Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 317: It's not easy to want my life

? Hearing these two voices from the car, Guo Shouyun didn't say what his mood was, fear? This kind of feeling is there, let alone him, even the bodyguards who are guarding him also feel the fear. If they are dealing with the same people, even if it is a knife and gun confrontation, these bodyguards are not afraid, but this one in the car is not afraid. Little girl, it is estimated that few people can tell whether she is a person or not. \\. qв5, c0m, not to mention Guo Shouyun still doting on her so much, the big guy can't greet her with both guns and cannons. In this case, once the door is opened, God knows what will happen?

With a roar, a helicopter circled over the street and flew straight to the west side of the road. From the looks of it, it was estimated that it was chasing the van that escaped.

"Put away the guns," Guo Shouyun cleared his throat and turned to the bodyguards following him.

After listening to Guo Shouyun's instructions, several bodyguards hesitated for a while, and then put away the guns in unison. They also knew that it was not appropriate to use guns to deal with this little girl in the car.

"Open the car door," Guo Shouyun took a deep breath and waved his hand as he walked to the position facing the car door.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, a bodyguard stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed the slightly deformed car door, pulled it hard with both hands, and pulled the car door open with a "clatter".


Almost at the same time as the car door was torn open, an extremely twisted corpse suddenly fell out of the car door and hit the icy road with one head.

Guo Shouyun ignored the corpse. He stared closely at the inside of the car, only to see the blood-soaked little Victor in the car, squatting quietly beside the car door on the other side, with blood-red eyes staring straight at him. The door just opened. When he saw Guo Shouyun standing outside the door, the little guy grinned. "ji" laughed, and then stretched out a finger dripping with blood, pointing at the unrecognizable corpse in front of him, and said crisply: "bad guy..."

Following the little girl's finger, Guo Shouyun glanced down. It was only then that he could see how miserable the corpse was—the head originally covered with the turban was completely smashed, and the red and yellow juice seeped out from the gap of the woven turban. , dipping the entire headscarf into a sticky mass. What was especially terrifying was the shriveled hood. There is a deep depression in the center. The size of the hole is about the size of little Victor's fist. There is no doubt that this poor big head was smashed by the little girl's fist.

"The bad guy... is dead." Perhaps seeing Guo Shouyun's unresponsiveness, little Victor muttered again. At the same time, she stretched out her small hand and grabbed the corpse's collar. Lift him off the deck. He shook it vigorously, then shook his hand and threw the corpse into the back of the carriage. "Gudong", he swallowed hard, Guo Shouyun squeezed out a smile. clap hands. Said to little Victor, who was squatting in a pool of blood, "Baby, come. Come here."

Hearing Guo Shouyun's call, the little girl didn't hesitate at all. She squatted halfway and sprang out of the car with a "swoosh", and her two small arms circled around Guo Shouyun's chest accurately.

Fort. "The emotional little girl hasn't forgotten about the "hamburger" until now, she put her blood-stained head under Guo Shouyun's arm, and said softly.

Now Guo Shouyun doesn't care about nausea anymore, he hugged the little girl's shoulders and said with a smile: "Okay, eat hamburgers, let's eat whatever the baby says to eat, let's talk, let's go buy a few. ."

Saying so, Guo Shouyun turned his head and gave a few glances at the bodyguards who were following him. That meant that they should hurry up to do errands, drive when they should drive, and buy hamburgers if they should. The bodyguards naturally understood what he meant, and several people separated from each other and ran towards the opposite side of the road without a sound.

Little Victor, who has returned from his animal nature, now only focuses on eating. She is snuggling in Guo Shouyun's arms, playing with her blood-stained right hand in a naive manner, and muttering with her mouth opening and closing. After a long while, he put three fingers in front of Guo Shouyun, and said crisply: "Four..."

Looking at the little girl in his arms who stretched out three fingers and said "four", Guo Shouyun didn't know whether he should laugh or not. He grabbed the girl's hand and broke one of her fingers apart to make a four. Then he smiled: "Baby, four, this is four."

Saying so, Guo Shouyun reached out and tapped the little girl's four fingers again, counting while tapping: "One, two, three, four, this is four, one, two, three, this is three."

Killing may be an easy task for little Victor, but this finger-counting skill is obviously a bit difficult for her. She fiddled with her little hand, and stretched out a few fingers. He threw up and down several times, and suddenly laughed "ji", then raised three fingers and said to Guo Shouyun naively, "Hamburg...four."

