Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 295: Shrinking Fortune List

?Guo Shouyun knew that maybe there was too much use of his relationship with Huo and Wei, but under the current situation, this relationship was still benign. In order to resist the pressure from Yubi and Gu, These two people never want their Guo family to fall, and because of this, their suggestions are also very sincere.

Just like the joke Vinogradov said, Shoucheng is suitable to be the Minister of Education of the Federation, his way of thinking, right and wrong concept is suitable for the vast majority of people, and can be accepted by the vast majority of people, but this " "Absolute logarithm" is observed from a different angle, then it means ordinary, which means no connection with the mundane. And the **** that Guo Shouyun and the others are playing is obviously not related to the concept of "the vast majority", or even opposed to each other. Decision number one.

"One body and one brain is enough..." the shrewd Hornikova once said.

"The way you walk is a process of climbing the pyramid. The higher you climb, the fewer people around you..." The sly Sun Hongyu once said.

For a long time, Guo Shouyun has a realization, that is, the road he wants to walk is by no means an ordinary avenue, but a cliff road with winding paths leading to seclusion. In the end, he will become a loner with nothing but money and power. Think about it, seeing 100 people every day requires 100 kinds of thoughts and 100 guts. Playing a hundred kinds of scheming, and the only one that cannot be shown to others is the unique sincerity. Sometimes there is no place to tell the truth, which is also a very painful thing. Because of this, Guo Shouyun has always hoped to bring Shoucheng into his own office, and let him participate in every matter of the group as a decision-maker. One, this allows the brothers to share the heavy workload, and the other is to share the huge mental pressure.

Guo Shouyun's plan is indeed good. But he was still too greedy after all. God gave him a chance to be reborn, and gave him a huge opportunity to succeed in his rise, so it would be impossible for him to achieve everything he wanted in every aspect---the normal nature is plain, the common-hearted, and the vanity fair is not him, nor is he. Not suitable for Vanity Fair, at this point, the money and power in Guo Shouyun's hands can't change anything at all.

"Maybe you're right, I've always had too high expectations for Shoucheng." After a moment of hesitation, Guo Shouyun sighed and said, "Wait for a while, and after a while, I'll recruit him back. Haha. I am planning to reorganize the group now. Make some detailed arrangements for various functions, and keep what he likes. It is up to him to decide."

"You want to reorganize the Guo family? How?" Guo Shouyun's remarks made Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov interested again, and they both said curiously.

"Why do you ask so clearly?" Guo Shouyun inserted a piece of steak, cut it on the silver plate in front of him, and said casually, "After I finish the correction, you will naturally know everything."

"No, this is also worth keeping secret?" Khodorkovsky laughed.

"Shouyun, you are too cautious, right?" Vinogradov shrugged and laughed.

"It's not a bad thing to be more careful," Guo Shouyun put a small piece of pork steak into his mouth and chewed slowly, "Hey, think about it, in case I plan to launch Yuanshang, like a Yankee. If we engage in a rights issue financing, can this information be disclosed in advance?"

"Pfft!" When Guo Shouyun was speaking, Khodorkovsky happened to put a spoonful of soup into his mouth, and when he heard this, the soup in his mouth immediately spewed out.

"Brother Shouyun, are you just ranting or are you really thinking about this?" Vinogradov opened his mouth wide, and after being stunned for a long time, he was stunned and asked, "This... Hey, how should I put it, if you are in urgent need of funds, just open your mouth. How can Khodorkovsky and I borrow money? It is estimated that it will help you settle the problem. This Far Commercial Bank is at its own risk of allotment financing. Sex is very big, and at such a time, this..."

"This is absolutely not feasible!" Khodorkovsky was obviously choked by Tang, and as soon as he recovered his strength, he said firmly, "Don't say that it is not feasible at this stage, even in the next three to five years. It's impossible to do in time!"

To be honest, what Guo Shouyun said about taking out Far East Commercial Bank for financing and allotment was purely a joke. It was true that he wanted to reorganize the Guo Group, but this kind of reorganization was only a matter of putting Far East Media, Guo's Commerce and Trading Co., Ltd. The independence of the three parts of Far East Commercial Bank should be re-established, and then, on top of the three branches, a real Guo Group, the so-called "parent company", will be formed. In Guo Shouyun's plan, the Guo Group, the parent company, will become the core center of Guo's entire business system. The core decisions of each branch of the group must be approved by this center before they can be implemented. Of course, this "parent company" is still a "shell" to a certain extent, a "shell" that has real power and strength, but makes it difficult for most people to understand.

