Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 314: street attack

? The little guy's speech is always so simple, but it can also make people understand what it means. \\. qβ5.

Guo Shouyun recovered from his reverie, stretched out his hand and took out a plain white handkerchief from his pocket, and then reached out to hug the little girl and put it beside him, wiped her oily little hands clean, and then twisted her tall and delicate beauty. With a small nose, he smiled and said, "Baby, are you full? What else do you want to eat?"

Little Victor tilted his head and thought for a while, then laughed "ji", gestured with his little hand and said, "Hamburger, a lot, hamburger."

"Hehe, alright, let's eat hamburgers." Guo Shouyun threw the oil-stained handkerchief aside, smiled and picked up the little girl and put it on his lap, "Baby says we'll eat hamburgers. ."

Having said that, Guo Shouyun said to the driver in front again: "Go to Lenin Street."

"Yes, sir," the driver agreed, then picked up the walkie-talkie and notified the lead car leading the way.

At this moment, the motorcade has just passed the intersection of Honghe Street and is heading towards Ivanov Street, while Lenin Street, where KFC is located, is in the northwest direction of the city. To go in that direction, the motorcade must turn around. Drive back for about 500 or 600 meters, turn onto Chulovov Avenue at the No. 2 intersection, then drive west and enter the Red October Street.

According to Guo Shouyun's instructions, the lead car of the convoy turned around at the first intersection of Ivanov Street, then turned left, turned around at the center of the street, and drove back. At this moment, it is the peak period of traffic activity in the urban area of ​​Khabarovsk, and there are many vehicles on the road, but because the red lights are on at the intersection. So there shouldn't be a problem with the team turning. But then again, there are a lot of things that should be done, but very few can actually be carried out smoothly.

"Baby, let me tell you, this burger is pure junk food, without any nutrition. It's okay to eat it twice occasionally, but..." In the car, Guo Shouyun hugged little Victor in his arms Inside, while kneading the little girl's tender face. side said.


Just before Guo Shouyun's words were finished, a sudden change occurred outside the car. A light pickup truck, which was inserted diagonally from the back, suddenly increased less than 20 meters away from the intersection, and slammed into the corner just now. The lead car of the convoy coming halfway through the corner. This great change came too suddenly, and the distance of 20 meters was too much, and the lead car did not have time to respond. It slammed into the light pickup that was suddenly inserted. With a roar, the leading black gas jeep was knocked out completely, rolled over twice on the street next to the intersection, and then collided with a Volga sedan driving on the side street.

This series of collisions came so suddenly that Guo Shouyun, who was sitting in the car, was completely stunned. Before he turned around, there was another explosion on the road outside the car. The front of Gas Jeep's pickup truck burst into flames. It was followed by a series of explosions, and in a blink of an eye, a large cloud of smoke was spread out, filling half of the street.

Facing this sudden car accident, Guo Shouyun, who was helpless, did not react. But that doesn't mean other people can't react. At the moment when the car hit the student, he was still in Guo Shouyun's arms. Like a submissive cat, little Victor straightened up suddenly, her almost translucent small ears twitched frequently, and her blood-red eyes that were instantly congested, stared at the back of the car window. Glass----Just diagonally to the right at the rear of the car, two milky white vans were rushing towards the direction of the convoy, and on the right window of the leading car, a black gun barrel poked out impressively.

This was a premeditated, large-scale assassination operation. The target of the assassination was Guo Shouyun, and the location chosen by the killer was the place where Guo Shouyun was most powerful—Khabarovsk.

Feeling the tense muscles of little Victor for a moment, Guo Shouyun seemed to realize something, he turned his head expressionlessly, and looked at the rear window of the car with bright eyes. Speaking of which, since Guo Shouyun came to the Far East, he has experienced life and death tests more than once. Facing the assassination without warning, he didn't even have the slightest fear in his mind. So at this moment, what was on his mind? Maybe no one would believe that what he was thinking at this moment was whether a meeting should be held tomorrow to announce the assassination event tonight. This is a very useful thing.

From the first car accident, to the sudden attack of two vans, and then to granting the head turn, this series of changes sounds troublesome, but in fact it only took less than a minute, and in such a short time , The dozen or so bodyguards hired by Guo Shouyun have already responded.

"Hiss..." In a harsh rubber friction sound, the accompanying **** that followed Guo Shouyun's car abruptly jumped out of the flanking lane and went straight to meet the two attacking vehicles. White van. The driver of this **** is very experienced, and the collision position he chose was not the van in front of him, nor the one behind him, but the neutral gear between the two vans.



