Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 38: sick

"Ma'am," Sarah hurriedly stepped forward while looking at Shana Riva, who was leaning against the wall and retching violently, supporting her arm with one hand, and said at the same time, "It's been almost three months now, how do you react? strong?"

The violent retching made Shana Riva's complexion extremely pale, and her pale blue apricot eyes filled with tears.

"Huh," after finally holding back the intense discomfort, Shana Riva straightened her waist, she reached out and patted Sarah's arm, and smiled, "How can it be so fast, I asked the doctor and said It will take at least 12 weeks for this response to subside."

"Then you can take some medicine. I heard that there are medicines in this area, which can make people less painful." Sarah can be said to be the closest confidant to Shana Riva's side. It's also a close sisterhood.

"What do you know, that kind of medicine is not good for children," said Shana Riva's face with a kind expression, and according to her character, this kind of expression on her face is definitely a sign of love. Miracle. Holding her slightly bulging belly, this woman who has always been ruthless and unscrupulous said, "Didn't you see that I quit smoking and drinking during this time? This child has the best father and the best mother. , his genes can be said to be the most perfect, and I don't want any unnecessary factors to affect him."

"The best father? The best mother?" Sarah lifted her eyelids and combined the images of Guo Shouyun and Shanariva in her mind. The final result made her shudder. a feeling of. Judging from the current situation, Sanariva has obviously regarded this child as a boy wishful thinking, in fact. As she said. This child has the "most perfect" genes, so no matter whether the child is born a boy or a girl, it may not be so easy to beat in the future. Guo Shouyun has an extraordinary IQ, while Shanariva has inhuman vicious methods. These two give birth to children, and then they will raise them, so in the future...

"Madam, do you know about your pregnancy now, sir?" Shaking her head and putting aside the messy thoughts in her mind, Sarah asked carefully while helping Shanariva down the stairs.

"I don't know yet." Shanariva frowned lightly. Wei Wei said with a sigh, "I wanted to tell him to come some time ago, but, after thinking about it, I was a little worried."

"Worried? What are you worried about?" Sarah asked with a stunned expression.

"I'm worried that he will force me to abort the child." Shanariva sighed faintly and said with a lonely expression.

"What?!" Sanariva said, obviously startling Sarah, "How is this possible, Madam, you are carrying his own flesh and blood. And he hasn't..."

Sarah couldn't go on after only half a sentence, because she suddenly realized a problem, that is, Guo Shouyun has no children yet. To be precise, Nina, who is Mrs. Guo, has no children.

The Guo Group is huge. This asset is huge to the amazing conglomerate. So far purely familial, in this case. As the number one head of the Guo Group, the issue of Guo Shouyun's descendants is extremely important. In a family of ordinary people, it is inevitable that there will be cases where brothers go to court for separation of the family, and within the Guo family, facing a huge family property of tens of hundreds of billions, two half-parents. Once brothers and sisters compete, it will not be a simple court battle. If one does not speak well, there will be a tragedy of Xiao Qiang and cannibalism. If Guo Shouyun, who is the brain of the group, is a short-sighted and mediocre figure, then everything is okay. Shana Riva may not have any concerns, but unfortunately, this man has a long-term perspective on problems, and he The methods of dealing with potential threats are also cruel, and in the face of such a man, Shana Riva has to be cautious. More importantly, as one of the many women around Guo Shouyun, there are many people who need to be wary of on weekdays, those who are hostile to the Guo Group, or those who have ambitions for the Far East, or even Guo Shouyun. The other women around her, this threat from all aspects, is what Shanariva needs to worry about. Part of the reason why she seldom stayed in Khabarovsk during this time.

"Hehe, Sarah, you're still too young, and there are some things that you can't figure out," Shana Riva didn't explain much. She smiled slightly, holding Sarah's shoulders and stepping down the last step. .

Nodding thoughtfully, Sarah turned to ask: "Madam, what are you going to do in the future? You see, your figure is out of shape now. Even if you hide this matter, it is impossible to hide it too much. It's been a long time, sir, he will know sooner or later, if he really asks you to take the child away, then..."

"I didn't think about this issue," Shanariva's face flashed a trace of confusion, but this trace of confusion disappeared after a flash, replaced by more perseverance, "But one thing is certain. , that is this child I must give birth to. You may find it a little funny to say that from the day I can remember, until three months ago, I never felt that I had really lived, and I never felt that there was anything in the world in front of me. The color can be said. But during this time, I really felt a new life.”

