Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 297: Melt in and go out

?More than four-fifths of the land of the Republic of Buryatia is covered by large tracts of coniferous forests, while Witimst, on the digit plateau, is considered to be the area with the highest forest coverage. . qβ5. Take Guo Shouyun and the others as an example. From the beginning to the north, the Buyasilo jungle area, which is about four kilometers away, is a large forest belt with an area of ​​more than 40 square kilometers. In addition to the fir trees and Korean pine, there are countless wild animals inhabiting the woodland. Like what snow rabbit, lynx, moose, wolverine, bear, red deer and so on, it can be called everything.

Khodorkovsky himself has a wide range of hobbies. In addition to money and women, he also likes some **** and violent ... "limited sports", such as hunting, which is one of his many hobbies. one.

There are natural conditions for hunting on the plateau. The people under Guo Shouyun have guns and ammunition. Although they don’t have serious hunting guns, they have many more powerful things-the underground driving armored vehicles, the sky still With a helicopter, most people have never experienced such a hunting method. Of course, as for whether you can hit something, that's another story. Anyway, these people don't care about that.

The vegetation in the Bouyaslo jungle area is not very lush, and the unique sparseness of the coniferous forest belt is perfectly reflected here, but at the same time, it also has a great feature, that is, the snow is so thick that As soon as I stepped on it, the snow layer could almost cover my kneecap.

Sergeant Chumolianov was purely Buryat. He was quite familiar with the situation on the Widimster Plateau, and it was at his suggestion that Guo Shouyun and his party changed into large riding boots that were as high as the kneecap before going out. There was also a thick layer of fur tied around his thighs—this thing was not only for protection from the cold, but also to prevent bites. There was everything in the inaccessible jungle, and God knows what was hidden under the thick layer of snow.

"I said Brother Shouyun." Standing on the trunk of a fir tree hung down by an armored vehicle, Khodorkovsky held an svd with a PSO sight and looked at Guo Shouyun, who was standing a few steps away. Said, "Can you stop all these **** big guys, or else. If it goes on like this, I don't know if we're here to hunt or hunt."

The temperature on the ice field is very low, and the water vapor exhaled by a person can turn into a thick mist in a very short moment. This mist covers the beard under the nose and turns into a white layer of frost. Just like Guo Shouyun at this time. The layer of frost around his mouth was almost covered, and at first glance, he looked like a funny white-bearded clown.

"It's not the best fight, I'm going to freeze to death," Guo Shouyun also held a svd in his arms, but he obviously used it to pretend, if nothing else, he probably wouldn't even have the insurance on the gun Kai, "I really don't understand, how can you guys like this kind of inhumane game. It's not only inhumane to those animals. It's also inhumane to yourself."

"Hehe, alright, alright," Vinogradov was old after all, and after walking such a long distance in the snow, the old man felt a little out of breath, "this hunting is nothing more than a pastime, as for Whether you can hit the prey or not is not that important."

"Actually, it is not difficult for a few gentlemen to hit something," Chumolianov has been following Guo Shouyun's side. He interjected at this time and said with a smile, "This forest area is not very large, we can park all the armored vehicles, and then let the helicopter fly in a detour from the west along the snow line. Today the wind is westward, and the red deer have A nature. That is, once frightened, they all run in the direction of the wind, so that we can drive out the red deer in the deep forest belt and run in the direction where we are, then..."

"Good idea, good idea!" Before Chumolianov could finish his sentence, Khodorkovsky, who was in high spirits, couldn't help but repeatedly agreed, "That's it, Sergeant, you go right away. Arrangement, today I want to show off my skills..."

Khodorkovsky said so, and the whole person jumped off the tree trunk and fell into the thick snowdrift with a bang.

"Let's make arrangements," Guo Shouyun shrugged and said to Chumolianov, who was looking at him.

Following Guo Shouyun's order, Chumolianov turned around and ran quickly in the direction where the two armored vehicles stopped.

After about a few minutes, the helicopter that had been hovering over the jungle in front turned, with a "humming" roar, and flew straight to the northwest. At the same time, two armored vehicles also twisted on the snow. A circle, rolled up with a fluffy snowflake, and retreated to the rear.

"Let's go, let's push it forward again," Khodorkovsky said arrogantly, carrying his rifle, and then walked forward without waiting for Guo Shouyun and the two to react. .

