Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 298: Huo's Mystery

? Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun doesn't have to guess anymore. The two giants came from Moscow all the way. In addition to sharing the joy of private gold mining with him, they also play the role of a lobbyist--- - These two are really busy enough. . qβ5,

"The two brothers are not friendly enough," Guo Shouyun stroked the gun belt on his chest and smiled, "You know my attitude on the Far East issue, but you still help some outsiders to impose on me. Pressure, you are embarrassing me."

"Brother Shouyun misunderstood," Vinogradov said with a serious expression after the smile on his face disappeared, "We definitely don't mean to put pressure on you. Your Guo's very helpful suggestion. Like you should have guessed, the reason why this matter is handed over to me is because of this, we do not want you to have any misunderstanding. In the end, the interests of the three of us We are one body, facing Gusinski and their alliance, we can say that we are all prosperous and all lost, and in this case, how could we possibly put any pressure on Guo?"

"Really?" Guo Shouyun smiled lightly, stopped abruptly, then turned his head to stare at Vinogradov's eyes and said, "What if I don't accept this proposal?"

"If you don't accept it, you can pretend that I didn't say anything," Vinogradov said without hesitation, "As for the Americans, we naturally have a way to deal with them. I can even tell you that if they want to In dealing with you, Khodorkovsky and I are still on your side. The most crucial point of this is your brother. As long as you make up your mind to fight against the Americans, you will be very happy in the future. There is no turning back. Of course, if the three of us are united, it may not be…”

Vinogradov suddenly stopped talking here, and patted Guo Shouyun on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Although his mind was calm, at this time, Guo Shouyun couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face. He heard that Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky had broken with the Americans. plan. It's just that they were obviously worried about the lack of strength, so they decided to join the Guo family.

This decision is absolutely impossible from the brain of Vinogradov!

Guo Shouyun turned his head and thought of this again. It is clear. This is a rather risky approach. First of all, Americans are not so easy to mess with. In the face of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, in the world, there is still no power group that can compete with them, let alone It is said that Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov are two newly established consortiums. Second. They exposed their hearts to him so frankly, Guo Shouyun. This is also a very dangerous thing in itself. Aren't they afraid that the Guo Group and the Americans are secretly cooperating and playing some conspiracy behind the scenes?

Vinogradov has a cautious temperament, he can't take this risk without any certainty, and Khodorkovsky is very courageous. He has ambition and dares to fight, but then again, what will he do with it? What about persuading the always cautious Vinogradov?

This is a very interesting thing, Guo Shouyun feels that he is about to find out some substantive secrets----to see these secrets clearly. Then we can't just start from the situation in the Russian Federation, and we can't just think about the entanglement between several giants, because people like the Big Six make every decision and every move they make. It has gone far beyond the realm of pure economics. Their tendencies are often closely linked to politics—national politics, geopolitics, and even international politics.

From the late 1990s to the decade of the 21st century, the world was full of doubts. In this series of mysteries, the great changes in Eastern Europe, the problem solving of the Soviet Union, and even the ups and downs on the road of Russian reform are undoubtedly the places with the most mysteries. In the various mysteries of Russia, there are two core characters, namely Vladimir, who was born in the KGB and rose rapidly in the political arena, and Khodorkovsky, who was born in the Communist Youth League and is a legendary existence in the economic circle. For Vladimir, that's not much to say, he is so famous that everyone in the world knows it, and what about Khodorkovsky? People don't know much about the land. In the eyes of the world, he is an oligarch, a big traitor who does all kinds of evil and does everything he can to amass wealth. But what people don't know is that it was the tricks played by this big traitor that made Russia get rid of its pro-West traitorous policy. At the same time, it was also this big traitor who made the Americans plant a bad one in their Russia policy. The big somersault has given the almost bankrupt Russian Federation a precious respite. Similarly, it is precisely because of the existence of this person that the Japanese, who have been coveting Russian energy a lot, have never had any chance to enter Russia.

And now, when Guo Shouyun and Vinogradov are discussing the big plan, what is this big traitor who has dominated Russia's political and economic affairs for more than ten years? Behind the pine tree, carefully rubbing forward, that posture... tsk tsk tsk, how funny it is.

"Can you tell me, who are you acting as a lobbyist?" Guo Shouyun turned his head, beckoned to Chumolianov, who was a few steps behind him, and made another gesture of holding a telescope before continuing to ask.

"Having dealt with you," said Vinogradov, smiling slightly, "from the Bank of Boston."

