Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 318: hide it

"Okay, very good," Guo Shouyun said with a smile while looking at the detailed report sent by Shana Riva in his own study in the villa, "Catch the four half-dead people and collect them. Nineteen corpses, yes, yes, um, even though a few ran away, it doesn't seem to hurt, what do you think?"

Shanariva sat in front of Guo Shouyun with an ugly expression on her face. , qв5.\\ Of course she could hear that the man in front of him could never be satisfied with today's situation. What he concealed under his smiling expression was definitely anger, anger that had risen to the extreme.

Tonight's attack seemed to move very suddenly, but the opponent actually mobilized nearly 30 people and nine vehicles. In terms of weapons, in addition to the most basic assault rifles and sniper rifles, they were also equipped with a The door bazooka, fortunately, the van loaded with the bazooka was crashed at the beginning, otherwise, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous. An attack like this would be impossible to move without long-term planning and lurking.

With Guo Shouyun, what kind of work is Shanariva in charge of? On the one hand, she controls the mafia gangs that have power all over the Far East. On the other hand, with the disintegration of the Security Committee, she also fully accepts almost all the intelligence gathering networks that the original KGB installed in the Far East, and a large number of informants are also in the under her control. In this case, someone secretly planned such a large-scale attack, and the attack location was also selected in a very special place like Khabarovsk. What does this indicate? This shows that people are doing small things under the nose of Shana Riva. And she didn't know anything about it.

Negligence, this is an extremely serious dereliction of duty. If it were put in a few years ago, Shana Riva, one of the members of the safety committee, would have to bear heavy responsibilities. She would be executed in secret. It is precisely because of this that what she wants to hear most now is Guo Shouyun's rebuke to her, which will make her feel more comfortable, but... But the derogation of this man's yin and yang at the moment makes her feel uncomfortable. Feeling more miserable.

"It's my life that matters this time," Guo Shouyun raised his head and glanced at the woman across from him. The other party's slightly pale face. He couldn't help but sigh secretly, and he swallowed the words that had already been delivered to his mouth. Although I have always been very wary of this woman, feelings are not something that someone can not want or want. After a long time together, coupled with the close relationship between each other, Guo Shouyun can't keep his face down. To scold her excessively. What's more, he also knows that the blame that happened today can't be blamed on Shana Riva.

Just a few minutes ago. Nina has called from the military region. According to her statement, the weapons used by the bandits are all military configuration belonging to the Far East Military Region. Those guys have not even erased the numbers on the firearms. Just swaggeringly took it out and swung it around. Summarize it in one simple sentence. These firearms were bought by the gangsters from the black market, and the black market is military firearms. It is to flow out from the army. During this period of time, the chaos in the Far East Military Region is not something that ordinary people can imagine. Guo Shouyun is doing a large-scale arms business, and the officers and soldiers of the army and even the garrison of the reserve are also doing small arms deals in private. Some unscrupulous businessmen and the underlings of Shanariva took advantage of this opportunity to buy scattered firearms from the soldiers, and then send them to the black market for sale. One of the most common AK assault rifles, the black market price has dropped to between 300 rubles and 500 rubles, and an svd sniper rifle with 40 ammunition and unregistered mirrors, the price is only 2,700 to 3 Fifteen hundred rubles. In this case, those hidden killers don't have to bother at all, they can easily get the weapons they need. To be honest, Guo Shouyun is indeed very lucky tonight. If it wasn't for the little Victor who wanted to eat hamburgers, the team If the route is changed, it is unknown whether he will be able to return home smoothly.

"Anyway, it's in the past, so I'm too lazy to pursue something." Putting the report in his hand on the table in front of him, Guo Shouyun stood up, rubbing his forehead, and said, "You also take this report. Go back, I'm not interested in watching it. But you'd better keep an eye on me in the future. I can turn a blind eye to those smuggling guns. Who bought it, what do you want to buy back, you guys have to investigate it for me, I don't want to die on the weapon I shot one day."

What Guo Shouyun said made Shanariva somewhat relieved, she hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Sir, I have just arranged for an investigation into the identities of these killers, and the conclusion I have reached is that these All of them are immigrants from Buryatia. Twelve of them have been identified. All of them have military experience. Two of them have also served as second lieutenants in the Siberian Military District, so I suspect …”

"Subjective assumptions are of no value. I have told you this sentence many times," Guo Shouyun interrupted before Shanariva could finish her sentence, "Today these people may be from Buryat or Chita came here, but this does not mean that they have any relationship with a certain force over there. Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, if you want to get rid of me, you will go from Do you choose people in your gang to do it manually? This is the most basic common sense, can't you see it through?"

