Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 316: Killing machine

"Sir!" Guo Shouyun's sudden action startled the driver sitting in front. This juncture was no joke. Although the gunfire on the street had subsided, God knows that in those dark corners, Is there still a few snipers lurking around? /w The boss chose to jump out of the car at this time. If someone secretly shot him, the consequences would be disastrous.

The driver shouted, but he couldn't stop Guo Shouyun. He didn't have time to think about it. He also pushed the car door and got out, almost standing in front of Guo Shouyun. Beside Guo Shouyun, even an ordinary The driver, he must also have the consciousness to act as a meat shield at any time. This may sound cruel, but it is an indisputable fact.

It took half a minute from when Guo Shouyun jumped out of the car to when the driver stood in front of him. During this time, Guo Shouyun's eyes never left the van that hit the road.


The rickety van finally failed to escape its misfortune. It swayed and slammed into the poplar tree trunk by the roadside. Because of driving too fast, the entire white front of the car was dented, and the rolling thick In an instant, smoke came out of the shattered car window.

"Sir, it's not safe here, hurry up, go back to the car," standing in front of Guo Shouyun, the driver tried his best to remain shocked, but as a person who had never experienced such a scene, his voice still couldn't help it. With a little trembling.

Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He stood in front of the car with his eyes fixed on the body of the white van. Although he was very confident in Victor's reaching out, in this case, it seemed that anything could happen. In the small space inside the car, the killer shoots randomly. God knows who they'll hit.

Just after Guo Shouyun got off the car, the bodyguards who were still blocking the gap in the guardrail quickly moved towards this side. Although a few of them were slightly injured, their injuries were not serious. Does not affect mobility. When these bodyguards formed a protective line on the sidewalk again, police cars came from all over the place, and they also arrived at the intersection of the street one after another. A large number of riot police officers, fully armed and equipped with tactical shields, jumped out of the RVs. , With the traffic-congested highway as the center, Xun has formed a solid encirclement.

A tall man. However, a fat and bloated officer in plain clothes, accompanied by two policemen, ran to Guo Shouyun out of breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead with the silk cloth in his hand, and said with a pale face, "Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo is too sudden. now. I..."

"Now is not the time to explain these things," Guo Shouyun felt impatient before the other party finished speaking, he waved his hand, then pointed at the van that crashed, and said, "I saw that car, tell you Local people, don't go there. Also, a car of the same model ran away. The most urgent thing you have to do is to chase it back for me. You want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death. "

"Yes, Mr. Guo, I'll arrange it right away." The bloated plainclothes officer, who is now the head of the Internal Affairs Department of Khabarovsk City, almost didn't have a heart attack after receiving the news of the attack on Guo Shouyun's convoy do. What day is today? On New Year's Day, the government officials of the Far Eastern states are all celebrating in Khabarovsk. This naturally includes his immediate boss. This kind of thing happened at such a time, and no matter what Guo Shouyun was, he probably couldn't escape the scolding.

When Guo Shouyun explained the task, there was a roar of the motor. Two helicopters flew from the sky, one south and one north. The two bright searchlights on the fuselage of the plane swept the streets and the floor buildings along the streets. It is estimated that they are looking for a killer who may be lurking.

Seeing this scene, Guo Shouyun finally felt relieved. He knew that tonight's catastrophe was almost escaped, but now, the only thing he has to worry about is little Victor, this little female beast. It was too difficult to deal with. If those police officers approached recklessly, they would be killed.

Watching the fat plainclothes officer running away tremblingly, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and shook the windbreaker on his body, then pushed away the driver in front of him, and walked towards the gap in the guardrail.

"Sir!" The driver obviously still had concerns, he took a step forward, followed Guo Shouyun's side, and said, "You can't go over, it's too dangerous." Guo Shouyun smiled and didn't answer, he reached out and patted the driver's shoulder He took a pat, then quickened his pace and walked straight forward.

Compared with the worried drivers, the bodyguards who are surrounded by Guo Shouyun are more calm, and they can also judge whether the danger exists. At present, the police officers who came here are both police cars and helicopters. The block is firmly under control, as long as those killers are not fools, they will not stay here and continue to die.

Surrounded by many bodyguards, Guo Shouyun climbed over the guardrail and walked to the road that was jammed with a large number of vehicles. To be honest, although he suffered several assassinations, it was the first time he saw a scene as big as today. On the road full of broken glass and metal shards, blood can be seen flowing almost everywhere. These blood belonged to several sacrificed bodyguards and killers. Of course, more of them belonged to those innocent pedestrians. The saddest thing is that these people died without knowing why they died.

