Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 32: Far East Sports Training Center

? On the No. 6 road leading to Komsomolsk in Khabarovsk, a convoy of six black gas jeeps was heading north in a hurry. . qb5.

"...The commune is a red sun, the members of the commune are all sunflowers, the flowers bloom in the sun, and the flowers are big...Every family loves the commune, everyone obeys the party's words, and the seeds of happiness sprout. …”

There is a beautiful melody flowing slowly in the car radio. This melody belongs to a revolutionary song that was widely circulated in China. The name of the song is "Community Members Are Sunflowers". period songs.

In this beautiful melody, Guo Shouyun squinted his eyes, crossed Erlang's legs, and held a glass of blood-like red wine in his right hand. The **** of his right hand tapped regularly on his knees along with the rhythm of the music.

Beside Guo Shouyun, Nikita, with a stack of documents on his knees, sat there expressionlessly, with two burning blue eyes, staring straight at the petite woman with a charming face. ---For her, this woman who suddenly appeared in the Far East and planned to make her home here was obviously a competition.

Under Nikita's gaze, Xenivagina, who had just arrived in the Far East, felt cramped. Her straight calves, wearing high white riding boots, were carefully curled under the seat, not daring to move. It looked like a frightened kitten.

With two brisk drum beats, the song came to an end. The driver in front reached out and pressed the rewind button, ready to play the song again. Except for Guo Shouyun, no one knows what these songs mean. But the driver knows. Guo Shouyun likes to listen to, and since he likes to listen to things, he naturally has to play more.

"Do you know what this song means?" After the driver pressed the rewind button again, Guo Shouyun opened his eyes and brought the wine glass to his lips. He took a sip of the scarlet wine, and said with a sigh.

Xenivekina's lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she glanced at Nikita on the opposite side, and swallowed the words that were brought to her lips.

"It's like a Chinese folk song, right?" Nikita looked away from Xenivekina and smiled at Guo Shouyun.

"Folk song?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "If you know it, you know it. If you don't know it, you don't know it. What folk songs are called revolutionary songs."

Guo Shouyun said and explained the lyrics of the song. Of course, he directly referred to the commune mentioned in the lyrics as a "collective farm". After all, this is Russia, and everyone knows about the collective farm. And it is estimated that not many people understand what a commune is.

After listening to Guo Shouyun's explanation, Nikita couldn't help but feel amused. Originally, he, a capitalist who got rich by overthrowing "collective farms", likes to listen to this kind of revolutionary songs. Not to mention anything else. On its own, it is a great irony.

"Where are we going?" Xing Zhi. Guo Shouyun explained the lyrics, and then he turned his attention to the window.

At this time, the convoy happened to pass through a vast plain area. Across the barren windbreak poplar forest on the side of the road, you could see the endless barren snowfields on both sides----Russia and China are big countries, but the national conditions of the two countries But it is completely different. In the past, there were fewer people and more land, and the sparse population was spread over the vast territory. Basically, there were only one or two people per square kilometer. Then, there is less land and more people, and agricultural land is relatively scarce. Just like the area from Khabarovsk to Komsomolsk in Amur, the land here is relatively fertile, but except for the two collective farms, large tracts of land here are barren. No one farms and no one lives, which is simply unimaginable in China.

"Sir, we're on the Skansask collective farm just ahead," the driver replied, turning his head slightly.

"Isn't it there?" Guo Shouyun smiled and stretched out his hand in front of Nikita.

Although Guo Shouyun didn't say it clearly, Nikita also knew what he meant. She turned over the stack of documents on her knees, took out a map, unfolded it, and sent it to Guo Shouyun.

This is a detailed map of Khabarovsk Oblast, with the geographical conditions in the state marked in considerable detail.

"We should be here now," Guo Shouyun looked at the map, then pointed to a location and said, "Look, from here to the north is the Skansask collective farm, and to the northeast... um , This is about six kilometers, which is the Stapor ancient pier on the tributary of the Amur River and the Hongqi Shipyard. In general, the transportation here is relatively convenient."

After saying a sentence, Guo Shouyun pushed the map in front of Xenivekina.

"Look, how about building a physical training center here?" Guo Shouyun said.

"Well, sir, it's fine." Xenivagina didn't look at the map, she glanced out the window and whispered.

