Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 36: gang up

?It is difficult to be a person, it is even more difficult to be a powerful person, and it is even more difficult to be a powerful person like Guo Shouyun. While gaining boundless power, he also loses what he has as an ordinary person. Some of his emotions, just like when he was dealing with the women around him, except for Nina, he couldn't have any feelings for any woman. /w Although love is very illusory and unreal, it can also bring people a pleasing feeling at certain times, and Guo Shouyun has obviously lost the right to enjoy this feeling. For him, Shana Riva and the women gathered around him seemed to cooperate to some extent. They usually played the role of employees within the group, and when Guo Shouyun had physical needs, they were **** partners on the bed. Indeed, all the relationship between them is so simple, so simple that it makes people feel cold and chill.

Of course, men are always greedy for new things. When it comes to dealing with women, every man has a curious mind, especially when they have lost their emotional support, they always feel that they have never touched women. It is the most tempting. As a member of normal men, Guo Shouyun also has this kind of mentality, and because of this, there will be more and more women around him. With fewer and fewer opportunities for an individual to act as his sexual partner and more time as a career assistant, it is simply a luxury to keep these women in an intimate relationship. Several women were entangled by Guo Shouyun's side. On the one hand, they stood on their own due to the power given by the man, and on the other hand, they carefully watched everything around them. It doesn't matter how your man messes around outside. Even if the playmate on his bed changes every night, it doesn't matter, but one thing is, these women can only be the objects of play, and can only be toys when men are greedy for freshness. And once they want to squeeze into this ****, that's another matter.

Can Guo Shouyun not see clearly the situation around him? That is obviously impossible. In this regard, he sees it better than anyone else, and in this regard, his attitude is only one, that is, never intervene, never ask, anyway, these women dare not make trouble in front of him, what he has to do. It is to bring back women who are "interested". As for how these women fight behind their backs, how they make trouble, and how they compete, that's not what he is concerned about. Just like that sentence said: "The master leads the door, and the cultivation is personal." Who can stand in this **** and who can get more things, all depends on their own abilities.

Check and balance, the root cause of all problems lies in a check and balance. Guo Shouyun knew. The women around him don't have a lot of good characters at all, and it's not appropriate for him to favor anyone other than Nina. In this case, find some harmless things for them to do. Let them fight every now and then for favor. Might not be a good way, only this. Only then can they ensure that they will not put too much energy into crooked ways. At the same time, their infighting can also form a mutual surveillance effect to a certain extent, so as to ensure that they will not give birth to betrayal.

In fact, I can't blame Guo Shouyun for being too suspicious. After all, the heart is separated from the belly. It is because of such a layer of belly that no one knows what other people are thinking. less? Especially for a man like Guo Shouyun, there are a lot of women around him, and the few feelings in the first place are not enough to divide the land. In this case, why does he believe that his woman can love him? Dead and alive, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten and will never change your heart? Is it just by virtue of the highland ability? That's the end, let alone Guo Shouyun's human-like sexual ability, even if he can **** like a gorilla sixty times a day, I'm afraid it won't achieve the goal of making every woman follow him, because he still has One of the most powerful competitors - masturbator.

To put it bluntly, love, especially love, is really too ethereal and ethereal. Because of this, people who are empty and lonely in their hearts often talk about it. As for Guo Shouyun, he is not lonely at all, and his heart is full. Very, to put it bluntly, don't say that his brain is empty, it's good to have some spare space. For a person who regards intrigue as fun, if he wants to say that he is empty and boring, it is definitely looking for "Since there is no opinion, then this matter is settled like this." Glancing at the pitiful Xenivagina, Guo Shouyun didn't know why, but felt unreasonably upset for a while. Perhaps he didn't realize that, with the step-by-step improvement of his status, he, the lord of the Far East, who had risen from the lord, has completely abandoned his sympathy for the weak. No" mentality has been firmly rooted in his heart. If the average man likes innocent and pitiful women the most, then Guo Shouyun is now separated from the group of such men, and now he prefers women like Holnikova: ambitious, long-sleeved and good at dancing, typical As a strong woman, only by conquering such women and slaughtering them in applause can Guo Shouyun feel more pleasure.

