Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 299: sudden confusion

"That's right, my Shouyun brothers, I'm going to Beijing, China, and not only me, but also Vinogradov. We'll go together." Very sensitively aware of Guo Shouyun's surprise, Hodor Kowski smiled, walked to his side, and said again in a very positive tone, "For us, this is a turning point. If this step is successful, then the relationship between our families in the future will be greatly improved. more closely.”

"Have you negotiated with that side?" Guo Shouyun was shocked by this news, but also thought a lot. He felt that the material that Khodorkovsky broke out today, to a certain extent, also revealed In the future, the relationship between Yukos Oil Company and China National Petroleum Corporation is also equivalent to laying the foreshadowing of a series of twists and turns in the future Sino-Russian oil strategic cooperation.

"It's settled," Khodorkovsky shrugged and said with a smile, "a few people came over there some time ago, um, Tong Jianjun, do you know this person?"

"I don't know," Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while. For him, this name was too unfamiliar. At least in his previous life, he had never heard of this name.

"A very good person, I like him," Khodorkovsky said with a smile, "but unfortunately, his position in Beijing is not very high, so there are many issues that he does not have the power to make the final decision. , So, I plan to go to Beijing secretly and sit down and have a good talk with the people there in person. "At this time, oh, if you go to Beijing, I'm afraid it will attract a backlash from the Kremlin. You don't need to worry..." Guo Shouyun said after a moment of silence.

He heard that the domestic side may have been in contact with Khodorkovsky from a long time ago, but the two sides concealed this very well, so he, the lord of the Far East, did not receive any news in advance. Then again, does Sun Hongyu know about this? Guo Shouyun thinks this is unlikely. After all, she is still just a "little person" from business to politics, and it is impossible for Beijing to let her know everything.

"I'm not worried about anything," Guo Shouyun said without waiting. Khodorkovsky laughed. He leaned the rifle in his hand on the tree trunk beside him, then took Guo Shouyun's shoulders and pushed him to a place where the snow was relatively thin. Then he continued, "I'm worried. It's fear, and for people like us. Fear is the devil. It's the way to die. Kremlin, hey, for those people, there's nothing we can do to make them happy, except, of course, suicide. The world judges a person based on his strength. As far as we are concerned, if we are willing to be bulls and horses for the Kremlin, will they hold us in their hands and take care of us? Hehe. I'm afraid that possibility does not exist, right? On the contrary, if we are willing to be bulls and horses, they will only attack us earlier, and the means will be more cruel. As for why they can be honest and obedient now, It's not just because they want something from us. And it's not just because they need the money. It's because they know we're not that active."

"I don't think Brother Shouyun needs you to tell him this." Vinogradov stood beside him. He took out two cigars in copper tubes from his pocket and handed them to Khodorkovsky. One, and then took out a pack of cigarettes and handed them to Guo Shouyun. Then he said, "We can all see clearly how he and those in the Kremlin played against each other."

"That's what I said," Khodorkovsky poured out the cigar from the copper tube, and played with it carefully, "but you still missed one thing, and that is the temperament of Shouyun Brothers. There is a big weakness, that is, he has a soft spot for defense. Whenever he is not provoked by others, he rarely takes the lead to deal with anyone, even if he knows that the opponent is hitting him. idea."

"Hehe, that's not bad," Vinogradov laughed, "I think this is also Smolensky's favorite place to keep the clouds."

"The key is to please other people's temperament, which is often at the expense of one's own interests," Khodorkovsky said disapprovingly, and then continued, "Take me as an example, I will not I don’t care if others like it or not, let alone the preferences of the people in the Kremlin, I will do things that are beneficial to me, and I will do my part.”

"This trip to Beijing, I must go," Khodorkovsky glanced at Guo Shouyun, who was silent, and changed the subject, "This is not just a matter of cooperation, but also a vision. The problem of investment. Americans are too ambitious, they want to get involved everywhere, lest they leave a shred of living space for others, so I don't like them, and I don't like them very, very much. They cooperate, and I prefer to choose the Chinese. From another perspective, we look for the support behind it, and it is like making large-scale investments. It is obviously unwise to put all the land money into one industry. There is a chance In local terms, it is obviously more appropriate to arrange a few more choices for yourself.”

