Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 294: devil's playground

?As Guo Shouyun said, for people like him and Khodorkovsky, two or three million rubles are nothing at all, not to mention the money they are going to exchange, but it is Tons of gold to calculate, so this little pay is nothing. But in comparison, based on the average monthly salary of 400 rubles, the three companies each pay 2 million, which is 6 million rubles, which is enough for 15,000 people to find a good day job, at least In a month, these people and the families behind them can no longer worry about making a living.

For Guo Shouyun, the profit of private gold mining is not only limited to the piles of gold bricks, but to a greater extent, it also means the simultaneous activation of various related industries: road construction must be Sleepers, rails, crushed stones, 100 sleepers, 1 kilometer of steel rails, and 1 ton of crushed crushed roads may provide employment opportunities for hundreds of people; miners need logistical support to maintain their lives. , tens of kilograms of fruits, tens of kilograms of vegetables, tens of kilograms of flour, and tens of kilograms of charcoal for heating a day means that a large number of small businessmen can make profits from it; mining must have equipment, and permafrost must have Icebreakers and smelters require high-temperature furnaces, and once these things are operational, they can drive the production of several or even a dozen machinery factories, thereby creating employment opportunities for thousands of people.

Guo Shouyun may not be a philanthropist, but he is not the kind of idiot who fishes out of water. The Guo Group is a business empire, and the foundation of this empire is the Far East. This area is more than 6.2 million square kilometers. On the land with a population of more than 7 million, there are food chains, and the Guo Group lives at the top of this food chain. As everyone in the prairie knows: the best way to wipe out the elusive wolves in the vast wilderness is to hunt more hares. The most interesting part of the food chain is not the cruelty of big fish eating small fish, but the hunting. The kind of solidarity that exists between being hunted. As far as the society of the Far East is concerned, the Guo Group can be regarded as "wolves", and millions of Far East people can be regarded as "hares". If all the hares starve to death, then the wolves are still far from extinction. Will it be too far?

And from another angle. Every money Guo Shouyun spends on Far Easterners can be regarded as an investment. As a businessman who can see through the world, Guo Shouyun abandoned the flashy Marxist economic principles on the one hand, and despised Adam Smith's economic theory system on the other hand, but he quite agrees with one thing, that is, it is embodied in currency. The capital of itself is impossible to create wealth. A capitalist wants to turn one dollar into ten or more. Then this dollar must be spent on labor that can create surplus value. In the entire Far East, since the Guo Group is at the top of various food chains, every penny Guo Shouyun spends on ordinary people will eventually flow into his own pocket, and in the process of flow, And it continues to expand in the form of capital. It is wrapped in the blood and sweat of countless Far Easterners who have worked hard, and it has rapidly increased in value by changing one piece into two pieces, and two pieces into ten pieces, and has doubled the money bag of the Guo Group.

Of course, compared to Khodorkovsky and the others, Guo Shouyun is indeed a philanthropist. The biggest difference between his Guo Group and several other giant groups is that Guo is based in the Far East. , Guo's interests are equal to the interests of the entire Far East, and the interests of the entire Far East also directly affect the interests of Guo's land. Therefore, in this case, Guo Shouyun could not have watched millions of people in the Far East starve to death. As for the remaining giants, that's not the case. They are locusts, the locusts that swept everything and devoured everything, and they were the kind that slapped and left after eating.

"Hey, if one day I become the president of our Russian Federation, I will definitely nominate you to be the prime minister of my government," he looked at Guo Shouyun's face carefully. Khodorkovsky shrugged and joked playfully.

"Hehe, seconded," Vinogradov took out a fare from his coat pocket and signed a check. Hand it to Guo Shouyun. At the same time, he laughed, "But the premise is. Brother Shouyun must hand over some of the power in his hands. For example... um, just like the hundreds of people outside, they are too dangerous."

"Hey, is this a compliment to me?" Guo Shouyun took the cheque handed over by the two partners, and then flicked his finger on the ticket, then said with a smile, "But then again, if I do Federal President, I will definitely propose Brother Khodorkovsky to be the chairman of the central bank. As for Mr. Vinogradov, hehe, the position of the central finance minister is naturally yours."

After Guo Shouyun finished speaking, the three unscrupulous speculators and profiteers looked at each other and smiled.