After finishing the last sentence, Guo Shouyun ignored the reactions of the two women. He lit a cigarette on his own, then turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

"Miss Xenivekina," Nikita smiled slightly as she watched Guo Shouyun's retreating back, then stretched out her hand and grabbed Xenivekina, who was passing by, "You can say whatever Mr. I heard that the investment plan will be taken care of by me, hehe, how should I put it, it seems that there are still many opportunities for us to communicate in the future."

Nikita's hand was very strong, and the slender hand she grabbed on her arm caused Xenivagina to feel obvious pain. "Yes, yes," Xenivagina didn't dare to complain at all, she let Nikita hold her arms, accompanied by twelve points of care, and said, "Miss Nikita. I...  .."

"Miss? Humph!" The woman in front of her opened her mouth. Nikita felt out of breath. You know, in this part of the Far East, except in front of Nina, several women, including Nikita, like to be called by the word "Madame". As for the mentality contained in it, it is naturally self-evident. And the woman in front of her who ran from Moscow to pry at the corner, but called her "Miss" with a closed mouth. Nikita would naturally feel unhappy. She thought it was because the other party was trying to get away from her, or even mocking her.

Otherwise, this person is very complicated, and interpersonal communication is an art. Another science. People who speak without brains, or even do not know how to observe words and expressions, can often offend people with a single sentence or even a simple title. The most terrible thing is that after he has offended people, he has nothing to do with it. Know.

"Miss Xenivekina, I don't care what your plans are. I don't care what your real purpose of coming to the Far East is," Nikita said rudely before Xenivekina could finish her sentence. , "Since Mr. has agreed to invest in you now, then I have nothing to say. But I want to talk about the ugly. Mr. handed over such a large investment to me to operate. That is his trust in me, so what? . I'm going to make sure that all the work is done to the best of my ability, and that every penny that Mr. pays me will be properly used where it makes the most sense... Do you understand what I mean?"

"Oh, me, I don't quite understand." Xenivykina was a little dumbfounded. With her mind, of course, she didn't know what Nikita meant by these words.

"Big-chested and brainless idiot!" Nikita glanced at the other party with contempt, then smiled lightly, and said, "What I mean is actually very simple, that is, I will give strict attention to every investment in the physical training center in the future. Even if it is a door pin or an iron nail, I have to know where it is used. In a word, I must ensure that every payment made by the group has its value, even if it is a penny. Money can’t be greedy for ink. You should understand this time, right?”

"Ah, yes, yes, I understand," Xenivekina finally understood this time, the woman in front of her was obviously trying to seize the financial power in the construction of the physical training center. As a woman who was born as a flower swimmer, Xenivekina may not know how to negotiate with others, how to intrigue with others, but she knows the importance of financial power. When the power was taken away, it was obvious that she had no good intentions. But having said that, under the current circumstances, Xenivagina has no objection at all, and she doesn't even know where to start to fight for this vital power. Therefore, in the face of Nikita's aggressive offensive posture, she has nothing to do except retreat step by step.

"Just understand," Nikita's mouth twitched a few times, she looked at Guo Shouyun who was getting into the car door, and walked forward while saying, "Okay, let's hurry over, the gentlemen are already in the car. , he doesn't like waiting for people."

"Well," biting her lower lip lightly, Xenivagina, who was full of grievances, twisted her two little hands, followed Nikita nervously, and walked towards the car step by step.

Although Guo Shouyun has already agreed to invest in the Sports and Work Committee, Xie Niweijina does not feel very optimistic today. She knows that for a long time in the future, the woman named Nikita in front of her will definitely not To make herself better, she will set up obstacles one after another, creating problems and stumbling blocks for herself. Facing such a future, while feeling confused, she also remembered for the first time Hornikova who had just returned to Moscow. Although this woman is not a good person, she is still with her. Get closer, maybe, maybe she can provide herself with some help, Xenivagina thought when she got into the carriage.

Accompanied by the roar of the motor, the long motorcade started to gallop on the road again, and Guo Shouyun, who had left one thing on his mind, was once again immersed in the beautiful melody of those revolutionary songs. At this time, he may not have thought of it, As Xenivagina came to the Far East, the women around him also began to form gangs. In the political arena of the Russian Federation, there is a power struggle between the "Moscow Gang" and the "St. Petersburg Gang", but by Guo Shouyun's side, there will be disputes between the "Moscow Gang" and the "Far East Gang". Compared with the disputes, the latter disputes will appear more charming and more interesting.

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