Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 319: newborn

?From Guo Shouyun's villa, Shana Riva rushed all the way back to the town of Koderevcharsk in the western suburbs of the city. This relatively secluded town is where the Far East Mafia Gang was established in the suburbs of Khabarovsk. of a headquarters. /. qb5. c0m

The small town of Kodelevcharsk is about 35 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Khabarovsk. There are only more than 200 residents in the town, and the population is less than four figures, but it is such a small town. In the former Soviet Union, it was quite famous in the Far East, for no other reason, because there was a prison with a long history here - Orache Prison, the original Honghezi Prison.

Speaking of the history of Orache Prison, it can be said that it has been a few days and nights. Bliucher, one of the five major marshals of the Soviet Union, was detained in this place before he was executed, and he was with him at that time. Also thrown into this prison were more than 500 generals of the Far Eastern Front Army, large and small. "I am nostalgic when I go to Bo Li Duo, and I want to go to the Red River to recognize the claw marks." Marshal Ye Jianying wrote this poem in memory of Marshal Bliuch, and the two places "Bo Li" and "Red River" are from this. After Bliucher, in the late World War II, Puyi, the last emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, had the honor to live here for a period of time, but his life was better, at least he walked out of here alive.

After the rise of Shana Riva's mafia gang, she used a series of means to turn this large-scale villa-style prison, which was originally under the joint jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Committee, into a nest in the hands of the gang. People who thought they were a threat to the gang or the Guo Group were all thrown here. For these people, this place seemed to have become a **** of death.

In the past, Shana Riva herself seldom came to this place. In her opinion, this place is too dirty, dilapidated and old. Every time she comes to this place, she will feel extremely depressed, but today, when she comes to this place again today, she is in a bad mood sooner. Don't talk about the O'Cella prison. On the way over, Sana Riva felt that everything was so extraordinary—the night sky without the slightest star was so dark, but it was so beautiful, the bumps of the vehicle made people feel so comfortable, all in all In a word, everything you can see is so good. So perfect.

Since she became pregnant, Shanariva has been suffering from both physical and psychological burdens, but just this evening, with Guo Shouyun's words that are subtle but clear in meaning, all her psychological burdens have been removed. She no longer has to worry about the unborn child in her belly.

Of course. Guo Shouyun's words also showed an attitude. That is, this child is born in the future, and it is unlikely to enter the Guo clan. To put it bluntly, Guo Shouyun cannot give the child a legitimate identity, at least in public. But for Shanariva, she doesn't take this very seriously. As the man said, it may not be a good thing for this child to have a legitimate identity. The previous generation will bear a lot of troubles because of him, and the children themselves have to take great risks. As for the child's future life, whether he can get Guo Shouyun's approval or not, I believe there will be no problem, if he is really talented and responsible. That future to the Guo Group. There is no doubt that he will have a share of the world.

When Sanariva arrived at the Orache prison. It was already half past one in the morning, and the four surviving killers transferred from the Khabarovsk police station had arrived an hour ago. For the reborn Shanariva, she may think the world is beautiful, but at the same time, those who oppose her are even more hideous and damned. These people are desperate to attack Guo Shouyun, which means they want to take away everything from her, take away the new life she finally got, take away everything she feels good, and this is something she can't accept no matter what. .

Although the current Ocella Prison has been basically abandoned by the Security Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but under the control of the gang, the security here has not been relaxed at all: the continuous fortress-style wall is six meters high and one and a half meters wide. Forty-two guard posts, large and small, are scattered on the top of the wall with searchlights installed. Prison guards with live ammunition patrol the wall 24 hours a day. Any prisoner who attempts to cross the 12-meter cordon in the prison will be shot dead on the spot. . Entering the prison area through the heavy moving iron gate, Shana Riva rushed to the underground interrogation room in the fourth prison area without stopping. She felt that her time was very short, and the mouths of the four killers had to be opened as soon as possible. Everything you know must be taken out so that you can plan your next steps for yourself.

On the way here, Shana Riva has already thought very clearly that the value of these killers themselves may not be great, and their cheapness determines that they cannot know too much. Those who really plan this assassination behind the scenes It is impossible for those who act to have any contact with these cannon fodder-style guys. But even so, she should still be able to take out some things from these guys, such as how they received this mission, where they settled down, what kind of people they had contacted with, how the commission was charged, etc. Wait, wait, as a former security committee agent, Shana Riva is confident that she can get what she needs by analyzing these seemingly worthless information.