The jokes of these three guys may not have any practical significance, but think about it, if Guo Shouyun really became the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, what would be the first thing he would do? There is no doubt that he will throw those so-called economics in the West into prison, and then carry the IMF advisory team by the neck and throw them all into the Arctic Ocean. If Khodorkovsky becomes the chairman of the central bank, then if nothing else, at least those who plan to steal the national treasury will be out of luck. This great fairy can use a few months to evacuate several local central bank branches in the Soviet Union. How can the means be learned by others? As for the central financial department headed by Vinogradov, it is probably very interesting. With his shrewd head and stingy skills, it is probably very difficult for anyone to take an extra penny from him. So... Berezovsky, who started as a smuggler, is in charge of import and export trade, um, by the way, he does the work of cracking down on gangsters and evil; Gusinsky, who started from power and money trading, is in charge of integrity inspection; timid but timid Smolensky, who has been biting hard at the smell of fish, is in charge of the state's remittance tax... This, this, such a government is expected to be very interesting.

The Russian government led by the six oligarchs? Thinking about this stuff makes me shudder.

After simply finalizing the preliminary mining plan and getting two huge cheques as he wished, Guo Shouyun gave Polaninoff a color. After receiving a signal, he walked out of the camp tent quickly, and after a while, he walked in again with three soldiers.

"Oh, there's nothing in this **** place," Guo Shouyun said, rubbing his cheeks as he watched several soldiers place the tin incubators at the door, "hehe, but luckily, brother, I've already prepared, otherwise , this afternoon we are going back to Ulan-Ude hungry."

"Hehe, you know my taste," Khodorkovsky glanced at the silver tray brought up by the soldier and smiled, "You can't let me pay three million in vain, in this snowy world For a meal, you have to prepare something to suit my appetite."

"Then why don't you say it," Guo Shouyun said casually with a hahaha, "beetroot soup, black bread, I really don't understand, why are you earning so much money with such a poor appetite?"

"Hehe, if you want to say this, you won't be able to watch it thoroughly," Vinogradov took a pair of steaming knives and forks, polished it twice in his hand, and laughed, "The desire to speak How can it be the whole of life? That...hey, what does that say, money is something outside the body, right? The greatest enjoyment in life should come from spiritual satisfaction..."

"Stop, stop," Guo Shouyun even got goosebumps when he heard this, he frowned and tapped twice on the edge of the table with the knife in his hand, and said, "I can't remember if you don't tell me, Shoucheng How has your stay in Moscow been during this time? Has there been any good growth?"

"Hey, brother Shouyun, it's not me who said," Khodorkovsky grabbed a piece of bread, shook his head and smiled, "Shoucheng is a child, um, after all, he is still a child, he and we may never get along Man, you, it's better to be open in this regard, after all, some things can't be learned by learning alone."

"Yeah," Vinogradov said, "Shoucheng, how do you say it, in the end, he can only play an executive role. He thinks about problems from a different angle than ours. To be honest, let's look at a problem. , the first point of view is how to maximize his own interests, and the first point of view is how to take care of fairness. His concept... To put it mildly, it is too idealistic Now, to put it harshly, it would be childish, um, just like what Khodorkovsky said just now, if I become the federal president in the future, then I will definitely nominate Shoucheng for the post of Minister of Education."

"Well," Khodorkovsky said vaguely with a mouthful of bread in his mouth, "this proposal is good, I agree with both hands. In addition, if Shouyun, you intend to hand over the decision-making power of Guo's in the future. If you give your brother, don't forget to inform me in advance, so that I can be prepared. Friends, it is better for you to be cheaper than others in the Far East Foundation. "

"You are so beautiful," Guo Shouyun shrugged and said dismissively.

"Hehe, we remind you that everyone is friends," Vinogradov said with a smile, "Let's be honest, Shoucheng doesn't belong to this **** at all, his sympathy is too overflowing, do you think Thinking, he can see Smolensky as weak, and speaks for that guy many times in public. Isn't that playing with fire? What do we people keep pressing Smolensky for? No It's just because his strength is too strong, Shoucheng can't even see this, so how can he continue in this ****?"

"Yeah," Khodorkovsky said, "our **** is the devil's playground, not God's Garden of Eden. People who come in to play two games and want to get out of their bodies can't bring them with them. What kind of sympathy. Shoucheng, hehe, if it is my brother, I would rather give him tens of millions of pocket flowers every month to support him, and not let him participate in my business too much, it is too dangerous. "

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