Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 315: fight

?Because of her own life experience, little Victor can't see blood, because any smell of blood will remind her of the life in the iron cage at the beginning, thus arousing the animal nature hidden in the deepest part of her heart.

The little guy's mouth was like a wild beast, which startled Guo Shouyun who was sitting in the car. He subconsciously turned his head and glanced, but at a glance, he saw the little girl's small face that was slightly distorted because of extreme excitement. , The slender, white and tender neck on weekdays is now also showing a purple color due to congestion, especially the bulging blood vessels, which are highlighted under the congested skin, and the scalp can't help but look at first glance. numb.

Guo Shouyun, who was still calm in the face of the assassination, was really panicked at this moment. He was worried that the little "female beast" who was sitting in the same car would attack him desperately. In that case, don't say it was him. Now, even if there are a few more strong men, I am afraid they will not be spared. Guo Shouyun can't forget how thrilling the gladiatorial fight he watched at the beginning, a few big men with strong backs, just a few breaths, were all killed by this little "female beast", right now... Damn , I don't even have anything to eat on hand.

"Baby, calm down... calm down," Guo Shouyun resisted the huge fear and stretched out his hand, trying to appease the little boy beside him who was on the verge of explosion. girl.

He was gasping for breath. Facing Guo Shouyun's big hand, Victor first retreated, then turned his head back, wiggled his little nose, and sniffed carefully on the big hand.

Perhaps it was the smell of the man's hand that made her feel familiar, and the rough panting in little Victor's mouth weakened a lot, and she lowered her head. Putting her little face on Guo Shouyun's palm, she rubbed it back and forth, like a kitten coquettish to its master.

Looking at the little Victor who was arched into his palm, Guo Shouyun's heart that jumped to his throat finally fell back a little bit. It seemed that the contact during this period of time was not in vain. This little guy can recognize himself even when he is in a state of excitement.


Just as Guo Shouyun's dangling heart had just fallen, before he could let out his breath, two stray bullets from the opposite street hit the window glass beside him. With two crisp sounds, two white spots appeared on the bulletproof glass window.

As soon as he heard these two crisp sounds, Guo Shouyun knew that he was in trouble. The little guy beside him couldn't stand any stimulation now, and these two stray bullets were destined to be the best fuse for her beastly explosion.

Sure enough, just when Guo Shouyun's thought had not been finished. Little Victor, who seemed a little calm just now, has already done it. She arched her little body on the seat, jumped up without warning, and slammed into the car door behind her.


With a loud bang, the little girl's seemingly weak back slammed into the heavy bulletproof car door, and the sudden explosion made the entire body tremble.

Guo Shouyun's vehicle is like a light armored vehicle, and its protective effect is very good, but at the same time. It can also be regarded as a small cage. When it is automatically locked, it is not easy for people outside to rush in, and people inside cannot easily rush out.

Little Victor hit with his back. Did not break through the door. This seemed to arouse her wildness more and more, with a neigh that came out of her throat. She turned her back, raised her arms horizontally, and slammed her hard elbows into the car window.




God knows what the little girl's bones are made of. It can resist the bulletproof glass of the assault rifle at close range. Under her continuous three hits, a circle of cracks like a spider web appeared. The girl obviously didn't know what the pain was. If she was allowed to keep hitting like this, the window would shatter sooner or later.

"Open the door! Open the car door for her!" Guo Shouyun didn't care about his image anymore, he suddenly got up, grabbed the collar of the driver in front, and shouted loudly.

"Shi Ji was obviously stunned by this sudden change. Under Guo Shouyun's shaking, he woke up and stammered in agreement, while reaching out and pressing the automatic lock button next to the car gear.

"Click!" There was a soft sound, and the automatic safety locks on the rear doors on both sides were opened. Almost at the same time, a small elbow from Victor also slammed into the cracked window. The impact force knocked open the door that lost the protection of the automatic lock, and slammed into the iron trash can outside the car with a sound of "". The tin dustbin, which had been hit by an innocent disaster, tinkled and rolled, strewn with peeling confetti all the way, and plunged into the glass window of the street clothing store.

In the sound of a series of broken glass falling to the ground, little Victor, who broke free from the "cage", turned into a spirit monkey, and she grabbed the top of the door frame with both hands, and she flipped over like that neatly. ' and jumped to the roof of the car.