Sanariva paused when she said this, she reached out and stroked her belly, and while stroking softly there, she said aftertaste: "Every time I stroke this little life in my belly, which takes shape every day, I feel I can feel a very fulfilling taste, I can even feel my blood flowing into his body bit by bit, and then back again bit by bit. Well, it's a real blood connection I feel that the cold blood flowed past, but when I came back, it became warm. The taste was very comfortable, and it was indescribably comfortable. This warm feeling always reminded me that I was still alive. , is alive, so..."

"Oh," perhaps realizing that he was expressing too much emotion. Shanariva stopped abruptly. She looked at Sarah, who was following her closely, with a surprised expression on her face, smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "Really. What I'm telling you about, you won't understand anyway."

"Well, ma'am, maybe I don't quite understand," Sarah tilted her head, thought for a moment, and then said. "However. This is the first time I've seen such a kind smile on your face, so I know that this child is really important to you. Sarah's life belongs to Mrs. The same is true. For Sarah, you are the master, and your flesh and blood are the little master. Therefore, no matter who wants to hurt the little master in the future, he must pass Sarah first. As long as Sarah still has a breath, she will not Will allow anyone to harm the little master."

"Hehe, I believe in you. Sarah." Shana Riva said with a smile, "You know. Among you, I trust you the most. You don't have to be here for the rest of this time. Stay, come back to Khabarovsk with me, I have other things for you to do."

"Okay, ma'am," Sarah said happily, "I'm tired of staying in this **** place, I wish I could go back with ma'am earlier."

"Well," Shana Riva nodded, her plan was to arrange for Sarah to go to the United States in the near future. Now, Guo Shouyun already intends to expand business space in the United States. In this case, Shanariva feels that her actions must also be accelerated. There are two reasons for this. First, there are huge potential profits for the Mafia to expand into the United States. Second, the United States is thousands of miles away from the Far East, and it is not the territory of the Guo Group. In this case, if Guo Shouyun encounters any danger in the United States, naturally no one will take care of him. It is for this reason that Shanariva wants to expand its power to the United States as soon as possible. Only when the gang has a firm foothold there can they provide more help to Guo Shouyun, who has traveled overseas, and even at the key points. Always ensure his personal safety.

I have to admit that today's Shana Riva has tied her whole heart to Guo Shouyun. For the sake of this future "baby and his father", this woman who was originally not very normal would dare to do anything. In place, if the Americans really threatened Guo Shouyun's personal safety, this crazy woman would even dare to bomb the Pentagon and the White House.

Two ruthless women walked out of the faculty's office building one after the other. The moment they stepped out of the building, the warmth and smile on Shana Riva's face were instantly swept away, and they were replaced by The usual coldness that is almost abusive.

At this moment, on the playground in front of the faculty office building, dozens of tall, slender girls are still standing naked on the knee-deep snow. His skin was frozen into a blue-purple color, and from a distance, it looked like a standing corpse.

These girls are all between 15 and 16 years old in terms of age. They are all selected by gang traffickers from immigrants from Chita and Buryatia. According to Shana Riva's request, these girls From the figure to the appearance, there are strict selection criteria. There are very standard selection criteria for the measurement index, the width of the arms span, the slender ratio of the upper and lower legs, the skin pigment, and the stiffness of the bridge of the nose. It has been almost a month since the girls were selected and sent to the Irgask Continuing School, during which time they received only four trainings: two languages, English, German, one A willpower training, that is, cold resistance. Compared with these three trainings, the last training program is more interesting, that is, watching pornographic videos, all kinds of pornographic videos. Of course, in this training program, these unmanned girls are not just watching. After watching a show, they must also write their own experiences, such as: what kind of men may like what kind of Good posture, what is the difference in the pleasure that each posture can bring, what are the advantages and disadvantages of adopting various postures based on your own body characteristics, etc. - this is a compulsory course for the Swallow Camp training. Since decades ago, every swallow that has come out of the Swallow Camp has had the experience of receiving this training.

Of course, according to Sanariva's plan, these girls don't just need to learn how to seduce and serve men, they also need to master many skills, such as shooting, diving, driving, tracking, blasting, etc. , and so on. Of course, before this, these girls have to go through a brainwashing process. When the brainwashing process is over, these people will completely lose their own personalities, and some of them will completely become proficient. Various killing techniques, lustrous killing machines that are good at various charming means, and some of them will become glamorous bodyguards who can not only satisfy the master's various sexual desires on the bed, but also block the master's guns at critical moments.

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