Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 33: woman's mind

"Oh," after listening to Guo Shouyun's words, Xie Niweijina's face showed an uneasy look. /

But having said that, the reason why Xie Niweijina has such an uneasy feeling is basically determined by her temperament. She is still too thin-skinned. When thinking about a problem, think about it first. It's the feelings of others, not your own needs. "Money" may be a very precious thing for most people in the world. This thing is difficult to earn but easy to spend, and it costs every penny less. But for today's Guo Shouyun, "money" is the most worthless thing. In his opinion, this thing is exquisitely printed grass paper. Its greatest value can only be reflected in circulation, that is, it must be spent. It is useful, and if you keep it in the bank, it is not a pleasing deposit, but a burden, a very heavy burden.

Some people may think this point is quite unrealistic, but it is a living reality. The most fundamental reason is that Guo Shouyun spends not his own money, but the money of bank depositors. The large amount of money in this place is not the kind of banknotes that ordinary people are familiar with, but the currency that is really used for circulation. Guo Shouyun is a banker to a certain extent, and there is a fundamental difference in the way bankers and ordinary people view money—in the eyes of bankers, money should be alive and alive. , and in the eyes of ordinary people. Money is banknotes, the piece of paper used for shopping, and it has no life at all.

Although Xie Niweijina is very famous in the sports world, she is still an ordinary person after all, so when she treats this individual training project, the first thing she thinks about is that the investment is too big. As an investor, Guo Shouyun, can he be willing to invest so much money in "self"? Xie Niweijina is a woman, and she feels that she can use it to do business with Guo Shouyun. There is only such a pair of **, although this pair of ** is very good, and it can make many men salivate, but there are so many women in this world, a huge sum of 90 million rubles, this is going to be thrown out, in front of me What does this man want that a woman can't get?

Obviously, the angle of Xenivagina's thinking has also been deviated, she. How can I say it, even if I take myself too seriously. Guo Shouyun wants to invest in the construction of a physical training center in the Far East. Is that for her sake? Obviously not. To put it bluntly, it is an established policy of Guo Shouyun. Every penny he spends is profitable, and in this one, Xenivekina is at best just an "additional head" . A bonus to bed. Guo Shouyun is not fake if he has money, and he spends a lot of money, but he needs to be for a woman. To throw out tens of millions at a time, it is estimated that it can only be a dream, an unrealistic fantasy.

"That's it, sir," Xenivagina hesitated for a long time before licking her lips and whispering. "Moscow's sports training venues were still built in the mid-1960s. It has a history of nearly 30 years, and the aging of the venues is very serious. The related supporting equipment is also quite backward, and it can't satisfy the current situation at all. such as the Toberto football stadium, where the facilities are particularly aging. Last year, Belanov was almost injured by the collapsed protective net. Therefore, this time we considered, since Mr. wants to invest in the Far East To build a brand-new physical training center, then simply put everything in place, and in the future, we plan to move all the training centers here."

To be honest, Guo Shouyun doesn't have the slightest understanding of the specific situation of the stadiums in Moscow, but he believes that everything Xenivykina said should be true. There is no way. Today's Russian government is poor. It's not that Guo Shouyun is arrogant. For now, he believes that the federal treasury may not be as rich as the Far East Commercial Bank's treasury. Under such circumstances, where does the Federation go to find money to renovate the gymnasium?

Of course, Guo Shouyun doesn't care about the specific situation of Moscow stadiums. What he cares about now is whether his investment of hundreds of millions of rubles can recover objective benefits. ==Investing in sports, this matter itself does not have much economic profit at all. Look at the businessmen of the investment-level cup leagues in Europe. Either they use their clubs to launder money and play gambling, or they are the main business. In related industries, as for the profits brought by the game, it is really small and pitiful. But having said that, the fact that there is not much profit does not mean that there is no profit. Profit is a very real thing, but profit is intangible. Guo Shouyun wants to invest in the sports world, and his own purpose is to earn a reputation, or It is said that it is to create popularity for the Guo Group. As for the value of this popularity, how many people can tell clearly?

While Guo Shouyun was talking with Xenivekina, Nikita silently reached out and took the project plan. After only two glances, her face changed completely. A piece of ashen, how gloomy and gloomy it really is.

