Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 31: happy moment

? Frankly speaking, it should be quite normal for Indians to attack Guo Shouyun's idea, and now there are people who are thinking about this, not only India, but as the old enemy of "A-San", Pakistan. People are not satisfied with just relying on the Tigers as intermediaries to deal with the Guo Group. For them, the Tigers' "business" is still too small. That kind of petty arms business obviously cannot satisfy Pakistan, a South Asian country. The needs of big countries, therefore, the establishment of direct trade with the Guo Group has become an urgent problem for Pakistan. . qb5, c0m

The disintegration of the Soviet Union means the end of an era, and in the context of changing times, the evolution of the international situation has become inevitable. At this juncture, what kind of diplomacy will Russia, which inherits most of the energy of the former Soviet Union, pursue? Policies, especially what kind of diplomatic tendencies the Russian regime will embrace, have naturally become the focus of attention of all parties.

As the head of the Guo Group, Guo Shouyun may not be a powerful person in Russian politics, nor is he the formulation of major national policies, but one thing is that his political energy will never be underestimated. After all, the current situation in Russia is there. Everyone knows that the Kremlin does not fully grasp the power of the state. To a large extent, they also have to look at local forces. Therefore, the six giants that hold the main economic lifeline of Russia have become key players.

In addition, countries such as India and Pakistan pay more attention to the Far East in terms of military value. The economy of the Far East is relatively backward, and the deformed economic model of the former Soviet Union is particularly reflected in this region. Obviously - heavy industry, especially the military industry, is huge and powerful, while light industry, especially the basic industry that is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and agriculture are shrinking. At present, the Guo Group has firmly grasped this area, although its development is very fast. However, this situation cannot be reversed in a short time.

The Guo Group is based in the Far East, and Moscow's influence cannot spread to this area. To put it bluntly, the Kremlin's local policy orders are basically a piece of waste paper in the Far East. At the same time, the Guo Group wants to maintain its dominance in the Far East. . Therefore, it is necessary to fully reverse the backward economic situation of the Far East while maintaining its strong financial resources. Today, the Far East's economy has always maintained a huge trade deficit in terms of import and export, and the business of the Kuok Group. Except for the limited export of timber and steel, the rest are basically commodity imports. If this situation persists for a long time, there will only be one situation, that is, the industry in the Far East shrinks step by step, and the employment situation deteriorates layer by layer. There is no room to live.

Independence from Russia's central power in the Far East. It seems to be a country with a vast geography. As the hegemon of this region, Guo Shouyun is no longer a simple businessman. All the decisions he makes cannot be based solely on accumulating money, but must be based on a macro perspective. From this perspective, consider the entire Far East aspect.

It is based on this consideration that those who are concerned about the situation in the Far East can find more opportunities to get in touch with the Guo Group. Except for heavy industry and natural resources, the Far East has nothing to offer. . Therefore, if the Far East wants to maintain a balance of international payments, it must focus on the export of heavy industries and natural resources. In contrast, the arms business is one of the major items.

Of course, Guo Shouyun is currently unaware of the brewing contacts between India and Pakistan. Having said that, even if he does, he probably doesn't have time to think about these things now. After all, for him, the president of the Guo Group, there are too many things that need to be paid attention to and solved.

Although Hornikova had returned to Moscow on the 19th, the problem in Washington has not been effectively resolved. Rilke is currently stranded in the United States. On the one hand, he continues to work with more than a dozen members of the US Congress Members of Parliament and members of the Jewish Affairs Committee were entangled. On the one hand, he also began to make contact with people from Wang An's company.

this time. Rilke has always kept in touch with Guo Shouyun, according to him. The acquisition of Wang An's company will have great operational problems. Apart from the resistance from the US government, Wang Lie, the head of Wang An's company, does not seem to have any intention of selling Wang An's company. This Wang Lie is an idiot, a very stupid, stupid idiot. He doesn't know how to run a business, but he is still holding on to the power of the company. In the face of the increasingly severe financial situation, this CEO, who inherited his father's business, has an idea. The reduction of company expenses has gone up. Of course, in the face of financial difficulties, it is necessary for the company to reduce expenses, but then again, it does not matter if the expenses can be reduced, but those necessary expenses cannot be moved, for example, the company uses in after-sales service. Expenses, scientific research expenses of research institutions, and welfare expenses of elite team employees, etc. But Wang Lie, who is wise and martial, doesn't care about this. He only knows that the company's current situation is that it lacks funds. Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best way to increase income and reduce expenditure. Therefore, the first place he needs to save money is the company's after-sales service. It seems that the company has invested a lot in this area, but at the same time, it has no income. If this part of the expenses is saved, it will obviously help to ease the company's financial situation.

