Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 30: Indian

?) A rise of forces, there must be more behind the forces provided support, even then a strong character, it is impossible to rely on their own power to rule the world, the so-called "a fence three piles," its true meaning then this is it. , qβ5. c0m/

Take Guo Shouyun Kuok Group, which from the start of the day, we have attached a lot of forces, Ivanov and Security Committee of independent Susie Hoff sixth division, Yakov dominated the Far East division Ministry, until later Victor arrested people. These people in a given period, the Kuok Group is strong support behind it, they get a lot from Guo Shouyun body, but it also gave Guo Shouyun lot, to some extent, between them is a mutually beneficial relations, at the same time, it is one of the relationships with each other.

Ivanov or, Susie Hoff worth mentioning, and even Yakov, they are now unable to pose any substantial threat to the Kuok Group, and they have been in this relationship network utilization of each other, are completely eliminated, while the rest of the Victor, currently Guo Shouyun do not see his face up ---- After all, this process can be seen as a process of the law of the jungle, the strong win, the weak eliminated, and everything it is only right and proper.

Now, through some dialogue with Khodorkovsky, Guo Shouyun feel that he must find new support, and preferably two opposing each other while looking for support, for him, both with each other support of the opposition, can form a factor of checks and balances, and checks and balances is his only way to seek survival.

Up to several hours of hunting, Khodorkovsky regarded addiction had enough of the hand, while ice jungle of wild animals, but it is pour a large mold. It recommends Qiumo even Sergeant Ivanov is obviously very effective, when the end of the hunt, Khodorkovsky harvest two red deer, a wolverine, plus a Snowshoe do not see the true colors. As for Vinogradov, he is not interested in this kind of massacre game, so he did not open all the way through the shot, not to mention Guo Shouyun but rather what marksmanship. Blind cat hit the dead rat. Hit due to a rush of frightened and four moose.

I want to talk to talk things over, play to the game also hit. Three giants have no conscience and interest to return troops are stationed armored vehicles, according to Khodorkovsky's statement this afternoon saying that also engage in a campfire get-together. After all, it is not like these fresh game can always be subordinated to get.

Now that Khodorkovsky had such a good mood, Guo Shouyun naturally do not bother to sweep his Hing, this **** ice sheet is not everything, but they do not lack romp wild things, not to a lack of film into a piece jungle, now, with two engineering battalion stationed here is not a lack of people, and not to a campfire get-together thing, do you want running a bar.

Like Guo Shouyun with Khodorkovsky them these people. There is usually little time to be able to relax, and in the night-dimensional ice season Mu Site, the three giants of the past without exception, down to infighting, put down the tedious affairs between the secular, the body and mind heavily, will fall into the into this rare relax ---- like a get-together at the campfire Khodorkovsky said he had not seen for a long time so clear sky, then a bright moon.

Just Guo Shouyun, who enjoy the rare leisure time on the ice, far thousands of miles away in New Delhi, India, a conference for debate Far East Kuok Group is being carried out with fierce. And presided over this meeting, but it is soon retiring after separation from President Venkataraman, as local people attended the meeting, the parties, including the mainland government officials at twelve.

Guo Shouyun led Kuok Group is the mainland government before entering the line of sight of India recently. Its key events. Kuok Group is the name of the Soviet military that deal with the LTTE guerrillas carried out.

As the former Soviet Union to balance China a bargaining chip, India has always had very close ties with the Soviet government. Military cooperation between the two sides, can be said to be from the early sixties it has already begun. At the same time it, one of the most major countries like India or South Asia, in this one area, it has a rival, and that is north of Pakistan. Due to a dispute of Kashmir, the two countries from the beginning of 1947, has played three large-scale war between India and Pakistan, during which small-scale military exchange of fire is continuing. Third War to be basically the end of 1971, but did not last long, after a lapse of ten years, that is, to a climax, when, unresolved Kashmir dispute once again ignite a powder keg, until now, in India the actual bar along the ceasefire lines, military friction between the two countries is still playing the stop, hardly a day when corpuscles.

Of course, is not limited to war between the two countries along the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan, the two countries are also not confined to the range, their war is still spreading outward, or even been extended to the original detached Sri Lanka.

