Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 296: there is something in the words

?Through the reorganization of a group, he divided his worth into a dozen pieces, so that Guo Shouyun could avoid taxation rules and regulations on the one hand, and he could also avoid too much limelight on the other hand. The number of his wealth is also huge and amazing, but at least it is not close to the world's wealth----this world is always so wonderful, whether it is ordinary people or high-level people, they do their best to hide the truth, rich Some people worry that others know that they have money, and those who have no money worry that others know that they have no money. This kind of deception and concealment are intertwined to finally constitute the colorfulness of this world.

In addition, the purpose of Guo Shouyun's restructuring of the group is far more than the above. The establishment of six shell companies in international tax havens can not only avoid taxes and divert wealth, but also achieve many purposes, such as transferring assets, avoiding risks, and multi-directionality. Investment, the establishment of money laundering networks, etc., these tax havens are independent of the world financial system, and can easily convert countless illegal financial transactions into legality. After this reorganization, the Guo Group will first become an upright joint venture group, which can justifiably transfer a large amount of wealth abroad. Graphable countries reach out. It is impossible for Guo Shouyun not to try to do something like this with one stone.

"Why are you so excited?" Facing the serious Khodorkovsky, Guo Shouyun laughed, "I'm just joking, to be frank, let alone that I don't have any plans to equitize Far East Commercial Bank yet. , even if there is a plan in this regard. Do you two think I will say it so honestly?"

"It's best if you're joking," Khodorkovsky picked up the white tablecloth and wiped it on the corner of his mouth. Said, "If you really want to make an idea of ​​this in the future, brother, you must say hello in advance. We will be responsible for the amount of financing you want. In short, no outsiders can be let in."

"Yeah," Vinogradov calmed down, putting down the knife and fork in his hand. said. "Our pool is already muddy enough, and we must not let new water in, otherwise, God knows what will happen. Besides, the money we lent to the Kremlin is about to be paid. Next, it's time for us to harvest. Brother, if you choose to raise funds at this time, wouldn't it be cheaper to get the money you're about to get. Have you handed it over to outsiders?"

"Hehe, alright, alright, I know that the two big brothers are doing it for my own good. What you said just now was just a joke. It can't be true. It can't be true," Guo Shouyun stood up. He took the vodka at the table, poured drinks for the two "kind" friends, and said with a smile, "But then again, after a few months, I really have a business plan to raise and issue shares. Are you interested in joining in and having fun?"

"Is it profitable?" Khodorkovsky asked first.

"What is the estimated investment?" Vinogradov followed.

The two people asked questions, which directly exposed their style to each other.

"Investment is definitely a big number. As for profitability, hehe, it may take a while to see the effect," Guo Shouyun said, sitting back in his chair.

"No interest!" The two said in unison.

"No, you don't care what kind of business it is?" Although Guo Shouyun knew that there would be such a result, Guo Shouyun couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What's the point of doing a business with a large investment and a long payback period?" Khodorkovsky shrugged and said disapprovingly, "Now the small-scale privatization reform is about to be implemented, followed by large-scale privatization. The privatization process of the company, to tell you the truth, I am now waiting for the Kremlin to make a decision, as soon as the large-scale privatization reform process starts, I will take down the **** Siberian oil industry."

Saying so, Khodorkovsky grabbed a piece of bread and put it in his mouth, then raised his wine glass, gestured to Guo Shouyun and the two, and said, "You have to help me in this matter in the future. , I think there are a lot of people who are thinking about this now, and the Kremlin is also very tight-lipped, a bunch of **** things, they know that they want money, but they don't want to give something decent in return."

"I don't have a problem, I just want to guard Brother Yun," Vinogradov said with a symbolic sip of strong vodka.

"What do I mean?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head to think for a moment, pondered for a moment, and when Khodorkovsky showed impatience on his face, he smiled and said, "I mean, of course, to support, and Full support, hehe, we are a family, I don't support you, who else can Menageb support?"

"Hey, this is my friend Khodorkovsky." Although everyone is unscrupulous profiteers, there is one thing, that is, the promise of mutual communication still exists. Therefore, Khodorkovs When Ji got Guo Shouyun's words, he was quite relieved, "You all can rest assured, I'm definitely not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do in return, as long as this thing is done in the future, I will definitely not let the two of you go empty-handed. And came back."