"You don't have to follow me," Guo Shouyun stopped in front of the jeep that collided with the two vans. He took a look at the cracked rear window, glanced into the car, and turned to the bodyguards who were following him. , "Take out the brothers inside and see if there are any..."

Guo Shouyun only said half a sentence, and he couldn't go on. The dozen or so bodyguards didn't follow him for a long time, but in the past few days, they got along really well with each other. To be honest, no matter what the reason is For whatever purpose, Guo Shouyun has never regarded these people who get along with him day and night as inferiors, and after today's sudden attack, he realized even more that these usually taciturn entourages are actually his second life.

"You understand what I mean, just do it." Guo Shouyun said with a sigh when he reached out and patted the deformed body.

"Yes, sir." Someone replied, but they didn't leave Guo Shouyun's left or right. These people are all well-trained secret agents. Although they knew that there was not much danger at the moment, they still had to make preparations just in case. . Maybe the person in the car is a colleague they've been with for years. The feelings between each other may also be deeply rooted, but then again, since you have done this, you must be prepared to lose your life at any time. In the KGB training manual, there is no dogma that you would rather die than abandon your comrades-in-arms.

The six-lane highway is not too far away from all the way, but it is on the road of more than ten meters. Guo Shouyun almost walked over with blood, and on the flat road, there were one or two corpses next to almost every car. These corpses lay in various postures, and suffered fatal injuries of all kinds. Some were shot to death, some were crushed to death by a car, and some died just exaggeratedly. Guo Shouyun walked this way. Seeing three corpses with tragic appearances, one of them had his neck twisted with a heavy hand, his head covered in the mask fell off, facing back, holding a sniper rifle, leaning crookedly sit on the floor. On the window next to the corpse, there was another corpse hanging upside down. The weapon this guy held during his lifetime was obviously a revolver, but the pistol has now been inserted into his mouth. The slender gun barrel pierced the upper chamber of his mouth, and blood mixed with foam gurgled down the nose and the half of the gun tail that was exposed outside the mouth. The scene was really terrifying and terrifying. The dead body of the last killer was found on the opposite side of the highway guardrail. This guy was obviously carried by the neck and fell on the back with gravity. His whole body was folded in half, lying on the railing of the guardrail. , a broken vertebra, pierced through his chest, abdomen and cotton coat, bearing a **** intestine. It was tremblingly exposed outside the bruised belly. Maybe it was not long before he died. The belly that was pierced by the cup was still steaming with heat. At first glance, he couldn't help but feel sick.

These three corpses not far apart, in Guo Shouyun's eyes, are nothing more than three dead corpses. And in the eyes of his accompanying bodyguards. It was an eye-opening, chilling killing. Based on past experience

These bodyguards can easily deduce the fight scenes that took place here. In their view. The three killers were originally gathered together, the one in the car should be the driver, and the remaining two, one is the main sniper, and the other is the deputy and observation. The person who killed them came out from under the car. She appeared very suddenly. Before the three killers could react, she twisted the sniper's neck, followed by a twist. He twisted the deputy's neck, put him on his shoulders, and threw him far away on the road guardrail, falling to his death. It wasn't until this time that the driver who stayed in the car reacted. He pulled out his pistol in panic, but before he could shoot, he was caught by the evil star outside the car. The other party first twisted it with a heavy hand His wrist holding the gun, and then, inserted the revolver into his upper jaw. This series of actions sounds complicated, but at that time, it probably only took more than ten seconds to kill three people in a row, and they were all deadly with one hand. It's a difficult thing, but that innocent little girl is obviously a natural killing machine.

Although Guo Shouyun couldn't speculate on the fighting scene at that time, he knew that these people were obviously killed by little Victor. This little girl... she was not a person when she was quiet, she was too stupid at that time When she became irritable, she didn't seem to be human, she was too vicious. I really don't know what a living person is seen as something in the eyes of this little guy.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

As the footsteps approached the white van little by little, Guo Shouyun's heartstrings lifted again. He saw that the car was still shaking slightly. .... This analogy is not quite appropriate, it should be said to be pounding pork slices covered in blood. Yes, it was just that kind of sound, faintly coming out of the car, and in this rhythmic beating sound, there was also the murmur of a young voice.

"Bad man, bad man, bad man..."

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