Khodorkovsky's opinion is very original, and similarly, what he said is also very reasonable, especially in the brief analysis of Guo Shouyun's temperament, he also said it very well. As the head of the Guo Group, Guo Shouyun may have a strong temperament and a tough attitude in dealing with problems, but he has a standard for doing things, that is, he rarely takes the initiative to deal with anyone. For example, when dealing with the Far East gangs at first, and later on Gusinski, he only showed his toughness after being bullied by the other party, and then went to show his "muscles" with great fanfare. To put it bluntly, his decision is to highlight a "post-conqueror" policy-post-conqueror can certainly make fewer enemies, but it is easy to make himself passive.

Of course, from another point of view, Guo Shouyun's characteristic is not one of his advantages, at least compared with Khodorkovsky's publicity, his temperament looks much more stable.

"Eggs can't be put in one basket," Khodorkovsky obviously held such a mentality in terms of support behind his choice. Guo Shouyun heard this very clearly. At the same time, what he did before Therefore, it may be that efforts are made in this regard.

But now Guo Shouyun is not thinking about his own character, nor is it about putting eggs in several baskets. What he is really thinking about is where the cooperation between Khodorkovsky and Beijing will go.

While Khodorkovsky was talking, Guo Shouyun thought about it a lot. Of course, he mainly thought about some things in his past life memories. If these things hadn't been put to this day, he probably would never have been able to remember them. .

In Guo Shouyun's memory, the cooperation between Khodorkovsky and China seems to have started in 1994. At that time, this old boy had just acquired the huge Siberian oil field at a low price. At the same time, especially The restructuring of Kos Oil has also just been completed. At that time, the predecessor of China National Petroleum Corporation, the well-known China National Petroleum Corporation, reached a series of cooperation proposals with Yukos Oil Company, and this series of proposals also marked the development of CNPC and Yukos. The ten-year honeymoon period has begun. In the following ten years, Yukos delivered nearly 4 million tons of low-priced crude oil to China every year. Although the oil volume was not very large, it marked Khodorkovsky's a tendency.

At that time, in order to further strengthen its own energy strategy, Russia planned to build an oil pipeline from Angarsk in Siberia to the East. When establishing this project, several plans were mentioned successively, and in Khodorkov The so-called "Anda Line" plan from the Angarsk oilfield to China's Daqing oilfield, with the support of Mr. But soon after, Khodorkovsky was arrested, Yukos Oil Company was also in trouble under the attack of the Russian government, and the "Anda Line" plan was shelved. Guo Shouyun clearly remembers that in June of that year, following the arrest of Khodorkovsky, the then Japanese Foreign Minister Junko Kawaguchi reached an agreement with the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Khristenko, the former "Antai Line". "The plan was revised to the "Anna Line" plan, and the terminal station of the oil pipeline was changed from Daqing to Nakhodka. After that, in November of the second year after the transfer, PetroChina and Yukos went to court. The two oil companies, which had spent ten years of friendship, parted ways.

In his previous life, Guo Shouyun also knew about these situations, but he never linked these matters with Khodorkovsky. At that time, in his view, these matters were a series of economic problems and political nonsense. It doesn't have anything to do with it, but now, he won't think about it anymore, because he has matured completely.

Khodorkovsky's stance is inclined to the Chinese side. Behind him, there is probably some kind of support from Beijing. Because of this, the Yukos company he controls is very close to PetroChina, and he also has some kind of support from Beijing. Strong support for the "Anda Line" program. But then he fell down and was forced to sell the Yukos shares he held in prison, and CNPC's posture to file a lawsuit with Yukos is not a statement from the Chinese side.

Cold, very cold, after thinking about these possibilities, Guo Shouyun had such a feeling, he vaguely felt that he had made some deviations in dealing with the domestic political situation in Russia before - he was blindly biased. Vladimir, trying to make the current situation move on the track that he knows well, is it really that correct?

In this snowy field, Guo Shouyun had doubts about the policy he had set for the first time, and he felt a moment of confusion.

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