Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 419: robber's condition

?For Lemmon and the two senior MPs who traveled with him to the Far East, they had previously envisaged many possible terms of cooperation from the Big Six, including establishing money laundering channels in the UK, setting up investment foundations with government privileges, and acquiring British The investment preferential policies given by the federal government, etc., in a word, what kind of conditions are more greedy, they will consider which direction, so that they can be more mentally prepared when bargaining. . qb5, c0m

What surprised the three of them was the fact that the six Russian giants, known for their insatiable greed, didn’t make any excessive demands this time. According to the requirements of the six giants, they will take action on Monday, sinking the exchange rate of the French franc by four percentage points to attract the attention of hot money and ease the pressure on the Bank of England. It was set on Wednesday, which is the third day of the opening of the new foreign exchange market. In other words, the Bank of England must hold on for three more days. After three days, it will be time for them to fight back. In exchange, the six giants then proposed that if this joint operation fails, then everyone has nothing to say. If it succeeds, the British government must provide the six giants with legal and permanent residency in the British Commonwealth. Full citizens Identity, other than that, they ask for nothing.

Full Commonwealth Citizenship? What kind of requirement is this? Lemon and the two senior congressmen accepted this request from the Big Six almost immediately. In their view, it was not a condition at all. If the Big Six really needed such an identity, they could easily get it by themselves. In this world, the rich are the uncles. Not to mention the six giants only need a formal citizenship. Even if they want to settle in the UK for a long time, the federal government welcomes them very much. billions if they choose to settle in the Commonwealth. That is equivalent to bringing an astonishing foreign exchange inventory for the federation. Who else would refuse such a good thing? As for whether there is an element of "asylum" in their request, Lemon and the others will not consider it at all. In any form of international relations, national interests are the most fundamental point to consider everything. As long as the Big Six can take them Bring that amazing wealth to the Commonwealth. Then the Federation will provide them with any form of asylum request, "Extradition?" Such a statement only applies to those insignificant thieves, such as the six giants with amazing wealth, who have long been out of the international extradition agreement. out.

Almost without any setbacks, Sir Lemon, the British representative, quickly reached a cooperation intention with six Russian giants, including Guo Shouyun, as the French franc fell by four percent on Monday, he said. The Bank of England will invest another 10 billion in the money market, and at the same time, it will take measures to raise interest rates on savings in the UK to urge the pound to rebound. As a cooperating party, the Big Six should issue a news announcement earlier on Monday, announcing that it will enter the market strongly in the near future, in order to boost the excitement of investment in the exchange rate of the pound, thus bringing a positive situation. Alleviate the pressure on the UK side. As the most critical content of the cooperation, starting from Wednesday, the Big Six must make every effort to enter the market. Introduce the first Deutsche Mark selling frenzy to combat the offensive momentum of the hot money side and force the exit of small investments.

As for why the Big Six chose to enter the market on Wednesday. It is also very simple to say, they are just trying to get more benefits. In general, when the Big Six absorbed the franc and the German mark, the exchange rates of these two major currencies were still at a relatively low level, while the exchange rate of the pound was at a relatively high level compared to now. price. In the past period of time, with the sell-off of international hot money on the British pound, and the absorption of the franc and the German mark. GBP prices continue to fall. The prices of the latter two currencies have been continuously raised. In this way, the huge amount of French and German currencies in the hands of the Big Six has achieved a rapid value-added process. It is rude to say that now for the Big Six, as long as the British do not leave the market, the lower the exchange rate of the British pound and the higher the exchange rate of the franc mark, the greater the chance of their success, and the higher the income in the end. The process of buying low and selling high is easy to understand.

With the negotiating result reached with the Big Six, Sir Lemon didn't even bother to make up for one, and got on the plane back to London in a hurry that afternoon. He wanted to inform the Cabinet of the good news as soon as possible and inform the recent frown. Xiang Meijie, who did not show it, could even imagine how big a surprise this news was for Xiang. At present, the political environment in the UK is complicated. Major, who took over as Chancellor after the "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher, has always been in great trouble. The British always like to associate him with former Thatcher. The wife put them together for comparison, and the result of the comparison is that the current cabinet is too weak and incompetent, and the entire government has lost the efficient and tough style of the past. It is precisely because of this that in the face of the pound currency crisis, many Britons shouted the slogan of "learning the lesson from incompetence". Under such circumstances, the current cabinet can no longer turn back. Step down, or maintain a tough attitude and achieve final success in order to get rid of the shadow of the "Iron Lady" and win the support of public opinion. Therefore, it can be quite frank to say that the entry of the Big Six is ​​not only a glimmer of light for the British pound, but also a glimmer of light for the current cabinet. To a certain extent, their future and destiny have been tied to the Big Six. together.