At present, the Guo Group is getting bigger and bigger, and with the expansion of its scale, countless eyes from both light and dark all over the world have been staring at Guo Shouyun. He is very clear about this point—first Gusinski made a big fight against the Far East, and then Morgan Stanley came to him. Now, the damned Eastern Federation of Finance has also signaled cooperation. A big tree attracts the wind, and a tree wants to be quiet, but the wind does not stop. This is a stage that any business group must go through on the road of development. Therefore, Guo Shouyun must confuse the outside world, avoid risks from all aspects, and make others unable to understand Guo. The details of the group, he must take this step of reorganization.

In Guo Shouyun's huge restructuring plan, it almost includes all kinds of modern tax avoidance and capital transfer methods. To be honest, if he takes out this plan, he can definitely send it to the tax department to act as a picket for tax evasion and illegal transfer. A classic example of economic cases such as assets. To give the simplest example: the newly established parent company of the Guo Group will be a real joint-stock company. There are seven major capital injection institutions. Among these seven companies, the Guo brothers and Nina The Far East Group under its name will become the largest shareholder of the parent company of the Guo Group on the basis of holding 32% of the shares. As for the remaining six, it's a little more complicated. These six international investment companies are from the Bahamas, Cayman, Liechtenstein, Virgin, Shannon and Luxembourg. Together, these six companies will hold 53% of the shares of the parent company of the Guo Group. As for the remaining less than 15% of the group's shares, it is basically controlled by several important figures in the group.

In the face of such a group structure, a discerning person can easily see a problem, that is, the assets under Guo Shouyun's name have shrunk significantly, even by more than four-fifths. That is to say, if he originally had ten billion US dollars of personal assets, then after this series of reorganizations, the personal assets on its books will only be less than 2 billion. In such a huge business empire as the Guo Group, the ones that really occupied the largest share of assets were six little-known overseas investment companies. As for what exactly these six companies are, how they operate, where the investment funds come from, and what shares are held by the companies, no one can say. can see a

In today's world, there are some tax havens that are dedicated to international hot money, illegal funds, and tax evasion. Whether it is the Bahamas or the British Virgin, or Shannon and Luxembourg in Ireland, they are all similar places. These places do not collect taxes or have very low tax rates. On the one hand, they all have their own rigid banking and business confidentiality regulations. The information registered by fund holders in such places will never be available to the outside world. Access, on the other hand, their foreign exchange policy is quite open, and there are no restrictions on the inflow and outflow of international funds. Furthermore, these countries and regions have never signed any international tax agreements, nor have they conducted tax cooperation with other countries. In fact, fundamentally speaking, these countries and regions seem to be financial enclaves that are independent from the world.

Guo Shouyun has distributed his huge assets to so many places in the form of shell companies. If others want to find out his worth, it can be said to be impossible, because to do this, they must first The "lid" on the international tax haven has been lifted, and after this cover is lifted, it is not only a Guo group that is exposed, but there may also be a large number of powerful storms that can lead to a new round of world war- ---This is not an alarmist, but an irrefutable fact. Just imagine how the UK would react if the truth was revealed that the Irish Republican Army had accepted funding from so-and-so countries? The information that Colombian drug lords secretly paid bribes to officials of a major government was revealed. What is the response of the international community? The separatist forces in a certain country have always been receiving financial support from the so-called "friendly countries". What will be the consequences of such news being released... These secret stories are woven together, and they themselves It has become the best umbrella for these international tax havens. The whole world knows that these tax havens are cancers, but no country has jumped out to sanction them. The fundamental reason is this. Because of this, Guo Shouyun can safely put the six shell companies in these places. He is not afraid of potential "enemies" to investigate, because even if they find out, they will never dare to disclose the secret. Otherwise, he will not need his surname. Whatever Guo does, there will be countless big hands all over the world reaching out and crushing those guys who dare to "make trouble" alive.

Where is the safest place to keep secrets? There is no doubt that it is safest to put it in a lot of secrets----this is Guo Shouyun's trick to keep his own secrets, and at the same time, it is also the trick for countless mysterious people around the world to keep secrets. If these secrets are revealed, other Needless to say, at least the top 50 of the global wealth list will be replaced.

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