In Rilke's words, Wang Lie is now looking for his own death. If Wang An's company lets him continue to toss like this, then even if the capital situation is eased in the future, the company will not have much inventory space, because It has lost its credibility, and losing credibility means losing its most basic survival space for an enterprise.

Arrogant and incompetent, arrogant and unrealistic, this is Rilke's reliance on Wang Lie. Based on this consideration, he mentioned in his proposal to Guo Shouyun that if the US government's restrictions are loosened , then Guo's Group had better take a forced acquisition of Wang An Company, and after completing the acquisition, the Group's attitude towards Wang An Company should also change. The best way is to take advantage of all the resources in Wang An's company, and then use the means to split and sell the entire company. As for the group's own computer industry, it can be built using the resources collected.

Guo Shouyun basically agrees with Rilke's suggestion, because only in this way can the Guo Group reduce its investment to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it can also reduce the interference of the original leadership of Wang An's company on the next development of the group's computer industry. .

In addition to the affairs of Wang An's company, Guo Shouyun has been busy during this time, and there is another larger acquisition plan, that is, small privatization reform.

Small-scale privatization reform, the name is only superficial, and it definitely has a lot of confusion. The first impression it brings to people is that the scale of this type of reform is very small, and the levels involved are also very narrow. The underlying economic value is also low. But what about in practice? This is by no means a small reform measure.

Take Guo Shouyun's Guo Group as an example, it is expected to invest as much as 60 million rubles in the first phase of this small-scale privatization reform, involving the acquisition of 76 companies, and the actual assets of these companies. , it is far more than 480 million, and the related employees of the enterprise exceed 100,000.

The Far East belongs to Guo Shouyun and belongs to the Guo Group. The chairman, executive representatives, and supervisory committee members of the Far East Executive Committee for Small Privatization Reform appointed by Moscow are all from the Far East. It was all arranged by Guo Shouyun. Under such circumstances, what will happen to the small-scale privatization reform in the Far East, I am afraid that only God can know, at least, the ordinary people in the Far East cannot know any of the operations.

Take the Jerodsk Aluminum Company in Komsomolsk, for example, this aluminum product company with more than 1,500 employees and a net capital of over 17 million rubles should not have been included in the list of small companies. It is a medium-sized enterprise in the category of privatization reform, but after a series of operations, its name appeared on the acquisition list of the Guo Group, and the target price was only 1.5 million rubles.

Of course, such a process of changing from big to small is quite complicated on the whole. It requires a lot of methods and resources. Fortunately, Guo Shouyun does not lack these things, especially in the Far East. He has all the means and resources at his disposal.

Guo Shouyun did a lot of preparatory work before preparing to take over the Jerodsk Aluminum Company. For example, he produced the company's false accounts. It was through such a false account that Jero, who had never borrowed from the Far East Commercial Bank, Tsk Aluminum became a loss-making company with debts of nearly 10 million and directly on the verge of bankruptcy almost overnight. When applying for the project approval to the Far East Executive Committee of Small Privatization Reform, Guo Shouyun also moved his hands on the asset verification list. A large number of fixed assets under the company's name, such as staff housing, warehouses, and even some mechanical equipment, are inexplicable. disappeared. All in all, when this list of accounts was presented to the Executive Committee, the Jelotsk Aluminum Company, which originally had assets of tens of millions, seemed to have become a small-scale "garbage company" that went bankrupt due to poor management- ---Small privatization reform, what reform? Isn't it about reforming these distressed small businesses?

In this way, as the reform process of small privatization is approaching step by step, a gluttonous feast has also slowly opened a heavy curtain. And in this feast, Guo Shouyun, who is sitting in the Far East, is obviously not the most ruthless one. In any case, for the seventy-two "small enterprises", he, the head of the Guo Group, has to spend 6,000 yuan. Ten thousand of the acquisition funds, as for those workers in the enterprise, he will also retain a large part. In contrast, what the other five giants have done is far more despicable. What they have done is not an acquisition at all, but a naked looting-after looting all their assets, they will Entire businesses are thrown away, thus amassing wealth while throwing countless workers into the stream of unemployed people.

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