"Don't you know there's a word called "waiting for the rabbit?" Guo Shouyun shouted at his back, and then shook his head, carrying a nearly ten-pound rifle on his shoulder, and walked forward.

"Hehe, Brother Shouyun seems to need more exercise," Vinogradov said with a smile, "people like us have a rare opportunity to come out and relax once or twice. , hehe, even more so in the future."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun slowed down when he heard the words, he turned his head slightly, glanced at Vinogradov, and said tentatively, "Really? But I think you should be able to relax in the future. After all, Moscow is now The situation has eased. Those people in the White House have entered the Kremlin as they wished. To a certain extent, the overall situation is in our hands. What else can you do?"

"That's right," Vinogradov said with a shrug and a sigh, "but some things can't be settled in our country, and there are other interests that need to be taken care of."

"Oh? Other interests?" Guo Shouyun was somewhat clear. He continued to ask quietly.

"Well, some other interests," Vinogradov nodded, leaned closer to Guo Shouyun, and whispered. "For example, let's take care of the emotions on the ocean side."

"We? Hehe, I don't have many deals with them," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Nothing about Wang An's company has been finalized yet, and the last time I was in Washington, the Far East went out. Chaos. The attitude of the Americans is also a bit ambiguous, so I have no interest in considering their emotions. As for you, hehe, I don't think you really care about the so-called emotions of the Americans, otherwise. A few days ago that A loan to the Kremlin for land..."

"That doesn't mean anything," Vinogradov added with a smile, "well, cooperation, when there is always a conflict, you play a drum for me, and I make a stumbling block for you, and the two sides even in some Under the circumstance, we fight, but the ultimate goal is to achieve a compromise. Hehe, now there is a compromise. Then the next step is to cooperate. "

"Really?" Guo Shouyun frowned, he knew that it was impossible for Vinogradov to lead the topic to this topic for no reason.

"Well," Vinogradov hummed, and then continued, "This is an open world, even in Russia, we people can't just rely on our own strength to expand without limit. Every step of our development may affect a lot of interests. It involves the bottom line of the interests of many hidden forces. In this case, without certain external support, it is impossible for us to obtain much room for survival. "

"You may not know it yet, Gusinsky and Berezovsky have been doing things for the Americans and the British since the day they started." Vinogradov said with a light smile, "and St. The same is true of Molensky. As for me and Khodorkovsky, hehe, it's almost the same. Take my group as an example, not only the shares of the Americans, but also the shares of the British and the French, although It is said that I basically hold more than 80% of the shares, but on some issues, it also depends on the face of others."

"There is already a Rothschild in this world, so there is no way there will be another Rothschild," Vinogradov said inexplicably at the end.

Speaking of this, Guo Shouyun has basically understood: this time, Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky are lobbyists for some people. These certain people have taken a fancy to some things in the Far East, so they want to hold these things in their hands.

Who are these people? Guo Shouyun is still unknown, but he knows what these people want—they want those industries in the Far East that the Guo Group can't get involved in. In other words, they intend to enter the Far East, but they don't want to be with the Guo Group. There was a direct conflict of interests. Therefore, Huo and Wei were entrusted to come here, on the one hand to lobby, and on the other hand to play the side drum and the front stand.

As for why Vinogradov should talk about this matter, it is also very easy to explain, because he is not like Khodorkovsky, who has uncontrollable ambitions, so it is not easy to attract Guo Shouyun himself. conflict.

At this point, what kind of thoughts will Guo Shouyun have? Will he approve or outright reject? To be honest, Guo Shouyun would have refused without hesitation if it were a few months, or even a month ago, but now, his thinking has changed. As Vinogradov said, this is an open world. It is very difficult for Guo to completely monopolize the Far East, and it can even be said to be unrealistic. For this, Guo Shouyun went to Washington. Already have a very deep experience.

"Yeah, it's impossible for another Rothschild to appear in this world," Guo Shouyun said after a moment of hesitation, "but unfortunately, my Guo family is not like yours. Old men, I started late, and I have no direct connection with the Yankees, so everything in the Far East must be handled by myself for the time being."

"Hehe, it's not a very important issue to start sooner or later," Vinogradov said with a smile, "Actually, your idea is very good, we can all see it, you want to go out from the Far East and go to the United States, but in fact You still need to think about it a little less, that is, if you want to go, you must first blend in, and this blending and walking are two closely related steps."

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