"Hey, this is what you said, I remember it," Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Well, if I break my promise in the future, Brother Shouyun can put me in the ice hole," Khodorkovsky said vaguely while eating.

Khodorkovsky's words attracted several laughter from Guo Shouyun and Vinogradov.

"A large-scale privatization process, after all, it will take a while," Vinogradov said after laughing a few times, fiddling with the knife and fork in his hand, "Listen to Chubais, within this year and next two years. Probably nothing will happen. In contrast, I think the small privatization that is in front of me is equally profitable. Speaking of which, Vinogradov pointed at Guo Shouyun and continued: "Brother Shouyun The Far East is blessed with a huge number of small and medium-sized enterprises. And it mainly focuses on two major aspects of mining and wood processing. If you can bring them together, you can form a mining union similar to the nature of Conzern. The Guo Group may be able to double its inherent assets in a short period of time. "

Guo Shouyun smiled, but there was no interface. He could not yet hear the meaning of Vinogradov's words.

"However, the Far East is very large. In addition to the two major industries of mining and wood processing, there are many industries with potential in themselves, such as building materials, transportation and fishing in coastal areas." Vinogradov continued, "For these, I don't know what are your plans, Shouyun brother?"

"No plans," Guo Shouyun said, eating the steak. Shrug. Seemingly absent-mindedly replied, "Why, do you have any good opinions?"

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, bro," Khodorkovsky interjected, "We're not trying to point fingers at the Far East, we're just worried.

What's going on with you here. You also know that the Far East is such a big place with so many industries. Even if your Guo family is dominant, it is impossible to monopolize all walks of life. In this way, in a certain part of the space, it will inevitably leave some opportunities for people with ulterior motives. Now the interests of the three of us are one, and we don't want any problems with your Far East brother. So say it. In this regard, you still need to be careful, and it is best to come up with some safe ways. Well, just in case. "

"Oh? What, did the two of you hear any news?" Guo Shouyun smiled lightly, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and picked up the tablecloth spread on his lap at the same time.

He guessed that there are probably three possibilities for Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov to say such a thing: First, they took a fancy to something in the Far East and hoped to take this opportunity Beat the side drums to see if there is an opportunity to put money in. Khodorkovsky has repeatedly stated that the three interests are one, and his intention is estimated to be here. Second, Khodorkovsky is going to make a big move in Moscow, and this "big move" may conflict with the interests of Berezovsky and Gusinsky. This kid is worried that Guo will not Will stand firmly on his side, so take the opportunity to provoke and pave the way for this upcoming "big move". Third, it is relatively simple. Khodorkovsky and the others are in Moscow, and they are well-informed in all aspects. In this case, the possibility that they heard some rumors cannot be ruled out.

As for which of these three possibilities is true, Guo Shouyun can't guess, so he can only test it.

Again, conversation is an art and a skill, especially in the Vanity Fair, what a person says and what kind of thoughts one needs to ponder carefully. People who are not straightforward, but stupid, they often can't find a way out in Vanity Fair.

"Haha, some things are hard to say," Guo Shouyun is smart, but he is not stupid. Khodorkovsky let out a haha, pushed aside the soup plate in front of him, and said with a smile, "Hey, although this is the first time I've come here, I know more about it than the two of you. The location is much clearer. You know, the richness here is not only the minerals buried in the ground, but in the vast coniferous forest belt, there are many projects for entertainment."

"Oh, like?" Vinogradov said, raising his eyebrows.

"For example, deer hunting." Although he didn't get the news he wanted to know, Guo Shouyun was not in a hurry. He smiled and said, "This was the favorite game of the Moscow officials back then."

"Ha, I didn't expect Brother Shouyun to know a lot," Khodorkovsky clapped his hands and laughed, "How about it, you're half the host now, are there any arrangements for this? "

"If you are interested, it's not easy," Guo Shouyun smiled slightly, and then made a gesture to Polaninov who was standing by the door of the simple shed. He turned around and came out, and a sergeant was brought in after a while.

"Mr. Guo, 572nd Battalion, Sergeant Chumolianov is reporting to you!" The sergeant straightened up and said loudly as soon as he walked in.

"Hehe, don't be so restrained, Sergeant Chumolianov," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Come and sit down, I need to leave some work to you."

"I'm happy to serve you, Mr. Guo," the sergeant hesitated for a while, then stepped over to Guo Shouyun's side and said respectfully.

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