The night of the second Sunday in June is destined to be a long night without sleep for many people. Everyone in the currency war can sensitively detect the smell of gunpowder that is rapidly heating up in the air. On the hourly news program that night, Italian Prime Minister Amato made a TV statement that on the one hand, he condemned the Germans, who are also members of the European Exchange Rate Unity, for his own interests. No rescue, on the one hand, it is a euphemism to say that if the situation does not improve on Monday and the Germans remain on the sidelines, then Italy will not rule out the possibility of withdrawing from the exchange rate unity, and they will most likely be on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Taking the initiative to lower the exchange rate of the Italian lira to avoid further losses to national interests - Amato's speech officially indicated that, after Finland and Spain, Italy is also in danger of losing its position.

Perhaps in response to Italy's attitude, the British BBC announced the latest decision from the British cabinet in a news broadcast shortly thereafter. The cabinet spokesman of Downing Street publicly declared: Britain has a rigorous financial system that has lasted for hundreds of years. The existence of this advantage enables the British Commonwealth to resist any form of financial risk. As one of the mainstream currencies in the world today, the pound is also able to resist attacks from all sides. Affected by the sniping of sterling by international hot money in the previous stage, the exchange rate of sterling has shown an unstable trend recently, but this phenomenon is only temporary. In a few days today, the huge sum of money will be used to buy the British pound in response to the currency crisis. At the end of the remarks, the cabinet spokesperson also reiterated that the UK is by no means a paradise for currency speculation to indulge in entertainment, and the British government will not unilaterally withdraw from the European exchange rate unity because of the threat from the foreign exchange market. Now, the Bank of England has cooperated with the world. Several "strong" commercial banks have reached an agreement. From now on, a large amount of funds will be injected into the international currency market to support the rise in the exchange rate of the pound.

To be honest, the bbc's news broadcast on Sunday night almost didn't make the Big Six jump and swear. According to the previous agreement between the two parties, news like this will not be broadcast until the opening of the meeting venue on Monday morning, and now, The British advanced it by more than ten hours, which is equivalent to announcing the action schedule of the Big Six in advance.

Of course, a similar move is unlikely to change the direction of the big six, but for the six giants, they will lose a large part of the profit margin. To put it simply, broadcasts like bbc will definitely attract the attention of hot money, and when the market opens on Monday, those old fritters will definitely not enter the market rashly. They will take a wait-and-see attitude and carefully check the market The bells and whistles. In this case, the selling of the franc currency by the Big Six will definitely arouse their vigilance, and they will never eat a large amount of short orders. In this way, the exchange rate of the franc can easily be beaten, but the Big Six can The profit gained from it has decreased - the harder the battle, the higher the potential profit. This is the basic rule of the day in the foreign exchange market. Of course, for the Big Six, the broadcast of this news has another hazard, that is, when they suppress the franc, they will lose an opportunity to drag the main force of the hot money into the water. These old fritters have the most funds and the highest vigilance. In the first round, they could not drag one leg into the water, but they only caught a group of small fish and shrimp, and the difficulty of fighting in the future would be increased invisibly.

But the words are divided into two parts. The reason why the British did this was also out of frustration. They had to endure the long three days, and they had to give sterling holdings a shot in the arm. In this case, grab it on Sunday night. Distributing similar information, on the one hand, can improve confidence, on the other hand, it can also make investors dare not act rashly when Monday comes. Once these two goals are achieved, then the opening of the market on Monday, the Bank of England will invest a large amount of funds to support the market, and announce the positive news of interest rate increase, the effect will be much better, and if possible, the exchange rate of the pound will even increase to a certain extent. ——Unlike the expectations of the Big Six, this is the best start the British hoped for.

As Marx's materialist assertion puts it, "contradiction is everywhere," even between two collaborators with a common goal.

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