Although Indians are very "Asan", their ambitions are not small at all. In their eyes, not only the existing land in India, even Pakistan, Nepal, and even part of China's Tibet should belong to Indian. Just two years before the second war between India and Pakistan, the Indian Nehru government, who had just finished licking Khrushchev's big cockroach, stretched out his hand to China with great ambition, but the wretched "little" Menon, who was praised by Nehru as a "contemporary Napoleon", was mercilessly chopped off, and met his "contemporary Waterloo" on the Sino-Indian border. The dogs that were beaten within a few days ran away, panicking like a lost dog.

It was after that conflict that India began to move closer to the Soviet Union in an all-round way, while Pakistan turned its attention to the "East", and the contest between the Soviet Union, China, India and Pakistan that lasted for more than half a century began.

In the India-Pakistan conflict in the 1960s, Pakistan was obviously far inferior to India in terms of military strength, but this Muslim country is obviously very good at "curve resistance" skills - a war that cannot be won on the frontal battlefield, from a small angle , may be able to achieve good results. It was with the support of this strategy that the Tamil rebellion broke out in Sri Lanka, which was supported by India.

The subsequent development of the situation has gradually exceeded India's actual control capabilities.

In order to calm the situation in Sri Lanka and suppress the Tiger Guerrilla, the former President of India, Raja Gandhi, sent 50,000 soldiers into Sri Lanka to frantically surround and suppress the Tiger Guerrilla, and successively killed more than 600 Tamil armed men. But Gandhi obviously underestimated the Tigers supported by Pakistan, and in the end, he himself was killed by Jayatri, a female killer sent by the Tigers.

It took less than a year since Ra. Gandhi died. The Soviet Union, which was a strong aid to India, fell into domestic turmoil. A large number of originally signed military aid contracts and technical cooperation projects were completely stranded. It is undoubtedly a heavy blow. What is even worse now is that some powerful figures in the former Soviet Union seem to have changed their attitude towards the India-Pakistan issue. The intelligence analysis department is very headache, and even has a creepy feeling.

Just a week ago, the Indian intelligence agency received information from Pakistan, and a batch of Soviet-made surface-to-air missile defense weapons appeared in the military area north of Islamabad, which even included the more advanced s3oo series.

The emergence of this information shocked the Indian Ministry of Defense, because according to the agreement between India and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union has never sold similar weapons to Pakistan. Because of this, in the struggle between India and Pakistan, India's Only the air force can run rampant over Kashmir. As for Pakistan, their strengths lie in the 6th Army and tanks. In terms of air defense, they can be said to have achieved nothing. Today, advanced ground-to-air weapons have suddenly appeared in Pakistan without warning. How can this reassure India?

Now, the Pakistani side has not explained the source of their s3oo surface-to-air missiles, but the information obtained by the intelligence shows that these four surface-to-air air defense missile systems come from the Tigers guerrillas supported by Pakistan, and the Tigers cost For a large price, it was bought from the Soviet Far East. At present, the Pakistani military is working on establishing a missile defense air force, which they intend to deploy to Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to counter the Indian Air Force. The air defense that Pakistan is building has three divisions, each division has four brigades, and each brigade has four battalions, thus building an incomplete combat unit.

The Indian military has made a complete analysis of this information and the firepower configuration of s3oo. They believe that the Pakistani missile defense air force obviously needs to continue to supplement weapons and equipment, because s3oo is organized as a brigade, and each brigade is equipped with a The "Baryana" automatic command system controls four firepower units, each unit is a battalion, and each battalion is equipped with a set of missile firing units. There is no doubt that according to this distribution method, only one division of Pakistan's missile defense air force is now organized, and the remaining two need to continue military procurement to be established. The surface-to-air missile system it purchased needs at least Eight.

The situation is obvious. If Pakistan really establishes this missile defense air force, then the military confrontation between India and Pakistan will have a new situation. The high mobility and strong firepower of s3oo will pose a strong threat to the Indian Air Force. It is almost impossible for Indian fighters to continue unscrupulously in the India-Pakistan dividing line.

"It can't continue to do nothing." Faced with this huge threat, the Indian military has made a decision. They believe that they must contact the newly established Russian government, and at the same time, they must also contact the "damn" China. Contact with people, at least to see if it can block the channels for Pakistanis to buy arms.

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