"Oh, that's that... that what Kennedy?" Guo Shouyun's eyes showed an image of a woman with pearl-like skin, but he forgot the woman's name.

"Syquina," Vinogradov laughed.

"Ah, yes yes yes, a...very beautiful liar," Guo Shouyun laughed. "There are liars everywhere in this world. The only difference is whether the swindlers are skilled or not." Vinogradov bent down and grabbed a snow ball.

"Hehe, this is a bit sensational, but it's very true," Guo Shouyun shrugged and smiled, "To be honest, I almost wasn't deceived by her that day. Fortunately, her deception was finally exposed by me. Tell me, what is she trying to deceive from the Far East this time?"

"She wants something that the Guo family doesn't want," Vinogradov hesitated, then said. "Small privatization reform, she is willing to buy from you all the things that Guo's despise. She hopes that Guo's can come forward to form an institution like an investment fund, and then join in a joint venture. The acquisition will be carried out in the name of this institution."

"She thought it was beautiful," Guo Shouyun said sarcastically.

Xi Quina did think beautifully. You must know that Guo's acquisition of companies in the Far East's small privatization reform project was not a so-called acquisition at all, but a "robbery" in the true sense. A company with millions of assets, Guo Shi wants to take it down. It is estimated to cost hundreds of thousands at most. Even hundreds of thousands, some of them don't even have to pay a penny, and the Eastern Federation of Finance is based on this advantage. In a sense, they also want to rob.

"If you agree, they will give you Wang An as a gift," Vinogradov hissed and said calmly, "Besides, if you are willing to sell part of Guo's shares, they will also They will admit you to the Eastern Federation of Finance and give you the same share quota. They specifically asked me to tell you that the mutual integration of shares this time is absolutely based on fairness.”

"It's very tempting. Isn't it?" Guo Shouyun lowered his head and thought for a while. Said with a light smile.

"It's really tempting, don't say it's you. Even I will be tempted," Vinogradov said, picking up a dry branch, playing it around in his hand, "so I said, now everything The key lies in you, whether to accept this agreement or not, you need to consider and make up your own mind."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, and he heard that there seemed to be another layer of meaning in Vinogradov's seemingly repeated words.


Just when Guo Shouyun was about to ask a question tentatively, there was a gunshot not far ahead—Khodorkovsky's hunting began.


Sure enough, just as the gunshots echoed in the woods, Khodorkovsky, who was lying under the tree, gave a cheer, and then jumped up from the snow, stepping on the heavy snow and jumping. Jumping and running towards the depths of the woods.

"Follow up, don't let him have any accident." Guo Shouyun waved his hand to the soldiers behind him and said something.

Soon, four soldiers in military coats and with assault rifles on their shoulders ran over and chased in the direction Khodorkovsky was heading.

"Let's go, let's go too, and see what big guy Comrade Khodorkovsky the genius hunter has hit." Vinogradov looked into the woods and said casually.

"I bet fifty rubles, this guy will get at most one branch," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, and said casually.

"Then you're probably going to lose your bet this time," Vinogradov said with a smile as he walked forward, "Khodorkovsky's marksmanship is very good, and that's in his hands. , it's not a decoration."

Guo Shouyun smiled and said nothing. He followed behind Vinogradov and walked towards the depths of the forest.

What would be the effect of hitting a rabbit with a sniper rifle? Today, Guo Shouyun has seen it.

Walking about a hundred meters into the depths of the forest, Guo Shouyun saw Khodorkovsky squatting under a red pine tree, holding the svd in one hand and a branch in the other. , was turning a mass of **** tattered fur there. A few minutes ago, this **** mass was a romping snow rabbit, but, it doesn't look like a rabbit at all.

"Hehe, this is what we, Comrade Khodorkovsky, have been busy with for a long time?" Taking the branch from Khodorkovsky's hand, Guo Shouyun squatted on the snow and dialed the ball Fur, said with a smile.

"Well, it looks a little ugly, but I'm sure it's worth fifty rubles." Vinogradov said with a smile as he stood aside.

"Hey, don't worry," Khodorkovsky stood up, held the rifle in his arms again, and walked into the woods without looking back, "Since there is a start, then next The gains are predictable.”

"I want to cooperate with Boston," Guo Shouyun said, throwing aside the branch in his hand, facing Khodorkovsky's back.

"Oh," Khodorkovsky said without looking back, "I'm going to Beijing."

"What?!" Guo Shouyun was taken aback and almost fell to the ground.

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