Saying so, Guo Shouyun turned from behind the table, walked to Shanariva's side, put his hand on her pretty shoulder, and said in a gentle tone, "No matter what happens, don't panic, don't panic, Be calm, you have been with me for a long time, can't you even do this? It may be difficult to trace who is behind this incident, but I can be sure that these two The killer with the knife should have nothing to do with Moscow."

"Oh?" Shanariva frowned slightly. He looked at Guo Shouyun with a puzzled look on his face. Obviously, she wondered why this man was so determined.

"It's very simple to say," Guo Shouyun continued with a smile, "Think about it, if those people in Moscow wanted to do something to me. Would the killers they hire still be these guys who are not in the class at all? What's more, I have dealt with them for so long, what kind of habits I have, the specific scope of activities in Khabarovsk, and even the basic daily itinerary, I am afraid they have long been aware of it. In this situation Next, the assassination they planned. I am afraid it is a hundred times more accurate than the attack tonight. Hehe, so, by contrast, I am more willing to believe that this group of people tonight is just for the benefit of others. The cannon fodder who came to jump into the fire pit without knowing whether to live or die, if I, Guo Shouyun, died under the hands of these people in Khabarovsk, it would be a real joke."

"Mr. means..." Shanariva is also very smart. She doesn't need too many prompts to think everything clearly.

Obviously, in tonight's assassination operation, there were many flaws in the entire operation arrangement. First of all, their plans were not thorough. The choice of the ambush location was very inappropriate. And this vulnerability reflects two possibilities. First, the planning of the attack did not understand Guo Shouyun's travel habits. Second, these people do not have any roots in the Far East, and even the hiding places they choose are not safe. It is precisely because of this restriction that they do not have to hide for too long, thus launching the attack in a hurry. Secondly, since the master behind the attack hired such a group of laymen to do it, there are also two possibilities. First, he did not intend to kill Guo Shouyun, but just wanted to give a warning. Second It's because he doesn't have that much energy in the Far East, and he doesn't have the ability to organize a high-level assassination operation at all.

After analyzing these things clearly, some suspenseful issues will be revealed. Who may plan this attack, and which organization and gang may be suspected, it will be easier to delineate.

"I mean, what happened this time can be used as a reference or a warning," Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile, "The Far East is destined to become more and more lively in the future, whether it is tropical fish or direwolf. , all want to come here for a walk, swim, and we sit here, it is equivalent to blocking a lot of people's way, those who want to benefit from here will try their best to get rid of me, and those who don't want to let me Those who benefit from their opponents will also try their best to get rid of me. Hehe, I am not timid, and I am not afraid of death, but then again, I can't tolerate those low-end goods of chickens and puppies. Run to my three-thirds of the land and go wild. Anyone who wants to kill me can come, but I also want to let them know that it is not so easy to move me. No matter who they are, as long as they reach out, they will Think about the consequences ahead of time.”

Turning to the back of Shanariva, Guo Shouyun rubbed the back of her hand on her smooth noodles, and said meaningfully: "During this time, your people seem to be too leisurely, they say that soldiers are trained for a thousand days, and soldiers are used for a while. Think about it, isn't it time for you to do something too?"

"Yes sir, I understand what you mean," Shanariva tilted her head, put Guo Shouyun's big hand between her cheek and neck, rubbed it gently, and then said, "You can rest assured about these matters. Well, I will arrange it properly."

"Very good," Guo Shouyun nodded with satisfaction, "Let's do it then."

After saying such a simple and clear sentence, Guo Shouyun withdrew his hand, turned around, and walked straight to the door of the study.

Hearing the footsteps of the man walking away behind her, Shanariva stood up. She turned her head to look at the figure who was about to reach the door, feeling a little lost in her heart. I don't know if it is a kind of pregnancy reaction. Since she became pregnant, despite her many scruples, she still hopes to stay by this man's side for a while, even if she doesn't speak, just sit together for a while. But judging from the current situation, this hope is somewhat extravagant.

"Oh, that's right," Guo Shouyun paused when he was about to step out of the door, he held the door frame with one hand, pondered for a moment, and sighed, "I heard that you are not feeling well recently, if not If things are too important, try to leave them to others. Speaking of which, you and I have the closest personalities. We are both the kind of people who are very suspicious. Maybe it's not good for everyone, so if you can hide it, try to hide it as much as possible."

After speaking, Guo Shouyun walked out the door without looking back.

Shanariva held the seat with her hand and was stunned for a while. Then she seemed to think of something. She lowered her head to look at her increasingly prominent belly. Telephone receiver on desk.

"Sarah, make arrangements for me. I will arraign those guys tonight." About a minute later, Shana Riva's indifferent voice came from the study

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