Getting out of the car at the entrance of the underground corridor of Cell No. 4, Shana Riva met several prison officers who came to greet her, which was interesting, although the current safety committee has been dismembered, and it used to be The pure blue uniform has also been abandoned, but in this Ocella Prison, the guards who are responsible for interrogating and guarding the prisoners still wear the old-fashioned uniform of the safety committee-according to Sana Riva, this is. This kind of uniform is the most deterrent to those stubborn guys. If the timid person sees this uniform, he will pee his pants on the spot. When interrogating these people, the interrogator does not need to say anything. As long as he sits there, the timid prisoner will reveal everything he knows. In the final analysis, this is still a question of deterrence. If time goes back 20 years, how many people in the entire Soviet Union dare to organize what kind of mafia gang? Even if someone has the guts, I'm afraid they won't be able to organize anything. As soon as something like them emerges, people from the Safety Committee will immediately come to the door and pull them out by the roots, leaving no hair left.

"How's it going, have you spoken?" When she walked into the dimly lit, damp and cold underground passage, Sanariva took off the two black leather gloves and handed them to a police officer beside her, asking casually. road.

"Not yet, ma'am," a police officer with a captain's logo walked beside Shanariva and replied after hearing the words, "of the four, three suffered internal injuries, the remaining one was bleeding from the spleen, plus The pelvis is broken, and now I am unconscious, and we are worried that if we hit too hard, it will kill people, so we haven't done it yet."

"If you're unconscious, try to make him sober," Shana Riva flashed past a dripping ceiling and said casually, "Don't tell me you can't even find stimulants here. As for whether it will get people into trouble? Death, then I don't care, I just need to let them speak."

The space in the underground passage is highly reverberating, and Shana Riva's ruthless voice, along with the "clicking" sound of leather shoes hitting the concrete floor, echoed in the long, narrow and dark corridor for a long time before it gradually subsided.

"You all know how much movement these people have made." After walking a distance in the aisle, Sanariva stopped in front of an iron door inlaid with patterned glass. She kicked the door open with her feet up. First, he subconsciously covered his nose, and then continued, "Mr. is already very dissatisfied with this, so we must find out who these people have instructed in the shortest possible time."

"But these people are from the military, and their mouths are very strict. I tried to interrogate them just now, but I didn't get anything." The captain frowned and said, "The most difficult thing is that these four guys have serious internal injuries. If you can't afford to toss, if you hit a little harder, they will fall into a coma, and in this case, it is estimated that stimulants will not have any effect."

"In that case, give them something soft," Sanariva tilted her head to think for a while, then waved her hand and said, "Wash your hands and soak your feet, I think they should speak."

"Washing your hands and soaking your feet" in Shanariva's mouth is not the usual way of washing your hands and feet with warm water comfortably, but an extremely cruel way of treating people. The execution process is to first fasten the blood joints of the prisoner's arm or thigh with a girdle, and then attach ice cubes for a long period of cold treatment. Due to poor blood flow and prolonged freezing, the prisoner's arms and thighs will lose consciousness. It only takes about ten minutes for the prisoner's arms to become bruised and thick, and the blood from the parts of the limbs that have lost circulation and have been frozen will become viscous and stagnant. Until this time, the executioners will actually start the process. They will immerse the prisoner's unconscious, bruised and swollen limbs in concentrated nitric acid and start the so-called "washing hands and soaking feet" process. During the entire execution process, the prisoners felt no pain, but they could feel a tingling sensation. At the same time, they could see their limbs. Under the erosion of concentrated nitric acid, their skin and muscles were swelled with foam and white mist. Soaring, quickly festering and falling off. Not only that, because a large amount of viscous blood accumulates in the blood vessel, when the blood vessel ruptures, the blood reacts with the concentrated nitric acid, and there will be a dense "crackling" explosion. That scene can put a timid prisoner directly. Frightened to death, the daring will also collapse in an instant.

"I've thought about it too," the captain said, nodding, "but I'm worried that it won't be easy to explain to the police."

"If you can't explain it, don't explain it," Shanariva snapped her fingers and said absent-mindedly, "I'm already devastated now, so how can I care about the reactions of those people."

"Then, let me prepare first?" Hearing Shanariva say this, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of the captain's mouth, and he said in a questioning tone.

"Go, I'll take a rest first, and let me know when I'm ready," Shanariva said casually as she walked into the room, "I'll try these people myself."

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