Reborn Oligarchs 1991

: first new year's day

?As a country with a long history, China has always had a lot of traditional festivals. In this regard, Russia, which is closely adjacent, also has many traditional festivals of all kinds. From December to March, Several major festivals have come one after another, such as Christmas on January 7th just past, and today's New Year's Day in the Russian calendar. /qβ5, /

As a Chinese, Guo Shouyun is not interested in these traditional festivals in Russia, but he is now in the Far East, and the people around him are basically all Russians. It's unavoidable that he doesn't like this kind of excitement.

This year's New Year's Day, with the support of the Guo Group, the Khabarovsk city government made up its mind to celebrate. Some time ago, the financial department of the city government allocated a special fund to buy a large number of fireworks and firecrackers. It’s just that this sum of money was not spent in the end. COSCO North, a partner of the Guo Group, provided a large number of Liuyang fireworks to Khabarovsk City for free. According to Sun Hongyu, this is a friendly gesture. At the same time, taking this opportunity, Sun Hongyu also proposed to establish a sister city relationship between Khabarovsk and Harbin, so as to further expand the economic and trade exchanges between the two places and similar cooperation in other aspects.

Guo Shouyun carefully considered this suggestion put forward by Sun Hongyu for a while, and finally, he gave a positive answer - the sister city is just a gimmick, the main interest behind this is still based on a Consideration of political stance. Guo Shouyun pondered, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov's visit to China is imminent, if not expected, their trip to Beijing. Sure to get what they need. Under such circumstances, it seems necessary to make some changes to the established policies of the Guo Group. Based on the premise of self-determination of interests, it is appropriate to make some domestic policy inclinations, which can get more support on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can also make Huo and Wei more at ease. Therefore, this policy adjustment is still very important.

In order to add to the festive atmosphere, the municipal government has carefully arranged the fireworks display points. Three to five display points have been set up in each of the five major districts of the city. According to the plan, it will start at 6 o'clock that night. until six thirty. Nineteen fireworks display points across the city will start at the same time, sending a large number of colorful fireworks into the night sky

This year's New Year's Day is very special for the Far East. Originally, according to the plans of the governments of the Far East states, there should be such a grand celebration at Christmas, but at that time there was trouble in the Far East Military Region, and Guo Shouyun vigorously suppressed local government agencies and states. The officials are all in danger, and no one is in the mood to mention anything to celebrate. Well now, all those stabbing guys in the military area have been cleaned up. The political situation in the Far East has returned to stability. Therefore, it is New Year's Day, a traditional Russian holiday, that government officials in various states strongly advocate for large celebrations. Originally, doing this kind of thing would get Guo Shouyun's horses photographed. And they don't need their government officials to pay for it. At the same time, they might also get a lot of benefits from it. Who wouldn't want to take care of such a good thing that kills three birds with one stone?

Guo Shouyun can naturally figure out the thoughts of the government officials of the Far East states, and it is precisely because of this that he will not hesitate to approve this extravagant large-scale celebration. In his opinion, these officials in the Far East are all donkeys. If you want them to be honest around the mill, you have to feed them first, and then blindfold their eyes, otherwise, they will eat stealthily, and they will make a fuss.

In this way, as the economy in the Far East continues to decline; the unemployment rate is as high as 40%; and the financial situation of various regions is in deficit, the Khabarovsk Territory takes the lead, and the state governments of more than a dozen states in the Far East allocate funds to Large sums of money, lively to celebrate this not very festive New Year's Day.



Accompanied by a series of screams, colorful fireworks bloomed in the night sky of Khabarovsk urban area. chrysanthemum pattern.

"Ah, ah, good, good-looking..." In the grand banquet hall on the top floor of the Khabarovsk State Government Building, little Victor waved his small hands while slapping the huge, spotless glass windows. While looking at the fireworks in the sky outside the window, he exclaimed excitedly.

The little girl is not only excited today, but she is also quite beautifully dressed, with a milky white fur-collar cardigan, milky white tights, and paired with a pair of white boots. This plain white tone makes the little girl's skin white and tender. The more fresh and tender it is, the whole person looks pure, like an elf who is not stained by the world.

Since she followed Guo Shouyun, she may have eaten and slept well. The dry and thin little girl at the time seemed to have undergone a major transformation. Now she is like a budding flower, no matter where it is placed. Wherever it is, it is so striking. But unfortunately, even though Larisa has been trying to teach her more things, this little girl is very wise. From her behavior to her speech, she still stays at the level of a ten-year-old child, and she can't show it. But having said that, perhaps it is because of the difficulty of wisdom that little Victor has always been so pure, so pure, so pure and pleasing to the eye.

