Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 35: woman's infighting

? Guo Shouyun's remarks made Xie Niweijina, who has always been uneasy, ecstatic. Although she did not know whether the project plan listed by the Sports and Work Committee could be fully satisfied, at least the man in front of her was planning to. Part of the investment has been made, otherwise, why would he want such a piece of land in this desolate place? Of course, while feeling this joy, Xenivagina also had a preliminary understanding of Guo Shouyun's influence in the Far East. Listen to what he said just now. He wanted the place, and the approval had to be sent to him by Stoyevsky. According to the logic of this speech, the dignified mayor of the Amur Komsomolsk City had become a subordinate employee of the Guo Group. The level of middle- and lower-level employees. /. qв5.

In fact, Xenivykina knows too little about the Guo Group and Guo Shouyun. In today's Far East, let alone the mayor of a small Komsomolsk city like Stoevsky, even Khabarovsk The governor of the state does not necessarily have many opportunities to deal with Guo Shouyun face to face. These people eat the food of the Guo Group, take the bribes of the Guo Group, and enjoy the political opportunities provided by the Guo Group. , almost all of them are closely related to the Guo Group. In this case, these local politicians are not substantially different from the employees of the Guo Group. Take the mayor of Stoevsky as an example, if Guo Shouyun wants him to sit in the mayor's seat for as long as he wants, and if he wants to get out of the way, he will become nothing in an instant. This is no different from firing an employee under the group's name.

"Come here," he simply explained the land acquisition to Nikita. Guo Shouyun turned around. Glancing at Xenivagina who shrank back, she first smiled, then waved to her and said.

"Sir," Xenivykina hesitated. She glanced at Nikita who was standing on the side, and then rubbed up to Guo Shouyun's side and said softly.

"Well," Guo Shouyun put his hand around the woman's slender waist and smiled, "How about it, are you satisfied with this place?"

"Thank you, sir. It's very good here." Xenivekina nodded again and again and said softly, "It would be great if the physical training center could be built here."

"Hehe, it's good to be satisfied," Guo Shouyun's big hand slipped silently onto the woman's plump buttocks.

"Oh?" Xie Niweijina obviously didn't understand what Guo Shouyun meant, she said stunned.

"You might as well tell Makonolev when you return to Moscow this time," Guo Shouyun said in a erratic tone, looking at the frozen river in the distance, "I have accepted your project proposal. The relevant funds. I Afterwards, the payment will be in place, and the entire project. The Guo Group will be solely responsible for the construction. Not only that, I will also provide you with full financial sponsorship for the Barcelona Olympics in July and August this year. I can provide charter flights for your trip to Barcelona. Provide travel funds, I can even provide a huge financial reward of 500,000 to 1.5 million rubles out of my own pocket for those athletes who perform well. Well, on these details, we can then sign a complete and reasonable agreement. …”

"Really?!" Xie Niweijina looked surprised, she put her arms around Guo Shouyun's arm, and said in a trembling voice.

"It can't be true," Guo Shouyun said indifferently, "you don't need to be so happy so early, because every investment I make also needs a certain return, and my support for you this time is no exception. Money is not blown by the wind and thrown into the water for no reason without seeing the splash. Only a fool would do such a thing."

"I understand, sir," said Xenivekina's surprise, and she also understood that there are no so-called gifts for no reason in this world. No matter who they are, they always want to get something from others. There is a price to be paid first. The current situation is that those who engage in sports need money, and they need a lot of money. Guo Shouyun has money and he can meet their demands. In turn, in order to get the money, they must pay There is a certain price. As for what these costs are, it is not so important. After all, for them, sports is life and the reason for living.

"If you need anything, just say it. As long as we can do it, we will not refuse it." Xenivekina's tone of voice was quite certain, quite firm, and she didn't even mean to bargain at all.