"Okay, let's settle it like that," Guo Shouyun was not polite, he shook his hand and handed the map to Nikita beside him, and said, "Go back and make a list of your specific needs, um, it's better to have a detailed one. Just leave the planning book to Nikita, how much space is needed, how much capital, etc., etc. You can discuss these things with Nikita. I am busy these days, and I don’t think I have time to ask you personally. these things."

What Guo Shouyun said is true, let alone him these days, even the people around him are very busy, the small privatization reform has kicked off, and a large number of acquisition projects that follow are listed. Before the leadership of the Guo Group, at the same time, the Far East Commercial Bank is also doing a big business with the other five commercial banks - lowering the ruble exchange rate. Unfortunately, Shoucheng is still in Moscow and Rilke is in Washington. No one can help with these things. Therefore, Guo Shouyun has to personally come forward to deal with it. As for the women Nikita, they can't do anything at all. Under such circumstances, how could Guo Shouyun still have so much free time?

Guo Shouyun said that he was busy, which Xie Niweijina believed, but then again, she was not at ease dealing with Nikita, a woman's intuition was very accurate, she could feel Nikita's feelings for her. hostility. under these circumstances. How could she rest assured to entrust the construction of the physical training base to this woman?

"Ah, sir," thinking so in her heart, Xenivagina reached out and grabbed her white satchel, unzipped it, and pulled out a palm-sized notebook from inside. She handed the book to Guo Shouyun, and then said, "I have a draft project plan here, which was led by the Ministry of Sports and Works. If, if you..."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun smiled when he looked at Xenivekina who was hesitant to speak, and he reached out to take the book and said at the same time. "I didn't expect you to move very fast. Why, are you worried that I will break my promise and gain weight?"

"Sir, don't get me wrong. We didn't mean it," said Xenivykina, blushing in a voice that was not much louder than a mosquito's call, "We are just thinking about it, considering that the time is tight now, after all next year. The Olympics are coming up in July, so the sooner you can prepare for that, the better."

"Hehe, that's not an excuse," Guo Shouyun opened the notebook, checked it carefully, and said with a smile, "It's almost February now, according to your words, the Olympic Games will open in five months. In just five months, these physical training infrastructure projects are impossible to complete, not to mention that it is still winter, and the civil engineering cannot be started at all. So, your preparation work is sooner or later, which is completely different from the July Olympic Games. It doesn't matter."

Saying so, Guo Shouyun has already read a page of the cursive project plan.

From the plan on this page, he can see that Xenivekina and the others have really put a lot of thought into this physical training infrastructure project, at least this plan can't be some sports It's more like the handwriting of an engineer.

According to this draft plan, Xeni Vikina and the others need to build the ground training venues in the suburbs of Gongqingcheng, which can be divided into twelve open-air venues, six multi-purpose halls and four main residential areas. The area will exceed 60,000 square meters, and the total cost is estimated to be no less than 90 million rubles, and this does not include related supporting facilities. Guo Shouyun figured it out. To build such a large-scale physical training center, the investment in related aspects is estimated to be 70 to 80 million. In addition, various physical exercise equipment, employment of labor and other aspects also require a large investment. . The total investment of these items is almost 200 million yuan. The most important thing is that these things need a large amount of maintenance investment every year. To be honest, if it is not for ulterior motives, it is estimated that no one Would invest such a large sum of money to build something like this.

However, from another perspective, Guo Shouyun does not have to spend such a high cost to build a physical training center of this type in the Far East. First, he does not need to spend a penny for the 60,000 square meters of land, and there may not be any other in the Far East. However, there is something about this piece of land. Take the area he is currently demarcating as an example. If he wants to use it, he only needs to say hello to the Khabarovsk Oblast government, and the batch of documents will be delivered immediately. In addition, he doesn't need to spend much money on steel for construction. If nothing else, the military steel factory in the Far East Military Region alone can solve this problem. In the end, what Guo Shouyun is doing now in the Far East is to build infrastructure. He wants to spend the remaining money in his hand to stimulate employment in the Far East, and at the same time, it can also stimulate consumption to a greater extent. After all, the money is spent today, and it will flow back to the Guo Group's account after a while. Therefore, every penny he spends in the Far East cannot be counted as "consumption", but as an "investment".

"Is your project plan a little too big?" Guo Shouyun read the plan from beginning to end, then frowned slightly, and said, "As far as I know, the size of the National Sports Center in Moscow is also Not so big, is it?

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