Little Victor's mind is still open, her excitement comes from the excitement, from the fireworks that bloom outside the window. Compared with her, Guo Shouyun is not so happy. From the moment the fireworks started to be set off, he He opened the window in a stunned manner, reciting words in his mouth, counting the fireworks flying into the sky one by one.

"Twelve point seventy-five, twenty-five point five, thirty-eight point twenty-five... One thousand seven hundred and eighty-five..." Guo Shouyun's numbers are very regular, just a little calculation At a glance, it can be seen that the latter number he recites is all multiples of the former number, to be precise, it is twelve point seven five times two. Multiply by three. Multiply four, and so on.

"Yun, what are you talking about?" Today, Nina was wearing a brand new winter uniform. She stood beside Guo Shouyun and held little Victor's shoulder with one hand. Holding the man's arm with one hand, he asked softly.

"Ten thousand and twenty..." Guo Shouyun said the last number, then turned his head, squeezed out a smile that was even uglier than crying, and said in a very regretful tone, "I'm counting money, I Money. It's all burnt by those **** bastards."

"Oh?" Nina didn't react for a while. She stared at her husband in amazement and asked, "What money? Who burned it?"

"Twelve seventy-five rubles for a salute," Guo Shouyun turned around, took out a palm calculator from his arms like a conjuration, and after pressing it in his hand, said with a bitter face, " In five minutes, 800 pieces are destroyed. If you put it down like this, you will lose 4,800 pieces in 30 minutes, and 4,008 times 12.75 is 61,200. Ruble. That's not even counting the cost of the salute barrel, ah. And. And..."

"Pfft," Guo Shouyun hasn't finished his words yet. Nina couldn't help laughing out loud, she reached out and pinched the tender meat on her husband's waist, and said angrily, "You are always in a serious time, it's a big holiday, what are you doing with these things? ."

"Hey, you don't know how expensive Chai Mi is," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Do you know how much those damned guys will take away from me tonight just for setting off fireworks? Three million, a whole Three million. And if I invest the three million, based on the salary of five hundred rubles a month, that is the total cost of hiring six thousand laborers a month. At least a month can be harvested... Oh, this number is relatively large, I will first calculate..."

"Don't forget it!" Nina really had a feeling of whether to cry or laugh. She stretched out her arm and snatched the calculator from Guo Shouyun's hand, and then just flicked her hand and threw it into the corner of the banquet hall. Only then did she laugh and scold. Said, "You are really a typical capitalist. Grandpa's words are not wrong at all."

"Clap!" The calculator fell on the smooth and hard marble floor of the hall, and it fell into pieces.

This crisp sound obviously alarmed Victor, who was keenly aware. The little girl turned her head abruptly. First, she glanced at Guo Shouyun's face, then looked at Nina's face. With a jump of his feet, he swooped into Guo Shouyun's arms. She wrapped her two slender and straight thighs tightly around Guo Shouyun's waist, and her two arms wrapped tightly around his neck. The whole person hung on the man's body like a koala, a skinny little fire girl. Her figure was plump and she gained a lot of weight. Coupled with the impetus that suddenly rushed over, Guo Shouyun almost didn't let Guo Shouyun sit on the ground.

"Be obedient and bite your nose." The little girl was not honest when hanging on Guo Shouyun's body. She stammered and said in that unique tone, and then leaned her head back, opened her small mouth, and bit Guo Shouyun's body. on the nose.

I don't know who the little girl learned from this method of threatening people. The defenseless Guo Shouyun didn't even have time to dodge, and the little girl grabbed her nose. Fortunately, Victor's biting is fake, and the intimacy is real. Her mouth is not heavy, and the two rows of white teeth are imprinted on Guo Shouyun's nose.

However, for Guo Shouyun, the sudden action of the little girl was obviously too intimate. The two were so close to each other that he could feel the softness of the little girl's wet lips, and at the same time he could breathe. A touch of strawberry sweetness. What's worse is that now Nina is standing on the side. Although Guo Shouyun has always messed up the relationship between men and women, he has never made out with any woman in front of his wife. He cares about Nina's feelings very much. There is no doubt about that.

"Hehe, you see, the baby is facing me now." To Guo Shouyun's surprise, Nina obviously didn't feel any kind of affection between him and Victor. She stretched out her hand to help Victor. Duo shunned the slightly messy long, while laughing.

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