Along with a series of loud noises, the right-wing bumper of the front of the **** slammed into the rear of the van in front. The huge impact knocked the van across, and the front seat of the van was covered in a veil. The hood, the guy with the ak assault rifle in his arms, was thrown straight out of the car and slammed into the door of the black gas jeep. At the same time, the van that followed closely behind also firmly stuck on the left wing of the blocking jeep, knocked it out, and collided with the previous van. The poor guy who was thrown out of the car didn't even scream, and was squeezed into meat patties by the two cars. Guo Shouyun calmly looked at all that was happening outside the window. He couldn't tell what mood he was in at the moment. There were three of his bodyguards on the **** that came forward at the critical moment, following the violent collision just now. , I am afraid that these three people are more fortunate. The modified Gaz Jeep is bulletproof very well. But it is not a tank after all, and it is a miracle that the people in the car can stay alive when the body of the car is seriously shaped.

Guo Shouyun has time to think about other things, but those bodyguards are not so leisurely anymore. This is a showdown between bodyguards and killers. The sixteen bodyguards accompanying them are their only duty. It is to ensure the safety of Guo Shouyun's life, so at this juncture, they will not think about anything, the only thing they want to do. It is to cover the retreat of the main vehicle.

After a few murmurs, the car radio came with the command of the No. 2 car---"Go right, hit the sidewalk guardrail, and get on the safety line."

Although Guo Shouyun's driver is not a special agent, his driving skills are very good. After hearing the order of the No. 2 car, he stepped on the accelerator without hesitation. A dozen directions. The whole car spun half-circle on the highway, slammed into the sidewalk guardrail, and drove onto the sidewalk on the street.

Behind their car, two escorts rushed over at the same time, blocking the gap in the guardrail leading to the sidewalk.

"Da da..." Amidst the billowing smoke and dazzling firelight, gunshots rang out on the street. At this juncture, the frightened pedestrians ran around on the sidewalk on the side of the street, virtually blocking the way of Guo Shouyun's car.

This time, the assassination was planned by someone unknown, and the scale was surprisingly large. Guo Shouyun, who has always maintained a calm attitude, saw more than 20 bright spots on the battlefield behind him. They were the light and shadow left by the shooting. There is no doubt that these people are killers who want to take his life. .

Guo Shouyun turned his head to look at the rear window. at this time. At the gap in the street guardrail, the remaining dozen or so bodyguards had apparently stabilized the line of defense. Covered by bulletproof Jeep bodies, they slammed into killers trying to dash forward, preventing them from approaching the gap.

After all, they are former KGB elite agents. These bodyguards have done a good job in the layout of the defense line. The suicidal car crash just now formed a crowded car array near the gap. There is no possibility for the killer who came to drive over. Therefore, if they want to pose a threat to Guo Shouyun who is on the sidewalk, they must get out of the car and attack the defense line formed by the bodyguards. Although this line of defense seems to be weak, it is not so easy to break through. For Guo Shouyun's bodyguards, they are not trying to effectively kill the enemy, but to delay time more effectively---- The Far East is Guo Shouyun's territory. If you want to successfully assassinate him in this place, it will not be an easy task. First, the timing must be quite accurate. At least the whole operation cannot be delayed for too long, otherwise, In less than ten minutes, the police and the army dispatched from all over the place will be able to rush over in swarms. By then, let alone assassination, it will be called a **** to be able to retreat completely.

As the target of the assassination, Guo Shouyun was able to keep calm, on the one hand, because he had seen a lot, on the other hand, because he was sure that these killers would never succeed today. As for why he said that, then The reason is also very simple. First of all, they act too hastily. These guys may know that he, Guo Shouyun, is going to hold a banquet in the government building tonight, but they don't know that he will leave halfway. Therefore, most of the killers rushing here are assassinations that have been planned for a long time but are suddenly carried out. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for them to succeed. The second point is that it is relatively simple. Guo Shouyun absolutely trusts his car. This thing needs to be bulletproof and bulletproof, and it needs a horsepower stroke to have a horsepower stroke. , The killer with an assault rifle is really tough enough to deal with him.

But having said that, after today's game, Guo Shouyun also felt a problem, that is, his car still has a big weakness - he can only defend but cannot make real-time counterattacks. This problem is very important. It seems that some improvement is necessary.

"Huhu..." Little Victor, who has always been silly and silly, was obviously aroused by this sudden commotion. She was lying on Guo Shouyun's shoulder, her blood-red eyes tightening. Staring at the chaotic street tens of meters away, from the slightly open mouth, there was a thick gasp that was similar to the low roar of a beast.

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