"That's good," Guo Shouyun showed a satisfied smile on his face. He felt the power of "money" once again. This colorful waste paper can always be exchanged for a colorful and wonderful life. At the same time, it can also be exchanged for Come to a more wonderful power, with it opening the way, people can always be successful and succeed.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun now intends to get a lot from the Sports and Work Committee. Through this large investment, he must first obtain a power from the Sports and Work Committee, that is, the right to decide on the list of candidates for the competition. Just like the decision-making power of local officials in the Far East, Guo Shouyun must take this power in his hands. In the Barcelona Olympics in July and August, who is eligible to participate and who is not, can not be decided only by the Sports and Work Committee, and of course not just by looking at it. The athlete's own ability, Guo's group will take part of the power, only in this way, Guo Shouyun can maximize his investment interests---Want to represent the Russian Federation? If you think about it, you must serve the Guo Group, and you must accept a series of transactions. Otherwise, even a talented athlete must stay at home. This world is not a paradise where personal talent and acquired hard work can lead to success, but a dark realm spawned by transactions. A person's success requires opportunities, and opportunities are often provided by others, just as the saying goes As the saying goes, "If you say you can do it, you can do it, you can't do it, and if you say you can't do it, you can't do it, and you can't do it."

Don't be convinced, this is the reality, take a very simple example: find a beggar living on the streets in the Far East, if Guo Shouyun wants him to start a business, wants him to live a prosperous life, or even become a so-called so-called beggar "Business wizard" or "political strongman", then with a simple operation, maybe a few months, maybe a few weeks, this beggar can be transformed into a household name in the Far East. Everything is as simple as that. A beggar becomes a millionaire in a few months, or becomes a member of parliament or governor of a certain state. This is undoubtedly a miracle. The truth behind this miracle is absolutely impossible for many people to know. , what people see is just the rise of an extremely gifted genius, a business or political miracle.

"As for what I need, I haven't figured it out yet." Guo Shouyun, who felt satisfied, did not directly state his requirements. He smiled lightly, reached out and rubbed his nose, and said, "I think so, just like what I just said. As you said, this matter will be handed over to Nikita, and for those specific and detailed issues, she will come forward and negotiate with you later."

Nivitina glanced at Nikita cautiously. To be honest, she was really intimidated by this expressionless woman. If possible, she would prefer to contact Guo Shouyun, rather than this person who is hostile to herself. competition.

"What, does Miss Xenivekina have any doubts about her husband's decision?" Nikita, who was still dissatisfied, finally put it aside when she heard that Guo Shouyun took this matter into her own hands. Difficulty, she knew that she had a lot of weight in Guo Shouyun's heart after all, at least much stronger than the charming woman in front of her.

"Ah, no, no," Facing Nikita's aggressive aura, Xenivekina felt a stronger sense of grievance while she was nervous. She felt like she was rootless. Duckweed, any gust of wind and waves can blow it upside down. In Moscow there is Hornikova, and in the Far East, there is such a Nikita, they are the lovers of the man next to them, just like themselves, they are all playthings that put their fate in the hands of the same man, sad Yes, these people are still thinking of the Fa to run against themselves... What kind of world is this.

Facing Xenivekina's cowardice and Nikita's arrogance, Guo Shouyun just smiled and said nothing. To be honest, he really didn't like Nikita's aggressiveness, but that didn't mean he appreciated Xenivekina's complacency. Guo Shouyun is a sensible person. He knows that the *** he is in is a devil's playground where intrigues and secret fights are fought, and by his side, the women who gather around him also constitute such a "playground." "Just like when the Big Five treated him, Nikita and Shana Riva and the other women also didn't want other women to appear in the core of the Guo family." More, which means less share for everyone." Now in Guo Shouyun's side, several women have their own status and power, and they can live in harmony with each other, precisely because the division of forces has been basically finalized In this case, any newcomer involved may have an impact on their interests, so they will unite, have the same goal, and exclude the "third" like Xenivagina. So in this case, if Xie Niweijinna wants to gain a firm foothold by Guo Shouyun's side, she must fight, and she will do everything possible to fight. If she wins, then she will stand still, at least she won't have to be angry anymore, if she can't fight or not fight at all, then she will never be able to stand in this ****, and can only act as a The role of the airbag. In the same way, her winning process is a process of getting closer to Guo Shouyun. To put it bluntly, if she doesn't fight, then she will never gain Guo Shouyun's trust, and she will always be able to play the role of a human flesh toy. And if she fights and wins, then her interests will be closely linked with Guo Shouyun. At that time, she will be very surprised to find that her life and future have been tightly bonded with Guo Shouyun, forever. Can't be separated.

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