Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Irgask Continuing School

?The investment provided by the Guo Group to the Sports Industry Committee, especially the preliminary establishment of the project of the Komsomolsk City Sports Training Center, officially shows that Guo Shouyun has extended a "black hand" to the sports world of the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet era. What is this hand? Whether it's a black hand or a holding hand, sometimes it's really hard to tell. /w\\

First of all, in the context of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the independence of the Russian Federation and the extreme financial difficulties of the state, Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group are the first individuals and corporate consortia to provide financial support to the "unexplainable" federal sports world. The Russian sports world in the early 1990s was a troubled existence. With the disintegration of the country and the lack of funds, the entire Russian sports world can be said to be completely shrouded in a sad atmosphere with a lost future. A series of team projects in the past have been dismantled due to the division of the country. If there is no sufficient capital injection at this time, the entire Russian sports world will become green and yellow because there is no successor. The result is obviously that unbelievable. Therefore, at this critical moment, the Guo Group's huge investment into the sports world is itself a kind of behavior of giving help in the snow. At this point, I believe that everyone must admit it.

Secondly, the reason why Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group invested in the sports industry of the Russian Federation has many purposes in itself. There has been a chaotic situation that is almost chaotic, and all kinds of scandals are full of it. A large number of sports stars who have dominated the international arena have just stepped off the podium, and in a blink of an eye, they have not become coquettish guests at the bedside of some powerful people. Is to become a popular figure in the ** publications. Under this ethos, the sports world of the entire Russian Federation has become a big seller. Guo Shouyun has invested a lot in this area, but he seems to have gained more. He spent his pockets to support a large number of famous sports stars, on the one hand, he can satisfy his own selfish desires. On the one hand, these resources can also be used to win more followers and bribe more powerful people... This also seems to be a process of a "virtuous" cycle.

But having said that, the real world is there, even if Guo Shouyun doesn't do it, I'm afraid someone else will do it. After all, in Russia, the mafia has always been closely connected with the sports world. ---- A lot of gold but no official identity. A person who has an official identity but is very poor. These two professions seem to be born to be linked together as childhood sweethearts.

In a word, the sports world, as a business that should be invested by the state, once it is controlled by private capital, it means a change of charm. The essence of capital lies in trading, while the soul of sports lies in competition. Being entangled together, it means that a wretched transaction ** a fair competition, the offspring produced by the combination of the two. It is a deformed child in itself, and the breeding of ** erosion will naturally be just around the corner. The sky has changed. With the complete disintegration of the Soviet Union, everything on this land has changed, and the indomitable people have become the supreme masters. People who are jealous of evil can't even find a way to live. What is this called? This is called a free society where money comes first.

There is no doubt that Guo Shouyun is a person who is not wicked. But he is rich and powerful in the Far East, so even though he is evil, even with sores on the top of his head and pus on the bottom of his feet, this place still cannot be without him, or in other words, many people cannot live without him. For example, Xenivkina, who plans to build a physical training center in the Far East, and General Chiliamenko of the Far East Military Region, Nikita, who is in charge of Far East Media, and Larisa, who manages government officials in the Far East, And Shana Riva, who leads the entire Far Eastern mafia gang...

Just when Guo Shouyun delineated the area near the Skanchask Farm and was about to build the Far East Sports Training Center here, in De Castri, less than 200 kilometers away from their parking spot, a pregnant Shana Riva was on the way. In a building complex adjacent to the deserted beach of the Tatar Strait, a wonderful "show" was watched with great interest.

"Irgask Advanced School," the name may be quite unfamiliar to most people in the Far East. At first glance, it seems to be a very ordinary institution, but for those who have accepted here For trained people, this name is a life-changing existence.

There are dense forests on three sides, and one side is backed by the boundless sea; one hundred and forty two-person barracks, twenty-four water prisons, a main building for teachers and administration, six warehouses, twelve garages, a sixty-six long A playground with a width of 40 meters and a large conference hall, a fence with a height of 2 meters and a protective grid installed with a height of 1 meter in a circle; 30 people with guns and live ammunition, leading hounds to guard the camp... This is Iraq The general situation of Ergask Training School.