"Alas," sighed heavily, Guo Shouyun laughed helplessly, and said, "Okay, four hamburgers, let's go, let's go back to eat."

Having said that, he took the little girl's arm with one hand and dragged her towards the parking lot on the opposite side of the road. Behind their group, a large number of heavily armed policemen with shields and guns swarmed, and in an instant, the entire road was surrounded by water.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo," just as Guo Shouyun took little Victor onto the sidewalk, the bloated plainclothes police officer ran over, panting, holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, sweating on his face, said, "There is already news about the escaped car, but, but those gangsters, those gangsters have apparently abandoned the car and escaped, we only found an empty car, this..."

"Trash!" Guo Shouyun put little Victor into the car, and raised his eyebrows when he heard that. He scolded in a low voice without turning his head.

"Yes, yes, yes," the fat police officer shivered, and subconsciously wiped the sweat with his handkerchief, and said repeatedly, "but don't worry, sir. I have already transferred the most experienced police officers in the bureau to take charge of the search work. , At the same time, it also blocked all the traffic arteries in and out of the city. As long as the gangsters who escaped have not left the city at the moment, then they will never escape. I..."

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun waved his hand, bent down and got into the car, and after he was firmly seated in the car seat, he said to the fat police officer standing outside through the car window, "You still think it's troublesome tonight. Isn't that enough? Look at the guys on the roadside. I don't think we have to wait until tomorrow. There will be several versions of the rumors all over Khabarovsk, and that's not good for stabilizing the situation in the Far East."

The fat police officer glanced around subconsciously, but at this moment, on the periphery of the police blockade on both sides of the street, the inner third floor and the outer third floor were surrounded by people. These people may not know that something was born at the scene. nothing, but they would guess, would imagine. And when the real situation is passed on by them, it often becomes a flavor.

"The ones that ran away were just little mice, and I'm not interested in trying to get them out now," Guo Shouyun put his finger on the automatic window gear and slowly raised the window. side said. "What you have to do now is to clean up the scene. The bodies of the killers will be kept and someone will pick them up later. Also, make up a plausible story and try to minimize the impact of tonight's incident. How? So, you should be able to do these two things, right?"

"It can be done, it can be done, don't worry sir..." The fat police officer nodded again and again and said in response.

In fact, for the fat police officer, it doesn't matter what kind of answer he gives, because when Guo Shouyun finished saying that, the glass of the car window was tightly closed. In other words, what he wanted to do , just to explain things down, as for whether the other party can do it, can it be done better, that's not what he needs to worry about.

"Sir," under the **** of several police cars, the convoy started again, passed through a passage that the onlookers retreated from, and drove straight towards the southern suburbs of the city. The driver in the driver's seat seemed to have something to worry about. He looked at the little Victor curled up in the seat from the rearview mirror, and then looked at Guo Shouyun, who had a calm face, and then said softly, "You, are you okay?"

"Huh?" Guo Shouyun took his eyes back from the car window and glanced at his driver. He knew what his loyal driver was worried about. Maybe in the eyes of everyone, those killers who could come at any time were not scary, but what was really scary was the petite, naive little girl beside him. But Guo Shouyun himself obviously doesn't think so, and now the little Victor can recognize himself even in a state of rage, which is a good phenomenon.

"Why, do you think those killers can scare me just now?" Although he understood the driver's intention, Guo Shouyun interrupted and said with a smile, "Hehe, it's not that easy, I'm doing fine now. , I don't need anyone to say that I also understand that there are many people who want my life now, but it is not so easy for them to achieve their goals. Good people don't live long, and scourges for 10,000 years, sir, how can I be so easily Did someone hang up?"

"Sir, I mean that Miss Victor thought Guo Shouyun would be wrong, he hesitated and said directly.

"Oh, you mean baby," Guo Shouyun took out a white silk handkerchief from his pocket and said with a smile while wiping the blood on the supple little Victor's hands, "Hehe, my baby is well-behaved. It's, um, just... time to take a shower."

Having said that, Guo Shouyun raised his finger and stroked the little guy's dirty nose lightly.

The peculiar tone let out a chuckle, little Victor arched her body and plunged her head into Guo Shouyun's arms, while she rubbed her newly bred small **** on Guo Shouyun's thigh like a kitten, while Muttered, "Burger... burger...."

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