Speaking of which, Nikita has been with Guo Shouyun for a long time. She has always played the role of a "mouthpiece", or it can be said to be an "internal assistant"--- Guo Shouyun has something to do with Nina. On the contrary, she likes to give her a hand to do the negotiation. The fundamental reason is that this woman is very sensible. She never asks much about things that should not be asked, and she never reaches out where she should not. To give an obvious example, Nikita has been with Guo Shouyun for so long. How many bank accounts does this man have overseas, how much money is deposited in the account, where he has invested, and how much he has invested, these things Nikita has never Didn't ask, didn't even ask. Because in her opinion, even Nina doesn't care about these things. With such a role as a mistress, how can she be qualified to ask more questions?

How should I put it, a woman is a strange animal, no matter how shrewd she is, she will always have a jealous mentality. Under the **** of this mentality, it is easy for a woman to do stupid things like throwing a watermelon and picking up sesame seeds . Just like Nikita, so did she.

Nikita can turn a deaf ear and turn a blind eye to everything related to Guo Shouyun, but there is one thing, Nikita has always been very concerned about the women who appear around him, especially those beautiful women. Because in her opinion, these women are her own opponents, and they are poking around in front of Guo Shouyun just to steal some of the most precious things from her.

In fact, sometimes Nikita herself thinks that she is ridiculous. After all, in reality, she is just a woman of Guo Shouyun, one of his many mistresses. This man hangs out with other women, even as "Mrs. Guo" Nina never asked, how could she, a woman with no name and no distinction, have the right to meddle in her own business? But this kind of self-deprecation is only a momentary existence. Once a woman appears by Guo Shouyun's side, Nikita can't help but feel uncomfortable. Kita almost didn't arrange for someone to kill her.

Now, Xie Niweijina is here. She has to be beautiful and beautiful, and she has to have a figure, especially such a weak and pitiful appearance, which can confuse the minds of most men. Facing such a woman, How can Nikita not have an idea of ​​her own?

Looking at the project plan in front of her, Nikita really wanted to kick the opposite Xenivagina out of the car: This woman is so shameless, she not only came to the Far East, but also wanted to be here. What is especially unbearable is that she wants Guo Shouyun to invest a lot of money to build such a large-scale physical training center for her here.

Unbearable, all of this is so unbearable!

"Sir," holding back the annoyance in her heart, Nikita squeezed out a smile. She fiddled with the project plan in her hand and said softly, "This amount of investment is really not small, but Apart from investment, I don't see any possibility of profit. With the huge sum of 90 million invested, do we have to rely on renting out the venue to recover the investment? Hehe, that's really worth seeing. According to Far East In the current economic situation, even if the rent for these sites is 9,000 rubles per day, it will take nearly 30 years to recover the cost, which is probably an investment plan with the longest payback period in the world.”

Guo Shouyun obviously didn't expect Nikita to interrupt at this time. He was stunned for a moment, then frowned, and glanced casually at the jealous woman beside him.

Who is Guo Shouyun? He is a perfect man. Although he doesn't understand women's psychology very well, he is very good at observing words and expressions, especially from the other party's simple words, to figure out other people's thoughts. Just like at this moment, with Nikita's thorny words, he only had to turn his head a little and guessed the woman's mind----Nikita didn't have much business skills at all, and she didn't know how to invest in this business. To be honest, if you put it on other things, even if she spends hundreds of millions of funds to buy a piece of land that is the least valuable, this woman will not say a word of nonsense. Twelve open-air venues and six multi-purpose halls, if rented out, can you only earn 9,000 rubles a day in rent? How is this account calculated?

The fact that a woman who does not understand business investment has to intervene on this huge investment project is very telling.

Although he understood Nikita's thoughts in an instant, Guo Shouyun didn't feel any anger. On the contrary, he felt that Nikita's emotions could be put to good use. It is very unreasonable for a woman to be jealous. If Nikita is given the negotiation of this investment, she may be able to get more benefits from the Sports Work Committee.

"Well, what you said makes sense," Guo Shouyun smiled. He glanced at Xenivagina, who had a cramped expression, and Nikita, who was sitting beside him, and said with a smile.

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