This so-called advanced school, which is almost isolated from the world, was founded in 1957, in other words, it has existed for nearly forty years on the outskirts of the small town of Dekastry near the sea in Khabarovsk. The unknown school has sent hundreds of "elites" to the National Security Council. Of course, these elites are all fighting on the hidden front, and their names will never be known to the world--- For nothing else, just because of what they have done is somewhat disgraceful. Therefore, all information about them is strictly confidential by the Safety Committee. However, the outside world also has a unified name for these elites, which is the legendary "Swallow", and the Irgask Advanced School is a "Swallow Camp".

Shanariva herself came from the Security Committee. Although she was not from the "Swallow Camp", she knew a lot about places like the Far East. Therefore, after mastering the Mafia gangs in the Far East, she took advantage of the safety The committee's chaotic, ample opportunity, seized de facto control of secret spy training schools in Seringuda, de Castries, Nizhny Luisk, and Ayanka, as for this Iraqi school in de Castries. The Ergask Advanced School is the darkest, filthiest, and most rigorously trained place among them.

Under normal circumstances, Shanariva rarely comes to Irgask. On the one hand, Irgask is remote and the traffic is extremely inconvenient. On the other hand, she does not want Guo Shouyun to know where this place is. She is also worried that this approach will attract men's disgust. However, during this period of time, she has been running to Ilgask more frequently. The first reason is that the school has just added forty "students". Shana Riva is not at ease with these new students, so she Every once in a while, everyone has to come and take a look. After all, it is not easy to select these new students. They are all bought with money from the gang, and they were selected with great effort from several states in the Far East. To a certain extent, they are also the tangible assets of the gang. That's why Shana Riva is so concerned about it. Secondly, the reason why Shanariva has been running here all this time is also for one person, who has caused her a lot of trouble, and most importantly, this guy has also sinned against "the child's father", so, Shanariva wants to personally train this woman, she wants to train this arrogant woman without any shame, and completely give up all her self-esteem.

In the main building of the faculty's office, which is close to the playground, Shana Riva holds a slender pure white pen in her mouth, folds her arms around her chest, and stands quietly in front of the antique floor-to-ceiling windows. The window glass, looking at the rows of ** women shivering in the snow on the playground downstairs.

Behind Shanariva, Sarah, who was wearing a red tight leather jacket, sat lazily at the corner of a work desk, playing with the sharp-edged dagger in her hand boredly. In her hand, the dagger seemed to have life. It revolved around the woman's slender fingers, sometimes swirling, and sometimes leaping into the air, and the dagger was like a flying silver snake.

"How long?" Just when the dagger in Sarah's hand was frozen again, Shanariva, who had been standing still in front of the window, spoke up, she asked.

"It's only one and a half minutes away from fifteen minutes," Sarah replied, holding the tip of the dagger, glancing at the watch on her arm casually.

"Well, it seems that today's performance is not bad, at least not fainted," Shanariva turned around leisurely, snapped her fingers lightly, and then said, "Let's go, let's go down and have a look. ."

Sarah didn't speak. She shrugged, twisted her hips, jumped off the table, and then threw the dagger out of her hand, pinning it to the target red heart on the opposite wall. superior.

"How's that Avrolla doing recently?" Walking out of the room, Sanariva put on her woolen coat and asked casually as she walked towards the stairs.

"Still as dead," Sarah said lazily, kicking her tall red leather boots, "she doesn't say a word when she beats, she doesn't retaliate when she scolds, she eats what she gives, no I don't even ask her for it, how can I say it, like a living dead."

"How is Kuzdova getting along with her?" Shanariva frowned and asked.

"No progress," Sarah pouted and said dismissively, "In my opinion, Kuzdova can't play this role at all, her talent for acting is obviously not good enough, maybe, Her identity has long been seen through by others."

"Really?" Shanariva said casually, "but I do believe in her ability. Now, um, maybe it's because the time is short, let's observe it for a while. There is always a measure of people's psychological defense. Yes, as long as we catch a little bit of it, then we won't worry about breaking it. In addition, you must also pay attention to the details, no matter how small or small, and no flaws can be revealed anywhere, otherwise, this good show will be lost. Can't sing... oh..."

Before Shanariva could finish her words, a disgusting feeling suddenly surged up, and with a retching sound, she held on to the wall in the corridor and stopped.

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