Six are correct. The BBC's news broadcast has raised the vigilance of the hot money crocodiles. They are now watching, rather than rashly entering the market.

In contrast, there were no large numbers of sterling short orders in the foreign exchange market. For an entire hour, the volume of sterling short orders was less than 40 million. During this period of time, such a number is really unimaginable. What is certain is that if this situation continues, the British are expected to laugh from ear to ear.

For the 40 million pounds short order, the exchange rate is maintained at the level of 1 pounds to 2.83 Deutsche Marks, which is obviously a lot different from 1 a few days ago. If the Big Six eat this short order, it means dozens of Millions of profits appeared.

However, for the six giants, hundreds of thousands of profits are obviously not attractive to them, and this short list is likely to be released by the other party to test the truth, so the strategic analysts put forward suggestions: let them go , do not eat!

"Hey, our opponent is very cunning," Smolensky stood at the operator's operating platform for a while, then walked back to the soft sand with a smile on his face, shrugged his shoulders, and said in a relaxed tone, "Here's a step. It's really interesting to go, like a little lover's wink, and it's funny to refuse." "How many have we thrown?" Vinogradov was standing on the pavement with a golf club in his hand. Playing with a "stick" in front of the indoor small ball table with a green carpet, he asked with all his heart.

"It's the same as the short sterling bill thrown, 40 million," Guo Shouyun said without looking up, looking at a report that had just been sent.

"Don't worry, it's not yet time," Khodorkovsky glanced at Berezovsky, who was dozing at the closing, and said casually, "Tokyo's exchange is at best the periphery, and the conflict here is absolutely no big deal. What we need now is to wait, until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as the British enter the venue, it is estimated that some people will lose their temper."

"It's hard to say," Gusinski said, shaking his head, "I'm worried that the dealers on the opposite side will not enter the market today, they may accumulate strength, and wait for tomorrow to destroy the peripheral retail investors who follow us in one fell swoop, and give a shocking The effect, that is also a little trouble for us.”

"What do you think?" Guo Shouyun asked, patting Berezovsky's knee.

The old fox seemed very calm at the moment. He opened his closed eyes slightly, glanced at Guo Shouyun beside him, pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "I'm hungry again, who among you wants to go out to eat?"

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