"Boom!" Only a light sound was heard from the car, and then Guo Shouyun saw a white figure appearing outside the window on the other side of the car. This figure appeared a little hazy under the light of the street lamps, but her The speed is surprisingly fast. From the sidewalk to the highway guardrail, at a distance of nearly 20 meters, this petite shadow rushed over in two or three breaths.

"Monkey, a genuine, innocent and powerful monkey." If you want to draw a conclusion to the beastly cute little Victor, then this description is obviously appropriate.

The little guy rushed to the front of the sidewalk guardrail in a few breaths. At a distance of about four or five meters from the guardrail, her whole body rose into the air, and after making a 180-degree rotation in mid-air, two The little hand grasped the railing of the guardrail accurately. With such a help, the little guy suddenly twisted his body in mid-air, and before he landed, he kicked an unresponsive black-clothed bodyguard with a gun and tumbled to a car seven or eight meters away. on the roof.

Just when the unlucky bodyguard was still rolling in the air, the little guy had already fallen to the ground. She squatted on the ground and picked up a twisted white car door with one hand. With just a shake of his hand, the huge car door flew out, swirls and slammed into a black car in the middle of the road.

This black sedan clearly belonged to the killers, behind the wide open door, a man in gray with a mask. He was using the cover of the car door to shoot frantically at the gap in the guardrail. The "blockbuster" that the little guy threw off his hands and smashed onto the car door in front of the man in gray. With a loud bang, the open door was suddenly closed, and the man in gray didn't have time to dodge. . Half of his head was shattered by the door. Maybe the attack came too suddenly. The corpse that was missing half of its head was not completely dead for a while. It was half arched on the ground, its legs were twitching violently, and the whole body was pushed forward by another half a meter. Earned earned, no movement at all.

This happened suddenly. Obviously stunned those bodyguards who guarded the gap in the guardrail. They knew who this evil star-like beast was, but they didn't know why this Miss Victor would attack their partner. It is precisely because of this moment of sluggishness that these bodyguards escaped. The excited little Victor is a female beast. She kills for no reason. To be more precise, she kills by instinct. She did it out of consideration, and she would kill anyone who threatened her. Just like the bodyguard who was kicked into the enclave just now. He was still holding the gun when he turned around abruptly, and the hot barrel made Victor feel uneasy, so she kicked it without hesitation.

Just when the bodyguards were overwhelmed, they stopped their shooting movements, and that's why. They did not lead the little evil star Victor to their side. And wait until the bodyguards relax. Victor, who was still standing on the edge of the guardrail, has disappeared. She was like a ghost, suddenly appearing and suddenly disappearing.

The bodyguards couldn't find Victor, and Guo Shouyun was sitting in the car all the time. He also couldn't see the little guy. Just after the car door was thrown out, he only saw the little guy rolling on the spot. , got under a jeep and was never able to find her again.

The little guy's figure is too agile. According to Yakov's original statement, this little girl has been honed on the cruel Afghan battlefield since she was a child. How much fighting talent does a fully armed Soviet soldier need? What's more, for a period of time after she was arrested, she received almost inhumane training from the Security Committee. Her experience of killing people was accumulated from real fights. At this moment, on this road full of parked vehicles and chaos, the little monkey seems to have returned to a dense jungle. It is too easy for her to hide.

The bodyguards guarding the gap in the guardrail stopped shooting, but the gunshots on the street not only did not stop, but instead became more intense, and among the gunshots, there was an occasional scream, that scream. The sound was so terrifying that it even made one feel unbearable to hear it.


This situation lasted for about a few minutes, and finally, with the sound of sirens, the situation on the road changed. Two vans parked on the periphery suddenly moved. They were one after the other on the congested road. After a spin, he turned around and headed for the west side of the street.

At this moment, Guo Shouyun could see the situation at the scene. He saw a small white figure jumping up and down on the rear of the van that followed, rushing to the back of the car in a few leaps, and then slammed into it. The position of the rear window smashed the glass, fit and jumped into the car.

"Da da..." Immediately, there was a rapid but short-lived gunshot in the van. In this gunshot, the van was like an alcoholic drunk, twisting the figure dance on the road, and finally , After driving for about a dozen meters, the car completely lost control, smashed through the guardrail on the opposite side of the road, and hit a bare poplar tree. "Baby..." Guo Shouyun was shocked when he saw this scene, he pushed open the car door and jumped out of the car.

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